11,328 research outputs found

    Measuring the LISA test mass magnetic proprieties with a torsion pendulum

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    Achieving the low frequency LISA sensitivity requires that the test masses acting as the interferometer end mirrors are free-falling with an unprecedented small degree of deviation. Magnetic disturbances, originating in the interaction of the test mass with the environmental magnetic field, can significantly deteriorate the LISA performance and can be parameterized through the test mass remnant dipole moment mr\vec{m}_r and the magnetic susceptibility χ\chi. While the LISA test flight precursor LTP will investigate these effects during the preliminary phases of the mission, the very stringent requirements on the test mass magnetic cleanliness make ground-based characterization of its magnetic proprieties paramount. We propose a torsion pendulum technique to accurately measure on ground the magnetic proprieties of the LISA/LTP test masses.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figure

    Contribution of new photosynthetic assimilates to respiration by perennial grasses and shrubs: residence times and allocation patterns

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    Quantification of the fate of carbon (C) used by plant metabolism is necessary to improve predictions of terrestrial ecosystem respiration and its sources. Here, a dual isotope (C-13 and C-14) pulse-label was used to determine the allocation of new C to different respiratory pathways in the early and late growing seasons for two plant functional types, perennial grasses and shrubs, in the Owens Valley, CA, USA. Allocation differences between plant types exceeded seasonal allocation variation. Grasses respired 71 and 64% and shrubs respired 22 and 17% of the label below-ground in the early and late growing seasons, respectively. Across seasons and plant types, similar to 48-61% of the label recovered was respired in 24 h, similar to 68-84% in 6 d, and similar to 16-33% in 6-36 d after labeling. Three C pools were identified for plant metabolism: a fast pool with mean residence times (MRTs) of similar to 0.5 and similar to 1 d below- and above-ground, respectively; an intermediate pool with MRTs of 19.9 and 18.9 d; and a storage pool detected in new leaf early growing season respiration > 9 months after assimilation. Differences in allocation to fast vs intermediate C pools resulted in the mean age of C respired by shrubs being shorter (3.8-4.5 d) than that of the grasses (4.8-8.2 d)

    Quantifying signals with power-law correlations: A comparative study of detrended fluctuation analysis and detrended moving average techniques

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    Detrended fluctuation analysis (DFA) and detrended moving average (DMA) are two scaling analysis methods designed to quantify correlations in noisy non-stationary signals. We systematically study the performance of different variants of the DMA method when applied to artificially generated long-range power-law correlated signals with an {\it a-priori} known scaling exponent α0\alpha_{0} and compare them with the DFA method. We find that the scaling results obtained from different variants of the DMA method strongly depend on the type of the moving average filter. Further, we investigate the optimal scaling regime where the DFA and DMA methods accurately quantify the scaling exponent α0\alpha_{0}, and how this regime depends on the correlations in the signal. Finally, we develop a three-dimensional representation to determine how the stability of the scaling curves obtained from the DFA and DMA methods depends on the scale of analysis, the order of detrending, and the order of the moving average we use, as well as on the type of correlations in the signal.Comment: 15 pages, 16 figure

    The Paths to Choreography Extraction

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    Choreographies are global descriptions of interactions among concurrent components, most notably used in the settings of verification (e.g., Multiparty Session Types) and synthesis of correct-by-construction software (Choreographic Programming). They require a top-down approach: programmers first write choreographies, and then use them to verify or synthesize their programs. However, most existing software does not come with choreographies yet, which prevents their application. To attack this problem, we propose a novel methodology (called choreography extraction) that, given a set of programs or protocol specifications, automatically constructs a choreography that describes their behavior. The key to our extraction is identifying a set of paths in a graph that represents the symbolic execution of the programs of interest. Our method improves on previous work in several directions: we can now deal with programs that are equipped with a state and internal computation capabilities; time complexity is dramatically better; we capture programs that are correct but not necessarily synchronizable, i.e., they work because they exploit asynchronous communication

    Thermal gradient-induced forces on geodetic reference masses for LISA

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    The low frequency sensitivity of space-borne gravitational wave observatories will depend critically on the geodetic purity of the trajectories of orbiting test masses. Fluctuations in the temperature difference across the enclosure surrounding the free-falling test mass can produce noisy forces through several processes, including the radiometric effect, radiation pressure, and outgassing. We present here a detailed experimental investigation of thermal gradient-induced forces for the LISA gravitational wave mission and the LISA Pathfinder, employing high resolution torsion pendulum measurements of the torque on a LISA-like test mass suspended inside a prototype of the LISA gravitational reference sensor that will surround the test mass in orbit. The measurement campaign, accompanied by numerical simulations of the radiometric and radiation pressure effects, allows a more accurate and representative characterization of thermal-gradient forces in the specific geometry and environment relevant to LISA free-fall. The pressure dependence of the measured torques allows clear identification of the radiometric effect, in quantitative agreement with the model developed. In the limit of zero gas pressure, the measurements are most likely dominated by outgassing, but at a low level that does not threaten the LISA sensitivity goals.Comment: 21 pages, 16 figures, submitted to Physical Review

    Power grids vulnerability: a complex network approach

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    Power grids exhibit patterns of reaction to outages similar to complex networks. Blackout sequences follow power laws, as complex systems operating near a critical point. Here, the tolerance of electric power grids to both accidental and malicious outages is analyzed in the framework of complex network theory. In particular, the quantity known as efficiency is modified by introducing a new concept of distance between nodes. As a result, a new parameter called net-ability is proposed to evaluate the performance of power grids. A comparison between efficiency and net-ability is provided by estimating the vulnerability of sample networks, in terms of both the metrics.Comment: 16 pages, 3 figures. Figure 2 and table II modified. Typos corrected. Version accepted for publication in Chao

    Effect of charging on CdSe/CdS dot-in-rods single-photon emission

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    The photon statistics of CdSe/CdS dot-in-rods nanocrystals is studied with a method involving post-selection of the photon detection events based on the photoluminescence count rate. We show that flickering between two states needs to be taken into account to interpret the single-photon emission properties. With post-selection we are able to identify two emitting states: the exciton and the charged exciton (trion), characterized by different lifetimes and different second order correlation functions. Measurements of the second order autocorrelation function at zero delay with post- selection shows a degradation of the single photon emission for CdSe/CdS dot-in-rods in a charged state that we explain by deriving the neutral and charged biexciton quantum yields.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figure

    Characterization of disturbance sources for LISA: torsion pendulum results

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    A torsion pendulum allows ground-based investigation of the purity of free-fall for the LISA test masses inside their capacitive position sensor. This paper presents recent improvements in our torsion pendulum facility that have both increased the pendulum sensitivity and allowed detailed characterization of several important sources of acceleration noise for the LISA test masses. We discuss here an improved upper limit on random force noise originating in the sensor. Additionally, we present new measurement techniques and preliminary results for characterizing the forces caused by the sensor's residual electrostatic fields, dielectric losses, residual spring-like coupling, and temperature gradients.Comment: 11 pages, 8 figures, accepted for publication Classical and Quantum Gravit

    The Ecological and Ethical Consumption Development Prospects in Poland Compared with the Western European Countries

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    An overview of the Western European literature shows that one of the most distinct trends in consumption that has been noted in the recent years is globally increasing environmental and social awareness. The issue of consumers' behaviours and attitudes towards "socially responsible products" has been gaining importance in Polish economy as well. This article evaluates the development prospects of ethical and ecological consumption in Poland vis-à-vis Western European countries. The comparative analysis being part of the article utilizes primary sources of information, i.e. interviews with a representative sample of Polish adults, as well as secondary sources of information. A factor analysis or, more precisely, a principal component analysis, allowed dividing Polish consumers into groups that were typologically homogeneous in respect of their sensitivity to various aspects of business ethics and ecology.Przegląd literatury zachodnio-europejskiej pozwala stwierdzić, że jednym z najbardziej zauważalnych trendów w sferze konsumpcji w ostatnich latach jest coraz większa świadomość ekologiczna i społeczna w wymiarze globalnym. Problematyka zachowań i postaw konsumentów wobec produktów "społecznie odpowiedzialnych" nabiera coraz większego znaczenia także w polskiej gospodarce. Celem artykułu jest ocena perspektyw rozwoju etyczneji ekologicznej konsumpcji w Polsce na tle krajów zachodnio-europejskich. Analizę porównawczą prowadzono bazując na źródłach wtórych jak i badaniach pierwotnych realizowanych na reprezentatywnej próbie losowej dorosłych mieszkańców Polski. W oparciu o analizę czynnikową, a dokładniej metodę analizy głównych składowych, dokonano także podziału polskich konsumentów na jednorodne grupy typologiczne pod względem ich wrażliwości na różne aspekty związane z ekologią i etyką