227 research outputs found

    Лексическое наполнение современных газет российских немцев как реализация этнической функции языка

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    The purpose of our study was to determine the expression of the pro-apoptotic BAX protein in relation to the mutational status of BAX and p53 (as transcriptional activator of the BAX gene) in benign and malignant thyroid tissue. In 47 patients with thyroid tumours (14 follicular and 3 papillary carcinomas, 14 adenomas and 16 goitres), the DNA was screened for mutations of BAX (exon 1-6) and p53 (exon 5-8) by single-strand conformation polymorphism polymerase chain reaction (SSCP-PCR). Furthermore, the protein expression of BAX, p53 and p21 (which is also increased transcriptionally by p53) was investigated by immunohistochemistry. Surprisingly, we observed elevated BAX levels in patients with thyroid carcinomas compared with patients with adenomas (unpaired t-test: p<0.05) or with goitres (p<0.02). This is in clear contrast to other carcinomas where BAX is frequently inactivated which correlates to a poor prognosis (Sturm et al., 1999). There were no significant differences of the BAX levels between goitres or the adenomas. In the SSCP-PCR analysis, no BAX mutations were detectable. P53 mutation analysis by SSCP-PCR did not reveal any functional p53 mutations in the patients with carcinomas, adenomas or goitres. Nevertheless, patients with carcinomas showed an overexpression (preferentially cytoplasmic) of p53 protein compared with patients with benign tumours (p<0.05). The absence of p53 mutations suggests that the overexpressed p53 is wild type. This is in line with the expression profile of BAX and p21, which showed a higher protein expression in these p53 positive tumours (p<0.05 in the carcinomas compared with the non-malignant lesions). Consequently, the overexpressed p53 might be a correlate for dysregulation without loss of function. This, in turn, might be a reason for the good outcome of some patients with thyroid cancer

    Проект реконструкции подстанции 35/6 кВ Правобережная

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    Дипломная работа 74 с., 1 рисунков, 10 таблиц, 22 источника. Объектом исследования является подстанция «Правобережная». В работе проводится реконструкция подстанции, напряжением 35/6 кВ. Осуществляется установка трансформатора ТДНС 16000/35/6, для увеличения мощности. Для определения затрат на реконструкцию был произведен экономический расчет. Так же был произведен анализ производственной и экологической безопасности. Выпускная квалификационная работа выполнена с помощью программ Mathcad 15 и текстовом редакторе MS Word 2007 и представлена на компакт - диске (в конверте на обороте обложки).Thesis 74 p., 1 pictures, 10 tables, 22 source. The object of this study is to substation "Right-Bank". The work is carried out the reconstruction of substations 35/6 kV voltage. Implemented by installing the transformer TDNS 16000/35/6, ​​to increase capacity. To determine the costs for the reconstruction of economic calculation was made. The same was made the analysis of industrial and environmental safety. Final qualifying work done with Mathcad 15 programs and MS Word 2007 text editor, and is represented on the CD - ROM (in an envelope on the back cover)

    Использование метода моделирования ситуаций при обучении студентов вуза английскому языку

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    В статье описывается опыт проведения занятий по английскому языку у студентов второго курса направления "Горное дело" с использованием современного активного метода обучения case study. Отмечаются преимущества применения технологии моделирования ситуации при преподавании профессионально-ориентированного курса английского языка в вузе

    Missing effects of zinc in a porcine model of recurrent endotoxemia

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    BACKGROUND: Chronic human sepsis often is characterised by the compensatory anti-inflammatory response syndrome (CARS). During CARS, anti-inflammatory cytokines depress the inflammatory response leading to secondary and opportunistic infections. Proved in vitro as well as in vivo, zinc's pro-inflammatory effect might overcome this depression. METHODS: We used the model of porcine LPS-induced endotoxemia established by Klosterhalfen et al. 10 pigs were divided into two groups (n = 5). Endotoxemia was induced by recurrent intravenous LPS-application (1.0 μg/kg E. coli WO 111:B4) at hours 0, 5, and 12. At hour 10, each group received an intravenous treatment (group I = saline, group II = 5.0 mg/kg elementary zinc). Monitoring included hemodynamics, blood gas analysis, and the thermal dilution technique for the measurement of extravascular lung water and intrapulmonary shunt. Plasma concentrations of IL-6 and TNF-alpha were measured by ELISA. Morphology included weight of the lungs, width of the alveolar septae, and rate of paracentral liver necrosis. RESULTS: Zinc's application only trended to partly improve the pulmonary function. Compared to saline, significant differences were very rare. IL-6 and TNF-alpha were predominately measured higher in the zinc group. Again, significance was only reached sporadically. Hemodynamics and morphology revealed no significant differences at all. CONCLUSION: The application of zinc in this model of recurrent endotoxemia is feasible and without harmful effects. However, a protection or restoration of clinical relevance is not evident in our setting. The pulmonary function just trends to improve, cytokine liberation is only partly activated, hemodynamics and morphology were not influenced. Further pre-clinical studies have to define zinc's role as a therapeutic tool during CARS

    Особенности и закономерности изменения восстановлености углей башкирского яруса Западного Донбасса

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    В статье приведена детальная петрографическая характеристика углей башкирского яруса Западного Донбасса. Проведена классификация по восстановлености в соответствии с петрографическими типами. Установлены стратиграфические и площадные закономерности изменения степени восстановлености.У статті наведена детальна петрографічна характеристика вугілля башкирського ярусу Західного Донбасу. Проведена класифікація відновленості, згідно з петрографічними типами. Встановлені стратиграфічні та просторові закономірності зміни ступеню відновленості.The article gives detailed petrographic characteristics of coal of Bashkirian formation of Western Donbas. The classifications for recovery in accordance with petrographic types are given. The stratigraphic and areal patterns of change in the degree of recovery are established

    Оценка безотказности системы технического водоснабжения на энергоблоках атомных электростанций

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    Магистерская диссертация содержит 158 страниц, 29 рисунков, 23 источника, 18 таблиц, 7 приложений, 1 спецификация, 1 сборочный чертеж. Ключевые слова: парогенератор, погруженный дырчатый лист, влажность пара, критическая высота парового объема. Объектом исследования является парогенератор типа ПГВ-1000М. Цель работы: проведение промышленных сепарационных испытаний парогенераторов типа ПГВ-1000М, исследование влияния на качество пара уровня рабочего тела, нагрузки парового объёма. В результате исследования: – проведен анализ факторов, определяющих качество генерируемого пара в горизонтальных парогенераторах типа ПГВ. – рассмотрены и сопоставлены методы определения влажности, выявлены их преимущества и недостатки.Master's thesis contains 158 pages, 29 figures, 23 sources, 18 tables, 7 applications, 1 specification 1 assembly drawing. Keywords: steam generator, immersed perforated sheet, moisture vapor, the critical height of the steam volume. The object of research is the steam generator PGV-1000M. Objective: To conduct tests of industrial separation of steam generators PGV-1000M, study of the effect on the quality of the steam of the working fluid level, load volume of steam. As a result of the study: - An analysis of the factors determining the quality of the generated steam in horizontal steam generators PGV. - Review and compare the methods for determining moisture content, identified their strengths and weaknesses

    Contrasting drought legacy effects on gross primary productivity in a mixed versus pure beech forest

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    Droughts affect terrestrial ecosystems directly and concurrently and can additionally induce lagged effects in subsequent seasons and years. Such legacy effects of drought on vegetation growth and state have been widely studied in tree ring records and satellite-based vegetation greenness, while legacies on ecosystem carbon fluxes are still poorly quantified and understood. Here, we focus on two ecosystem monitoring sites in central Germany with a similar climate but characterised by different species and age structures. Using eddy covariance measurements, we detect legacies on gross primary productivity (GPP) by calculating the difference between random forest model estimates of potential GPP and observed GPP. Our results showed that, at both sites, droughts caused significant legacy effects on GPP at seasonal and annual timescales, which were partly explained by reduced leaf development. The GPP reduction due to drought legacy effects is of comparable magnitude to the concurrent drought effects but differed between two neighbouring forests with divergent species and age structures. The methodology proposed here allows the quantification of the temporal dynamics of legacy effects at the sub-seasonal scale and the separation of legacy effects from model uncertainties. The application of the methodology at a larger range of sites will help us to quantify whether the identified lag effects are general and on which factors they may depend.ISSN:1726-4170ISSN:1726-417