41 research outputs found

    Reality Construction of Women Violence in Online Media

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    Online Media has its power in delivering message if it is compared with conventional media like newspaper and magazine. This research intended to show how Reality Construction of news coverage at home-female-violence in online media Merdeka.com using the descriptive qualitative method of Eriyanto on Teun Van Dijk Critical Discourse Analysis from primary data in Merdeka.com’s documentation. Merdeka.com news coverage has been using the conjunction stressing word in violence towards women at home, from discourse aspect of thematic, schematic, semantic, syntactic, stylistic, and rhetoric. Research found that the social context news dimension represented male superior behavior towards female at home. Research concluded that text-news could function to represent well-stressed semantic aspects. Merdeka.com as one of the democracy pillars has its responsibility to coverage news that against human rights especially woman violence in humanity progressing to be in gender equality with masculinity, so that women released from pan cultural generality. It is suggested that merdeka.com to be more woman-empowering and anti woman-silence in daily news coverage in order to maintain as a media of harmony and sustainability in this digital era.   Keywords: Critical Discourse Analysis, Social Construction Theory, Online Media Violenc

    Multiple bottlenecks sorting criterion at initial sequence in solving permutation flow shop scheduling problem

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    This paper proposes a heuristic that introduces the application of bottleneck-based concept at the beginning of an initial sequence determination with the objective of makespan minimization. Earlier studies found that the scheduling activity become complicated when dealing with machine, m greater than 2, known as non-deterministic polynomial-time hardness (NP-hard). To date, the Nawaz-Enscore-Ham (NEH) algorithm is still recognized as the best heuristic in solving makespan problem in scheduling environment. Thus, this study treated the NEH heuristic as the highest ranking and most suitable heuristic for evaluation purpose since it is the best performing heuristic in makespan minimization. This study used the bottleneck-based approach to identify the critical processing machine which led to high completion time. In this study, an experiment involving machines (m =4) and n-job (n = 6, 10, 15, 20) was simulated in Microsoft Excel Simple Programming to solve the permutation flowshop scheduling problem. The overall computational results demonstrated that the bottleneck machine M4 performed the best in minimizing the makespan for all data set of problems

    Perencanaan Mesin Pengaduk Udang Naget Otomatis

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    Udang Naget adalah udang yang terbuat dari campuran antara udang dengan tepung roti. Udang naget ini kadang terlihat disupermarket-supermarket atau diperdagangkan didepan sekolah-sekolah dasar . Udang tersebut laris di pasaran sedangkan produksinya sedikit karena udang tersebut dibuat secara manual sehingga produksinya sedikit. Peralatan yang digunakan untuk memproduksi masih menggunakan alat-alat yang tradisional. Tujuan dari mata kuliah Merencana Mesin ini adalah menciptakan hasil produksi yang seragam, mempercepat hasil produksi, dan terciptanya mesin pengaduk udang naget yang dapat membantu industri besar maupun rumah tangga dalam meningkatkan hasil produksi. Metode pendekatan yang dilakukan untuk mencapai tujuan adalah dengan merancang sebuah mesin pengaduk udang. Mesin dirancang untuk pengadukan dengan kapasitas maksimal 40 kg udang dan harganya dapat terjangkau oleh para industri rumah tangga dan kalangan masyarakat menengah ke bawah. Ada dua instrumen yang digunakan untuk mengukur tingkat keberhasilan mesin, yaitu: Hasil uji coba menunjukkan bahwa mesin pengaduk dapat memproduksi udang naget yang lebih seragam dibanding produksi manual dengan kecepatan pengadukan adalah 204 rpm. Waktu yang diperlukan untuk pengadukan lebih sedikit dibandingkan dengan cara manual

    Pengaruh Partisipasi Penganggaran, Job Relevant Information (JRI) dan Volatilitas Lingkungan terhadap Kinerja Manajerial pada Perusahaan Manufaktur di Indonesia

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    The study attempts to examine the relationship between budgetary participation and individual performance. In so doing the study include the level of Job Relevant Information (JRI) is treated as an intervening variable, and at the same time considers environmental volatility as a moderating variables.Data for this study were collected by using questionnaires, which were mailed to 500 department managers chosen from Indonesian Capital Market Directory. There were 74 responses of which 68 were complete and hence USAble.The study concludes that the budgetary participation effects the individual performance through JRI. Environmental volatility has no significant effects on budgetary participation and did not moderate the effects of participative budgeting on JRI. Interactions between environmental volatility and JRI had no significant effect on managerial performance

    Analisis Web Site E-Government Instansi Pemerintah PROPINSI Jawa Tengah

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    In more and more countries across the world it is becoming required for government and other public service websites to be based on standards and follow accessibility guidelines. Unfortunately, many web agencies do not seem to be interested in building high-quality websites, using best practices, or making sure the sites they build are accessible to all. Web standards do not equal accessibility, but using web standards is an integral part of building an accessible website, and the validation results usually indicate if any effort at all has been spent on making a site accessible

    Implementasi Pendidikan Tauhid Kelas I Sdit Ar-risalah Kartasura Tahun Pelajaran 2013/2014

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    National education serves to develop skills and form the character and civilization ofdignity in the context of the intellectual life of the nation, aimed at developing thepotential of students to become a man of faith and fear to Allah the Lord, noble, healthy,knowledgeable, skilled, creative, independent, and become citizens of a democratic andresponsible ( Education Law , Article 3 ). This means that the education at primaryschool level should refer to the planting of monotheism in order to achieve educationalgoals fully. The purpose of this study to determine the level of implementation of monotheismin the first grade SDIT Ar -Risalah Kartasura. This research is qualitative research.The data collection methods include observation, interviews, and documentation.This qualitative descriptive data analysis technique emphasize on deductive andinductive inference .The results showed that the content of Tauhid on SDIT Ar-RisalahKartasura are summarized in Aqidah Morals compiled based on salafusshalih which issourced from the Qur'an and Sunnah. Application of monotheism in the learning educationat the first grade conducted with a variety of visual images method , and Shirohstory ( history ). Evaluation of learning is done with the test methods and non test , andcomplies with the assessment standards based on the achievement of the indicators thathave been formulated , including cognitive, affective , and psychomoto

    Dampak Underperformance Setelah Penawaran Seasoned Equity Offering

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    Seasoned equity offerings as public offerings followed an underperformance. This underperformance can be happenned when the management try to manipulate their performance report at the time of offering and before offering. They do that because management want to get positive response in the market. This research explained that hypothesis. Using data from SEO in BEJ in 2001-2003, it this found that three year before offering, financial performance and equity performance increasing significantly. And there is underperformance three year after offering

    Production of Medium Chain Length Polyhydroxyalkanoates From Oleic Acid Using Pseudomonas Putida Pga1 by Fed Batch Culture

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    Bacterial polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHAs) are a class of polymers currently receiving much attention because of theirpotential as renewable and biodegradable plastics. A wide variety of bacteria has been reported to produce PHAsincluding Pseudomonas strains. These strains are known as versatile medium chain length PHAs (PHAs-mcl) producersusing fatty acids as carbon source. Oleic acid was used to produce PHAs-mcl using Pseudomonas putida PGA 1 bycontinuous feeding of both nitrogen and carbon source, in a fed batch culture. During cell growth, PHAs alsoaccumulated, indicating that PHA production in this organism is growth associated. Residual cell increased until thenitrogen source was depleted. At the end of fermentation, final cell concentration, PHA content, and productivity were30.2 g/L, 44.8 % of cell dry weight, and 0.188 g/l/h, respectively


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    Penggunaan kendaraan pribadi warga Kota Pontianak cenderung terus meningkat. Salah satu dampaknya yaitu Jalan Gajah Mada di Kota Pontianak yang merupakan pusat bisnis ekonomi dan tujuan pariwisata masih mengalami kemacetan pada waktu tertentu. Sementara itu, gedung Parkir tunggal enam lantai di Jalan Letjen Suprapto belum beroperasi. Strategi sosialisasi dan promosi harus lebih efektif untuk membiasakan masyarakat Kota Pontianak dalam menggunakan gedung parkir. Penelitian ini bertujuan menentukan pilihan strategi terbaik dengan membentuk skor secara numerik untuk menyusun ranking setiap alternatif kebijakan berdasarkan aspek-aspek kriteria Gedung Parkir. Metode Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) mengurutkan skor alternatif strategi yang dapat diimplementasikan. Hasil kesimpulan bahwa urutan prioritas strategi pemanfaatan gedung parkir ini yaitu: tersedia BRT/Shuttle Bus dengan bobot 0,798; smart pricing bobot sebesar 0,739; pemandu parkir dengan bobot 0,642; pemesanan parkir daring bobot 0,461; pembatasan waktu parkir badan jalan dengan bobot 0,360. Jika strategi pemanfaatan gedung parkir dapat berjalan optimal maka dapat mencapai tujuan pembangunan kota khususnya menjawab tantangan kebutuhan transportasi saat ini dan masa datang demi kenyamanan kawasan Gajah Mada sekitarnya.Kata kunci: AHP, gedung parkir, parkir, strateg