82 research outputs found

    The relationship between economic growth and subjective well-being-reassesing the Easterlin paradox in the case of economic developed societies

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    У дисертацији се разматра повезаност између економског раста и промена субјективног благостања популација економски развијених земаља. Конкретније, првенствено се врши преиспитивање тзв. Истерлиновог парадокса, односно тезе да економски раст и промене субјективног благостања популација дугорочно нису повезани.Основном анализом обухваћено је по четрнаест развијених европских земаља у периодима, са једне стране, од 2002. до 2014. и, са друге стране, од 1990. до 2008. године.In this doctoral thesis, the relationship between economic growth and changes in subjective well-being of populations in economically developed countries is examined. More specifically, the Easterlin paradox has been reassessed, i.e. the view that economic growth and changes of subjective well-being of populations are not related in the long term. Analysis includes fourteen developed European countries within periods 2000-2014 on the one hand, and 1990 to 2008 on the other

    Characterisation of Mn0.63Zn0.37Fe2O4 powders after intensive milling and subsequent thermal treatment

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    Commercial Mn-Zn powder (Mn0.63Zn0.37Fe2O4, 93 wt. % and Fe2O3 7 wt. %) was milled 0.5, 1, 2 and 4 hours in a planetary ball mill. Powders were characterized with XRD, SEM and particle seizer. Subsequent heating was monitored on TGA/DTA in air atmosphere. After compaction of the milled powders, sintering was also performed in a dilatometric device. Sintered specimens were characterized microstructurally with SEM on a fresh breakage. Ferrite powders changed with milling as well as with second run heating are characterised to approach the possible best ratio of the milling and heating that should be used to obtain desired micrstructure

    Electrochemical Behaviour of V2O5 Xerogel and V2O5 Xerogel/C Composite in an Aqueous LiNO3 and Mg(NO3)(2) Solutions

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    We synthesized both the V2O5 xerogel and the composite V2O5 xerogel/C starting from the solution of V2O5 in hydrogen peroxide. After the characterization by XRD, thermal (TCA-DTA), SEM methods and by particle size analysis, the investigation of Li+ and Mg2+ intercalation/deintercalation reactions in an aqueous solutions of LiNO3 and Mg(NO3)(2) were performed by cyclic voltammetry. The composite material V2O5 xerogel/C displayed relatively high intercalation capacity, amounting to 123 mA h g(-1) and 107 mA h g(-1), in lithium and magnesium salt solutions, respectively.11th Annual Conference of the Materials-Research-Society-of-Serbia (YUCOMAT 2009), Aug 31-Sep 04, 2009, Herceg Novi, Montenegr

    Thermodynamic and kinetic behavior of hydrogen electrode in a solution of 0.5 M KClO4 in dimethyl sulphoxide

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    The hydrogen electrode on an interface platinum/dimethyl sulphoxide + 0.5 M KClO4 solution was examined from both the thermodynamic and kinetic aspect, using HCl as a proton source. The equilibrium potential was shown to obey a Nernstian dependence on concentration. The voltammograms recorded using a rotating platinum disc electrode evidenced that the cathodic evolution of hydrogen proceeds under mixed, activationdiffusion control. The diffusion coefficient of the proton was determined to amount to 4.5×10-6 cm2 s-1. In the region of activation control, a Tafel slope of about 0.110 V dec-1 was estimated, which indicates that the Volmer reaction is the rate determining step