169 research outputs found

    Multi-band nodal links in triple-point materials

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    We study a class of topological materials which in their momentum-space band structure exhibit three-fold degeneracies known as triple points. Specifically, we investigate and classify triple points occurring along high-symmetry lines of PT\mathcal{P}\mathcal{T}-symmetric crystalline solids with negligible spin-orbit coupling. By employing the recently discovered non-Abelian band topology, we argue that a rotation-symmetry-breaking strain transforms a certain class of triple points into multi-band nodal links. Although multi-band nodal-line compositions were previously theoretically conceived, a practical condensed-matter platform for their manipulation and inspection has hitherto been missing. By reviewing the known triple-point materials in the considered symmetry class, and by performing first-principles calculations to predict new ones, we identify suitable candidates for the realization of multi-band nodal links. In particular, we find that Li2_2NaN is an ideal compound to study this phenomenon, where the band nodes facilitate largely tunable density of states and optical conductivity with doping and strain, respectively. The multi-band linking is expected to equip the nodal rings with monopole charges, making such triple-point materials a versatile platform to probe the non-Abelian band topology.Comment: 4 pages (3 figures, 1 table) + 13 pages of Supplemental Material (13 figures, 3 tables) + reference

    Functional and neural mechanisms of embodiment: importance of the vestibular system and the temporal parietal junction

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    Embodiment, the sense of being localized within one's physical body, is a fundamental aspect of the self. Recent research shows that self and body processing as well as embodiment require distinct brain mechanisms. Here, we review recent clinical and neuroimaging research on multisensory perception and integration as well as mental imagery, pointing out their importance for the coding of embodiment at the temporo-parietal junction (TPJ). Special reference is given to vestibular mechanisms that are relevant for self and embodiment and to methods that interfere experimentally with normal embodiment. We conclude that multisensory and vestibular coding at the TPJ mediates humans' experience as being embodied and spatially situated, and argue that pathologies concerning the disembodied self, such as out-of-body experience or other autoscopic phenomena, are due to deficient multisensory integration at the TPJ

    Limited Value of Bladder Wash Cytology During Follow-Up of Patients With Non-muscle Invasive Bladder Cancer

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    Aims We aimed to assess the performance of bladder wash cytology (BWC) in daily clinical practice in a pure follow-up cohort of patients previously diagnosed with non-muscle invasive bladder cancer (NMIBC). Materials and methods We analyzed 2064 BWCs derived from 314 patients followed for NMIBC (2003-2016). Follow-up investigations were performed using cystoscopy (CS) in combination with BWC. Patients with suspicious CS and/or positive BWC underwent bladder biopsy or transurethral resection. BWC was considered positive if malignant or suspicious cells were reported. Sensitivity (Sn) and specificity (Sp) were calculated for the entire cohort and separately for low-grade (LG) and high-grade (HG) tumors, and carcinoma in situ (CIS) subgroups. Results A total of 95 recurrences were detected, of which only three were detected by BWC alone. Overall, Sn and Sp of BWC were 17.9% and 99.5%, respectively. For LG disease, these numbers were 14.0% and 100%, and for HG disease, these were 22.2% and 99.1%, respectively. For patients with CIS at initial diagnosis, Sn and Sp were 11.0% and 71.4%, respectively. For isolated primary CIS, Sn was 50.0%, and Sp was 98.2%. Conclusion Routine use of BWC in the follow-up for NMIBC is of limited value even in HG tumors. In the presence of isolated primary CIS, adjunct BWC might be justified

    Keeping in Touch with One's Self: Multisensory Mechanisms of Self-Consciousness

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    BACKGROUND: The spatial unity between self and body can be disrupted by employing conflicting visual-somatosensory bodily input, thereby bringing neurological observations on bodily self-consciousness under scientific scrutiny. Here we designed a novel paradigm linking the study of bodily self-consciousness to the spatial representation of visuo-tactile stimuli by measuring crossmodal congruency effects (CCEs) for the full body. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We measured full body CCEs by attaching four vibrator-light pairs to the trunks (backs) of subjects who viewed their bodies from behind via a camera and a head mounted display (HMD). Subjects made speeded elevation (up/down) judgments of the tactile stimuli while ignoring light stimuli. To modulate self-identification for the seen body subjects were stroked on their backs with a stick and the felt stroking was either synchronous or asynchronous with the stroking that could be seen via the HMD. We found that (1) tactile stimuli were mislocalized towards the seen body (2) CCEs were modulated systematically during visual-somatosensory conflict when subjects viewed their body but not when they viewed a body-sized object, i.e. CCEs were larger during synchronous than during asynchronous stroking of the body and (3) these changes in the mapping of tactile stimuli were induced in the same experimental condition in which predictable changes in bodily self-consciousness occurred. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: These data reveal that systematic alterations in the mapping of tactile stimuli occur in a full body illusion and thus establish CCE magnitude as an online performance proxy for subjective changes in global bodily self-consciousness

    First Person Experience of Body Transfer in Virtual Reality

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    Background: Altering the normal association between touch and its visual correlate can result in the illusory perception of a fake limb as part of our own body. Thus, when touch is seen to be applied to a rubber hand while felt synchronously on the corresponding hidden real hand, an illusion of ownership of the rubber hand usually occurs. The illusion has also been demonstrated using visuomotor correlation between the movements of the hidden real hand and the seen fake hand. This type of paradigm has been used with respect to the whole body generating out-of-the-body and body substitution illusions. However, such studies have only ever manipulated a single factor and although they used a form of virtual reality have not exploited the power of immersive virtual reality (IVR) to produce radical transformations in body ownership.Principal Findings: Here we show that a first person perspective of a life-sized virtual human female body that appears to substitute the male subjects' own bodies was sufficient to generate a body transfer illusion. This was demonstrated subjectively by questionnaire and physiologically through heart-rate deceleration in response to a threat to the virtual body. This finding is in contrast to earlier experimental studies that assume visuotactile synchrony to be the critical contributory factor in ownership illusions. Our finding was possible because IVR allowed us to use a novel experimental design for this type of problem with three independent binary factors: (i) perspective position (first or third), (ii) synchronous or asynchronous mirror reflections and (iii) synchrony or asynchrony between felt and seen touch.Conclusions: The results support the notion that bottom-up perceptual mechanisms can temporarily override top down knowledge resulting in a radical illusion of transfer of body ownership. The research also illustrates immersive virtual reality as a powerful tool in the study of body representation and experience, since it supports experimental manipulations that would otherwise be infeasible, with the technology being mature enough to represent human bodies and their motion

    De novo expression of gastrokines in pancreatic precursor lesions impede the development of pancreatic cancer

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    Molecular events occurring in stepwise progression from pre-malignant lesions (pancreatic intraepithelial neoplasia; PanIN) to the development of pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) are poorly understood. Thus, characterization of early PanIN lesions may reveal markers that can help in diagnosing PDAC at an early stage and allow understanding the pathology of the disease. We performed the molecular and histological assessment of patient-derived PanINs, tumor tissues and pancreas from mouse models with PDAC (KC mice that harbor K-RAS mutation in pancreatic tissue), where we noted marked upregulation of gastrokine (GKN) proteins. To further understand the role of gastrokine proteins in PDAC development, GKN-deficient KC mice were developed by intercrossing gastrokine-deficient mice with KC mice. Panc-02 (pancreatic cancer cells of mouse origin) were genetically modified to express GKN1 for further in vitro and in vivo analysis. Our results show that gastrokine proteins were absent in healthy pancreas and invasive cancer, while its expression was prominent in low-grade PanINs. We could detect these proteins in pancreatic juice and serum of KC mice. Furthermore, accelerated PanIN and tumor development were noted in gastrokine deficient KC mice. Loss of gastrokine 1 protein delayed apoptosis during carcinogenesis leading to the development of desmoplastic stroma while loss of gastrokine 2 increased the proliferation rate in precursor lesions. In summary, we identified gastrokine proteins in early pancreatic precursor lesions, where gastrokine proteins delay pancreatic carcinogenesis

    Marginal zone lymphoma complicated by protein losing enteropathy

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    Protein losing enteropathy (PLE) refers to excessive intestinal protein loss, resulting in hypoalbuminemia. Underlying pathologies include conditions leading to either reduced intestinal barrier or lymphatic congestion. We describe the case of a patient with long-lasting diffuse abdominal problems and PLE. Repetitive endoscopies were normal with only minimal lymphangiectasia in biopsies. Further evaluations revealed an indolent marginal zone lymphoma with minor bone marrow infiltration. Monotherapy with rituximab decreased bone marrow infiltration of the lymphoma but did not relieve PLE. Additional treatments with steroids, octreotide, a diet devoid of long-chain fatty-acids, and parenteral nutrition did not prevent further clinical deterioration with marked weight loss (23 kg), further reduction in albumin concentrations (nadir 8 g/L), and a pronounced drop in performance status. Finally, immunochemotherapy with rituximab and bendamustine resulted in hematological remission and remarkable clinical improvement. 18 months after therapy the patient remains free of gastrointestinal complaints and has regained his body weight with normal albumin levels. We demonstrate a case of PLE secondary to indolent marginal zone lymphoma. No intestinal pathologies were detected, contrasting a severe and almost lethal clinical course. Immunochemotherapy relieved lymphoma and PLE, suggesting that a high suspicion of lymphoma is warranted in otherwise unexplained cases of PLE

    People with higher interoceptive sensitivity are more altruistic, but improving interoception does not increase altruism

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    People consistently show preferences and behaviors that benefit others at a cost to themselves, a phenomenon termed altruism. We investigated if perception of one’s body signals – interoception - may be underlying such behaviors. We tested if participants’ sensitivity to their own heartbeat predicted their decision on a choice between self-interest and altruism, and if improving this sensitivity through training would make participants more altruistic. Across these two experiments, interoceptive sensitivity predicted altruism measured through monetary generosity. Improving interoceptive sensitivity did, however, not lead to more altruistic behaviour. We conclude that there is a unique link between interoception and altruistic behaviour, likely established over an individual’s history of altruistic acts, and the body responses they elicit. The findings suggest that humans might literally ‘listen to their heart’ to guide their altruistic behavior

    If I Were You: Perceptual Illusion of Body Swapping

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    The concept of an individual swapping his or her body with that of another person has captured the imagination of writers and artists for decades. Although this topic has not been the subject of investigation in science, it exemplifies the fundamental question of why we have an ongoing experience of being located inside our bodies. Here we report a perceptual illusion of body-swapping that addresses directly this issue. Manipulation of the visual perspective, in combination with the receipt of correlated multisensory information from the body was sufficient to trigger the illusion that another person's body or an artificial body was one's own. This effect was so strong that people could experience being in another person's body when facing their own body and shaking hands with it. Our results are of fundamental importance because they identify the perceptual processes that produce the feeling of ownership of one's body

    Measuring the effects through time of the influence of visuomotor and visuotactile synchronous stimulation on a virtual body ownership illusion

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    Previous studies have examined the experience of owning a virtual surrogate body or body part through specific combinations of cross-modal multisensory stimulation. Both visuomotor (VM) and visuotactile (VT) synchronous stimulation have been shown to be important for inducing a body ownership illusion, each tested separately or both in combination. In this study we compared the relative importance of these two cross-modal correlations, when both are provided in the same immersive virtual reality setup and the same experiment. We systematically manipulated VT and VM contingencies in order to assess their relative role and mutual interaction. Moreover, we present a new method for measuring the induced body ownership illusion through time, by recording reports of breaks in the illusion of ownership ("breaks") throughout the experimental phase. The balance of the evidence, from both questionnaires and analysis of the breaks, suggests that while VM synchronous stimulation contributes the greatest to the attainment of the illusion, a disruption of either (through asynchronous stimulation) contributes equally to the probability of a break in the illusion
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