65 research outputs found

    Practical, reliable and inexpensive assay of lycopene in tomato products based on the combined use of light emitting diode (LED) and the optothermal window

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    Light emitting diode (LED) combined with the concept of optothermal window (OW) is proposed as a new approach (LED-OW) to detect lycopene in a wide range of tomato-based products (tomato juice, tomato ketchup, tomato passata and tomato puree). Phytonutrient lycopene is a dominant antioxidant in these products while beta-carotene is present in significantly lower quantities. Therefore for all practical reasons the interfering effect of beta-carotene at 502 nm analytical wavelength can be neglected. The LED-OW method is low-cost and simple, yet accurate and precise. The major attributes of the new method are its rapid speed of response and the fact that no preparation whatsoever of the sample is needed before the analysis. The lycopene found in tomato products studied here varies from 8 mg/100 g to 60 mg/100 g fresh product. Results obtained by LED-OW method were compared to the outcome of conventional, time consuming spectrophotometric methods and the correlation was very good (R = 0.98). Precision of the LED-OW instrumental setup ranged from 0.5 to 7.4%; the RSD achieved for lycopene-richest samples (= 40 mg/100 g) did not exceed 1.7%. Repeatability of analysis by LED-OW was found to vary between 0.7 and 7.1%

    Simultaneous determination of iron and copper in children's sera by FAAS

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    Predložena je nova jednostavna metoda plamene atomsko-apsorpcijske spektrometrije (FAAS), za simultano određivanje željeza i bakra u serumu djece. Ona se temelji na predobradbi uzorka u jednom koraku (deproteinizacija s 3 mol Lā€“3 HCl u odnosu 1:1) i kalibraciji u jednom koraku sa standardom pripravljenim u 1.5 mol Lā€“3 HCl. Tijekom optimizacije metode primijenjen je multifaktorski dizajnirani eksperiment. Preporučena metoda osigurava ispravnost, osjetljivost i preciznost usporedljivu onima referentnih metoda. Novi je pristup jednostavan i brz; on Å”tedi i vrijeme i reagense i uzorke, pri čemu je potonje posebno važno u dječjoj dijagnostici.A new and simple flame atomic-absorption spectrometric (FAAS) method is proposed for simultaneous determination of iron and copper in children's sera. It is based on single-step sample pretreatment (deproteinization with 3 mol Lā€“1 HCl, ratio 1:1) and single-step calibration using 1.5 mol Lā€“1 HCl standard. During methodā€™s optimization a short multifactorial design experiment was used. The proposed method assures accuracy, sensitivity and precision comparable to that of the reference methods. The new approach is simple and time-, labour- and serum-saving, the latter being especially important in pediatric diagnostics

    Assaying Total Carotenoids in Flours of Corn and Sweetpotato by Laser Photoacoustic Spectroscopy

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    This study describes the application of the laser photoacoustic spectroscopy (PAS) for quantification of total carotenoids (TC) in corn flours and sweetpotato flours. Overall, thirty-three different corn flours and nine sweetpotato flours were investigated. All PAS measurements were performed at room temperature using 488-nm argon laser radiation for excitation and mechanical modulation of 9 and 30Ā Hz. The measurements were repeated within a run and within several days or months. The UVā€“Vis spectrophotometry was used as the reference method. The concentration range that allows for the reliable analysis of TC spans a region from 1 to 40Ā mg kgāˆ’1 for corn flours and from 9 to 40Ā mg kgāˆ’1 for sweetpotato flours. In the case of sweetpotato flours, the quantification may extend even to 240Ā mg kgāˆ’1 TC. The estimated detection limit values for TC in corn and sweetpotato flours were 0.1 and 0.3Ā mg kgāˆ’1, respectively. The computed repeatability (nā€‰=ā€‰3ā€“12) and intermediate precision (nā€‰=ā€‰6ā€“28) RSD values at 9 and 30Ā Hz are comparable: 0.1ā€“17.1% and 5.3ā€“14.7% for corn flours as compared with 1.4ā€“9.1% and 4.2ā€“23.0% for sweetpotato flours. Our results show that PAS can be successfully used as a new analytical tool to simply and rapidly screen the flours for their nutritional potential based on the total carotenoid concentration

    Utjecaj desflurana i sevoflurana na razine oksidativnog stresa u tkivima Ŕtakora

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    General anaesthetics are often used in patients who are under oxidative stress due to a critical illness or surgical trauma. Some anaesthetics may worsen oxidative stress and some may act as antioxidants. The aim of this study was to evaluate liver, brain, kidney, and lung tissue oxidative stress in rats exposed to desflurane and sevoflurane and in unexposed rats. The animals were divided in three groups: control (received only air); sevoflurane (8 %), and desflurane (4 %). After four hours of exposure, we evaluated the levels of malondialdehyde (MDA), superoxide dismutase (SOD), glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px), Cu, and Zn. Exposure to either of the anaesthetics significantly increased lung MDA levels compared to control (Mann-Whitney U test; P<0.05), probably because it is the tissue directly exposed to anaesthetic gases. Oxidative stress and antioxidant activity in other tissues varied between the desflurane and sevoflurane groups. Our results suggest that anaesthesiologist should not only be aware of the oxidative or antioxidative potential of anaesthetics they use, but should also base their choices on organs which are the most affected by their oxidative actionkisikovih radikala tako i zbog smanjene aktivnosti obrambenih sustava koji se mogu oduprijeti njihovu djelovanju. Stoga su saznanja o antioksidativnom kapacitetu anestetika koji se primjenjuju prije nekoga kirurÅ”kog zahvata vrlo važna i od velikog su kliničkog značenja. Sevofl uran i desfl uran su inhalacijski anestetici koji se učestalo rabe u svrhu uvođenja bolesnika u anesteziju. Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je utvrditi razine oksidativnog stresa u različitim tkivima Å”takora i usporediti razlike u odgovoru tkiva na izlaganje navedenim anesteticima. U tu svrhu razine oksidativnog stresa izmjerili smo u jetri, mozgu, bubrezima i plućima Å”takora podijeljenih u tri eksperimentalne skupine. Kontrolna skupina udisala je samo zrak, dok su druge dvije skupine izložene 8 %-tnomu sevofl uranu te 4 %-tnomu desfl uranu tijekom 4 h. Nakon zavrÅ”etka obrade životinje su žrtvovane i uzimani su im uzorci tkiva za biokemijske analize. Mjerena je razina malondialdehida (MDA), aktivnst enzima superoksid dismutaze (SOD) i glutation peroksidaze (GSH-Px) te razine bakra i cinka. Izloženost anesteticima izazvala je oksidativni stres u plućima, na Å”to upućuje značajno poviÅ”ena razina MDA (Mann-Whitney U-test P<0.05) izmjerena u plućnom tkivu Å”takora obiju izloženih skupina u odnosu na kontrolu. Plućno je tkivo u odnosu na ostala tkiva podložnije Å”tetnim utjecajima reaktivnih kisikovih radikala vjerojatno stoga Å”to je ono prvo izloženo plinovitim anesteticima nakon njihova ulaska u organizam. Razine oksidativnog stresa i antioksidativne aktivnosti koje smo izmjerili u ostalim tkivima bile su različite te su ovisile o primijenjenom anestetiku. Na osnovi dobivenih rezultata možemo zaključiti da bi se zbog različitog odgovora tkiva izbor anestetika trebao provoditi na individualnoj osnovi

    Collection of traces of cadmium(II)-Ion on 2(3)-alanine-N,N-diacetic acid cellulose

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    2(3)-alanine-N,N-diacetic acid cellulose represents a nonselective sorbent for a series of metal ions. It can be utilized for quantitative collection of traces of Cd(ll)-ion from aqueous solutions, proving to be more efficient than Dowex A-1 (Na+) resin. The influence of pH, mass of the sorbent, metal ions concentration, ionic strength and contact period are discussed

    Sorption capacity determination of cellulose matrices by infrared absorption spectrometry

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    A method for sorption capacity determination of cellulose matrices as trace metal sorbents has been studied. An analytical method is based on infrared absorption band at 1725 cm-ā€¢ featuring C=O streching in a polymer molecule. Suitable samples are prepared to construct a calibration curve. Samples are standardized by the potentiometric method in terms of ion-exchange capacity. Some features of the analytical procedure are discussed, particularly with regard to the lower and upper limit of COOR-content determination, the influence of sample structure and the precision of the proposed method
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