1,214 research outputs found

    Pathomorphological Markers of the Explosive Wave Action on Human Brain

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    Introduction. The increased attention of researchers to an explosive trauma around the world is associated with a constant renewal of military weapons and a significant increase in terrorist activities using explosive devices. Explosive wave is a well known damaging factor of explosion. The most sensitive to the action of explosive wave in the human body are the head brain, lungs, intestines, urine bladder. The severity of damage to these organs depends on the distance from the explosion epicenter to the object, the power of the explosion, presence of barriers, parameters of the body position, and the presence of protective clothing. One of the places where a shock wave acts, in human tissues and organs, is the vascular endothelial barrier, which suffers the greatest damage in the head brain and lungs. The objective of the study was to determine the pathomorphological changes of the head brain followed the action of explosive wav

    Повышение академической мобильности как важнейшее условие формирования образовательной инициативы студентов

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    In the present article the author describes the new conditions and forms of academic mobility in Russia. The author gives grounds for the importance of international education programs for to enhance the learning activities of students of modern universities.В данной статье автор описывает новые условия и формы академической мобильности в России, обосновывает значение международных образовательных программ для активизации учебной деятельности студентов современных вузов

    Phase-transitions in spin-crossover thin films probed by graphene transport measurements

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    Future multi-functional hybrid devices might combine switchable molecules and 2D material-based devices. Spin-crossover compounds are of particular interest in this context since they exhibit bistability and memory effects at room temperature while responding to numerous external stimuli. Atomically-thin 2D materials such as graphene attract a lot of attention for their fascinating electrical, optical, and mechanical properties, but also for their reliability for room-temperature operations. Here, we demonstrate that thermally-induced spin-state switching of spin-crossover nanoparticle thin films can be monitored through the electrical transport properties of graphene lying underneath the films. Model calculations indicate that the charge carrier scattering mechanism in graphene is sensitive to the spin-state dependence of the relative dielectric constants of the spin-crossover nanoparticles. This graphene sensor approach can be applied to a wide class of (molecular) systems with tunable electronic polarizabilities.Comment: main text: 13 pages, 5 figures ; SI: 14 pages, 12 figure

    Quality of life - the factor of Russia success at present and in the future

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    The quality of life and human development - these concepts are substantial characteristics of contemporary approaches to the challenges of economic growth and development of society. The quality of life in contemporary quality concepts means the integrated characteristics of social-economic, political, cultural-ideologic, ecologic factors and living conditions and social status of a person. State policy in the field of regulating population’s quality of life and living standards is the basis of creating totally new work force, essential needs in material wealth, life quality and working conditions indicators. We consider the definition "quality of life" within the concept of human development to define the system of the factors influencing it. We review the modern approaches to the analysis of the quality of life. Features and aspects of quality of life are considered, its role in social and economic development of the country is analysed. The main criteria define specifics of human development and social wellbeing of the population. To evaluate the quality of life of the population we use the statistical analysis of the United Nations (UN), Human Development Index (HDI).We conclude that the level of life is an integrated social and economic category that presents the level of development of physical, immaterial and social needs which influence the quality of life and population wellbeing Index

    Traditional Use of Natural Resources of Local Old Believer (Semeiski) communities of Transbaikalia in the 18th—20th Centuries: Theoretical and Methodological Basis of the Study

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    Some theoretical aspects of the study of the traditional nature management of local Old Believer (Semei) communities living in Transbaikalia are considered. On the basis of the available theoretical works of cultural geography, ethnology, cultural studies, sociology and other related disciplines, the analysis of the concepts of “local community”, “life support”, “traditional nature management” in relation to Old Believer communities has been carried out. An attempt has been made to identify the merits of studying the Old Believers in Transbaikalia using the category of the local community. It is shown that in a comprehensive study of local communities of the Semeiskaya Transbaikalia, the following elements emerge: nature as the life environment of Old Believer communities, natural resources, traditions and a set of actions that regulate social and industrial life, the religious basis that determines the behavior of the community and its individual members, the main material and spiritual needs, to the satisfaction of which most of the energy of human collectives is directed. It is noted that the concept of “life support” is diverse, dynamic and has wide adaptive capabilities. The category of traditional nature management is used to study the cultural and geographical continuity of the Semeiskys and the specifics of their life support in the conditions of the Trans-Baikal geographic environment. In this regard, the traditional use of natural resources of Semeiskiye is presented as a set of strategies for the rational use of natural and land resources

    Traditional Animal Husbandry of Transbaikalia Old Believers (Semeiskiye): Dynamics and Symbolism

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    The article is devoted to traditional animal husbandry in the economic complexes of the Old Believers (Semeiskie), who live in Transbaikalia, in valleys of the rivers Selenga, Khilok and Chikoy since the mid-18th century. It is noted that Semeiskiye animal husbandry was always of subsidiary nature and included the breeding of large and small cattle. Livestock complex is considered in the dynamics during the 19th, 20th and early 21st century. It is shown that the transformation processes in Semeiskiye farms associated with historical transitions that occurred in the 20th century, such as the establishment of Soviet power, the perestroika period, determined the modern look of livestock farming. The author points out that Semeiskiye non-material culture contains many elements of pagan themes of the pre-Petrine era, expressed in rites, beliefs and omens. In the article one can trace it in relation to animals and the products obtained from them. It is reported that the special attitude of Old Believers is saved to the horse. The author proves that it is a relict phenomenon of the old Slavic ancient horse cult, which can be observed in our days. When writing this work, archival sources were used, firstly introduced into scientific circulation, as well as field materials of the author for 2007-2017