17 research outputs found

    Photoabsorption and photoion spectroscopy of atomic uranium in the region of 6p and 5d excitations

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    The photoabsorption process in atomic uranium has been investigated experimentally and theoretically in the 15–150-eV region. Using the dual laser plasma technique, the 6p photoabsorption spectrum has been recorded while for the first time the 5d region has been remeasured photoelectrically using both photoabsorption and photoion spectroscopy. Interpretation of the photoabsorption spectra is supported by Hartree-Fock calculations which take into account spin-flip decay and the interaction of many discrete states with many continua. The 6p spectrum is entirely dominated by spin-orbit split 6p⃗6d transitions. The 5d-subshell photoabsorption is shown to consist predominantly of discrete 5d⃗5f excitations; here the electrostatic and spin-orbit interactions are comparable in strength

    Energy level structure of the ground configuration in the Er3+ free ion

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    Energy levels of the ground configuration [Xe]4f11 in the Er3+ ion are reported from relativistic configuration interaction calculations. Calculations are performed using the relativistic atomic structure package GRASP2K, which implements the multiconfiguration Dirac–Hartree–Fock method. The Breit transverse interaction and leading QED effects are included as perturbations. The final energies of 41 levels are compared with results from experiment and semi-empirical methods

    Energy level structure of Er3+

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    AtomicenergylevelsandE2andM1transitionratesarereportedforthe[Xe]4f11 ground configurationinEr3þ from relativisticmulticonfigurationDirac–Hartree–Fockandcon- figuration interactioncalculations.TheBreittransverseinteractionandleadingQED effectsareincludedasperturbations.Differentstrategiesfordescribingelectroncorrela- tion effectsaretestedandevaluated.Thecalculatedenergylevelsarecomparedwith experimentandresultsfromsemi-empiricalmethods

    Analysis of 5p 6

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    Tungsten spectra recorded at the LHD and comparison with calculations

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    We have measured extreme ultraviolet (EUV) spectra from highly charged tungsten ions in low-density and high-temperature plasmas produced in the Large Helical Device at the National Institute for Fusion Science. The EUV spectra emitted after injection of a tungsten pellet into a hydrogen plasma were recorded at plasma temperatures of 1.5 and 3 keV and were dominated by an intense transition array in the 4.5–6.5 nm region, the profile and extent of which was different in both spectra. Some discrete lines present were identified by comparison with existing spectral data while atomic structure calculations showed that the dominant emission in both arose from Δn = 0, n = 4–n = 4 transitions and the main differences could be attributed to the appearance of the 4p–4d and 4s–4p transitions from W XXXIX to W XLVI in the higher temperature spectrum. Comparison with calculations showed that the dominant emission in both temperature regimes arose from stages where the 4f subshell was either almost or completely stripped. We also investigated if the effect of low density favours transitions to the lowest level as observed in recently reported results.Science Foundation IrelandOther funderJapan Society for the Promotion of Scienceau, sp, ab, st, en, li - TS 30.03.1