507 research outputs found

    Penapisan Aktivitas Antibakteri Dari Bakteri Yang Berasosiasi Dengan Karang Lunak Sarcophyton SP

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    A screening of antibacterial activity from bacteria associating with soft coral Sarcophyton sp from Tegal island, Lampung, was conducted. The purpose of this screening was to get bacterial isolates that have antibacterial activity with Escherichia coli and Stapiloccocus aureus and also to determine the biochemical characters from the bacteria that have the antibacterial activity. The sample of soft coral was taken by snorkeling at 1,5 meters depth. The bacteria that associated with soft coral were isolated by dilution and pour plate method on NA media. The test of antibacterial activity was done by using agar diffusion method with paper discs. Isolates that have antibacterial activity were tested to check their biochemical characters. From 10 bacteria isolates that have associated with soft coral Sarcophyton sp were obtained, there were two isolates had antibacterial activity (D1.1 to E. coli and D2.2 to S. Aureus). Both bacteria isolates were gram negative and motil. In catalyst test, oxidation, urea, citrate, and carbohydrate fermentation both bacteria isolates showed positive reaction. With VP test, D1.1 isolate showed positive reaction but D2.2 showed negative reaction. In contarary, with gelatin isolate test, isolate D1.1 showed negative reaction but D2.2 positive

    Struktur Vegetasi Mangrove Alami Di Areal Taman Nasional Sembilang Banyuasin Sumatera Selatan

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    Mangrove merupakan suatu komunitas vegetasi pantai tropis yang didominasi oleh beberapa spesies pohon-pohonan yang khas atau semak yang dipengaruhi oleh pasang surut air laut. Kerusakan hutan mangrove dapat disebabkan 2 faktor utama yaitu faktor aktifitas manusia dan faktor alami. Oleh karena itu penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis struktur vegetasi mangrove alami di areal Taman Nasional Sembilang. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada September-Oktober 2013. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode transek berpetak dimana ukuran plot untuk pohon 10m x 10m, anakan 5m x 5m, dan semai 2m x 2m. Mangrove yang ditemukan pada kedua lokasi pengamatan yaitu Sungai Sembilang dan Sungai Bungin sebanyak 12 jenis mangrove antara lain Avicennia alba, Avicennia marina, Bruguiera gymnorrhiza, Ceriops tagal, Excoecaria agallocha, Hibiscus tiliaceus, Kandelia candel, Nypa fruticans, Rhizophora apiculata, Rhizophora mucronata, Soneratia alba, dan Terminalia catappa. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa struktur vegetasi mangrove alami di areal Taman Nasional Sembilang pada fase pohon jenis Rhizophora apiculatamemiliki indeks nilai penting tertinggi sebesar 44,49 %, pada fase anakanjenis Rhizophora mucronata memiliki indeks nilai tertinggi sebesar 72,54 %,pada fase semai jenis Rhizophora mucronata memiliki indeks nilai pentingtertinggi sebesar 66,07 %

    Kajian Hukum Terhadap Kedudukan Bank Selaku Pemegang Hak Tanggungan Atas Berakhirnya Sertipikat Hak Guna Bangunan Diatas Hak Pengelolaan (Hpl) Yang Menjadi Objek Jaminan (Studi : PT Bank Internasional Indonesia, Tbk Cabang Medan Diponegoro)

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    Bank as one of the financing institutions, which help streamline of debtors\u27 business through lending an amount of money in the form of credit, has the main function in the economic growth. The theory used in the research Legal Certainty (Rechtssicherheit) theory. The bank as the holder of Hypothecation, when the period of the validity of the Building Rights certificate ends, which is located on the Management Rights, which is still a collateral, initially has the position as preferential creditor and the holder of hypothecation because the Deed for the Giving of Hypothecation (APHT) as the collateral has absolute, droit de suite, droit de preference, specialty, and publicity principles. There are some obstacles related to the annulment of the Building Rights Certificate as the collateral for a certain debt which occurs to the Bank as the holder of hypothecation in which the annulment of the Building Rights Certificate on the Management Rights becomes the Bank\u27s collateral

    PKM Penanaman Konsep Dasar Penjumlahan dan Pengurangan Pecahan pada Siswa- Siswi Kelas III di SD GMIT Abangiwang Kecamatan Pantar Timur Kabupaten Alor Tahun 2021

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    Research through community service (CS) in Bunga Bali village, Pantar Timur sub-district, Alor. PKM instilling the basic concepts of addition and subtraction of fractions in 3rd grade students of SD GMIT Abangiwang is carried out with the aim of finding out the extent of students' knowledge of fractions, whether the denominator is the same or the denominator is different. This PKM activity offers planting the basic concept of multiplication as a reference in understanding fractions. In this PKM, it was found that there was an increase in students' understanding of mathematics, especially fractions in simple fractions, while in fractions whose denominators were not the same, it was necessary to emphasize to students to study harder. The average test result is 61.54% in the sufficient category. Factors causing difficulties in solving simple fractions based on the results of interviews with third grade homeroom teachers generally include interest and motivation, teacher factors, environmental factors, teacher factors, infrastructure factors, environmental factors, and the need for discipline during teaching and learning activities. Some of the 3rd grade students of SD GMIT Abangiwang still find it difficult to memorize multiplications from 1 to 10. This makes it difficult for students. This makes it difficult for them in the section on equating 'fractions with different denominators'. The researcher offers teachers in the field of study that they need to strengthen the basics of multiplication before discussing fractions material

    Teaching wrestling at school: proposal of a new pedagogical approach based on games for learning of technical moves

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    Background and Study Aim. The purpose of this study was to find the effect of the game based on educational method and technical approach on the performance of legs attacks in free-style wrestling. Material and Methods. The type of research was semi-experimental. Participants included 20 boys’ students who were divided into two groups based on the game-based approach (10) and technical training (10). The teaching unit was a format of 12 lessons over 4 weeks (2 days per week). Each lesson lasted 60 minutes. At the end of each training session, the participants played benchmark bouts, one on one, for 2 x 6 minutes. The data were analyzed using SPSS 16 software at a significance level of 0.05. Results. The results showed that both the game-based and technical approach groups had a significant improvement in successful leg attacks in free-style wrestling. With regard to the preparation of leg attacks, there was no improvement for the technical approach group.  However, the game-based group had a significant improvement in the total number of attacks compared to the technical group. Conclusions. The results suggest that the use of a game-based educational method can significantly increase the important factors of wrestling performance related to leg attacks in young wrestlers. Teachers can connect actions from other technical movements from the same family of leg attacks

    Analisis Pelaporan Keuangan Segmen Pada PT. Bayan Resources Tbk

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    Companies that go public on average will definitely have financial reports, because to find out whether the company provides financial statement data tools that describe the company's performance in each period as a tool for making decisions and being accountable to related parties.  This report is made with the aim of making it easier for report users to see the total behind the consolidated figures to the individual components that make up the entity. One of the financial statements is a segment financial report. The segment financial report is a report that provides information data that is important enough to determine the company's performance in the form of profit contributions that grow in various geographic industrial areas. This research was taken from a sample of PT.Bayan Resources Tbk from the period 2018-2022 in accordance with PSAK number 5. PT.Bayan Resources Tbk has 2 segments, namely coal and non-coal segments. Data was collected through literal research techniques. Data analysis is done quantitatively.  The technique used is the Purposive Technique which is tested there is a revenue test, asset test and profit and loss test. The results of this study indicate that the segments at PT Bayan Resources Tbk in the profit and loss and asset tests have not met the 10% test in segment reporting

    Care of Mechanical Ventilated Patients in General Ward: Nurses Perspective

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    Aim: This study aimed to explore the care of mechanically ventilated patients in general wards from the nurses' perspective.Methodology: A cross-sectional descriptive study using a self administered questionnaire was given to the nurses with a purposive convenient sampling method in adult patients from medical, surgical and isolation units in studied hospital in KSA. Results: 149 participants from general units represents various years of experiences shared their perception on the knowledge and competencies (M= 3.38±.62) the support they received (M= 2.41±.78), their satisfaction and confidence (M= 2.86±.81) and the resources provided (M= 2.44 ±.69) for caring MV patients in their general unit revealed the total mean in each categories were in the state of either neutral or disagree with the items given. The participants admitted that the found themselves are competent in performing suctioning with aseptic technique and ability to identify the possible complications confidently. However the participant concluded that it was inadequate support for them, staffing ratio, equipment and facilities was inappropriate which leads to dissatisfaction and less confident in caring for MV patients.Conclusion: This study concludes that caring for patients in general ward causing dissatisfaction among the staff and place patients in risk. Hospital administration needs to ensure that general ward nurses are trained accordingly, provide adequate staffing ratio, and prepare the physical environment and suitable equipment to care for MV patients in general ward
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