45 research outputs found

    Ready Both to Your and to My Hands: Mapping the Action Space of Others

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    To date, mutual interaction between action and perception has been investigated mainly by focusing on single individuals. However, we perceive affording objects and acts upon them in a surrounding world inhabited by other perceiving and acting bodies. Thus, the issue arises as to whether our action-oriented object perception might be modulated by the presence of another potential actor. To tackle this issue we used the spatial alignment effect paradigm and systematically examined this effect when a visually presented handled object was located close either to the perceiver or to another individual (a virtual avatar). We found that the spatial alignment effect occurred whenever the object was presented within the reaching space of a potential actor, regardless of whether it was the participant's own or the other's reaching space. These findings show that objects may afford a suitable motor act when they are ready not only to our own hand but also, and most importantly, to the other's hand. Our proposal is that this effect is likely to be due to a mapping of our own and the other's reaching space and we posit that such mapping could play a critical role in joining our own and the other's action

    Cognition and resective surgery for diffuse infiltrative glioma: an overview

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    Compared to classical oncological outcome measures such as time to progression and survival, the importance of cognitive functioning in patients with diffuse infiltrative brain tumors has only recently been recognized. Apart from the relatively low incidence and the invariably fatal outcome of gliomas, the general assumption that cognitive assessment is time-consuming and burdensome contributes to this notion. Our understanding of the effects of brain surgery on cognition, for instance, is largely based on studies in surgical patients with refractory epilepsy, with only a limited number of studies in surgical patients with gliomas. The impact of other factors affecting cognition in glioma patients such as direct tumor effects, radiotherapy and chemotherapy, and medical treatment, including anti-epileptic drugs and steroids, have been studied more extensively. The purpose of this paper is to provide an overview of cognition in patients with diffuse infiltrative gliomas and the impact of resective surgery as well as other tumor and treatment-related factors

    Low incidence of SARS-CoV-2, risk factors of mortality and the course of illness in the French national cohort of dialysis patients

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    Imagining being somewhere else: Neural basis of changing perspective in space

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    The capacity to imagine being somewhere else and seeing the environment from a different point of view is crucial for spatial planning in daily life and for understanding the intentions, actions, and state of mind of other people. The neural bases of spatial updating of multiple object locations were investigated using functional magnetic resonance imaging. Healthy volunteers saw an array of objects on a table in a virtual reality environment and imagined movement of their own viewpoint or rotation of the array. Their memory for the locations of the objects was then tested with a change-detection task. Behavioral results confirmed the advantage for imagined viewpoint change compared with imagined array rotation of equivalent size. Encoding of object locations was associated with a network of areas, including bilateral superior and inferior parietal cortices. The precuneus was additionally activated by the demands of both viewpoint- and array rotation. The parieto-occipital sulcus/retrosplenial cortex and hippocampus were additionally activated by the demands of viewpoint rotation, while array rotation was associated with activation of the right intraparietal sulcus. These findings support a computational model of spatial memory in which parieto-occipital sulcus/retrosplenial cortex mediates spatial updating as part of a process of translation between "egocentric" and "allocentric" reference frames

    Les thérapies utilisant la réalité virtuelle dans les troubles phobiques

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    International audienceDepuis près de quinze ans, les techniques de réalité virtuelle sont utilisées comme outil thérapeutique en psychiatrie avec, comme principe de base, l'immersion des patients dans des environnements virtuels contrôlés, conçus en fonction du trouble à prendre en charge. Ces techniques de thérapie en réalité virtuelle (TRV), d'abord développées pour le traitement des troubles phobiques, s'inspirent essentiellement des thérapies cognitivo-comportementales (TCC). Il s'agit en effet de reproduire, en réalité virtuelle, les méthodes d'exposition des TCC, l'intérêt majeur étant que les expositions en TRV sont totalement contrôlables par le thérapeute, qu'elles sont plus faciles à mettre en oeuvre, sans aucune dangerosité ni problème de confidentialité. Les principales indications sont les phobies spécifiques pour lesquelles les résultats de plusieurs essais contrôlés ont montré une efficacité supérieure à un traitement placebo et équivalente à celle des TCC. Des études ont également été menées dans les phobies sociales avec des résultats positifs. Récemment, une étude multicentrique contrôlée a été conduite dans l'agoraphobie, avec des taux d'efficacité équivalents à ceux obtenus en TCC. Des indications innovantes se dégagent par ailleurs, comme par exemple les phobies de la marche (peur de tomber). En conclusion, les TRV offrent des modalités de soins et de recherche nouvelles dans le domaine des troubles phobiques, avec des applications qui devraient croître en raison du développement des technologies

    Selective role of lingual/parahippocampal gyrus and retrosplenial complex in spatial memory across viewpoint changes relative to the environmental reference frame

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    Remembering object locations across different views is a fundamental competence for keeping oriented in large-scale space. Here we investigated such ability by comparing encoding and retrieval of locations across viewpoint changes relative to different spatial frames of reference. We acquired functional magnetic resonance images while subjects detected target displacements across consecutive views of a familiar virtual room, reporting changes in the target absolute position in the room (stable environmental frame), changes in its position relative to a set of movable objects (unstable object-based frame), and changes relative to their point of view (control viewer-centered frame). Behavioral costs were higher for the stable environmental frame, and a cortical network including the lingual/parahippocampal gyrus (LPHG) and the retrosplenial complex (RSC) selectively encoded spatial locations relative to this frame. Several regions, including the dorsal fronto-parietal cortex and the LPHG, were modulated by the amount of experienced viewpoint change, but only the RSC was selectively modulated by the amount of viewpoint change relative to the environmental frame, thus showing a special role in coding one's own position and heading in familiar environments. © 2012 Elsevier B.V

    Distinct visual perspective-taking strategies involve the left and right medial temporal lobe structures differently.

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    International audienceThis study assesses the role of the human medial temporal lobe (MTL) structures in the coordination of spatial information across perspective change and, in particular, in visual perspective taking--namely the capacity to know what another individual is seeing on the visual scene. Fourteen patients with unilateral temporal lobe resection and 21 control subjects performed two tasks, called 'object location memory' and 'viewpoint recognition', respectively. In the object location memory task, subjects had to memorize the position of a target object in the environment from an initial viewpoint. They were then shown the same environment from a new viewpoint and had to indicate whether or not the target object had moved. In the viewpoint recognition task, subjects had to imagine the perspective of an avatar from the initial viewpoint and then decide whether or not the new viewpoint was that of the avatar. The results showed a double dissociation, with left MTL patients being impaired in the object location memory task but not in the viewpoint recognition task and right MTL patients being impaired in the viewpoint recognition task but not in the object location memory task. Furthermore, based on multiple regression analyses between performance and the volumes of the different MTL structures, we discuss the specific involvement of the left temporopolar cortex and of the right hippocampus in different kinds of visual perspective taking