114 research outputs found

    Hybrid Spectrum Sensing Method for Cognitive Radio

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    With exponential rise in the internet applications and wireless communications, higher and efficient data transfer rates are required. Hence proper and effective spectrum is the need of the hour, As spectrum demand increases there are limited number of bands available to send and receive the data. Optimizing the use of these bands efficiently is one of the tedious tasks. Various techniques are used to send the data at same time, but for that we have to know which bands are free before sending the data. For this purpose various spectrum sensing approaches came with variety of solutions. In this paper the sensing problem is tackled with the use of hybrid spectrum sensing method, This new networking paradox uses the Centralized concept of spectrum sensing and creates one of the most trusted spectrums sensing mechanism. This proposed technique is simulated using MATLAB software.This paper also provides comparative study of various spectrum sensing methodologie

    The Effect of Powder Blend on Drug Release Mechanisms of Hydrophobic Starch Stearate Matrix Tablets

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    Free hydroxyl groups of glucose monomer of starch substituted with steroyl group by chemical modification leads to the formation of starch stearate (SS). Modification changes the nature from hydrophilic to hydrophobic and thus used as controlled release excipient. In present study, SS was evaluated as release modifying polymer and MCC, Lactose, Dicalcium phosphate (DCP) and combinations of these were used to evaluate effect on drug release of Verapamil hydrochloride (VH) and Diclofenac sodium (DS). FT-IR studies of polymer with VH and DS have shown no significant drug:polymer interactions. Decrease in in-vitro drug dissolution was observed with increase in polymer concentration. Cumulative drug released for DS (hydrophobic) was more sustained than hydrophilic drug (VH). Drug release from formulations containing 30%w/w of SS after 8h was 81.61 (for VH) and 25.08% (for DS). DCP retarded drug release more when used alone. After 8h % drug release from formulations containing 30%w/w of SS was 49.86 (VH) and 24.19 (DS). The use of lactose alone increased the drug release and combination of DCP:Lactose in equal proportion with 15 %w/w SS sustained more i.e. 42.62% (VH) drug release at the end of 8h


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    Sustained release, prolonged action, extended action are the terms used to identify drug delivery system that are designed to achieve prolong therapeutic effect by continuously releasing medication over an extended period of time after administration of a single dose. Matrix systems, because of their ease of manufacture, their flexibility to obtain a desirable drug release profile, cost effectiveness, and broad regulatory acceptance are preferred for formulating these dosage forms. Polymers are the most important part in any type of release modified formulations. Predominantly hydrophobic materials are widely used to fabricate the matrix systems. Various materials are being investigated as polymers as there is scarcity of good polymeric materials to be used in pharmaceutical products. The present study was aimed at evaluating novel natural material gum sandarac, a resin obtained by incision from the stem of Callitris quadrivalvis, Ventenat (N.O. Coniferae) Pinaceae as a hydrophobic matrixing material for developing coated pellets for sustained release of drug and comparing it with well known ethyl cellulose as hydrophobic polymeric material

    Awareness study of Pharmacovigilance among the health care professionals (nursing staff) at tertiary care hospital, Solapur, Maharashtra, India

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    Background: Early detection of adverse drug reaction is one step towards the prevention of ADRs. Foundation of Pharmacovigilance is spontaneous reporting which is minimal in India. Among the all health care professionals, nurses are caregivers at bedside. Improvement in knowledge and practice of adverse drug reaction reporting among nurses will definitely increases spontaneous reporting. In this study, knowledge, attitude and practice of nursing staff about pharmacovigilance was evaluated.Methods: It was prospective, cross-sectional, observational, questionnaire-based study among the nurses of the tertiary care hospital Solapur. A questionnaire evaluating knowledge, attitude and practice was distributed among nursing staff and filled questionnaire were collected back and analyzed by microsoft excel 2013.Results: Response rate of our study was 44.88%.  38.61% doctors were knowing meaning of pharmacovigilance while 61.38% participants knew that all drugs available in market are not safe. Taking proper medication history before prescribing drugs was considered important by 92.57% participants. 79.70% participants were aware about Pharmacovigilance program of India. 64.35% doctors answered correctly to elements which are mandatory to record. Only 24.75% participants were knowing the basis that pharmcovigilance provides for.Conclusions: Nursing staff of tertiary care hospital, Solapur had very appreciable and positive attitude towards pharmacovigilance but there is a need for improvement in knowledge and practice of ADR reporting

    Evaluations of Thinning Algorithms for Preprocessing of Handwritten Characters

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    Thinning algorithms have played an important role in preprocessing phase which decides the success of recognition in the OCR system. This paper report on the performance of 11 thinning algorithms from the perspective of character recognition where different aspects of the performance of each algorithm like computing time, deviation from perfect 8-connectedness, and number of possible noise spurs present in the skeletons are considered

    Hemovigilance: a momentous step to blood safety

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    Hemovigilance is a series of monitoring procedures that cover the entire transfusion chain, from blood and its component collection to recipient follow-up, collecting and collecting information about unexpected or adverse effects resulting from the therapeutic use of unstable blood products. It is designed to be evaluated, and to prevent their occurrence and recurrence. The Haemovigilance program in developed countries is associated with IHN and has voluntary reporting requirements. In France, Germany and Switzerland, the hemodynamic system is regulated by supervisors. It is one of the blood manufacturers in Japan, Singapore and South Africa. In the Netherlands and the United Kingdom within the Medical Society; in Canada, regulated by health authorities. Intensive blood exercise program to ensure patient safety and promote public health begins on December 10, 2012 in Phase 1 in collaboration with National Institute of Biological Sciences under MOHFW for the first time in India it was done. HvPI is responding very well, as most medical colleges and laboratories have already registered and are beginning to provide data on side effects. The HvPI Unit produces educational materials in the form of publishing the Haemovigilance newsletter, information, education and communication (IEC) literature, and conducts an academic CME and awareness program on Haemovigilance throughout the year in India. The provocation is to understand not only the feedback of the internet, but even the sociology of human networks. Guaranteeing the reliability, responsiveness, and feedback of each alert is also important. Blood products are an important area of PvPI for reporting and recording post-transfusion ADRs of blood / blood products. To work efficiently, a lean mechanism and proper coordination with standardized tools at all levels is needed

    Evaluation of Microbiological Safety of Indian Chutneys: A Case Study of Chandrapur City, India

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    ABSTRACT The present study was undertaken to evaluate the microbiological quality of Indian chutneys sold in Chandrapur city of Maharashtra. A total 16 samples were collected from four major areas which represented whole city and served at least 100 customers per day. All samples were collected from the vendors in sterilized polythene bags and transported to the laboratory on ice and analysed within 1 to 2 hours of procurement. Bacterial pathogens were isolated and identified by standard bacteriological techniques. Analysis of the chutney sample revealed prominent bacterial pathogen such as Staphylococcus aureus, Bacillus spp., Escherichia coli and Salmonella spp. The study concluded that number of pathogenic bacteria due to various reasons and sometimes an important source of food borne illness to human

    A pharmacovigilance study in patients of chronic non-infective respiratory diseases attending outpatient department of pulmonary medicine in a tertiary care teaching hospital

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    Background: Adverse drug reactions (ADR) are the known dangers of any medicinal therapy. They are not only responsible for increasing the mortality and morbidity but also for multiplying the health care expenditure. It is important to monitor the adverse effects of the drugs in the patients on treatment for chronic non-infective respiratory diseases attending OPD of pulmonary medicine in a tertiary care teaching hospitalMethods: The study was single-centric, non-randomized and observational hospital-based study which was carried out for a period of 1 and a half years in JJ Hospital. The patients who were included in the study suffered from either of the 4 diseases-Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), asthma, bronchiectasis or interstitial lung diseases (ILD). Data were analyzed by using Microsoft excel sheet. Based on the outcome of modified Hartwig and Siegel severity assessment scale, ADRs were grouped into various severity categories.Results: One hundred and thirty-two number of ADRs were seen in 69 out of 352 patients (19.6 %) of the study population. The occurrence of ADR was found slightly higher in males i.e., 53.62% as compared to females i.e., 46.38%. The patients who were on treatment for ILD showed highest percentage of ADRs i.e., 57.89% which is followed by bronchiectasis (17.39%), COPD (16.17%) and lastly asthma (10.26%). The ADRs belonging to GIT system were highest in number i.e., 80. The most frequently occurring ADR in the study was palpitation which occurred in 14 cases i.e., 20.29%. Out of 132 ADRs observed, 96 i.e., 72.73% belonged to the mild category and 36 ADRs i.e., 27.27% belonged to the moderate category. Not a single severe ADR was found in the study.Conclusions: It was found that 19.6% of the patient population suffered from ADRs, which is a considerable number. It is essential that health care professionals should support ADR monitoring process for the safety of the medicinal product. Proper implementation of ADR monitoring will help to reduce the harmful effects by early detection of drug safety problems in patients, assessing the risk-benefit in an individual and the population, improving the selection, rational use of drugs through the provision of timely warning to healthcare professionals


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    An experimental performance of evaporative cooling pads of different materials based on weather data of vidharbha, India has been carried out. Saturation efficiency and cooling capacity of thickness 4 inch cooling pad materials were measured. Effect of air and water flow rate on saturation efficiency and cooling capacity has been investigated for different cooling pad materials like cellulose, khus-grass, and wood-wool material. Saturation efficiency and cooling capacity have been calculated for flow rates of air between 0.25 to 0.45 m3/s and for water flow rate of 60 to 100 cc/hr. Saturation efficiency and cooling capacity variation with water and air flow rate is plotted for different materials of the pads. It has been observed that cellulose material gives highest saturation efficiency of about 92.8% while Khus-Grass material gives lowest saturation efficiency of about 40.13%. The cooling capacity increases with air flow rate and is obtained between 1.1 to 6.72 kW for different materials

    Effect of maturity stages on the quality indices of wood apple (Feronia limonia) and modeling of its kinetics by applying machine learning approaches

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    In the present investigation, an inexpensive and non-destructive method was tested for the appropriate maturity classification of wood apple (Feronia limonia). The investigation was conducted to establish the pronounced effect of maturity stages on the growth kinetics, physico-chemical properties, and other quality indices of wood apple. A systematic trend was observed for all the properties namely sphericity, bulk density (g/cm3), true density (g/cm3), pH, total soluble solids TSS (°Brix), titratable acidity (%) and TSS/TA ratio, etc. of the fruit. In contrast, regular changes were also observed in the color properties at various maturity stages of the wood apple. The maturity kinetics was formulated by applying recurrent neural network (RNN) in compliance with K means cluster algorithm. RNN modeling was applied by considering color property (redness value) as input and six maturity indices as the output of the formulated structure. The RNN architecture, 1-6-6 showed the best results for forecasting the wood apple maturity based on color features. Further, based on the results of the K means cluster algorithm, the maturity stages were classified into three main categories, illustrated in the form of a simplified color chart. Hence, this investigation can be useful for proper control and identification of wood apple maturity during the processing
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