1,542 research outputs found

    Egg parameters of the Red Wattled Lapwing (Vanellus indicus) in agricultural ecosystem of Punjab

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    The Red Wattled Lapwing is an important bird of the agro-ecosystem of the Punjab state, feeding on insects, seeds and nectar. The present study was carried out to gather information on the egg parameters (morphometry and its components), which is lacking for this species. The eggs were observed in the nest construct-ed in the agricultural fields of Punjab Agricultural University (PAU), Ludhiana, Punjab. Egg length, width and weight were measured using vernier caliper and portable weighing balance, respectively, in laboratory. The egg parameters like egg volume, specific gravity and shape index were also calculated. Weight of egg components (yolk, albumen and shell) were also measured using weighing balance. Results revealed that average values of egg breadth, length and shape index were: 30.05±0.331 (mm), 41.29±0.573 (mm) and 72.83±0.930, respectively. Whereas whole egg weight, albumen weight, yolk weight, shell weight, albumen percentage, yolk percentage, shell percentage, egg volume and specific gravity were 17.49±0.634(gm),7.17±0.374 (gm), 9.05±0.233 (gm), 1.26±0.070 (gm), 40.84±0.941 (%), 51.92±0.830 (%), 7.22±0.280 (%), 17.07±0.531(cm3) and 1.02±0.009 (gm/cm3), respectively. This study pro-vides important information that can help the avian taxonomists in species classification, as bird’s egg diverges widely in shape, volume, weight and percentage of albumen, yolk and shell. Therefore, we can use the egg parameters as additional information in bird systematic

    A Compton Profile Study of Praseodymium and Erbium

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    Solid-state diffusion reaction and formation of intermetallic compounds in the nickel-zirconium system

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    Chemical diffusion studies in the nickel-zirconium system are investigated in the temperature range of 1046 to 1213 K employing diffusion couples of pure nickel and pure zirconium. Electron microprobe and X-ray diffraction studies have been employed to investigate the formation of different compounds and to study their layer growth kinetics in the diffusion zone. It is observed that growth of each phase is controlled by the process of volume diffusion as the layer growth obeys the parabolic law. The activation energies for interdiffusion in NiZr and NiZr2, which are the dominant phases in the diffusion zone, are 119.0 ±13.4 and 103.0 ±25.0 kJ/ mole, respectively. The formation and stability of compounds over the temperature range have been discussed on the basis of existing thermodynamic and kinetic data

    (ÿ)-Fern-7-en-3a-ol from Sebastiania brasiliensis

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    The structure of a fernane isolated from S. brasiliensis was established as fern-7en-3[alpha]-ol, C30H50O. Rings A and D assume a chair conformation, while rings B and C adopt a twist-boat conformation. Rings A/B, C/D, and D/E are trans fused. The relative orientation of the hydroxy group and that of the iso­propyl group is [alpha].This structure was determined in the Molecular Structure Laboratory of the Department of Chemistry, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ 85721, USA. The SMART1000 diffractometer was gratefully obtained with funds provided by NSF grant CHE9610374. This study was supported by NIH grant 5U01TW00316-10 awarded to BNT. This study was undertaken as part of the required course work for the class CHEM 517 offered by Dr J. H. Enemark at the University of Arizona. The authors thank Liliya Yatsunyk for her help in this study

    Polygenic risk scores

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