47 research outputs found

    Public Health and Preventive Medicine Archive

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    Public Health and Preventive Medicine Archive (PHPMA) adalah jurnal resmi yang dikelola oleh Program Magister Ilmu Kesehatan Masyarakat (MIKM), Program Pascasarjana Universitas Udayana bersama-sama dengan Ikatan Ahli Kesehatan Masyarakat Indonesia (IAKMI) Cabang Bali. PHPMA terbit dua kali dalam setahun yaitu Bulan Juli dan Desember. PHPMA memuat naskah hasil penelitian yang berkaitan dengan kesehatan masyarakat dan kedokteran pencegahan. PHPMA juga menerbitkan review, komunikasi singkat melalui surat kepada editor, tinjauan pustaka, tinjauan kasus serta hasil studi kebijakan (forum kebijakan). Tujuan utama dari PHPMA adalah sebagai media untuk memperluas pengetahuan di bidang kesehatan masyarakat dan kedokteran pencegahan

    Low intensity direct current as an antitumor agent?

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    Cystatin C and lactoferrin concentrations in biological fluids as possible prognostic factors in eye tumor development

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    Objectives. To investigate the possible role of cystatin C in eye biological fluids locally and in serum and lactoferrin revealing anti-tumor activity in eye tumor development. Background. The increased number of eye tumors was registered recently not only in the countries with high insolation, but also in the northern countries including Russia (11 cases per million of population). Search for new biological markers is important for diagnosis and prognosis in eye tumors. Cystatin C, an endogenous inhibitor of cysteine proteases, plays an important protective role in several tumors. Lactoferrin was shown to express anti-tumor and antiviral activities. It was hypothesized that cystatin C and lactoferrin could serve as possible biomarkers in the diagnosis of malignant and benign eye tumors. Study design. A total of 54 patients with choroidal melanoma and benign eye tumors were examined (part of them undergoing surgical treatment). Serum, tear fluid and intraocular fluid samples obtained from the anterior chamber of eyes in patients with choroidal melanoma were studied. Methods. Cystatin C concentration in serum and eye biological fluids was measured by commercial ELISA kits for human (BioVendor, Czechia); lactoferrin concentration – by Lactoferrin-strip D 4106 ELISA test systems (Vector-BEST, Novosibirsk Region, Russia). Results. Cystatin C concentration in serum of healthy persons was significantly higher as compared to tear and intraocular fluids. In patients with choroidal melanoma, increased cystatin C concentration was similar in tear fluid of both the eyes. Lactoferrin level in tear fluid of healthy persons was significantly higher than its serum level. Significantly increased lactoferrin concentration in tear fluid was noted in patients with benign and malignant eye tumors. Conclusion. Increased level of cystatin C in tear fluid seems to be a possible diagnostic factor in the eye tumors studied. However, it does not allow us to differentiate between malignant and benign eye tumors. Similar changes were noted for lactoferrin in tear fluid

    Transferability of Car-Following Models Between Driving Simulator and Field Traffic

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    During the past few decades, there have been two parallel streams of driving behavior research: models using trajectory data collected from the field (using video recordings, GPS, etc.) and models using data from driving simulators (in which the behavior of the drivers is recorded in controlled laboratory conditions). Although the former source of data is more realistic, it lacks information about the driver and is typically not suitable for testing effects of future vehicle technologies and traffic scenarios. In contrast, driving behavior models developed with driving simulator data may lack behavioral realism. However, no previous study has compared these two streams of mathematical models and investigated the transferability of the models developed with driving simulator data to real field conditions in a rigorous manner. The current study aimed to fill this research gap by investigating the transferability of two car-following models between a driving simulator and two comparable real-life traffic motorway scenarios, one from the United Kingdom and the other one from the United States. In this regard, stimulus–response–based car-following models were developed with three microscopic data sources: (a) experimental data collected from the University of Leeds driving simulator, (b) detailed trajectory data collected from UK Motorway 1, and (c) detailed trajectory data collected from Interstate 80 in California. The parameters of these car-following models were estimated by using the maximum likelihood estimation technique, and the transferability of the models was investigated by using statistical tests of parameter equivalence and transferability test statistics. Estimation results indicate transferability at the model level but not fully at the parameter level for both pairs of scenarios