151 research outputs found

    Single-molecule study for a graphene-based nano-position sensor

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    In this study we lay the groundwork for a graphene-based fundamental ruler at the nanoscale. It relies on the efficient energy-transfer mechanism between single quantum emitters and low-doped graphene monolayers. Our experiments, conducted with dibenzoterrylene (DBT) molecules, allow going beyond ensemble analysis due to the emitter photo-stability and brightness. A quantitative characterization of the fluorescence decay-rate modification is presented and compared to a simple model, showing agreement with the d−4d^{-4} dependence, a genuine manifestation of a dipole interacting with a 2D material. With DBT molecules, we can estimate a potential uncertainty in position measurements as low as 5nm in the range below 30nm

    A non-invasive monitoring on European wildcat (Felis silvestris silvestris Schreber, 1777) in Sicily using hair trapping and camera trapping: does scented lure work?

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    An hair trapping protocol, with camera trapping surveillance, was carried out on the south-western side of the Etna, inhabited by an abundant population of the European wildcat. We aimed to collect hair for genetic analysis on the base of a field study conducted in Switzerland, where valerian tincture had been used to attract wildcats to rub again wooden sticks and therefore leaving hairs. We placed 18 hair trapping stations, plus one camera trap per scented wooden stick, 1 km away from each other for 60 days (October 29 2010 to December 28 2010). The rate of "capture" success (1 capture / 24.5 trap-days) by camera trapping was substantially the same as those obtained during previous surveys performed in the same study area without the use of any attractants. No wildcats were photographed while rubbing against the wooden sticks, neither any wildcat was interested in the scent lure. We discuss limitations of the hair trapping, providing possible explanations on the failure of valerian tincture, while suggesting some field advices for future monitorings

    Non-self-similar light transport in scattering media

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    Transport processes underpin a wide variety of phenomena, ranging from chemistry, to physics and ecology. Despite their pervasiveness, however, several distinctive features of these processes are still elusive, making it difficult to recognize and classify the associated transport regimes. Using light scattering as a probe to explore different propagation regimes, we report on the experimental observation of non-self-similar light transport through turbid membranes. Our results show that a breakdown of self-similarity can arise for light waves even in the presence of isotropic and homogeneous disorder, and can be tuned by varying the turbidity of the system. By introducing the concept of self-similarity for light propagation, we provide a unified framework for the classification of light transport regimes—overcoming the dichotomy between normal and anomalous diffusion—and show that non-self-similar propagation is a common and experimentally accessible phenomenon. This insight can help to understand and model other scenarios where light transport is dominated by rare propagation events, such as in nonlinear and active media, but also in other fields of research beyond optics

    High-fidelity imaging in brain-wide structural studies using light-sheet microscopy

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    Light-sheet microscopy (LSM) has proven a useful tool in neuroscience to image whole brains with high frame rates at cellular resolution and, in combination with tissue clearing methods, is often employed to reconstruct the cyto-architecture over the intact mouse brain. Inherently to LSM, however, residual opaque objects, always present to some extent even in extremely well optically cleared samples, cause stripe artifacts, which, in the best case, severely affect image homogeneity and, in the worst case, completely obscure features of interest. Here, demonstrating two example applications in intact optically cleared mouse brains, we report how Bessel beams reduce streaking artifacts and produce high-fidelity structural data for the brain-wide morphology of neuronal and vascular networks. We found that a third of the imaged volume of the brain was affected by strong striated image intensity inhomogeneity and, furthermore, a significant amount of information content lost with Gaussian illumination was accessible when interrogated with Bessel beams. In conclusion, Bessel beams produce high-fidelity structural data of improved image homogeneity and might significantly relax demands placed on the automated tools to count, trace, or segment fluorescent features of interest

    A Guide to Perform 3D Histology of Biological Tissues with Fluorescence Microscopy

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    The analysis of histological alterations in all types of tissue is of primary importance in pathology for highly accurate and robust diagnosis. Recent advances in tissue clearing and fluorescence microscopy made the study of the anatomy of biological tissue possible in three dimensions. The combination of these techniques with classical hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) staining has led to the birth of three-dimensional (3D) histology. Here, we present an overview of the state-of-the-art methods, highlighting the optimal combinations of different clearing methods and advanced fluorescence microscopy techniques for the investigation of all types of biological tissues. We employed fluorescence nuclear and eosin Y staining that enabled us to obtain hematoxylin and eosin pseudo-coloring comparable with the gold standard H&E analysis. The computational reconstructions obtained with 3D optical imaging can be analyzed by a pathologist without any specific training in volumetric microscopy, paving the way for new biomedical applications in clinical pathology

    Fast whole-brain imaging of seizures in zebrafish larvae by two-photon light-sheet microscopy

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    Light-sheet fluorescence microscopy (LSFM) enables real-time whole-brain functional imaging in zebrafish larvae. Conventional one-photon LSFM can however induce undesirable visual stimulation due to the use of visible excitation light. The use of two-photon (2P) excitation, employing near-infrared invisible light, provides unbiased investigation of neuronal circuit dynamics. However, due to the low efficiency of the 2P absorption process, the imaging speed of this technique is typically limited by the signal-to-noise-ratio. Here, we describe a 2P LSFM setup designed for non-invasive imaging that enables quintuplicating state-of-the-art volumetric acquisition rate of the larval zebrafish brain (5 Hz) while keeping low the laser intensity on the specimen. We applied our system to the study of pharmacologically-induced acute seizures, characterizing the spatial-temporal dynamics of pathological activity and describing for the first time the appearance of caudo-rostral ictal waves (CRIWs)

    Microscopy-BIDS: An extension to the brain imaging data structure for microscopy data

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    The Brain Imaging Data Structure (BIDS) is a specification for organizing, sharing, and archiving neuroimaging data and metadata in a reusable way. First developed for magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) datasets, the community-led specification evolved rapidly to include other modalities such as magnetoencephalography, positron emission tomography, and quantitative MRI (qMRI). In this work, we present an extension to BIDS for microscopy imaging data, along with example datasets. Microscopy-BIDS supports common imaging methods, including 2D/3D, ex/in vivo, micro-CT, and optical and electron microscopy. Microscopy-BIDS also includes comprehensible metadata definitions for hardware, image acquisition, and sample properties. This extension will facilitate future harmonization efforts in the context of multi-modal, multi-scale imaging such as the characterization of tissue microstructure with qMRI

    Fluorine-induced improvement of structural and optical properties of CdTe thin films for solar cell efficiency enhancement

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    CdTe thin films of different thicknesses were electrodeposited and annealed in air after different chemical treatments to study the effects of thickness and the different chemical treatments on these films for photovoltaic applications. The thicknesses of the samples range from 1.1 μm to 2.1 μm and the annealing process was carried out after prior CdCl2 treatment and CdCl2+CdF2 treatment as well as without any chemical treatment. Detailed optical and structural characterisation of the as-deposited and annealed CdTe thin films using UV-Vis spectrophotometry and x-ray diffraction reveal that incorporating fluorine in the well-known CdCl2 treatment of CdTe produces remarkable improvement in the optical and structural properties of the materials. This CdCl2+CdF2 treatment produced solar cell with efficiency of 8.3% compared to CdCl2 treatment, with efficiency of 3.3%. The results reveal an alternative method of post-deposition chemical treatment of CdTe which can lead to the production of CdTe-based solar cells with enhanced photovoltaic conversion efficiencies compared to the use of only CdCl2. Keywords: CdTe; CdCl2

    Microscopy-BIDS: An Extension to the Brain Imaging Data Structure for Microscopy Data

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    The Brain Imaging Data Structure (BIDS) is a specification for organizing, sharing, and archiving neuroimaging data and metadata in a reusable way. First developed for magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) datasets, the community-led specification evolved rapidly to include other modalities such as magnetoencephalography, positron emission tomography, and quantitative MRI (qMRI). In this work, we present an extension to BIDS for microscopy imaging data, along with example datasets. Microscopy-BIDS supports common imaging methods, including 2D/3D, ex/in vivo, micro-CT, and optical and electron microscopy. Microscopy-BIDS also includes comprehensible metadata definitions for hardware, image acquisition, and sample properties. This extension will facilitate future harmonization efforts in the context of multi-modal, multi-scale imaging such as the characterization of tissue microstructure with qMRI
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