157 research outputs found

    Regional aspects of sectoral digitalization : problems and prospects

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    Purpose: At present, high and sometimes record indicators have been achieved for the individual branches of agricultural production. Further intensive development of agriculture is due to the search for new ways to increase labor productivity and lower production costs which is the main aim of this research. Design/Methodology/Approach: The methodological basis served as a systematic approach, which ensured comprehensiveness and purposefulness. Analytical, abstract-logical, economic-statistical, monographic and experimental research methods were also used in this work to examine problems and prospects of sectoral digitalization. Findings: The agro-industrial complex demonstrates the growth of production indicators and is on the rise. The target indicators, laid down in the Food Security Doctrine, have already been achieved by many indices. To a large extent, it is due to a significant increase in the agro-industrial complex. Practical implications: A proposed platform that would ensure a breakthrough in further technical modernization of production, can be created only if the technologies are improved based on their digitalization and orientation towards a specific consumer. Originality/Value: The pin-point introduction of digital technologies in agricultural production confirms the high efficiency of the full innovative technical modernization. The proposed digital transformation of management in the agro-industrial complex of Russia is the value of this research with its originality compared to other ideas.peer-reviewe

    Factors of Formation of Business Activity in an Organization in Innovative Conditions

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    Currently, our country is in the phase of serious qualitative transformations caused by the need for the economy to recover from the crisis caused by the sanctions of Western countries. To achieve this goal, it is necessary to guarantee sustainable economic growth, to ensure stable economic development of all economic entities, in particular to increase their business activity. The task of increasing the business activity of the organization is of particular importance. The competitiveness of companies is steadily declining, which is associated with the unproductiveness of the business management system and the reasons for its formation.This means that it is necessary to develop fresh science-based approaches and directions that meet the task of increasing the business activity of the enterprise

    Russian Universities’ Further Education: Integration with International Markets

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    Introduction. The paper describes the role of Russian transnational corporations in the development and implementation of the Adults’ Education and Vocational Education and Trainings programs in foreign countries as the promotion of Russian technologies. As the competition between the universities in the international educational markets rises, they see the increasing need for the fixation of the programs they offer onto the needs of the global companies, broadening the possibilities for the students to obtain relevant qualifications and skills, and corresponding diversification of educational programs. Among the possible directions for the increase in the educational services that are offered for export could be adults’ educational programs, vocational education and trainings. Materials and Methods. The study of the additional vocational education programs for foreign students was carried out with specialized questionnaire. 180 higher education institutions took part in the survey. The analysis of the corporate segment of additional professional education services for foreign markets was carried out on the basis of semi-formalized in-depth expert interviews. Results. Based on the collected empirical data we were able to identify main participants of the Adults’ Education and Vocational Education and Trainings export and structure and spheres of the programs as well as target countries in this market in three years’ time. It was revealed that the most successful providers of the educational programs are the universities that on the one hand offer already well developed and sought-after educational programs on the Russian Adults’ Education and Vocational Education and Trainings market, and on the other hand – already have stable partnership ties with countries that send students to undergraduate programs. Discussion and Conclusion. This study elaborates on the role of universities in promoting competitive technologies through the distribution of Adults’ Education and Vocational Education and Trainings. Mechanisms for formation and implementation of corporate training programs by universities for Russian industrial corporations are structured. Barriers for the attraction of foreign students are discussed to increase the scope of training. Results of the study can be recommended for the universities concerned with the development of the Adults’ Education and Vocational Education and Trainings sector in the international context

    Anabolic activity of leuzea and cranberry meal plant extracts composition

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    Еhe anabolic properties of a new composition of leuzea and cranberry meal extracts in a ratio of 7:50, containing ecdisten and ursolic acid, respectively, have been investigates on a model of isolated overload of the skeletal muscle of the rats leg by the method of excision. Material and methods. The experiment was conducted on Wistar stock rats of both sexes weighing 220–250 g. At the beginning of the experiment, all animals underwent musculus gastrocnemius tenotomy (m.gastrocnemius), and then the composition has been intragastrically administered for 14 days. At the end of the experiment, the rats were decapitated, blood was taken to determine biochemical parameters (creatine phosphokinase activity, glucose and lactate level) and muscles from both legs were separated to determine the difference between the mass of the musculus soleus (m. soleus) operated on and the mass m.soleus of a non-operated paw. Results and discussion. A dose-dependent anabolic effect was established for the composition of leuzea and cranberry meal extracts. A gender difference was found, which was confirmed by the obtained values of creatine phosphokinase activity and glucose/lactate ratio. Conclusions. The composition of leuzea and cranberry meal extracts exhibits a dose-dependent anabolic effect in males and increase physical endurance in female rats on the model of isolated overload of the skeletal muscle of the leg of rats with tenotomy operation

    Development of spring durum wheat cultivars resistant to stem rust in Western Siberia

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    Background. Stem rust of wheat, caused by the biotrophic fungus Puccinia graminis Pers. f. sp. tritici Eriks. et Henn., is a dangerous disease that afflicts serious economic damage to the cultivation of durum wheat.Materials and methods. Cultivars and promising materials developed at the Spring Durum Wheat Breeding Laboratory, Omsk Agrarian Scientific Center (OASC), lines obtained under the CIMMYT and KASIB programs, and accessions from the VIR collection were the objects of research. Field experiments, phenological observations, and assessment of stem rust resistance were carried out from 1990 through 2019 in the OASC experimental fields using conventional methods. Resistance to the Ug99 race was evaluated under natural infection pressure at the Kenya Agricultural and Livestock Research Organization (KALRO).Results. Promising source material was identified and included in the Laboratory’s breeding program. The ways were shown to develop stable cultivars of spring durum wheat for the environments of Western Siberia. A strategy was proposed for the selection of genotypes in hybrid combinations of spring durum wheat: it would include early selection (starting from F2 ) for disease resistance with simultaneous screening for quantitative traits and pasta-making qualities. The description and advantages of cv. ‘Omsky korall’, submitted to the State Variety Trials in 2018, are presented. This cultivar combines high yield, adaptability, resistance to the local population and the Ug99 race of the stem rust pathogen, and excellent pasta-making qualities.Conclusion. As a result of these studies under heavy stem rust pressure in Western Siberia, all breeding nurseries obtained source material resistant to the Omsk population of P. graminis. The released cultivars ‘Omskaya yantarnaya’ and ‘Omsky izumrud’ demonstrate resistance to the Omsk population of the stem rust causative agent


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    Plasma spraying is one of the most effective methods allowing both to restore worn surfaces of parts and create wearresistant coatings on new parts aiming the increase of their service life. Properties of the produced coatings depend on number of parameters, such as a plasma temperature, a chemical and fractional composition of the sprayed mixture, a distance from a plasma torch to the surface of a part, etc. Mathematical modeling of the process can significantly reduce the cost of processing of technological modes and is widely used at present for a calculation of technological parameters. The paper is devoted to mathematical simulation aiming to determine an effect of the injected ceramics content on the change in a temperature of a particles flow, as well as finding the modes in which the particles of high-temperature ceramics will be in the liquid state when they are deposited on the surface of a product. A mathematical model of particles heating in plasma has been formulated and a system of equations has been compiled. The system of equations has been solved numerically in Mathcad by a standard procedure using the Rkadapt function. Calculations have been carried out for a volume concentration of Al2O3 ceramics in a mixture from 5 to 50 % and for a plasma temperature at the exit from the plasma torch in the range from 6000 to 10000 K. Calculations have shown that the concentration of ceramics does not significantly affect the temperature of a mixture. The temperature of the particles depends to a large extent on the temperature of the plasma and the diameter of particles. It has been determined that for the entire range of calculated values the temperature of the self-fluxing powder in contact with the substrate exceeds a melting point. Fractional particle size has a strong effect on the temperature of particles at the moment of contact with the substrate. The dependences of a temperature of the ceramic phase on the particle size at different concentrations and plasma temperature have been determined. Analysis of the coatings microstructures has shown a good correlation with the results of the calculation.Плазменное напыление является одним из эффективных методов, позволяющих как восстанавливать изношенные поверхности деталей, так и создавать износостойкие покрытия на новых деталях с целью увеличения срока их службы. Свойства создаваемых покрытий зависят от ряда параметров, таких как температура плазмы, химический и фракционный составы напыляемой смеси, расстояние от плазмотрона до поверхности и др. Математическое моделирование процесса позволяет значительно снизить стоимость отработки технологических режимов и широко используется в настоящее время для расчета технологических параметров. В настоящей работе была поставлена цель проведения математического моделирования для определения влияния содержания вводимой керамики на изменение температуры потока частиц, а также нахождения режима, при котором частицы высокотемпературной керамики будут в жидком состоянии при осаждении на поверхность изделия. Сформулирована математическая модель нагрева частиц в плазме и составлена система уравнений, которая решалась численно в пакете MathCad стандартной процедурой с использованием функции Rkadapt. Расчеты проводились для объемной концентрации керамики Al2O3 в смеси от 5 до 50 % и для температуры плазмы на выходе из плазмотрона в интервале от 6000 до 10000 К. Вычисления показали, что концентрация керамики не влияет значительно на температуру смеси. Температура частиц в большей мере зависит от температуры плазмы. Определено, что для всего диапазона расчетных величин температура самофлюсующегося порошка при контакте с подложкой превышает температуру плавления. Фракционный размер частиц оказывает сильное влияние на температуру частиц в момент соприкосновения с подложкой. Определены зависимости температуры керамической фазы от размера частиц при различных концентрациях и температуре плазмы. Анализ микроструктур покрытий показал хорошую корреляцию с результатами расчета

    Optimization in a Self-Stabilizing Service Discovery Framework for Large Scale Systems

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    Ability to find and get services is a key requirement in the development of large-scale distributed sys- tems. We consider dynamic and unstable environments, namely Peer-to-Peer (P2P) systems. In previous work, we designed a service discovery solution called Distributed Lexicographic Placement Table (DLPT), based on a hierar- chical overlay structure. A self-stabilizing version was given using the Propagation of Information with Feedback (PIF) paradigm. In this paper, we introduce the self-stabilizing COPIF (for Collaborative PIF) scheme. An algo- rithm is provided with its correctness proof. We use this approach to improve a distributed P2P framework designed for the services discovery. Significantly efficient experimental results are presented


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    . Creating a functionally oriented, including nanostructured, anti-friction materials and coatings with qualitatively new complex of service properties is an important scientific and practical problem. In particular, for the cable industry it is urgent task of ensuring the high performance properties of fast deteriorating stretching and supporting rollers. Working surfaces of these parts operate under practically dry friction conditions with constantly updated material of stretching wire. Plasma spraying is one of the widely used methods of surface engineering to create wear resistant coatings and which is characterized with process flexibility and the ability to create coatings using various materials and alloys including composite ones. The installation UPU-3D with the PP-25 plasma torch was used for plasma spraying. The thickness of the sprayed layer was 0.8–1.1 mm. As a material for the deposition of composite coatings a powder mixture of self-fluxing nickel alloy PG-HN80SR4 (system Ni–Fe–Cr–Si–B–C) and a neutral oxide ceramics Al2O3 was used. The amount of ceramics varied from 15 to 33 %. This ceramic oxide was selected due to the desire to reduce coatings’ costs while providing high durability. Carried out phase and microstructural studies have shown when ceramics was added in an amount more than 20 % a formation of conglomerates formed by not melted alumina particles often was observed. These conglomerates serve as crack formation centers in the coating. The phase composition of the coatings practically does not depend on the content of ceramics compounds. Tribological tests have shown that the best results were obtained when the content of the oxide ceramic in the coating was in the range from 15 to 20 %.Создание функционально ориентированных, в том числе наноструктурированных, антифрикционных материалов и покрытий, обладающих качественно новым комплексом служебных свойств, является важной научной и практической задачей. В частности, для кабельного производства актуальна задача обеспечения высоких эксплуатационных свойств быстроизнашивающихся протягивающих и поддерживающих роликов кабельного производства. Рабочие поверхности этих деталей работают в условиях практически сухого трения при постоянно обновляющемся материале протягиваемой проволоки. Один из широко применяемых методов инженерии поверхности для создания износостойких покрытий – плазменное напыление, которое характеризуется гибкостью процесса и возможностью создавать покрытия из различных материалов и сплавов, включая композиционные покрытия. Для плазменного напыления использовали установку УПУ-3Д с плазмотроном ПП-25. Толщина напыленного слоя составила 0,8–1,1 мм. В качестве материала для создания композиционных покрытий применяли смесь порошков самофлюсующегося никелевого сплава ПГ-ХН80СР4 (системы Ni–Fe–Cr–Si–B–C) и нейтральной оксидной керамики Al2O3. Количество вводимой керамики изменялось от 15 до 33 %. Выбор данной оксидной керамики обусловлен стремлением снизить стоимость покрытия при обеспечении высокой износостойкости. Проведенные микроструктурные и фазовые исследования показали, что при вводе керамики в количестве более 20 % чаще наблюдается образование конгломератов из непроплавившихся частиц оксида алюминия, которые служат центрами образования трещин в покрытии. Фазовый состав покрытий практически не зависел от содержания керамики. Триботехнические испытания показали, что лучшие результаты получаются при содержании оксидной керамики в покрытии 15 и 20 %