494 research outputs found
Polymodality of the verbs of perception : As exemplified by the western romance languages
This article considers the verbs of perception in the three Western Romance languages: French, Italian and Spanish. The objective of this research is the analysis of the polymode operation of the verbs of perception. The basis of polymodality is formed by the cognitive mechanisms of the perceptual human activity. The meanings of modi of the examined verbs are expressed in the mental,emotive terms, in terms of volition, etc.yesBelgorod State Universit
Investigation Of Queuing System Gl(2)|M2|∞
We offer the model of applications parallel service in queuing system (QS) which consists of two units of service with an unlimited number of servers. A recurrent stream of binary applications enters to an input to the system. We recorded the approximate (asymptotic) equality of the first and second orders for the respective blocks of the system.
The research is made under supporting of ADAP "Development of the higher education scientific potential" (2009-2010 years) of the Federal education agency of RF concerning with the project "Investigation methods formulation of non-Markov queues systems and their appliance in complex economic systems and computer transmission network"
Cultural identity of the individual in the context of globalization and informatization of modernity
The article is expanded need of analysis the cultural identity of the individual in terms of transformation of socio-cultural space. The influence of new information technologies, which significantly changed the idea of human identity. We consider the socio-cultural practices that are influenced by information technology. Authors determined the social consequences of conflict transformation cultural identity. On the one hand, information modernity allows the individual to design their own individual world, on the other hand, questioned the preservation of existing social relations. The findings indicated the disappearance of defined values and cultural landmarks. The necessity of new forms of self-determination rights in the destruction of their traditional way of life.Key words: identity, transformation, information technology, information space, socio-cultural practices, cultural values. Обґрунтовано необхідність аналізу культурної ідентичності особистості в умовах трансформації соціокультурного простору. Показано вплив новітніх інформаційних технологій, що істотно змінили уявлення про ідентичність людини. Розглянуто соціокультурні практики, що формуються під впливом інформаційних технологій. Означено протиріччя соціальних наслідків трансформації культурної ідентичності. З одного боку, інформаційна сучасність дозволяє індивіду конструювати свій індивідуальний світ, з іншого боку, ставить під сумнів збереження існуючих соціальних зв’язків. У висновках зазначається зникнення визначених культурних цінностей та орієнтирів. Наголошується на необхідності появи нових форм самовизначення людини в результаті руйнування звичного способу життя. Ключові слова: ідентичність, трансформація, інформаційні технології, інформаційний простір, соціокультурні практики, культурні цінності
Verbs of perception in western romanic languages and phenomenon of Deixis
This article considers the verbs of perception in the three Western Romanic languages: French, Italian and Spanish. In the present paper the bond between deixis and verbs of perception is being investigated. The research has revealed a fundamental difference between a field of indication and a symbolic field, which refers to cognitive, emotional, axiological moduses derived from the modus of perception. The analysis of the material has given grounds to introduce correlative notions of primary and secondary deixis. Depending on the conduct of agential, time and spatial coordinates in the discourse they form primary and secondary deixis of the deictic-field and primary and secondary deixis of the symbolic fieldyesBelgorod State Universit
The results of chromatographic study of psychoactive drugs emerged in recent years on the illicit market are rendered in the article. 18 phenethylamine derivatives were identified by means of gas-liquid chromatography with mass selective detection and their chromatographic retention indexes were defined. The known regularities of fragmentation of molecules of saturated aliphatic amines in electron impact ionization were confirmed during the study of the mass spectra of the known phenethylamine derivatives and used to decrypt the mass spectra of 3,4-methylenedioxy-N-methcathinone, 4-methylmethcathinones and 4-methylethcathinones. The indicators of chromatographic retention in the solvent system of chloroform-acetone-ethanol-25% ammonia solution (20:20:3:1) were identified by thin layer chromatography on silica gel for these compounds.Key words: psychoactive substance, phenethylamine derivatives, identification, chromatography, mass spectrometry, fragmentation.(Russian)DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15826/analitika.2014.18.2.007 S.V. Nekhoroshev1, E.S. Moiseeva2, S.P. Sharko3, О.I. Moiseeva11Yugra State University, Khanty-Mansiisk, Russian Federation2National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University, Tomsk, Russian Federation3Federal Drug Control Service of the Russian Federation, Khanty- Mansiisk, Tiumen region, Russian FederationПредставлены результаты хроматографического исследования психоактивных препаратов, появившихся в последние годы на нелегальном рынке. Методом газо-жидкостной хроматографии с масс-селективным детектированием идентифицировано 18 производных фенилэтиламина и определены их хроматографические индексы удерживания. Известные закономерности фрагментации молекул насыщенных алифатических аминов при ионизации электронным ударом подтверждены в ходе изучения масс-спектров известных производных фенилэтиламина и использованы при расшифровке масс-спектров 3,4-метилендиокси-N-меткатинона, 4-метилметкатинона и 4-метилэткатинона. Методом тонкослойной хроматографии на силикагеле для этих соединений определены показатели хроматографического удерживания в системе растворителей хлороформ-ацетон-этанол-25 % раствор аммиака (20 : 20 : 3 : 1).Ключевые слова: психоактивные вещества, производные фенилэтиламина, идентификация, хроматография, масс-спектрометрия.DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15826/analitika.2014.18.2.007
Adsorptive Voltammetry of 4-chlordehydromethyltestosterone
The article presents the results of the study of the electrochemical behavior of the anabolic steroid 4-chlordehydromethyltestosterone. The studies detected operating conditions for the voltammetric determination of anabolic glassy carbon electrode. The influence of such factors as pH, supporting electrolyte, the electrolysis and adsorption component on the analytical signal of the analyte was studied. The algorithm of sample preparation is presented and conditions for the quantitative determination of the active ingredient of the drug “Turinabol” by voltammetry is proposed. The evaluation of the proposed method accuracy was conducted
Methodological bases for assessing socio-demographic and migration consequences of man-made disasters
The purpose of the research is to develop methodological bases and principles for assessing the socio-demographic (including migration) consequences of man-made disasters. A method of rapid assessment of possible outgoing migration flows that may occur in the event of a man-made emergency of various scales is proposed. The initial data for this method are quantitative statistical register data on housing stock and population, as well as operational data on the scale of destruction obtained using contactless methods of information collection. The author summarizes the legal acts regulating the work on prevention and elimination of consequences of man-made and other emergencies in Russia, as well as establishing the principles for assessing their consequences. The author proposes a rearrangement of the set of consequences of man-made disasters, including three main directions of the impact of emergency situations on various spheres: demographic (including damage to life and health, as well as the migration component), socio-economic, and natural and environmental. Indicators reflecting the consequences of the disaster have been developed for each of th
Bacterial Carriage of Pathogenic Antibiotic-resistant Staphylococci Among Conditionally Healthy Infants and Preschool-age Children
Staphylococci are related to opportunistic microorganisms and are part of normal human microflora. However, there are varieties that can cause pyoinflammatory diseases in organisms with weakened immune status. In the event of an inadequate therapeutic approach, they are preserved in the body, and the person becomes a bacterial carrier and a source of dissemination of pathogenic microorganisms. The formation of antibiotic resistance also plays a significant role in the emergence of bacterial carriage. The situation is especially serious in organized children’s groups, where children are in close contact with one another. Thus, the study of the prevalence rate of antibiotic resistance among pathogenic strains of staphylococci in children’s groups is topical and worthy of attention. The purpose of this work is to identify carriers of pathogenic and antibiotic resistant staphylococci isolated from the microflora of the oral cavity of preschool children considered healthy. The results of the research can prove useful in practical healthcare and, particularly, in pediatric practice.
Keywords: staphylococci, pathogenic cocci, bacterial carriage, antibiotic resistance, infant morbidity rat
Asymptomatic Lone Atrial Fibrillation in Pregnant Women
We examined 43 pregnant women with paroxysms of asymptomatic lone atrial fibrillation. It was revealed that the increasing of the gestational age leads to increase of number of single, paired and group supraventricular extrasystoles; single and paired ventricular extrasystoles; number and duration of paroxysms of atrial fibrillation. However, the number of extrasystoles and paroxysms of arrhythmia decreased to baseline values after delivery. Thus, it was proved that pregnancy contributes to the increase of paroxysms of lone atrial fibrillation due to the increased influence of modulating components on the triggering extrasystoles. The importance of the method of 24-hour ECG monitoring in the detection of arrhythmia in pregnant women is emphasized.
Keywords: lone atrial fibrillation, extrasystole, pregnancy
The increase in the number of natural disasters that has been observed in recent decades around the world under the influence of increasing anthropogenic impact on the environment, not only often causes significant damage to the economy and infrastructure of the territories, but also causes people to die and their mass migrations. In the light of these trends, the environmental situation is increasingly becoming the subject of scientific interest of researchers of various specialties: not only climatologists, but also economists and demographers. However, despite the increasing publication activity, in particular, on problems of population migration caused by climate change and environmental problems, there are significant gaps in the theoretical and methodological aspect. Our analysis of the scientific discourse (mostly English-speaking) showed that the discrepancies concern not only the question of which immigrants should be classified as environmental or climate migrants, but also the very term “environmental migrants”, as well as the legal issue of the necessity and legality of providing such persons of refugee status. It has been established that at the moment “environmental refugees” do not actually have and never had refugee status, either in accordance with the relevant UN Convention or in accordance with the national legislation of any country. The article attempts to systematize and analyze the existing theoretical and methodological approaches to this problem and, on its basis, gives recommendations regarding their application. The features of statistical accounting for environmental migrants are established. The main difficulties of identifying and identifying those migration processes that resulted from changes in the environment are identified, since along with natural factors, a combination of other socio-economic factors, such as low living standards or poverty, often influence decision-making on resettlement. The principles that should be followed when organizing environmental migration statistics at the national level are given. Two groups of existing international sources of quantitative data on environmental migration are described: a bibliographic database containing materials and publications on environmental migration, as well as a database of quantitative data that provide information on the number of displaced persons. The relationship between climate change and the impact on the quality of life of the population has been identified. The negative impact of climate change on the level and quality of life of the population was identified primarily in rural areas, which led to an increase in the scale and deepening of poverty, and also caused the migration of the rural population.El aumento en el número de desastres naturales que se ha observado en las últimas décadas en todo el mundo bajo la influencia del creciente impacto antropogénico en el medio ambiente, no solo a menudo causa daños significativos a la economía y la infraestructura de los territorios, sino que también causa la muerte de personas. y sus migraciones masivas. A la luz de estas tendencias, la situación ambiental se está convirtiendo cada vez más en tema de interés científico de investigadores de diversas especialidades: no solo climatólogos, sino también economistas y demógrafos. Sin embargo, a pesar de la creciente actividad de publicación, en particular sobre los problemas de migración de la población causados por el cambio climático y los problemas ambientales, existen importantes lagunas en el aspecto teórico y metodológico. Nuestro análisis del discurso científico (en su mayoría de habla inglesa) mostró que las discrepancias se refieren no solo a la cuestión de qué inmigrantes deben clasificarse como migrantes ambientales o climáticos, sino también al término “migrantes ambientales”, así como a la cuestión legal de la necesidad y legalidad de proporcionar a tales personas con estatus de refugiado. Se ha establecido que en este momento los "refugiados ambientales" en realidad no tienen y nunca han tenido el estatus de refugiado, ya sea de acuerdo con la Convención de la ONU pertinente o de acuerdo con la legislación nacional de cualquier país. El artículo intenta sistematizar y analizar los enfoques teóricos y metodológicos existentes para este problema y, sobre su base, ofrece recomendaciones sobre su aplicación. Se establecen las características de la contabilidad estadística de los migrantes ambientales. Las principales dificultades para identificar e identificar aquellos procesos de migración que resultaron de cambios en el medio ambiente se identifican, ya que junto con factores naturales, una combinación de otros factores socioeconómicos, como bajos niveles de vida o pobreza, a menudo influyen en la toma de decisiones sobre el reasentamiento. . Se dan los principios que deben seguirse cuando se organizan estadísticas de migración ambiental a nivel nacional. Se describen dos grupos de fuentes internacionales existentes de datos cuantitativos sobre migración ambiental: una base de datos bibliográfica que contiene materiales y publicaciones sobre migración ambiental, así como una base de datos de datos cuantitativos que proporcionan información sobre el número de personas desplazadas. Se ha identificado la relación entre el cambio climático y el impacto en la calidad de vida de la población. El impacto negativo del cambio climático en el nivel y la calidad de vida de la población se identificó principalmente en las áreas rurales, lo que llevó a un aumento en la escala y la profundización de la pobreza, y también causó la migración de la población rural.O aumento do número de desastres naturais que tem sido observado nas últimas décadas em todo o mundo sob a influência do crescente impacto antrópico sobre o meio ambiente, não só causa danos significativos à economia e infra-estrutura dos territórios, mas também faz com que as pessoas morram e suas migrações em massa. À luz dessas tendências, a situação ambiental é cada vez mais tema de interesse científico de pesquisadores de várias especialidades: não apenas climatologistas, mas também economistas e demógrafos. No entanto, apesar da crescente atividade de publicação, em particular, nos problemas de migração populacional causados pelas mudanças climáticas e problemas ambientais, existem lacunas significativas no aspecto teórico e metodológico. Nossa análise do discurso científico (principalmente em inglês) mostrou que as discrepâncias dizem respeito não apenas à questão de quais imigrantes devem ser classificados como migrantes ambientais ou climáticos, mas também ao próprio termo “migrantes ambientais”, bem como à questão legal de migrantes. a necessidade e a legalidade de fornecer a essas pessoas o status de refugiado. Ficou estabelecido que, no momento, os “refugiados ambientais” não têm e nunca tiveram status de refugiado, seja de acordo com a Convenção da ONU ou de acordo com a legislação nacional de qualquer país. O artigo procura sistematizar e analisar as abordagens teóricas e metodológicas existentes para esse problema e, com base nisso, dá recomendações sobre sua aplicação. As características da contabilidade estatística para os migrantes ambientais são estabelecidas. As principais dificuldades de identificar e identificar os processos de migração que resultaram de mudanças no meio ambiente são identificadas, pois juntamente com fatores naturais, uma combinação de outros fatores socioeconômicos, como baixos padrões de vida ou pobreza, muitas vezes influenciam a tomada de decisões sobre o reassentamento. . Os princípios que devem ser seguidos ao organizar as estatísticas de migração ambiental em nível nacional são fornecidos. Dois grupos de fontes internacionais existentes de dados quantitativos sobre a migração ambiental são descritos: uma base de dados bibliográfica contendo materiais e publicações sobre migração ambiental, bem como uma base de dados quantitativos que fornecem informações sobre o número de pessoas deslocadas. A relação entre as mudanças climáticas e o impacto na qualidade de vida da população foi identificada. O impacto negativo da mudança climática no nível e na qualidade de vida da população foi identificado principalmente nas áreas rurais, o que levou a um aumento na escala e aprofundamento da pobreza, e também causou a migração da população rural.Увеличение числа стихийных бедствий, которое наблюдается в последние десятилетия во всем мире под влиянием усиливающегося антропогенного воздействия на окружающую среду, не только часто наносит значительный ущерб экономике и инфраструктуре территорий, но и приводит к гибели людей и их массовой миграции. В свете этих тенденций, экологическая ситуация все чаще становится предметом научного интереса исследователей различных специальностей: не только климатологи, но и экономистов и демографов. Однако, несмотря на растущую публикационную активность, в частности, по проблемам миграции населения, вызванной изменением климата и экологическими проблемами, в теоретико-методологическом аспекте имеются значительные пробелы. Проведенный нами анализ научного дискурса (в основном англоязычного) показал, что расхождения касаются не только вопроса о том, какие иммигранты должны быть классифицированы как экологические или климатические мигранты, но и самого термина “экологические мигранты”, а также юридического вопроса о необходимости и законности предоставления таким лицам статуса беженцев. Установлено, что в настоящее время “экологические беженцы” фактически не имеют и никогда не имели статуса беженца ни в соответствии с соответствующей конвенцией ООН, ни в соответствии с национальным законодательством какой-либо страны. В статье предпринята попытка систематизации и анализа существующих теоретико-методологических подходов к данной проблеме и на ее основе даны рекомендации по их применению. Установлены особенности статистического учета экологических мигрантов. Выявлены основные трудности выявления и идентификации тех миграционных процессов, которые обусловлены изменениями в окружающей среде, поскольку наряду с природными факторами на принятие решений о переселении зачастую влияет сочетание других социально-экономических факторов, таких как низкий уровень жизни или нищета. Принципы, которые следует соблюдать при организации статистики экологической миграции на национальном уровне. Описаны две группы существующих международных источников количественных данных об экологической миграции: библиографическая база данных, содержащая материалы и публикации по экологической миграции, а также база количественных данных, содержащая информацию о числе перемещенных лиц. Выявлена взаимосвязь между изменением климата и воздействием на качество жизни населения. Негативное влияние изменения климата на уровень и качество жизни населения было выявлено прежде всего в сельской местности, что привело к увеличению масштабов и углублению бедности, а также вызвало миграцию сельского населения
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