671 research outputs found

    Contribution of intensive rabbit breeding to sustainable development. A semi-quantitative analysis of the production in France

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    [EN] This work was aimed at evaluating the contribution of intensive rabbit breeding to sustainable development using a semi-quantitative method. Nine sustainability indicators were defined for the environmental (energy use, antibiotic use, and biodiversity), economic (profit, specialisation rate, and transmissibility) and social scales of sustainable development. A score (-1, 0 or +1) was given for each indicator using data from French rabbit farms (12,000 farms for economic results and 100 farms for social and environmental data). Scores were added within each scale to obtain a final score. It was revealed from the data analysis that intensive rabbit breeding had some negative contributions to sustainable development, due to the high cost of indirect energy, high use of antibiotics, low biodiversity and little respect for animal welfare, in particular in the scale of environmental sustainability (total score: -2). But it also had positive contributions to sustainable development, particularly in the economic and social scales (total score: +1 each). Indeed, the mean profit, life and working conditions were good and the rabbit meat is of good quality. Therefore, the challenge for rabbit production will be to manage the lawful development and to face the market trends while preserving the maximum of its advantagesFortun-Lamothe, L.; Combes, S.; Gidenne, T. (2009). Contribution of intensive rabbit breeding to sustainable development. A semi-quantitative analysis of the production in France. World Rabbit Science. 17(2):79-85. doi:10.4995/wrs.2009.661798517

    PDE8 controls CD4(+) T cell motility through the PDE8A-Raf-1 kinase signaling complex

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    The levels of cAMP are regulated by phosphodiesterase enzymes (PDEs), which are targets for the treatment of inflammatory disorders. We have previously shown that PDE8 regulates T cell motility. Here, for the first time, we report that PDE8A exerts part of its control of T cell function through the V-raf-1 murine leukemia viral oncogene homolog 1 (Raf-1) kinase signaling pathway. To examine T cell motility under physiologic conditions, we analyzed T cell interactions with endothelial cells and ligands in flow assays. The highly PDE8-selective enzymatic inhibitor PF-04957325 suppresses adhesion of in vivo myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein (MOG) activated inflammatory CD4(+) T effector (Teff) cells to brain endothelial cells under shear stress. Recently, PDE8A was shown to associate with Raf-1 creating a compartment of low cAMP levels around Raf-1 thereby protecting it from protein kinase A (PKA) mediated inhibitory phosphorylation. To test the function of this complex in Teff cells, we used a cell permeable peptide that selectively disrupts the PDE8A-Raf-1 interaction. The disruptor peptide inhibits the Teff-endothelial cell interaction more potently than the enzymatic inhibitor. Furthermore, the LFA-1/ICAM-1 interaction was identified as a target of disruptor peptide mediated reduction of adhesion, spreading and locomotion of Teff cells under flow. Mechanistically, we observed that disruption of the PDE8A-Raf-1 complex profoundly alters Raf-1 signaling in Teff cells. Collectively, our studies demonstrate that PDE8A inhibition by enzymatic inhibitors or PDE8A-Raf-1 kinase complex disruptors decreases Teff cell adhesion and migration under flow, and represents a novel approach to target T cells in inflammation

    Luminosity indicators in dusty photoionized environments

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    The luminosity of the central source in ionizing radiation is an essential parameter in a photoionized environment, and one of the most fundamental physical quantities one can measure. We outline a method of determining luminosity for any emission-line region using only infrared data. In dusty environments, grains compete with hydrogen in absorbing continuum radiation. Grains produce infrared emission, and hydrogen produces recombination lines. We have computed a very large variety of photoionization models, using ranges of abundances, grain mixtures, ionizing continua, densities, and ionization parameters. The conditions were appropriate for such diverse objects as H II regions, planetary nebulae, starburst galaxies, and the narrow and broad line regions of active nuclei. The ratio of the total thermal grain emission relative to Hβ\beta (IR/Hβ\beta) is the primary indicator of whether the cloud behaves as a classical Str\"{o}mgren sphere (a hydrogen-bounded nebula) or whether grains absorb most of the incident continuum (a dust-bounded nebula). We find two global limits: when IR/Hβ<100IR/H\beta<100 infrared recombination lines determine the source luminosity in ionizing photons; when IR/Hβ≫100IR/H\beta\gg100 the grains act as a bolometer to measure the luminosity.Comment: 12 pages 3 figures. Accepted ASP Sept.9

    Multimode solutions of first-order elliptic quasilinear systems obtained from Riemann invariants

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    Two new approaches to solving first-order quasilinear elliptic systems of PDEs in many dimensions are proposed. The first method is based on an analysis of multimode solutions expressible in terms of Riemann invariants, based on links between two techniques, that of the symmetry reduction method and of the generalized method of characteristics. A variant of the conditional symmetry method for constructing this type of solution is proposed. A specific feature of that approach is an algebraic-geometric point of view, which allows the introduction of specific first-order side conditions consistent with the original system of PDEs, leading to a generalization of the Riemann invariant method for solving elliptic homogeneous systems of PDEs. A further generalization of the Riemann invariants method to the case of inhomogeneous systems, based on the introduction of specific rotation matrices, enables us to weaken the integrability condition. It allows us to establish a connection between the structure of the set of integral elements and the possibility of constructing specific classes of simple mode solutions. These theoretical considerations are illustrated by the examples of an ideal plastic flow in its elliptic region and a system describing a nonlinear interaction of waves and particles. Several new classes of solutions are obtained in explicit form, including the general integral for the latter system of equations

    Access to Indigenous and allopathic medicines: A systematic review of barriers and facilitators

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    Background: Globally, Indigenous peoples are the victims of social inequalities in health. Their state of health is much lower than the health of the general population. Colonialism, living conditions and access to care are the main determinants of observed health conditions. The scientific objective of this systematic literature review is to study the facilitators and barriers to access healthcare for both, traditional and allopathic medicines. Methods: An inclusive search of electronic databases (e.g ProQuest, Ovid, Medline, CINAHL PLUS, Cochrane Library, ApaPsyNet, PsyINFO and Sociological Abstracts databases) of the past 20 years was performed. We retained studies discussing (1) traditional medicine (TM) or allopathic medicine (AM) or both and occurring (2) within Indigenous population worldwide. We made no distinction between research carried out in rural as opposed to urban areas. Results: A total of 45 studies published between 1996 and 2016 met our inclusion criteria and this speaks to the high interest and contemporary pertinence of accessing both systems of healthcare for Indigenous populations worldwide. Our thematic analysis enabled us to group barriers and facilitators into five categories, namely related to personal, relational, cultural, structural and policy components. As far as barriers and facilitators are concerned, the category that encompasses the most themes is the structural category. Conclusions: Mutual respect, trust and understanding of each other’s modalities is essential to offer the best healthcare options from both AM and TM to Indigenous peoples and hence pave the way to reducing health inequities. Wellness and strength-based approaches must also be favoured

    Access to Indigenous and allopathic medicines: A systematic review of barriers and facilitators

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    Background: Globally, Indigenous peoples are the victims of social inequalities in health. Their state of health is much lower than the health of the general population. Colonialism, living conditions and access to care are the main determinants of observed health conditions. The scientific objective of this systematic literature review is to study the facilitators and barriers to access healthcare for both, traditional and allopathic medicines. Methods: An inclusive search of electronic databases (e.g ProQuest, Ovid, Medline, CINAHL PLUS, Cochrane Library, ApaPsyNet, PsyINFO and Sociological Abstracts databases) of the past 20 years was performed. We retained studies discussing (1) traditional medicine (TM) or allopathic medicine (AM) or both and occurring (2) within Indigenous population worldwide. We made no distinction between research carried out in rural as opposed to urban areas. Results: A total of 45 studies published between 1996 and 2016 met our inclusion criteria and this speaks to the high interest and contemporary pertinence of accessing both systems of healthcare for Indigenous populations worldwide. Our thematic analysis enabled us to group barriers and facilitators into five categories, namely related to personal, relational, cultural, structural and policy components. As far as barriers and facilitators are concerned, the category that encompasses the most themes is the structural category. Conclusions: Mutual respect, trust and understanding of each other’s modalities is essential to offer the best healthcare options from both AM and TM to Indigenous peoples and hence pave the way to reducing health inequities. Wellness and strength-based approaches must also be favoured

    Discovery and development of novel glucanotransferases for healthier foods

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    Providing nutritious, healthy and sustainably produced food is one of the main objectives of food companies such as Nestlé. Slowly digestible carbohydrates and dietary fibers are considered beneficial for human health. The aim of this work was to expand the enzymatic toolbox and to develop enzyme processes that reduce the glycaemic index of starch-containing foods. By mining the gene pool of the Nestlé culture collection (NCC) with more than 3000 food grade strains, we identified sequences for novel glucanotransferases (Gtf). Two enzymes belonging to the sub family GtfB of the glycosyl hydrolase family 70 (GH70) originating from Lactobacillus reuteri (NCC 2613) and L. fermentum (NCC 2970) as well as the GtfD enzymes from Paenibacillus beijingenis and Azobacter chroococcum (of non-NCC origin) were expressed and biochemically characterized. All four Gtf enzymes produce unique α-glucans with alternating α(1,4) and α(1,6) or α(1,4) and α(1,3) linkages of different molecular size. In vitro digestion and process development studies were performed using raw materials (e.g. wheat flour) to evaluate the impact on starch digestibility as well as the in-process modification of cereal products

    Review: Towards the agroecological management of ruminants, pigs and poultry through the development of sustainable breeding programmes. II. Breeding strategies

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    Agroecology uses ecological processes and local resources rather than chemical inputs to develop productive and resilient livestock and crop production systems. In this context, breeding innovations are necessary to obtain animals that are both productive and adapted to a broad range of local contexts and diversity of systems. Breeding strategies to promote agroecological systems are similar for different animal species. However, current practices differ regarding the breeding of ruminants, pigs and poultry. Ruminant breeding is still an open system where farmers continue to choose their own breeds and strategies. Conversely, pig and poultry breeding is more or less the exclusive domain of international breeding companies which supply farmers with hybrid animals. Innovations in breeding strategies must therefore be adapted to the different species. In developed countries, reorienting current breeding programmes seems to be more effective than developing programmes dedicated to agroecological systems that will struggle to be really effective because of the small size of the populations currently concerned by such systems. Particular attention needs to be paid to determining the respective usefulness of cross-breeding v. straight breeding strategies of well-adapted local breeds. While cross-breeding may offer some immediate benefits in terms of improving certain traits that enable the animals to adapt well to local environmental conditions, it may be difficult to sustain these benefits in the longer term and could also induce an important loss of genetic diversity if the initial pure-bred populations are no longer produced. As well as supporting the value of within-breed diversity, we must preserve between-breed diversity in order to maintain numerous options for adaptation to a variety of production environments and contexts. This may involve specific public policies to maintain and characterize local breeds (in terms of both phenotypes and genotypes), which could be used more effectively if they benefited from the scientific and technical resources currently available for more common breeds. Last but not least, public policies need to enable improved information concerning the genetic resources and breeding tools available for the agroecological management of livestock production systems, and facilitate its assimilation by farmers and farm technicians

    The distribution and movement patterns of four woodland caribou herds in Quebec and Labrador

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    Recent studies of woodland caribou (Rangifer tarandus caribou) in northern Quebec and central Labrador have demonstrated similar patterns of seasonal movements and distribution among four herds. Aerial surveys and radio-telemetry indicated that animals occupied forest-wetland habitat at densities of 0.03 caribou km2, or lower, for most of the year. Although females were widely dispersed at calving individuals demonstrated fidelity toward specific calving locations, in successive years. Caribou did not form large post-calving aggregations. Movement was greatest in the spring, prior to calving, and in the fall, during or immediately after rutting. Caribou were generally sedentary during summer and winter, although some moved relatively long distances to late-winter range. Although the herds occupy continuous range across Quebec and Labrador, our data indicate that the herds are largely discreete and should be managed individually

    Effect of housing enrichment and type of flooring on the performance and behaviour of female rabbits

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    [EN] This study investigated the effect of housing enrichments (scratching card, gnawing material and a platform), of a change in height and in the type of flooring on the live weight, reproductive performance and behaviour of female rabbits, as well as on the feed intake and spatial distribution of females and their kits. A total of 40 multiparous female rabbits were monitored in three consecutive reproductive cycles (48-d intervals). Four days before parturition in each reproductive cycle, the females were randomly assigned to one of the five types of housing: Control (CNT: 102×47×30 cm, L×W× H); Scratching card (SCT: containing a scratching card); Gnawing materials (GNW: CNT dimensions plus a compressed lucerne hay block and a wooden stick); Platform (PLT: 102×47×60 cm, including a platform with a plastic floor) and Combination (CBN: PLT dimensions with the scratching card, the gnawing materials and a platform). Data were only recorded during the first and third reproductive cycles. The living conditions did not significantly alter the females’ live weight (4889 g at housing; 4890 g at mid-lactation; 4867 g at weaning), reproductive performance (9.0 kits born alive), survival of the kits (90%), nor the feed intake of females and their litters (542 g/day). Providing animals with a gnawing block stimulated Gnawing behaviour (median frequency per group: CTL=0.00, SCT=0.00, GNW=4.69, PLT=0.00, and CBN=2.34; PRearing up behaviour (median frequencies per group: CTL=0.00, SCT=0.00, GNW=0.00, PLT=2.08, and CBN=3.12; P=0.06), and when a platform was present, the rabbits used it (mean values per group: CTL=0.00, SCT=0.00, GNW=0.00, PLT=1.79, and CBN=4.91; P=0.003). Regarding the type of floor, females appeared to prefer the plastic mesh flooring (31.2%) to the wire mesh flooring (18.8%). To sum up, providing female rabbits with simple enrichments appears to stimulate specific behaviours like Gnawing and Rearing up and may contribute to their wellbeing.Huang, Y.; Bréda, J.; Savietto, D.; Debrusse, A.; Bonnemère, J.; Gidenne, T.; Combes, S.... (2021). Effect of housing enrichment and type of flooring on the performance and behaviour of female rabbits. World Rabbit Science. 29(4):275-285. https://doi.org/10.4995/wrs.2021.15848OJS275285294Altmann J. 1974. Observational study of behavior: sampling methods. Behaviour, 49: 227-266. https://doi.org/10.1163/156853974X00534Animal Welfare Committee. 2009. Five Freedoms. Available at https://webarchive.nationalarchives.gov.uk/20110909181150/http://www.fawc.org.uk/freedoms.htm. Accessed February 2021.ANSES. 2018. ANSES proposes a definition of animal welfare and sets the foundation for its research and expert appraisal work. Available at https://www.anses.fr/en/content/ansesproposes-definition-animal-welfare-and-sets-foundation-itsresearch-and-expert. Accessed February 2021.Barge P., Masoero G., Chicco R. 2008. Raising rabbit does in platform cages. In Proc.: 9th World Rabbit Congress, 10-13 June, 2008. Verona, Italy. 1:1153-1158.Buijs S., Maertens L., Hermans K., Vangeyte J., Tuyttens F.A.M. 2015. Behaviour, wounds, weight loss and adrenal weight of rabbit does as affected by semigroup housing. Appl. Anim. Behav. Sci. 172: 44-51. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.applanim.2015.09.003Baumans, V. 2005. Environmental enrichment for laboratory rodents and rabbits: requirements of rodents, rabbits, and research. Ilar Journal, 46: 162-170. https://doi.org/10.1093/ilar.46.2.162Coureaud G., Fortun-Lamothe L., Rödel H.G., Monclús R., Schaal B. 2008. The developing rabbit: some data related to the behaviour, feeding and sensory capacities between birth and weaning. INRA-Prod. Anim. 21: 231-238. https://doi.org/10.20870/productions-animales.2008.21.3.3395Coureaud G., Rödel H.G., Le Normand B., Fortun-lamothe L. 2015. Habitat et Comportement. In: Gidenne T. (Eds), Le lapin de la biologie à l'élevage, Editions Quae, Versailles, France, pp. 107-136.Dixon L.M., Hardiman J.R., Cooper J.J. 2010. The effects of spatial restriction on the behavior of rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus). Journal of Veterinary Behavior: Clinical Applications and Research, 5: 302-308. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jveb.2010.07.002EFSA AHAW Panel 2020. Scientific Opinion on the health and welfare of rabbits farmed in different production systems. EFSA Journal, 18: 5944. https://doi.org/10.2903/j.efsa.2020.5944Farkas T.P., Dal Bosco A., Szendro Z., Filiou E., Matics Z., Odermatt M., Radnai I., Paci G., Gerencser Z. 2016. Production of Growing Rabbits in Large Pens with and without Multilevel Platforms. In Proc.: 11th World Rabbit Congress, 15-18 June, 2016. Qingdao, China. 1: 663-666.Gerencsér Z., Farkas T.P., Dal Bosco A., Filiou E., Matics Z., Odermatt M., Paci G., Szendrő Z. 2016. The usage of multilevel platforms in growing rabbits housed in large pens as affected by platfor mmaterial (wire-mesh vs plastic-mesh). In Proc. 11th World Rabbit Congress, 15-18 June, 2016. Qingdao, China. 1: 671-674.Hawkins P., Hubrecht R., Buckwell A., Cubitt S., Howard B., Jackson A., Poirier, G. M. 2008. Refining rabbit care. A resource for those working with rabbits in research. RSPCA, West Sussex and UFAW, Hertfordshire.Huang Y., Breda J., Savietto D., Debrusse A., Combes S., Fortun-Lamothe L. 2021. Part-time grouping of rabbit does in enriched housing: effects on performances, injury occurrence and enrichment use. Animal. in press.Jordan D., Gorjanc G., Kermauner A., Štuhec I. 2011. The behaviour of individually housed growing rabbits and the influence of gnawing sticks as environmental enrichment on daily rhythm of behavioural patterns duration. Acta Agriculturae Slovenica, 98: 51-61.Jordan D., Gorjanc G., Štuhec I. 2008. Wooden sticks as environmental enrichment: effect on fattening and carcass traits of individually housed growing rabbits. World Rabbit Sci., 16: 237-243. https://doi.org/10.4995/wrs.2008.619Lang C., Hoy S. 2011. Investigations on the use of an elevated platform in group cages by growing rabbits. World Rabbit Sci., 19: 95-101. https://doi.org/10.4995/wrs.2011.800Leach M.C., Allweiler S., Richardson C., Roughan J.V., Narbe R., Flecknell P.A. 2009. Behavioural effects of ovariohysterectomy and oral administration of meloxicam in laboratory housed rabbits. Res. Vet. Sci., 87: 336-347. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rvsc.2009.02.001Luzi F., Ferrante V., Heinzl E. Verga M. 2003. Effect of environmental enrichment on productive performance and welfare aspects in fattening rabbits. Ital. J. Anim. Sci., 2: 438-440.Matics Z., Farkas T. 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