4 research outputs found


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    ABSTRACT          Sponge  Aplysina  sp. is one of  the marine biota , which  has bioactive  compounds  that can be used  as medicinal ingredients. This study aims to determine the antimicrobial  potential of the extracts and fractions  of  sponge Aplysina  sp., against  microbes tested of  Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, and  Candida albicans. Aplysina  sp., sponge was extracted  using maceration method with  ethanol solvent and fractionated using methanol, n-hexan and chloroform solvents. To test  the antimicrobial  activity carried  out by disk diffusion agar method and observations carried out 24 hours incubation period, with inhibition zones measured using a digital caliper. The results showed that samples of  Aplysina  sp.,  proved to have antimicrobial compounds  to inhibit  Gram –positive bacteria  Staphylococcus aureus, and Gram- negative bacteria  Escherichia coli, with  the highest inhibitory  zone activity, and found  in Gram –positive Staphylococcus aureus bacteria   with measurements of 7,37 mm. Keywords: Sponge Aplysina  sp, Antimicrobial, Extraction,  Fractionation. ABSTRAK           Spons  Aplysina sp  merupakan salah satu  biota laut yang memiliki senyawa bioaktif yang dapat dijadikan  sebagai bahan obat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui potensi antimikroba dari  Ekstrak dan Fraksi  Spons  Aplysina sp  Terhadap Mikroba Uji  Echerichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, dan Candida albicans. Spons Aplysina sp diekstraksi  menggunakan metode maserasi dengan pelarut etanol dan difraksinasi  menggunakan  pelarut methanol, n-hexan, dan Kloroform. Untuk pengujian aktivitas antimikroba dilakukan dengan metode  difusi agar  dan  pengamatan dilakukan  1x24  jam  masa inkubasi,  dengan zona hambat diukur menggunakan  digital caliper. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan  bahwa sampel  Spons  Aplysina sp terbukti memiliki senyawa antimikroba untuk menghambat bakteri Gram positif  Staphylococcus aureus  dan  bakteri  Gram  negatif  Echerichia coli, dengan aktivitas zona hambat  tertinggi,  terdapat  pada  bakteri  Gram  positif   Staphylococcus  aureus  dengan hasil pengukuran  7,37 mm. Kata Kunci : Spons  Aplysina sp,  Antimikroba, Ekstraksi, Fraksinasi

    Perspectives of nurses' role in interprofessional pharmaceutical care across 14 European countries: A qualitative study in pharmacists, physicians and nurses.

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    OBJECTIVES: To understand healthcare professionals' experiences and perceptions of nurses' potential or ideal roles in pharmaceutical care (PC). DESIGN: Qualitative study conducted through semi-structured in-depth interviews. SETTING: Between December 2018 and October 2019, interviews were conducted with healthcare professionals of 14 European countries in four healthcare settings: hospitals, community care, mental health and long-term residential care. PARTICIPANTS: In each country, pharmacists, physicians and nurses in each of the four settings were interviewed. Participants were selected on the basis that they were key informants with broad knowledge and experience of PC. DATA COLLECTION AND ANALYSIS: All interviews were conducted face to face. Each country conducted an initial thematic analysis. Consensus was reached through a face-to-face discussion of all 14 national leads. RESULTS: 340 interviews were completed. Several tasks were described within four potential nursing responsibilities, that came up as the analysis themes, being: 1) monitoring therapeutic/adverse effects of medicines, 2) monitoring medicines adherence, 3) decision making on medicines, including prescribing 4) providing patient education/information. Nurses' autonomy varied across Europe, from none to limited to a few tasks and emergencies to a broad range of tasks and responsibilities. Intended level of autonomy depended on medicine types and level of education. Some changes are needed before nursing roles can be optimised and implemented in practice. Lack of time, shortage of nurses, absence of legal frameworks and limited education and knowledge are main threats to European nurses actualising their ideal role in PC. CONCLUSIONS: European nurses have an active role in PC. Respondents reported positive impacts on care quality and patient outcomes when nurses assumed PC responsibilities. Healthcare professionals expect nurses to report observations and assessments. This key patient information should be shared and addressed by the interprofessional team. The study evidences the need of a unique and consensus-based PC framework across Europe