97 research outputs found

    Evidence for Altered Ca2+ Handling in Growth Associated Protein 43-Knockout Skeletal Muscle

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    Neuronal growth-associated protein 43 (GAP43) has crucial roles in the nervous system, and during development, regeneration after injury, and learning and memory. GAP43 is expressed in mouse skeletal muscle fibers and satellite cells, with suggested its involvement in intracellular Ca2+ handling. However, the physiological role of GAP43 in muscle remains unknown. Using a GAP43-knockout (GAP43-/-) mouse, we have defined the role of GAP43 in skeletal muscle. GAP43-/- mice showed low survival beyond weaning, reduced adult body weight, decreased muscle strength, and changed myofiber ultrastructure, with no significant differences in the expression of markers of satellite cell and myotube progression through the myogenic program. Thus, GAP43 expression is involved in timing of muscle maturation in-vivo. Intracellular Ca2+ measurements in-vitro in myotubes revealed GAP43 involvement in Ca2+ handling. In the absence of GAP43 expression, the spontaneous Ca2+ variations had greater amplitudes and higher frequency. In GAP43-/- myotubes, also the intracellular Ca2+ variations induced by the activation of dihydropyridine and ryanodine Ca2++ channels, resulted modified. These evidences suggested dysregulation of Ca2+ homeostasis. The emerging hypothesis indicates that GAP43 interacts with calmodulin to indirectly modulate the activities of dihydropyridine and ryanodine Ca2+ channels. This thus influences intracellular Ca2+ dynamics and its related intracellular patterns, from functional excitation-contraction coupling, to cell metabolism, and gene expression. © 2016 Caprara, Morabito, Perni, Navarra, Guarnieri and Mariggiò

    RCCSâ„¢ bioreactor-based modelled microgravity induces significant changes on in vitro 3D neuroglial cell cultures

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    We propose a human-derived neuro-/glial cell three-dimensional in vitro model to investigate the effects of microgravity on cell-cell interactions. A rotary cell-culture system (RCCS) bioreactor was used to generate a modelled microgravity environment, and morphofunctional features of glial-like GL15 and neuronal-like SH-SY5Y cells in three-dimensional individual cultures (monotypic aggregates) and cocultures (heterotypic aggregates) were analysed. Cell survival was maintained within all cell aggregates over 2 weeks of culture. Moreover, compared to cells as traditional static monolayers, cell aggregates cultured under modelled microgravity showed increased expression of specific differentiation markers (e.g., GL15 cells: GFAP, S100B; SH-SY5Y cells: GAP43) and modulation of functional cell-cell interactions (e.g., N-CAM and Cx43 expression and localisation). In conclusion, this culture model opens a wide range of specific investigations at the molecular, biochemical, and morphological levels, and it represents an important tool for in vitro studies into dynamic interactions and responses of nervous system cell components to microgravity environmental conditions

    S100A1: A Multifaceted Therapeutic Target in Cardiovascular Disease

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    Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death worldwide, showing a dramatically growing prevalence. It is still associated with a poor clinical prognosis, indicating insufficient long-term treatment success of currently available therapeutic strategies. Investigations of the pathomechanisms underlying cardiovascular disorders uncovered the Ca2+ binding protein S100A1 as a critical regulator of both cardiac performance and vascular biology. In cardiomyocytes, S100A1 was found to interact with both the sarcoplasmic reticulum ATPase (SERCA2a) and the ryanodine receptor 2 (RyR2), resulting in substantially improved Ca2+ handling and contractile performance. Additionally, S100A1 has been described to target the cardiac sarcomere and mitochondria, leading to reduced pre-contractile passive tension as well as enhanced oxidative energy generation. In endothelial cells, molecular analyses revealed a stimulatory effect of S100A1 on endothelial NO production by increasing endothelial nitric oxide synthase activity. Emphasizing the pathophysiological relevance of S100A1, myocardial infarction in S100A1 knockout mice resulted in accelerated transition towards heart failure and excessive mortality in comparison with wild-type controls. Mice lacking S100A1 furthermore displayed significantly elevated blood pressure values with abrogated responsiveness to bradykinin. On the other hand, numerous studies in small and large animal heart failure models showed that S100A1 overexpression results in reversed maladaptive myocardial remodeling, long-term rescue of contractile performance, and superior survival in response to myocardial infarction, indicating the potential of S100A1-based therapeutic interventions. In summary, elaborate basic and translational research established S100A1 as a multifaceted therapeutic target in cardiovascular disease, providing a promising novel therapeutic strategy to future cardiologists

    Experimental assessment of the effectiveness of hydrophobic UV-cured coatings in protecting glass surfaces against stress corrosion

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    The stress corrosion is the phenomenon of decrease of the tensile strength over time, when annealed glass is subjected to a long-term tensile load. As the strength of glass is controlled by the size of superficial flaws, the stress corrosion is related to the sub-critical growth of cracks during aging in the given environment, under load. The classical theory to account for this phenomenology involves the chemical reaction of water molecules with silica, taking place at the tip of the cracks. Such a reaction replaces strong chemical bonds with weaker ones, thus leading to sub-critical crack growth. The stress corrosion put a strong limit to the exploitable tensile strength of annealed glass and it does not allow the application of high long-term loads. In the present work, a number of hydrophobic polymeric coatings, produced with the UV-curing technology, is applied to the surface of glass specimens, to constitute a barrier between humidity and glass surface, thus preventing the chemical reaction at the base of the stress corrosion. Innovative formulations are used to produce polymers with graded properties, in order to maximize adhesion on the side in contact with the glass surface and the hydrophobicity on the side exposed to the environment. Their effectiveness in protecting glass surfaces is assessed experimentally, in term of load-carrying capacity of glass coated plates tested under biaxial bending with a coaxial double ring setup

    Selective regulation of Gq signaling by G protein-coupled receptor kinase 2: direct interaction of kinase N terminus with activated Gaq.

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    Antisense-mediated downregulation of anti-apoptotic proteins induces apoptosis and sensitizes head and neck squamous cell carcinoma cells to chemotherapy

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    We have earlier reported that the inhibition of apoptosis in head and neck squamous cell carcinomas (HNSCC) is because of upregulated expression of Bcl-2, Bcl-XL and Survivin. Hence, we addressed the question whether antisense approach towards these inhibitors of apoptosis could restore the apoptosis in HNSCC. Further, we wanted to see whether chemotherapeutic efficacy of Cisplatin and Etoposide could be enhanced by using these drugs in combination with antisense oligonucleotides in human laryngeal carcinoma HeP2 and tongue carcinoma Cal27 cells. The effect of these antisense oligonu- cleotides was examined on the mRNA expression by RT-PCR and on protein expression by Western blotting. Apoptosis was measured by flowcytometry, TUNEL assay and caspase-3 activity assay. Treatment of HeP2 and Cal27 cells with 400nM antisense oligonucleotides against Bcl-2, Bcl-X and Survivin for 48 hrs decreased their expression both at the mRNA L as well as at the protein level, resulting in the induction of apoptosis. Treatment of HeP2 and Cal27 cells with these antisense oligonucleotides augmented Cisplatin and Etoposide induced apoptosis. Our findings emphasize the importance of Bcl-2, Bcl-X and Survivinas survival factors in HNSCC cells. Antisense treatment against these survival factors incombination with lower doses of chemotherapy offers potential as a less toxic chemoadjuvant therapy
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