94 research outputs found

    The initial singularity of ultrastiff perfect fluid spacetimes without symmetries

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    We consider the Einstein equations coupled to an ultrastiff perfect fluid and prove the existence of a family of solutions with an initial singularity whose structure is that of explicit isotropic models. This family of solutions is `generic' in the sense that it depends on as many free functions as a general solution, i.e., without imposing any symmetry assumptions, of the Einstein-Euler equations. The method we use is a that of a Fuchsian reduction.Comment: 16 pages, journal versio

    Dynamics of Bianchi type I elastic spacetimes

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    We study the global dynamical behavior of spatially homogeneous solutions of the Einstein equations in Bianchi type I symmetry, where we use non-tilted elastic matter as an anisotropic matter model that naturally generalizes perfect fluids. Based on our dynamical systems formulation of the equations we are able to prove that (i) toward the future all solutions isotropize; (ii) toward the initial singularity all solutions display oscillatory behavior; solutions do not converge to Kasner solutions but oscillate between different Kasner states. This behavior is associated with energy condition violation as the singularity is approached.Comment: 28 pages, 11 figure

    A new proof of the Bianchi type IX attractor theorem

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    We consider the dynamics towards the initial singularity of Bianchi type IX vacuum and orthogonal perfect fluid models with a linear equation of state. The `Bianchi type IX attractor theorem' states that the past asymptotic behavior of generic type IX solutions is governed by Bianchi type I and II vacuum states (Mixmaster attractor). We give a comparatively short and self-contained new proof of this theorem. The proof we give is interesting in itself, but more importantly it illustrates and emphasizes that type IX is special, and to some extent misleading when one considers the broader context of generic models without symmetries.Comment: 26 pages, 5 figure

    (In)finite extent of stationary perfect fluids in Newtonian theory

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    For stationary, barotropic fluids in Newtonian gravity we give simple criteria on the equation of state and the "law of motion" which guarantee finite or infinite extent of the fluid region (providing a priori estimates for the corresponding stationary Newton-Euler system). Under more restrictive conditions, we can also exclude the presence of "hollow" configurations. Our main result, which does not assume axial symmetry, uses the virial theorem as the key ingredient and generalises a known result in the static case. In the axially symmetric case stronger results are obtained and examples are discussed.Comment: Corrections according to the version accepted by Ann. Henri Poincar

    Spherically symmetric relativistic stellar structures

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    We investigate relativistic spherically symmetric static perfect fluid models in the framework of the theory of dynamical systems. The field equations are recast into a regular dynamical system on a 3-dimensional compact state space, thereby avoiding the non-regularity problems associated with the Tolman-Oppenheimer-Volkoff equation. The global picture of the solution space thus obtained is used to derive qualitative features and to prove theorems about mass-radius properties. The perfect fluids we discuss are described by barotropic equations of state that are asymptotically polytropic at low pressures and, for certain applications, asymptotically linear at high pressures. We employ dimensionless variables that are asymptotically homology invariant in the low pressure regime, and thus we generalize standard work on Newtonian polytropes to a relativistic setting and to a much larger class of equations of state. Our dynamical systems framework is particularly suited for numerical computations, as illustrated by several numerical examples, e.g., the ideal neutron gas and examples that involve phase transitions.Comment: 23 pages, 25 figures (compressed), LaTe

    (In)finiteness of Spherically Symmetric Static Perfect Fluids

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    This work is concerned with the finiteness problem for static, spherically symmetric perfect fluids in both Newtonian Gravity and General Relativity. We derive criteria on the barotropic equation of state guaranteeing that the corresponding perfect fluid solutions possess finite/infinite extent. In the Newtonian case, for the large class of monotonic equations of state, and in General Relativity we improve earlier results

    Static perfect fluids with Pant-Sah equations of state

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    We analyze the 3-parameter family of exact, regular, static, spherically symmetric perfect fluid solutions of Einstein's equations (corresponding to a 2-parameter family of equations of state) due to Pant and Sah and "rediscovered" by Rosquist and the present author. Except for the Buchdahl solutions which are contained as a limiting case, the fluids have finite radius and are physically realistic for suitable parameter ranges. The equations of state can be characterized geometrically by the property that the 3-metric on the static slices, rescaled conformally with the fourth power of any linear function of the norm of the static Killing vector, has constant scalar curvature. This local property does not require spherical symmetry; in fact it simplifies the the proof of spherical symmetry of asymptotically flat solutions which we recall here for the Pant-Sah equations of state. We also consider a model in Newtonian theory with analogous geometric and physical properties, together with a proof of spherical symmetry of the asymptotically flat solutions.Comment: 32 p., Latex, minor changes and correction

    Remarks on the distributional Schwarzschild geometry

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    This work is devoted to a mathematical analysis of the distributional Schwarzschild geometry. The Schwarzschild solution is extended to include the singularity; the energy momentum tensor becomes a delta-distribution supported at r=0. Using generalized distributional geometry in the sense of Colombeau's (special) construction the nonlinearities are treated in a mathematically rigorous way. Moreover, generalized function techniques are used as a tool to give a unified discussion of various approaches taken in the literature so far; in particular we comment on geometrical issues

    Algebraic expansions for curvature coupled scalar field models

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    A late time asymptotic perturbative analysis of curvature coupled complex scalar field models with accelerated cosmological expansion is carried out on the level of formal power series expansions. For this, algebraic analogues of the Einstein scalar field equations in Gaussian coordinates for space-time dimensions greater than two are postulated and formal solutions are constructed inductively and shown to be unique. The results obtained this way are found to be consistent with already known facts on the asymptotics of such models. In addition, the algebraic expansions are used to provide a prospect of the large time behaviour that might be expected of the considered models.Comment: 16 pages, no figures; v2: typos corrected, references adde

    Degenerate Stars and Gravitational Collapse in AdS/CFT

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    We construct composite CFT operators from a large number of fermionic primary fields corresponding to states that are holographically dual to a zero temperature Fermi gas in AdS space. We identify a large N regime in which the fermions behave as free particles. In the hydrodynamic limit the Fermi gas forms a degenerate star with a radius determined by the Fermi level, and a mass and angular momentum that exactly matches the boundary calculations. Next we consider an interacting regime, and calculate the effect of the gravitational back-reaction on the radius and the mass of the star using the Tolman-Oppenheimer-Volkoff equations. Ignoring other interactions, we determine the "Chandrasekhar limit" beyond which the degenerate star (presumably) undergoes gravitational collapse towards a black hole. This is interpreted on the boundary as a high density phase transition from a cold baryonic phase to a hot deconfined phase.Comment: 75 page