889 research outputs found


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    The goal of this thesis is to determine the feasibility and provide a proof of concept for a covert communications channel based on induced clock skew. Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) timestamps provide a means for measuring clock skew between two hosts. By intentionally altering timestamps, a host can induce artificial clock skew as measured by the receiver, thereby providing a means to covertly communicate. A novel scheme for transforming symbols into skew values is developed in this work, along with methods for extraction at the receiver. We tested the proposed scheme in a laboratory network consisting of Dell laptops running Ubuntu 16.04. The results demonstrated a successful implementation of the proposed covert channel with achieved bit rates as high as 33 bits per second under ideal conditions. Forward error correction was also successfully employed in the form of a Reed–Solomon code to mitigate the effects of variation in delay over the Internet.Lieutenant, United States NavyApproved for public release; distribution is unlimited

    Magnetic order in Ce0.95Nd0.05CoIn5: the Q-phase at zero magnetic field

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    We report neutron scattering experiment results revealing the nature of the magnetic order occurring in the heavy fermion superconductor Ce0.95Nd0.05CoIn5, a case for which an antiferromagnetic state is stabilized at a temperature below the superconducting transition one. We evidence an incommensurate order and its propagation vector is found to be identical to that of the magnetic field induced antiferromagnetic order occurring in the stoichiometric superconductor CeCoIn5, the so-called Q-phase. The commonality between these two cases suggests that superconductivity is a requirement for the formation of this kind of magnetic order and the proposed mechanism is the enhancement of nesting condition by d-wave order parameter with nodes in the nesting area.Comment: submitted to Phys. Rev. Lett. on June 30th, 201

    Switching of the magnetic order in CeRhIn5x_{5-x}Snx_{x} in the vicinity of its quantum critical point

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    We report neutron diffraction experiments performed in the tetragonal antiferromagnetic heavy fermion system CeRhIn5x_{5-x}Snx_{x} in its (xx, TT) phase diagram up to the vicinity of the critical concentration xcx_c \approx 0.40, where long range magnetic order is suppressed. The propagation vector of the magnetic structure is found to be kIC\bf{k_{IC}}=(1/2, 1/2, klk_l) with klk_l increasing from klk_l=0.298 to klk_l=0.410 when xx increases from xx=0 to xx=0.26. Surprisingly, for xx=0.30, the order has changed drastically and a commensurate antiferromagnetism with kC\bf{k_{C}}=(1/2, 1/2, 0) is found. This concentration is located in the proximity of the quantum critical point where superconductivity is expected.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Antiferromagnetism and Superconductivity in CeRhIn5_5

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    We discuss recent results on the heavy fermion superconductor CeRhIn5_5 which presents ideal conditions to study the strong coupling between the suppression of antiferromagnetic order and the appearance of unconventional superconductivity. The appearance of superconductivity as function of pressure is strongly connected to the suppression of the magnetic order. Under magnetic field, the re-entrance of magnetic order inside the superconducting state shows that antiferromagnetism nucleates in the vortex cores. The suppression of antiferromagnetism in CeRhIn5_5 by Sn doping is compared to that under hydrostatic pressure.Comment: 6 pages, 8 figures, to be published in Proc. Int. Conf. Heavy Electrons (ICHE2010) J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 80 (2011

    Magnetic-field dependence of antiferromagnetic structure in CeRh1-xCoxIn5

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    We investigated effects of magnetic field H on antiferromagnetic (AF) structures in CeRh_{1-x}Co_xIn_5 by performing the elastic neutron scattering measurements. By applying H along the [1,-1,0] direction, the incommensurate AF state with the propagation vector of q_{h1}=(1/2,1/2,0.297) observed at H=0 is replaced by the commensurate AF state with the q_{c2} = (1/2, 1/2, 1/4) modulation above 2 T for x=0.23, while the AF states with the q_{c1}=(1/2,1/2,1/2) and q_{h2}=(1/2,1/2,0.42) modulations seen at H=0 change into a single q_{c1}-AF state above ~1.6 T for x=0.7. These results suggest the different types of AF correlation for Co concentrations of 0.23 and 0.7 in an applied magnetic field H.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, to appear in the proceedings of ICM2009 (Karlsruhe, Germany

    Thermoelectric response near a quantum critical point of beta-YbAlB4 and YbRh2Si2: A comparative study

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    The thermoelectric coefficients have been measured on the Yb-based heavy fermion compounds beta-YbAlB4 and YbRh2Si2 down to a very low temperature. We observe a striking difference in the behavior of the Seebeck coefficient, S in the vicinity of the Quantum Critical Point (QCP) in the two systems. As the critical field is approached, S/T enhances in beta-YbAlB4 but is drastically reduced in YbRh2Si2. While in the former system, the ratio of thermopower-to-specific heat remains constant, it drastically drops near the QCP in YbRh2Si2. In both systems, on the other hand, the Nernst coefficient shows a diverging behavior near the QCP. The results provide a new window to the way various energy scales of the system behave and eventually vanish near a QCP

    Bose-Einstein condensation and entanglement in magnetic systems

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    We present a study of magnetic field induced quantum phase transitions in insulating systems. A generalized scaling theory is used to obtain the temperature dependence of several physical quantities along the quantum critical trajectory (H=HCH=H_{C}, T0T\to0) where HH is a longitudinal external magnetic field and HCH_{C} the critical value at which the transition occurs. We consider transitions from a spin liquid at a critical field HC1H_{C1} and from a fully polarized paramagnet, at HC2H_{C2}, into phases with long range order in the transverse components. The transitions at HC1H_{C1} and HC2H_{C2} can be viewed as Bose-Einstein condensations of magnons which however belong to different universality classes since they have different values of the dynamic critical exponent zz. Finally, we use that the magnetic susceptibility is an entanglement witness to discuss how this type of correlation sets in as the system approaches the quantum critical point along the critical trajectory, H=HC2H=H_{C2}, T0T\to0.Comment: 7 pages, 1 Table; accepted version; changes in text and new reference

    Representation of Sound Objects within Early-Stage Auditory Areas: A Repetition Effect Study Using 7T fMRI.

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    Environmental sounds are highly complex stimuli whose recognition depends on the interaction of top-down and bottom-up processes in the brain. Their semantic representations were shown to yield repetition suppression effects, i. e. a decrease in activity during exposure to a sound that is perceived as belonging to the same source as a preceding sound. Making use of the high spatial resolution of 7T fMRI we have investigated the representations of sound objects within early-stage auditory areas on the supratemporal plane. The primary auditory cortex was identified by means of tonotopic mapping and the non-primary areas by comparison with previous histological studies. Repeated presentations of different exemplars of the same sound source, as compared to the presentation of different sound sources, yielded significant repetition suppression effects within a subset of early-stage areas. This effect was found within the right hemisphere in primary areas A1 and R as well as two non-primary areas on the antero-medial part of the planum temporale, and within the left hemisphere in A1 and a non-primary area on the medial part of Heschl's gyrus. Thus, several, but not all early-stage auditory areas encode the meaning of environmental sounds

    Quantum replica approach to the under-screened Kondo model

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    We extend the Schwinger boson large N treatment of the underscreened Kondo model in a way that correctly captures the finite elastic phase shift in the singular Fermi liquid. The new feature of the approach, is the introduction of a flavor quantum number with K possible values, associated with the Schwinger boson representation. The large N limit is taken maintaining the ratio k=K/N fixed. This approach differs from previous approaches, in that we do not explicitly enforce a constraint on the spin representation of the Schwinger bosons. Instead, the energetics of the Kondo model cause the bosonic degrees of freedom to ``self assemble'' into a ground-state in which the spins of K bosons and N-K conduction electrons are antisymmetrically arranged into a Kondo singlet. With this device, the large N limit can be taken, in such a way that a fraction K/N of the Abrikosov Suhl resonance is immersed inside the Fermi sea. We show how this method can be used to model the full energy dependence of the singular Abrikosov Suhl resonance in the underscreened Kondo model and the field-dependent magnetization.Comment: Revised draft, with plots explicitly showing logarithmic scaling of inverse coupling constant. Small corrections prior to submission to journa