12,224 research outputs found

    Magnetic Field Rotations in the Solar Wind at Kinetic Scales

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    The solar wind magnetic field contains rotations at a broad range of scales, which have been extensively studied in the MHD range. Here we present an extension of this analysis to the range between ion and electron kinetic scales. The distribution of rotation angles was found to be approximately log-normal, shifting to smaller angles at smaller scales almost self-similarly, but with small, statistically significant changes of shape. The fraction of energy in fluctuations with angles larger than α\alpha was found to drop approximately exponentially with α\alpha, with e-folding angle 9.8∘9.8^\circ at ion scales and 0.66∘0.66^\circ at electron scales, showing that large angles (α>30∘\alpha > 30^\circ) do not contain a significant amount of energy at kinetic scales. Implications for kinetic turbulence theory and the dissipation of solar wind turbulence are discussed

    On Bouncing Brane-Worlds, S-branes and Branonium Cosmology

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    We present several higher-dimensional spacetimes for which observers living on 3-branes experience an induced metric which bounces. The classes of examples include boundary branes on generalised S-brane backgrounds and probe branes in D-brane/anti D-brane systems. The bounces we consider normally would be expected to require an energy density which violates the weak energy condition, and for our co-dimension one examples this is attributable to bulk curvature terms in the effective Friedmann equation. We examine the features of the acceleration which provides the bounce, including in some cases the existence of positive acceleration without event horizons, and we give a geometrical interpretation for it. We discuss the stability of the solutions from the point of view of both the brane and the bulk. Some of our examples appear to be stable from the bulk point of view, suggesting the possible existence of stable bouncing cosmologies within the brane-world framework.Comment: 35 pages, 7 figures, JHEP style. Title changed and references adde

    Accidental SUSY: Enhanced Bulk Supersymmetry from Brane Back-reaction

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    We compute how bulk loops renormalize both bulk and brane effective interactions for codimension-two branes in 6D gauged chiral supergravity, as functions of the brane tension and brane-localized flux. We do so by explicitly integrating out hyper- and gauge-multiplets in 6D gauged chiral supergravity compactified to 4D on a flux-stabilized 2D rugby-ball geometry, specializing the results of a companion paper, arXiv:1210.3753, to the supersymmetric case. While the brane back-reaction generically breaks supersymmetry, we show that the bulk supersymmetry can be preserved if the amount of brane-localized flux is related in a specific BPS-like way to the brane tension, and verify that the loop corrections to the brane curvature vanish in this special case. In these systems it is the brane-bulk couplings that fix the size of the extra dimensions, and we show that in some circumstances the bulk geometry dynamically adjusts to ensure the supersymmetric BPS-like condition is automatically satisfied. We investigate the robustness of this residual supersymmetry to loops of non-supersymmetric matter on the branes, and show that supersymmetry-breaking effects can enter only through effective brane-bulk interactions involving at least two derivatives. We comment on the relevance of this calculation to proposed applications of codimension-two 6D models to solutions of the hierarchy and cosmological constant problems.Comment: 49 pages + appendices. This is the final version to appear in JHE

    Turbulence Model Implementation and Verification in the SENSEI CFD Code

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    This paper outlines the implementation and verification of the negative Spalart-Allmaras turbulence model into the SENSEI CFD code. The SA-neg turbulence model is implemented in a flexible, object-oriented framework where additional turbulence models can be easily added. In addition to outlining the new turbulence modeling framework in SENSEI, an overview of the other general improvements to SENSEI is provided. The results for four 2D test cases are compared to results from CFL3D and FUN3D to verify that the turbulence models are implemented properly. Several differences in the results from SENSEI, CFL3D, and FUN3D are identified and are attributed to differences in the implementation and discretization order of the boundary conditions as well as the order of discretization of the turbulence model. When a solid surface is located near or intersects an inflow or outflow boundary, higher order boundary conditions should be used to limit their effect on the forces on the surface. When the turbulence equations are discretized using second order spatial accuracy, the edge of the eddy viscosity profile seems to be sharper than when a first order discretization is used. However, the discretization order of the turbulence equation does not have a significant impact on output quantities of interest, such as pressure and viscous drag, for the cases studied

    Barriers, control and identity in health information seeking among African American women

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    Qualitative research methods were used to examine the role of racial, cultural, and socio-economic group (i.e., communal) identities on perceptions of barriers and control related to traditional and internet resources for seeking health information. Eighteen lower income, African American women participated in training workshops on using the internet for health, followed by two focus groups. Transcripts were analyzed using standardized coding methods. Results demonstrated that participants perceived the internet as a tool for seeking health information, which they believed would empower them within formal healthcare settings. Participants invoked racial, cultural, and socio-economic identities when discussing barriers to seeking health information within healthcare systems and the internet. The findings indicate that the internet may be a valuable tool for accessing health information among lower income African American women if barriers are reduced. Recommendations are made that may assist health providers in improving health information seeking outcomes of African American women

    Optimal designs for stated choice experiments that incorporate position effects

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    Davidson and Beaver (1977) extended the Bradley-Terry model to incorporate the possible effect of position within a choice set on the choices made in paired comparisons experiments. We further extend the Davidson-Beaver result to choice sets of any size and show, under a mild restriction, that designs optimal for the multinomial logit model are still optimal. Designs balanced for carry-over effects of all orders can be used to construct designs with a diagonal information matrix for attribute effects. The theoretical results are derived assuming equal merits and we discuss the possible consequences of assuming unequal merits in an example. Copyright © Taylor & Francis Group, LLC

    Fibre Inflation: Observable Gravity Waves from IIB String Compactifications

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    We introduce a simple string model of inflation, in which the inflaton field can take trans-Planckian values while driving a period of slow-roll inflation. This leads naturally to a realisation of large field inflation, inasmuch as the inflationary epoch is well described by the single-field scalar potential V=V0(3−4e−φ^/3)V = V_0 (3-4 e^{-\hat\varphi/\sqrt{3}}). Remarkably, for a broad class of vacua all adjustable parameters enter only through the overall coefficient V0V_0, and in particular do not enter into the slow-roll parameters. Consequently these are determined purely by the number of \e-foldings, NeN_e, and so are not independent: ε≃32η2\varepsilon \simeq \frac32 \eta^2. This implies similar relations among observables like the primordial scalar-to-tensor amplitude, rr, and the scalar spectral tilt, nsn_s: r≃6(ns−1)2r \simeq 6(n_s - 1)^2. NeN_e is itself more model-dependent since it depends partly on the post-inflationary reheat history. In a simple reheating scenario a reheating temperature of Trh≃109T_{rh}\simeq 10^{9} GeV gives Ne≃58N_e\simeq 58, corresponding to ns≃0.970n_s\simeq 0.970 and r≃0.005r\simeq 0.005, within reach of future observations. The model is an example of a class that arises naturally in the context of type IIB string compactifications with large-volume moduli stabilisation, and takes advantage of the generic existence there of Kahler moduli whose dominant appearance in the scalar potential arises from string loop corrections to the Kahler potential. The inflaton field is a combination of Kahler moduli of a K3-fibered Calabi-Yau manifold. We believe there are likely to be a great number of models in this class -- `high-fibre models' -- in which the inflaton starts off far enough up the fibre to produce observably large primordial gravity waves.Comment: Extended calculations beyond the leading approximations, including numerical integrations of multi-field evolution; Display an example with r=0.01r = 0.01; Simplify the discussion of large fields; Corrected minor errors and typos; Added references; 41 pages LaTeX, 25 figure

    Optimal designs for stated choice experiments that incorporate ties

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    In 1970 Davidson generalised the Bradley-Terry model to allow respondents to say that the two options presented in a choice task were equally attractive. In this paper we extend this idea to the MNL model with m options in each choice set and we show that the optimal designs for the MNL model are also optimal in this setting. © 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Hairy Leukoplakia

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    Oral hairy leukoplakia (OHL) is a disease of the mucosa first described in 1984. This pathology is associated with Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) and occurs mostly in people with HIV infection, both immunocompromised and immunocompetent, and can affect patients who are HIV negative. [1, 2] The first case in an HIV-negative patient was reported in 1999 in a 56-year-old patient with acute lymphocytic leukemia. Later, many cases were reported in heart, kidney, and bone marrow transplant recipients and patients with hematological malignancies. [3, 4

    A Microscopic Derivation of the SO(5)-Symmetric Landau-Ginzburg Potential

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    We construct a microscopic model of electron interactions which gives rise to both superconductivity and antiferromagnetism, and which admits an approximate SO(5) symmetry that relates these two phases. The symmetry can be exact, or it may exist only in the long-wavelength limit, depending on the detailed form of the interactions. We compute the macroscopic Landau-Ginzburg free energy for this model as a function of temperature and doping, by explicitly integrating out the fermions. We find that the resulting phase diagram can resemble that observed for the cuprates, with the antiferromagnetism realized as a spin density wave, whose wavelength might be incommensurate with the lattice spacing away from half filling.Comment: 29 pp., plain TeX, 7 figures, uses macros.tex (included) and epsf.tex; added subject clas
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