444 research outputs found

    Beban Penyakit Nasional Karena Tuberkulosis Paru

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    Besarnya masalah TB di negara berkembang termasuk Indonesia sangat besar dan memerlukan penanggulangan yang sungguh-sungguh. Masalahnya menjadi lebih unik karena penyakit ini terutama mengenai penduduk usia produktif (15-59 tahun) yang merupakan tulang punggung keluarga dan masyarakat.Tersedianya teknologi diagnostik dan obat anti tuberkulosis yang ampuh, tidak menjamin efektivitas program pemberantasan, karena banyaknya kendala yang dihadapi.Untuk Indonesia pemberantasan Tuberkulosis merupakan salah satu prioritas utama karena tingkat kesakitan dan kematian yang tinggi serta dampak ekonomi negatif yang ditanggung oleh keluarga, masyarakat dan negara

    Strong coupling of magnons in a YIG sphere to photons in a planar superconducting resonator in the quantum limit

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    We report measurements of a superconducting coplanar waveguide resonator (CPWR) coupled to a sphere of yttrium-iron garnet. The non-uniform CPWR field allows us to excite various magnon modes in the sphere. Mode frequencies and relative coupling strengths are consistent with theory. Strong coupling is observed to several modes even with, on average, less than one excitation present in the CPWR. The time response to square pulses shows oscillations at the mode splitting frequency. These results indicate the feasibility of combining magnonic and planar superconducting quantum devices.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Analysis of Potential Health and Economic Impact Oflarge Avian Influenza Epidemics in Indonesia

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    The analysis of potential health and economic impacts from large epidemics on avian flu in Indonesia had been conducted using several sources including data from health, agriculture, tourism and transportation sectors. This analysis aimed to socialize the understanding on negative impacts and the size of burden if a large epidemic happened in lndonesia. It was estimated 43.2 million people will suffer from avian flu with a total deaths in the first two weeks at about 525.000 persons and 605.000 cases need hospitalized in the first 2 (two) months of epidemics. The cost needed for case managements reach 539.9 million US Dollars. In agriculture sector, the direct lost because of disease or stumping out of poultry reached 97.2 million US Dollars and the preventing cost using vaccines for poultry is 74.7 million US Dollars. In tourism sector. the losses reached 8.6 million Dollars and in transportation sector reached 1.7 milliard US Dollars just in the first two months. The negative impact will increase if the epidemic was in a long duration or the virus type is more virulent. So the government and community efforts to do promotion and preventive activities including preventing the virus transmission in poultry, to protect if the epidemic starts and to decrease the negative impacts for community health is important to manage the situation

    Building capacity for mortality statistics programs: Perspectives from the Indonesian experience

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    Information on deaths by age, sex, and cause are primary inputs for health policy and epidemiological research. Currently, most developing countries lack efficient death registration systems that generate these data on a routine and timely basis. The global community is promoting initiatives to establish and strengthen national mortality statistics programs across the developing world. Building human, technical, and institutional capacity to operate these programs are essential elements for the program. In Indonesia, the government has established a national Sample Registration System (SRS) covering a population of 9 million and is looking toward further scaling up of operations of the mortality statistics program in conjunction with expansion of the national Civil Registration and Vital Statistics (CRVS) systems. This article reports the theoretical and practical perspectives gained from experiences in developing human capacity in the Indonesian context. These perspectives are described in terms of the institutional, personnel, and functional components of the program for collection, compilation, analysis, and utilisation of mortality and cause of death data. The article also describes the challenges and potential solutions for implementing capacity building activities at national and subnational level. In conclusion, the need for and availability of training resources are discussed, including the potential for involvement of public health academia and international collaborations within a research framework on program management, quality evaluation, and data utilisation. Adequate attention to capacity building is essential to ensure the success and sustainability of national mortality statistics programs.CR and MK are partially supported by a development partnership grant from the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Australia, which also supports part of the capacity building activities described in this manuscript

    Dampak Kesehatan dan Ekonomi Perilaku Merokok Dl Indonesia

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    Indonesia is the fifth largest country in the world for tobacco consumption. Objective of the study is to estimate the health and economic impact of smoking behavior in 2005. Data used include National Socio economic Survey 2004, National Health Survey 2004, Population Projection for 2005, Medical expenditures of diseases related to tobacco collected from central government hospitals in Jakarta and the Indonesian Abridged Life Table. Global Burden of Disease method is used to estimate the disease burden. The results show that in 2005, about 399,800 people died due to diseases related to tobaccoor about 26% of total deaths (1,539,288). About 3, 846,373 DALYs (productive years) were lost due to premature mortality and 1,502,900 DALYs were lost due to morbidity and disability. The macro-economic loss due to tobacco was estimated in the amount of 44 Trillion Rupiahs and total medical expenditure due to tobacco was estimated in the amount of 2 Trillion rupiahs. Average cigarette consumption per person per day was 11 sticks or 330 sticks per month. Total budget spent in one month was Rp. 165,000 or equal to 20 days of income, based on Regional Minimum Wages (in Jakarta) of Rp. 8, 000 per person per day. It is concluded that smoking behavior produces negative health and economic impact at macro level aswell as at individual level. Therefore Cost-effective policies to control tobacco as suggested in the Framework Convention of Tobacco Control can reduce the negative impact of smoking behavior

    An Exploration of Cultural Perception and Communities Behaviour Related to Mortality: a Qualitative Study of Communities in Solo and Pekalongan, Central Java Province

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    Mortality data and understanding death patterns are considered to be essential for developing evidence-based health policy. This article is a qualitative research, examines current cultural perceptions of death in Indonesia that include a prominent and sensitive belief that emerged at the time of mourning/loss in Solo City and Pekalongan District, Central Java Province. The data collection was done by Focus group discussions (FGDs) with mosque officials, local health workers, local midwives, and staff of the community council, local school teachers, and local business people. Semi-structured interviews (SSIs) are conducted with key informants of bereaved and non-bereaved household. Also observation of the local economy and community activity patterns, modes of subsistence, cultural beliefs. The study revealed thatdeath notification and activities subsequent to a death fall into two parallel domains, the religious and the secular. Beliefs in the afterlife and the imperative of a speedy burial, with all that this implies in terms of treatment and disposal of the corpse, belong to the religious domain. The procedure for obtaining a death certificate occurs in a juridical framework also as the driving force to meet the needs of data on causes of death, acquire legal and financial arrangements associated with the death of household members, for example for inheritance issues. A further issue of interest was the timing of the verbal autopsy (VA). Ideally the VA should occur in the home of the deceased's family within 7-30 days after the death, and be conducted by a health official possibly accompanied by an office-bearing member of the local community. Coordination between all parties involved in the treatment of death is quite feasible

    Competition between electric field and magnetic field noise in the decoherence of a single spin in diamond

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    We analyze the impact of electric field and magnetic field fluctuations in the decoherence of the electronic spin associated with a single nitrogen-vacancy (NV) defect in diamond by engineering spin eigenstates protected either against magnetic noise or against electric noise. The competition between these noise sources is analyzed quantitatively by changing their relative strength through modifications of the environment. This study provides significant insights into the decoherence of the NV electronic spin, which is valuable for quantum metrology and sensing applications.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures, including supplementary information

    Peranan Farmako-ekonomi dalam Sistem Pelayanan Kesehatan di Indonesia

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    Pharmacoeconomics has been defined as "the description and analysis of the costs of drug therapy to health care systems and society" Pharmacoeconomic research identifies, measures, and compares the costs (resources consumed),and consequences (clinical, economics, and humanistic) of pharmaceutical product and services. Within this framework, research and methods related to cost-minimization, cost-effectiveness, quality-of-life and other humanistic assessments are included. In-essence, pharmacoeconomic analysis uses tools for examining the impact of alternative drug therapies and other medical interventions. The goal of this study is to explain about the roles of pharmacoeconomics on health servicesm Indonesia. Through descriptive analysis method, the results present pharmaceutical analysis status in Indonesia, the principle of pharmacoeconomics, cost-utility analysis, decision analysis, and pharmacoeconomic guidance for health system services as well. Besides, pharmaceutical products in public health legislation, post marketing surveillance, relationship between pharmacoeconomic evaluation and clinical trials, as well as pharmacoeconomic application in social health insurance are presented. Pharmaceutical products utilization in health services followed by cost utility evaluation and cost effectiveness as well as impact evaluation of quality adjusted life years of patients become important conclusions of the study