12,334 research outputs found

    A 100 pc Elliptical and Twisted Ring of Cold and Dense Molecular Clouds Revealed by Herschel Around the Galactic Center

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    Thermal images of cold dust in the Central Molecular Zone of the Milky Way, obtained with the far-infrared cameras on board the Herschel satellite, reveal a ~3 × 10^7 M_☉ ring of dense and cold clouds orbiting the Galactic center. Using a simple toy model, an elliptical shape having semi-major axes of 100 and 60 pc is deduced. The major axis of this 100 pc ring is inclined by about 40° with respect to the plane of the sky and is oriented perpendicular to the major axes of the Galactic Bar. The 100 pc ring appears to trace the system of stable x_2 orbits predicted for the barred Galactic potential. Sgr A⋆ is displaced with respect to the geometrical center of symmetry of the ring. The ring is twisted and its morphology suggests a flattening ratio of 2 for the Galactic potential, which is in good agreement with the bulge flattening ratio derived from the 2MASS data

    Effectiveness of the ADEC as a level 2 screening test for young children with suspected autism spectrum disorders in a clinical setting

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    Background The Autism Detection in Early Childhood (ADEC) is a clinician-administered, Level 2 screening tool. A retrospective file audit was used to investigate its clinical effectiveness. Method Toddlers referred to an Australian child development service between 2008 and 2010 (N?=?53, M age?=?32.2 months) were screened with the ADEC. Their medical records were reviewed in 2013 when their mean age was 74.5 months, and the original ADEC screening results were compared with later diagnostic outcomes. Results The ADEC had good sensitivity (87.5%) and moderate specificity (62%). Three behaviours predicted autism spectrum disorders (ASDs): response to name, gaze switching, and gaze monitoring (p???.001). Conclusions The ADEC shows promise as a screening tool that can discriminate between young children with ASDs and those who have specific communication disorders or developmental delays that persist into middle childhood but who do not meet the criteria for ASDs

    Does responsibility affect the public valuation of health care interventions? A relative valuation approach to health care safety

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    This article is available open access through the publisher’s website at the link below. Copyright © 2012, International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research (ISPOR).Objective - Health services often spend more on safety interventions than seems cost-effective. This study investigates whether the public value safety-related health care improvements more highly than the same improvements in contexts where the health care system is not responsible. Method - An online survey was conducted to elicit the relative importance placed on preventing harms caused by 1) health care (hospital-acquired infections, drug administration errors, injuries to health care staff), 2) individuals (personal lifestyle choices, sports-related injuries), and 3) nature (genetic disorders). Direct valuations were obtained from members of the public by using a person trade-off or “matching” method. Participants were asked to choose between two preventative interventions of equal cost and equal health benefit per person for the same number of people, but differing in causation. If participants indicated a preference, their strength of preference was measured by using person trade-off. Results - Responses were obtained from 1030 people, reflecting the sociodemographic mix of the UK population. Participants valued interventions preventing hospital-acquired infections (1.31) more highly than genetic disorders (1.0), although drug errors were valued similarly to genetic disorders (1.07), and interventions to prevent injury to health care staff were given less weight than genetic disorders (0.71). Less weight was also given to interventions related to lifestyle (0.65) and sports injuries (0.41). Conclusion - Our results suggest that people do not attach a simple fixed premium to “safety-related” interventions but that preferences depend more subtly on context. The use of the results of such public preference surveys to directly inform policy would therefore be premature.Brunel University

    Asymptotic behaviour of the Rayleigh--Taylor instability

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    We investigate long time numerical simulations of the inviscid Rayleigh-Taylor instability at Atwood number one using a boundary integral method. We are able to attain the asymptotic behavior for the spikes predicted by Clavin & Williams\cite{clavin} for which we give a simplified demonstration. In particular we observe that the spike's curvature evolves like t3t^3 while the overshoot in acceleration shows a good agreement with the suggested 1/t51/t^5 law. Moreover, we obtain consistent results for the prefactor coefficients of the asymptotic laws. Eventually we exhibit the self-similar behavior of the interface profile near the spike.Comment: 4 pages, 6 figure

    A Comparison of Millimeter Wave and Eddy Current Detection of Surface Breaking Defects in Conducting Materials

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    The detection of surface breaking defects in conducting materials is an important aspect of nondestructive evaluation (NDE). Eddy current NDE methods have been used effectively for the detection of fatigue cracks and other surface breaking flaws in conducting materials [1], however, a detracting characteristic is that the eddy current transducer must be placed in close proximity to the test specimen. Since millimeter wave energy can propagate in air and does not require a couplant, millimeter wave NDE offers an alternative technique with the significant advantage of detection in a stand off mode of operation. Millimeter wave NDE has been shown to be effective at detecting small cracks [2–3], however, some methods under study require that the transducer be in close proximity with the specimen and thus suffer from the same disadvantages as eddy current techniques. This paper compares the detection capabilities of surface breaking flaws on conducting materials for millimeter wave NDE in the stand off mode and conventional eddy current NDE

    The methanol lines and hot core of OMC2-FIR4, an intermediate-mass protostar, with Herschel/HIFI

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    In contrast with numerous studies on the physical and chemical structure of low- and high-mass protostars, much less is known about their intermediate-mass counterparts, a class of objects that could help to elucidate the mechanisms of star formation on both ends of the mass range. We present the first results from a rich HIFI spectral dataset on an intermediate-mass protostar, OMC2-FIR4, obtained in the CHESS (Chemical HErschel Survey of Star forming regions) key programme. The more than 100 methanol lines detected between 554 and 961 GHz cover a range in upper level energy of 40 to 540 K. Our physical interpretation focusses on the hot core, but likely the cold envelope and shocked regions also play a role in reality, because an analysis of the line profiles suggests the presence of multiple emission components. An upper limit of 10^(-6) is placed on the methanol abundance in the hot core, using a population diagram, large-scale source model and other considerations. This value is consistent with abundances previously seen in low-mass hot cores. Furthermore, the highest energy lines at the highest frequencies display asymmetric profiles, which may arise from infall around the hot core

    A multiwavelength survey of interacting galaxies

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    Galaxy-galaxy collisions are known to produce drastic changes in morphology and, in many cases, enhance the level of star formation activity in galaxies. In order to better quantify the effects that interactions have on the star formation characteristics of galaxies the authors undertook a multiwavelength survey of a large sample of interacting disk-type galaxies. The sample is optically-selected, the inclusion of systems having been based upon the presence of unusual morphological features--such as tidal tails, plumes, rings, warped disks--suggestive of tidal interaction. The sample is composed of about 115 systems, most of which are spiral-spiral pairs, with a few spiral-elliptical pairs and a few merging systems (see Bushouse 1986 for more details of the sample selection). This sample has now been studied in the optical, infrared, and radio regimes, including optical spectra and H alpha images, near-infrared photometry and imaging, far-infrared photometry, H I 21 cm emission-line measurements, Very Large Array (VLA) 20 cm maps, and CO emission-line measurements. This paper presents an overview and comparison of the results of the optical, infrared and CO surveys. With these data the authors can compare the far-infrared and CO properties of the galaxies with the classic optical and radio indicators of star formation activity and thereby determine what, if any, relationships exist between star formation activity and the far-infrared and CO properties of the galaxies

    Exact solutions for equilibrium configurations of charged conducting liquid jets

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    A wide class of exact solutions is obtained for the problem of finding the equilibrium configurations of charged jets of a conducting liquid; these configurations correspond to the finite-amplitude azimuthal deformations of the surface of a round jet. A critical value of the linear electric charge density is determined, for which the jet surface becomes self-intersecting, and the jet splits into two. It exceeds the density value required for the excitation of the linear azimuthal instability of the round jet. Hence, there exists a range of linear charge density values, where our solutions may be stable with respect to small azimuthal perturbations.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figures, to appear in Physical Review
