3,533 research outputs found

    Improving Data Integrity in Communication Systems by Designing a New Security Hash Algorithm

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    The objective of this paper is to design a new secure hash algorithm with final hash code length 512 bits. The proposed hash code algorithm based on the combination of SHA-256 algorithm -with modification in its message expansion- and MD5algorithm based on double-Davis-Mayer scheme to reduce the weakness existing in these functions.In this paper; we modified message expansion for SHA-256 in the proposed algorithm .By using MATLAB, The proposed algorithm has been simulated. And hash code for different messages is obtained using MD5, SHA-256, combination of MD5 and SHA-256 with final hash code length 265 bits algorithms and the proposed algorithm . Hash code of the proposed algorithm is different from hash code obtained by MD5, SHA-256 and combination of MD5 and SHA-256 with final hash code length 256 bits algorithms for the same messages. Avalanche test, with one bit difference and more than one bit difference, is applied toSHA-256, combination of MD5 and SHA-256 with final hash code length 256 bits and the proposed algorithm .The proposed algorithm passed avalanche test with higher probability than SHA-256   and combination of MD5 and SHA-256 with final hash code length 256 bit algorithms .The proposed algorithm is more complicated and more secure

    The Effect of Age and Duration of Fasting on Performance and Carcass Characteristics of Broiler Chicken

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    The research was conducted to evaluate the effect of age and duration of fasting on performance and carcass characteristics of broiler chicken. One hundred and eight day old chick of broiler Cobb SR 707 were randomly assigned into floor pen (0.5 m x 1.0 m x 0.8 m), in which each pen was filled with four chicks. The experiment was performed in a factorial arrangement (3 x 3) according to completely randomised design with three replication for each treatment combination. The first factor was duration of fasting, i.e. 0 h (control), 2 h (12.00-14.00 p.m.), and 4 h (11.00 a.m to 15.00 p.m). The second factor was the age of chicks when fasting was introduced, i.e. 2, 3 and 4 weeks, respectively. The result of study indicated that fasting program up to 4 h daily begin at 2 weeks of age did not alter broiler performance. Similarly, carcass characteristics, especially carcass percentage, carcass cuts and abdominal fat were not affected by fasting program. Under the research condition, fasting program did not increase the farming efficiency of broiler chicken

    Depletion-Isolation Effect in Vertical MOSFETs During the Transition From Partial to Fully Depleted Operation

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    A simulation study is made of floating-body effects (FBEs) in vertical MOSFETs due to depletion isolation as the pillar thickness is reduced from 200 to 10 nm. For pillar thicknesses between 200–60 nm, the output characteristics with and without impact ionization are identical at a low drain bias and then diverge at a high drain bias. The critical drain bias Vdc for which the increased drain–current is observed is found to decrease with a reduction in pillar thickness. This is explained by the onset of FBEs at progressively lower values of the drain bias due to the merging of the drain depletion regions at the bottom of the pillar (depletion isolation). For pillar thicknesses between 60–10 nm, the output characteristics show the opposite behavior, namely, the critical drain bias increases with a reduction in pillar thickness. This is explained by a reduction in the severity of the FBEs due to the drain debiasing effect caused by the elevated body potential. Both depletion isolation and gate–gate coupling contribute to the drain–current for pillar thicknesses between 100–40 nm

    Pengaruh Literasi Keuangan Dan Persyaratan Kredit Terhadap Akses Kredit Formal Pada UMKM Di Surabaya

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    Peningkatan Usaha Mikro Kecil Menengah (UMKM) di Indonesia yang begitu pesat mampu mendorong pertumbuhan ekonomi. Adanya kebijakan pemerintah tentang pembiayaan UMKM memotivasi UMKM agar mampu menciptakan sistem pembiayaan yang baik sehingga mempengaruhi kemudahan mengakses kredit. Pada studi literatur disebutkan bahwa mengakses kredit formal merupakan hal penting karena lembaga penyedia kredit formal lebih memiliki ketersediaan dana daripada lembaga penyedia kredit informal. Di beberapa negara berkembang, UMKM mengakses kredit informal karena persyaratan kreditnya lebih mudah daripada persyaratan kredit di lembaga penyedia kredit formal. Akses kredit yang dilakukan pada USAha kecil juga didasari oleh perilaku perbankan dimana perilaku perbankan pemilik UMKM dipengaruhi oleh literasi keuangan. Upaya yang dilakukan Dinas Koperasi dan UMKM dalam meningkatkan literasi keuangan adalah memberikan pelatihan keuangan yang dianalisis efektivitasnya dalam penelitian. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh literasi keuangan dan persyaratan kredit terhadap akses kredit formal serta mengetahui efektivitas pelatihan keuangan yang didapatkan oleh UMKM. Metode dalam penelitian ini adalah regresi linear berganda dan independent sample t test. Sampel penelitian berjumlah 80 responden yang pernah mengakses kredit formal. Simpulan dari penelitian yakni literasi keuangan dan persyaratan kredit berpengaruh positif signifikan terhadap akses kredit formal serta tidak terdapat perbedaan antara kelompok sampel yang pernah dan belum pernah mendapatkan pelatihan keuangan

    Industri Perbankan Indonesia Periode 2001-2014: Deteksi Konsentrasi Pasar dan Prestasi Alma

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    This descriptive study aims to explain the condition of credits market and deposit market of Indonesian banking in the period of 2001-2014 includes the achievement of ALMA and CAMEL based on the secondary data and financial statements of 97 Indonesian banks. This graph result and tabulation and financial ratio show the information that Indonesian banking market is in the competitive condition (CR4 index and HHI index decrease and the market is classified in loose oligopoly condition), however all main variables of ALMA show the high ranking

    Pengaruh Faktor Kepribadian terhadap Toleransi Risiko Keputusan Investasi Saham

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    Saham merupakan salah satu instrumen investasi terpopuler yang tergolong dalam instrumen aset berisiko tinggi. Toleransi risiko menjadi salah satu faktor penting yang menjadi pertimbangan investor dalam menentukan preferensi investasinya pada saham. Toleransi risiko terdiri dari berbagai macam aspek, termasuk diantaranya adalah karakteristik kepribadian investor. Penelitian terdahulu membuktikan bahwa karakteristik kepribadian individu memiliki pengaruh terhadap pengeluaran, pengelolaan investasi, dan toleransi risiko. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membuktikan pengaruh karakteristik kepribadian terhadap toleransi risiko keputusan investasi saham. Penelitian ini menggunakan data primer yang berasal dari 83 sampel penelitian yang merupakan investor aset keuangan di Surabaya. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah analisis regresi linier. Hasil penelitian ini adalah bahwa karakteristik kepribadian tidak mempengaruhi toleransi risiko investor, namun toleransi risiko memiliki pengaruh terhadap keputusan investasi saham

    Nuclear Isospin Diffusivity

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    The isospin diffusion and other irreversible phenomena are discussed for a two-component nuclear Fermi system. The set of Boltzmann transport equations, such as employed for reactions, are linearized, for weak deviations of a system from uniformity, in order to arrive at nonreversible fluxes linear in the nonuniformities. Besides the diffusion driven by a concentration gradient, also the diffusion driven by temperature and pressure gradients is considered. Diffusivity, conductivity, heat conduction and shear viscosity coefficients are formally expressed in terms of the responses of distribution functions to the nonuniformities. The linearized Boltzmann-equation set is solved, under the approximation of constant form-factors in the distribution-function responses, to find concrete expressions for the transport coefficients in terms of weighted collision integrals. The coefficients are calculated numerically for nuclear matter, using experimental nucleon-nucleon cross sections. The isospin diffusivity is inversely proportional to the neutron-proton cross section and is also sensitive to the symmetry energy. At low temperatures in symmetric matter, the diffusivity is directly proportional to the symmetry energy.Comment: 35 pages, 1 table, 5 figures, accepted by PRC, (v3) changes in response to the referee's comments, discussion for isospin diffusion process in heavy-ion reactions, fig. 5 shows results from a two different isospin depndent uclear equation of state, and a new reference adde


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    Kota Makassar merupakan daerah daratan rendah yang berada pada ketinggian antara 0-25 m dari permukaan laut. Pada akhir-akhir ini, curah hujan yang tinggi serta kondisi pasang surut air laut yang bersamaan terjadi, sehingga beberapa wilayah pesisir Kota Makassar mengalami bencana banjir rob. Dampak yang dirasakan masyarakat khsusnya pada daerah pesisir pantai adalah terhambatnya mata pencaharian, timbulnya penyakit dan juga kerugian materi yang disebabkan oleh banjir rob. Studi penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk memetakan daerah yang berpotensi mengalami bencana banjir pasang (rob) menggunakan software ArcGIS. Elevasi tinggi pasang surut dianalisis dengan  menggunakan metode Admiralty. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan elevasi muka air banjir pasang (rob) tertinggi berada pada ketinggian 0,96 m diatas permukaan laut rata-rata (MSL) dan mengakibatkan potensi luas daerah genangan mencapai 20,83 km2. Daerah genangan banjir tertinggi berada pada Kecamatan Tamalate bagian pesisir dan bagian Sungai Jeneberang dengan persentase luas genangan sebesar 32,59 % &nbsp

    Optimum Remedial Operation of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor

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    In critical systems, the reliability of the drive is very important. The faults are unwanted. The faults may be lead to loss of the human life and capital. This paper is addressed this problem and suggested two models to solve it. The first model doesn’t contain any special tools to improve the torque ripple and THD. The second model contains 2PI current controllers to improvement the performance at fault and remedial operation. One is for the torque and the other is for the flux. The first PI controller is feeding from the torque error between the reference and estimated torques to get new q-axis current component representing modifier current arises from uncertain things inside the machine and drive system such as temperature and parameters variations. This current will add to reference q-axis current to get robust new q-axis current to satisfy the drive requirement and solve the torque problem (ripple torque). With robust current, the total harmonic distortion is a decrease but doesn’t reach the best value so the other PI controller is used to adjust the THD. In this PI controller, the d-axis flux is compared to rotor permanent magnet flux to solve this problem arises from non-sinusoidal of the magnetic flux. The output of the PI controller is introduced to the reference d-axis current. The new d-axis current will reach the best value of THD. The simulation of the second controller is compared to the simulation of first controller to show if the second controller strong or weak. Matlab simulink is used to simulate the drive system.DOI:http://dx.doi.org/10.11591/ijece.v2i5.72
