70 research outputs found

    Media Image as One of the Components for Formation of Media Aesthetic Code of the Region

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    Статья поступила в редакцию 12.01.2023 г.В статье рассматривается медиаобраз как одна из составляющих формирования медиаэстетического кода региона. Анализ научной литературы, посвященной данному вопросу, показал, что в последнее время интерес исследователей различных направлений и научных школ к вопросу изучения медиаобраза регионов возрастает. В то же время исследований, рассматривающих медиаобраз региона в контексте его медиаэстетического кода, нами не обнаружено. Статья направлена на восполнение этого пробела, в чем и заключается актуальность и новизна исследования. Авторы показывают, что образ, конструируемый в медиапространстве региона, служит основой формирования медиаэстетического кода данного региона. На основе анализа материалов, опубликованных в средствах массовой информации (сайт 1obl.ru), делается вывод о некотором несоответствии между вербальным и визуальным контентом. Из-за этого создается отрицательный медиаобраз города, что негативно сказывается на формировании медиаэстетического кода города и региона. В статье сформулированы универсальные рекомендации по оптимизации изовербального контента, которые могут быть экстраполированы на деятельность других локальных редакций.The article considers the media image as one of the components of the formation of the media aesthetic code of the region. An analysis of the scientific literature devoted to this issue has shown that recently the interest of researchers from various fields and scientific schools in the study of the media image of the regions has been increasing. At the same time, we have not found any studies that consider the media image of the region in the context of its media aesthetic code. The proposed article is aimed at filling this gap, which is the relevance and novelty of the proposed study. The authors show that the image constructed in the media space of the region serves as the basis for the formation of the media aesthetic code of the region. Based on the analysis of materials published in the media (website 1obl.ru), a conclusion is made about some discrepancy between verbal and visual content. Because of this, a negative media image of the city is created, which negatively affects the formation of the media aesthetic code of the city and region. The article formulates universal recommendations for optimizing isoverbal content, which can be extrapolated to the activities of other local editorial offices

    Complex oteneurological evaluation of vestibular disoders in mild blast traumatic brain injury

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    Due to the non-specific character of the symptoms complex and certain difficulties in clinical evaluation, it is important to develop diagnostic criteria for the vestibular symptoms in patients with blast traumatic brain injury due to the explosive effect for maintaining high quality of life and full social adaptation. Objective. To analyze the vestibular symptoms in those injured during a military traumatic injury due to an explosive effect. Materials and methods: the results of clinical and instrumental studies of 39 patients who were examined and treated in the neurotrauma department of the State Institution “Romodanov Neurosurgery Institute of National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine”, with documented mine-explosive head injury obtained in the armed conflict in Eastern Ukraine during the period of 2014–2017 were analyzed. Results: Most often and most clearly there is a certain stable clinical symptom complex; the statistically significant criteria of stabilographic indicators of quantitative assessment of the state of the vestibular system in patients with combat TBI caused by explosion were determined; the development and implementation of standardized evaluation and analysis of vestibular violations in combat TBI caused by explosions have an important clinical and expert value in the evaluation of vestibular dysfunction for medical-social and forensic medical examinations, timely adequate rehabilitation and social adaptation of participants of armed conflicts. Conclusions: According to the data of subjective audiometry, among examined patients with combat TBI caused by explosions, sensorineural hearing loss of various degrees of severity, including deafness was diagnosed in 29 (74.4 %) patients. Tonic audiometric curves of patients had mostly descending, or often a broken type. The complex of diagnostic criteria was based on the analysis of stabilographic indicators, specifically, the general center of gravity, the frequency-amplitude spectrum of the stabilogram, the integral index of the quality of the vestibular function for the definition of the vestibular system state of patients with combat TBI caused by explosions, that helps to determine the level of damage for the vestibular analyzer , the level of preservation of function and compensation of central regulatory mechanisms of the static-kinetic system. Violation of the vestibular function in combat TBI caused by explosions is an important military-civilian proble

    Carrying capacity of reinforced concrete beams of the compound cross-section of the span structures of bridges, extended by the paving slab

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    Problem. Experimental studies of load-carrying capacity of full-scale reinforced concrete bridge beams of typical 56 type project are described. The beams were dismantled from the existing bridge after 40 years of its operation and combined with fragments of precast-monolithic and precast ribbed paving slab, were used during the reconstruction of the old span structures for widening and simultaneous strengthening of their beams by way of extending the transverse section from above. Goal. Three prototypes of full-length reinforced concrete bridge beams with a total length of 14,06 m were tested, which had a folded cross-section, including a tare section of an existing beam of 0,85 m high and a fragment of a ribbed precast or precast monolithic plate, extended from above for joint work. Thus, the total height of the folded section of the reinforced prototype beams was 1,27…1,29 m. Methodology. The technique of testing the beams of the composite section was to obtain the maximum number of experimental data on a limited number of prototypes, in particular their carrying capacity for normal and inclined cross-sections. For this purpose, during the tests, different schemes of their loading with one or two concentrated forces were created for obtaining different types of destruction on the same prototype – by bending moment and transverse force. Originality. Therefore, the load-carrying capacity of the test beams in both normal and inclined cross-sections were studied. The main purpose of these studies is to evaluate the impact of the inclusion in the joint work with the existing beams of ribbed paving slab on the increase of their carrying capacity both in zonal moment and in transverse force compared with the carrying capacity of the only existing beams. Results and practical value. As the main result of the research, it was found that after the inclusion in the joint work of the ribbed paving slab the carrying capacity of normal and inclined cross-sections increased by 1,55-1,65 times, which is sufficient to provide load capacity of the expanded paving slab of bridge structures

    Collapse of the bridge span extended by prefabri-cated-monolitic plate after 30 years of operation

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    The structural solution of reconstruction of reinforced concrete bridge, built in 60th of the last century according to the scheme 3×22,2 m, with widening of the span structure from the G-7+2×0,75 m to G-10+2×1,5 m by precast-monolithic ribbed plate with cantilever overhangs is considered. The main advantages and disadvantages of this structural solution, which during the reconstruction of the bridge was a new scientific and technical development of the Lviv Polytechnic Institute and under the decision of the Scientific and Technical Council of the Ministry of Construction of Ukraine, were implemented in the reconstruction of bridges at the stage of experimental construction.During the reconstruction, the strengthening of the intermediate support was carried out, which, due to the erosion of the base under the foundation, had a one-sided inclination up to 30 cm. The strengthening is arranged on both sides of the existing support of 1,2 m diameter concrete pillars, supported on a rocky base, and united above by a monolithic reinforced concrete crossbar located within the height of the existing beams and the paving slab. Thus, for the two adjacent to this support spans, the static scheme was changed from a simply supported section to a frame-non-slit with a rigid knot above the support capable of perceiving the bending moment and thereby reducing the bending moment in the span, that is, to strengthen the beams. However, due to the mistake made in the bridge reconstruction project – the lack of a pressure longitudinal working armature in a rigid frame assembly, the statically indetermination over the support was fictitious and did not provide strengthening of the beams in adjacent spans.The circumstances of the accident of the reconstructed bridge after 30 years of its operation with the destruction and collapse of the beams of medium (channel) span are described. Inspection and analysis of the operating conditions revealed significant violations of the normative rules for maintaining the bridge and the presence of non-liquidated defects of the paving slab and the bridge web, which in time caused the corrosion and destruction of concrete shelves (compressed zone) of existing beams, as well as a significant reduction in their strength and destruction from the crush of the compressed zone without any warning signs to the fluidity of the longitudinal working armature.Checking calculations of the extended span structure for the load normalized at the time of designing are performed in order to check the correctness of the made design decisions of reconstruction, as well as the actual operating loads at the time of destruction of the span structure. These calculations confirmed the possibility of the destruction of the beams due to the decrease of concrete strength.In the conclusion, the causes of the bridge accident are formulated as a result of a coincidence of adverse factors: unpatched defects of the plate and bridge pavement, designers’ error, violation of the rules of bridge operation

    Problems of Rural Sustainable Development in Ukraine

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    Od ponad 30 lat świat skupia się na koncepcji równowagi pomiędzy gospodarką a ekologią pod kątem potrzeby własnego rozwoju społecznego. To naukowe podejście nosi miano zrównoważonego rozwoju. Według raportu Komisji Bruntlanda z 1987 r. „rozwój zrównoważony to rozwój, który spełnia potrzeby teraźniejsze, nie zakłócając możliwości przyszłych pokoleń zaspokojenia ich własnych potrzeb”. W rolnictwie mówimy o zrównoważonym rozwoju jako równowadze trzech aspektów, a mianowicie ekonomicznego, ekologicznego i społecznego. Głównym celem artykułu jest analiza ekonomicznych, ekologicznych i społecznych warunków rozwoju rolnictwa. Analiza oficjalnych danych statystycznych (State Statistics Service of Ukraine), materiałów badawczych naukowców ukraińskich i zagranicznych oraz wyniki własnych badań autorów pokazują, że w polityce rolnej Ukrainy dużą wagę przywiązuje się do funkcji produkcyjnych, ale w niewystarczającym stopniu podkreśla się problem rozwoju społecznego, leżący u podstaw doświadczenia w zarządzaniu rolnictwem na Ukrainie. Wnioski te opierają się na analizie wskaźników makroekonomicznych rolnictwa, podstawowym prawodawstwie Ukrainy i propozycjach naukowych autorów.For more than 30 years the world has been focusing on the idea of economy and ecology balance in terms of the need for its own social development. Such scientific approaches are called sustainable development. According to the 1987 Bruntland Report “sustainable development is development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs”. In agriculture, we speak about a sustainable development as the balance of three aspects, namely economic, ecological and social. The main purpose of the article is to analyse the economic, ecological and social conditions of agricultural development. The analysis of official statistical data (State Statistics Service of Ukraine), research materials of Ukrainian and foreign scientists and own research results of the authors shows that Ukrainian agricultural policy pays much attention to the productive function, but it does not pay enough attention to the problem of social development, which underlays the experience of the state management of agriculture of Ukraine. These conclusions are based on the analysis of the macroeconomic indicators of the agriculture, the Ukrainian legislative base and the scientific proposals of the authors

    Клінічні особливості застосування високочастотної технології електрозварювання і холодно-плазмової коагуляції при видаленні внутрішньочерепних кістозних менінгіом

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    The aim of the work: improving surgical technique and reducing intraoperative blood loss by means of soft tissue electric welding (EW) and the use of cold-plasma coagulation during the curative operations for patients with extracerebral cystic meningiomas.Materials and Methods. At the Department of Extracerebral Tumors and Endoscopic Neurosurgery of A. Romodanov Neurosurgery Institute, National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine from 2012 to 2017 there were conducted surgical interventions for 54 patients (22 men aged from 20 to 79 years old and 32 women aged from 42 to 77 years old) with supratentorial cystic tumors, using the soft tissue EW generator (multifunctional and cross functional device EKVZ - 300 "PATONMED").Results and Discussion. The HPC method has high tolerability, provides a high rate of wound epithelialization, is painless and shows a decrease in exudation. Studying of the terms of complete wound epithelization showed an accelerated recovery rate of the epithelium and decrease of the recurrence rate. With considering low cicatricial changes after the use of HPC it can be recommend as a method of CNS tumors surgery in order to prevent the secondary postoperative epileptic syndromes.Nowadays, together with the staff members of Paton Electric Welding Institute we are actively working on the development and imple­mentation into practice of a new method of contactless thermospray treatment of living tissues, which makes it possible to achieve stable hemostasis quickly and effectively if there is bleeding from vessels up to 3 mm in diameter, or from the parenchymatous organs, also it contributes to successful bloodless tissue dissection, thermoablation of tumors and metastases. Implementation of the technique of contactless thermospray treatment of living tissues proves its effectiveness in preventing wound infections and significant tissue damage, which makes it indispensable providing the surgical treatment in hospitals and in outpatient conditions.Conclusions. There is presented the data of our own researches of use the high-frequency technology of electric welding and cold-plasma coagulation during intracranial meningiomas removal. The application of surgical welding technologies allows us to shorten the duration of surgical procedure, to provide a stable hemostasis, to reduce the blood loss volume, to decrease the number of complications and to minimize the use of suture materials.Цель работы: улучшить оперативную технику и снизить интраоперационную кровопотерю методом электросварки (ЭС) мяг­ких тканей и применения холодно-плазменной коагуляции в ходе выполнения радикальных оперативных вмешательств у па­циентов с ВКМ.Материалы и методы. В отделении внемозговых опухолей и эндоскопической нейрохирургии ГУ “Институт нейрохирургии им. акад. А. П. Ромоданова НАМН Украины” ” в течение 5 лет (2012 – 2017 гг.) выполнено 54 оперативных вмешательства (у 22 мужчин в возрасте от 20 до 79 лет и 32 женщин от 42 до 77 лет) при ВКМ различной локализации с использованием генератора ЭС мягких тканей, представленным многофункциональным и универсальным аппаратом ЕКВЗ-300 “ПАТОНМЕД”. Все опухоли были супратенториальной локализации.Результаты исследований и их обсуждение. Метод ГПК обладает хорошей переносимостью, обеспечивает високий темп эпителизации раны, отличается отсутствием боли и уменьшением экссудации. Изучение сроков полной эпителизации раны показали ускоренные темпы восстановления эпителия ТМО и уменьшение числа рецидивов заболевания. Отсутствие рубцовых изменений после использования ГПК позволяет рекомендовать применение метода для лечения опухолей ЦНС с целью профилактики вторичного постоперационного эписиндрома.В настоящее время совместно с сотрудниками Института электросварки им. Е. О. Патона ведется активная работа по разработке и внедрению в практику новой методики бесконтактной термоструйной обработки живых тканей (БТОЖТ), позволяющей быстро и эффективно достичь стойкого гемостаза при кровотечении из сосудов диаметром до 3 мм, паренхиматозных органов, выполнить бескровное рассечение тканей, термоабляцию опухолей и метастазов. Применение методики БТОЖТ доказывает ее эффективность в профилактике гнойных осложнений при обширных поражениях тканей, что делает ее незаменимой при оказании хирургической помощи в стационарах и амбулаторных условиях.Мета роботи: поліпшити оперативну техніку і зменшити інтраопераційну крововтрату методом електрозварювання (ЕЗ) м’яких тканин і застосування холодно-плазмової коагуляції в ході виконання радикальних оперативних втручань у пацієнтів із ВКМ.Матеріали і методи. У відділенні позамозкових пухлин і ендоскопічної нейрохірургії ДУ “Інститут нейрохірургії імені акад. А. П. Ромоданова НАМН України” протягом 5 років (2012 – 2017 рр.) проведено 54 оперативні втручання при ВКМ різної локалізації з використанням генератора ЕЗ м’яких тканин, представленим багатофункціональним і універсальним апаратом ЕКВЗ- 300 “ПАТОНМЕД”. Всі пухлини були супратенторіальної локалізації.Результати досліджень та їх обговорення. Метод ГПК має хорошу переносимість, забезпечує високий темп епітелізації рани, відрізняється відсутністю болю і зменшенням ексудації. Вивчення термінів повної епітелізації рани показали прискорені темпи відновлення епітелію ТМО і зменшення числа рецидивів захворювання. Відсутність рубцевих змін після використання ГПК дозволяє рекомендувати застосування методу для лікування пухлин ЦНС з метою профілактики вторинного постопераційного епісиндрому.Нині спільно із співробітниками Інституту електрозварювання імені Є. О. Патона триває активна робота з розробки та впровадження в практику нової методики безконтактної термоструминної обробки живих тканин (БТОЖТ), що дозволяє швидко і ефективно досягти стійкого гемостазу при кровотечі з судин діаметром до 3-х мм, паренхіматозних органів, виконати безкровний розтин тканин, термоабляцію пухлин і метастазів.Застосування методики БТОЖТ доводить її ефективність у профілактиці гнійних ускладнень при значних ураженнях тканин, що робить її незамінною при наданні хірургічної допомоги в стаціонарах і в амбулаторних умовах