1,671 research outputs found

    An expert system to perform on-line controller tuning

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    An expert system which tunes a Proportional-Integral-Derivative (PID) controller on-line for a single-input-single-output multiple-lag process with dead time is described. The expert system examines features of the previous transient responses and their corresponding sets of controller parameters. It determines a new set of controller gains to obtain a more desirable time response. This technique can be used to determine and implement a different set of PID gains for each operating regime and, once in steady state, the system can be used to find optimal parameters for load disturbance rejection. The expert system can be applied to any system of the specified form (aerospace, industrial, etc.) and can be expanded to include additional process models

    Tuning maps for setpoint changes and load disturbance upsets in a three capacity process under multivariable control

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    Tuning maps are an aid in the controller tuning process because they provide a convenient way for the plant operator to determine the consequences of adjusting different controller parameters. In this application the maps provide a graphical representation of the effect of varying the gains in the state feedback matrix on startup and load disturbance transients for a three capacity process. Nominally, the three tank system, represented in diagonal form, has a Proportional-Integral control on each loop. Cross coupling is then introduced between the loops by using non-zero off-diagonal proportional parameters. Changes in transient behavior due to setpoint and load changes are examined by varying the gains of the cross coupling terms

    A simplified dynamic model of the T700 turboshaft engine

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    A simplified open-loop dynamic model of the T700 turboshaft engine, valid within the normal operating range of the engine, is developed. This model is obtained by linking linear state space models obtained at different engine operating points. Each linear model is developed from a detailed nonlinear engine simulation using a multivariable system identification and realization method. The simplified model may be used with a model-based real time diagnostic scheme for fault detection and diagnostics, as well as for open loop engine dynamics studies and closed loop control analysis utilizing a user generated control law

    A real-time simulator of a turbofan engine

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    A real-time digital simulator of a Pratt and Whitney F100 engine has been developed for real-time code verification and for actuator diagnosis during full-scale engine testing. This self-contained unit can operate in an open-loop stand-alone mode or as part of closed-loop control system. It can also be used for control system design and development. Tests conducted in conjunction with the NASA Advanced Detection, Isolation, and Accommodation program show that the simulator is a valuable tool for real-time code verification and as a real-time actuator simulator for actuator fault diagnosis. Although currently a small perturbation model, advances in microprocessor hardware should allow the simulator to evolve into a real-time, full-envelope, full engine simulation

    Distortion Tolerant Control Flight Demonstration Shown to Be Successful

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    Future aircraft turbine engines, both commercial and military, will have to be able to successfully accommodate expected increased levels of steady-state and dynamic engine-face distortion. Advanced tactical aircraft are likely to use thrust vectoring for enhanced aircraft maneuverability. As a result, the engines will see more extreme distortion levels than currently encountered with present-day aircraft. Also, the mixed-compression inlets needed for the High-Speed Civil Transport (HSCT) will likely encounter disturbances similar to those seen by tactical aircraft, in addition to planar pulse, inlet buzz, and high distortion levels at low flight speed and off-design operation. The current approach of incorporating sufficient component design stall margin to tolerate these expected levels of distortion would result in significant performance penalties. The objectives of NASA's High Stability Engine Control (HISTEC) program, which has reached a highly successful conclusion, were to design, develop, and flight demonstrate an advanced, high-stability, integrated engine control system that uses measurement-based real-time estimates of distortion to enhance engine stability. The resulting distortion tolerant control adjusts the stall margin requirement online in real time. This reduces the design stall margin requirement, with a corresponding increase in performance and decrease in fuel burn

    Data-Mining Toolset Developed for Determining Turbine Engine Part Life Consumption

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    The current practice in aerospace turbine engine maintenance is to remove components defined as life-limited parts after a fixed time, on the basis of a predetermined number of flight cycles. Under this schedule-based maintenance practice, the worst-case usage scenario is used to determine the usable life of the component. As shown, this practice often requires removing a part before its useful life is fully consumed, thus leading to higher maintenance cost. To address this issue, the NASA Glenn Research Center, in a collaborative effort with Pratt & Whitney, has developed a generic modular toolset that uses data-mining technology to parameterize life usage models for maintenance purposes. The toolset enables a "condition-based" maintenance approach, where parts are removed on the basis of the cumulative history of the severity of operation they have experienced. The toolset uses data-mining technology to tune life-consumption models on the basis of operating and maintenance histories. The flight operating conditions, represented by measured variables within the engine, are correlated with repair records for the engines, generating a relationship between the operating condition of the part and its service life. As shown, with the condition-based maintenance approach, the lifelimited part is in service until its usable life is fully consumed. This approach will lower maintenance costs while maintaining the safety of the propulsion system. The toolset is a modular program that is easily customizable by users. First, appropriate parametric damage accumulation models, which will be functions of engine variables, must be defined. The tool then optimizes the models to match the historical data by computing an effective-cycle metric that reduces the unexplained variability in component life due to each damage mode by accounting for the variability in operational severity. The damage increment due to operating conditions experienced during each flight is used to compute the effective cycles and ultimately the replacement time. Utilities to handle data problems, such as gaps in the flight data records, are included in the toolset. The tool was demonstrated using the first stage, high-pressure turbine blade of the PW4077 engine (Pratt & Whitney, East Hartford, CT). The damage modes considered were thermomechanical fatigue and oxidation/erosion. Each PW4077 engine contains 82 first-stage, high-pressure turbine blades, and data from a fleet of engines were used to tune the life-consumption models. The models took into account not only measured variables within the engine, but also unmeasured variables such as engine health parameters that are affected by degradation of the engine due to aging. The tool proved effective at predicting the average number of blades scrapped over time due to each damage mode, per engine, given the operating history of the engine. The customizable tools are available to interested parties within the aerospace community

    An Optimal Orthogonal Decomposition Method for Kalman Filter-Based Turbofan Engine Thrust Estimation

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    A new linear point design technique is presented for the determination of tuning parameters that enable the optimal estimation of unmeasured engine outputs such as thrust. The engine s performance is affected by its level of degradation, generally described in terms of unmeasurable health parameters related to each major engine component. Accurate thrust reconstruction depends upon knowledge of these health parameters, but there are usually too few sensors to be able to estimate their values. In this new technique, a set of tuning parameters is determined which accounts for degradation by representing the overall effect of the larger set of health parameters as closely as possible in a least squares sense. The technique takes advantage of the properties of the singular value decomposition of a matrix to generate a tuning parameter vector of low enough dimension that it can be estimated by a Kalman filter. A concise design procedure to generate a tuning vector that specifically takes into account the variables of interest is presented. An example demonstrates the tuning parameters ability to facilitate matching of both measured and unmeasured engine outputs, as well as state variables. Additional properties of the formulation are shown to lend themselves well to diagnostics

    Multiplexed Predictive Control of a Large Commercial Turbofan Engine

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    Model predictive control is a strategy well-suited to handle the highly complex, nonlinear, uncertain, and constrained dynamics involved in aircraft engine control problems. However, it has thus far been infeasible to implement model predictive control in engine control applications, because of the combination of model complexity and the time allotted for the control update calculation. In this paper, a multiplexed implementation is proposed that dramatically reduces the computational burden of the quadratic programming optimization that must be solved online as part of the model-predictive-control algorithm. Actuator updates are calculated sequentially and cyclically in a multiplexed implementation, as opposed to the simultaneous optimization taking place in conventional model predictive control. Theoretical aspects are discussed based on a nominal model, and actual computational savings are demonstrated using a realistic commercial engine model
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