112 research outputs found

    Observations of plasma dynamics in the coma of P/Halley by the Giotto Ion Mass Spectrometer

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    Observations in the coma of P/Halley by the Giotto Ion Mass Spectrometer (IMS) are reported. The High Energy Range Spectrometer (HERS) of the IMS obtained measurements of protons and alpha particles from the far upstream region to the near ionopause region and of ions from mass 12 to 32 at distances of about 250,000 to 40,000 km from the nucleus. Plasma parameters from the High Intensity Spectrometer (HIS) of the IMS obtained between 150,000 to 5000 km from the nucleus are also discussed. The distribution functions of water group ions (water group will be used to refer to ions of 16 to 18 m/q, where m is in AMU and q is in unit charges) are observed to be spherically symmetric in velocity space, indicating strong pitch angle scattering. The discontinuity known as the magnetic pile-up boundary (MPB) is apparent only in proton, alpha, and magnetometer data, indicating that it is a tangential discontinuity of solar wind origin. HERS observations show no significant change in the properties of the heavy ions across the MPB. A comparison of the observations to an MHD model is made. The plasma flow directions at all distances greater than 30,000 km from the nucleus are in agreement with MHD calculations. However, despite the agreement in flow direction, within 200,000 km of the nucleus the magnitude of the velocity is lower than predicted by the MHD model and the density is much larger (a factor of 4). Within 30,000 km of the nucleus there are large theoretical differences between the MHD model flow calculations for the plane containing the magnetic field and for the plane perpendicular to the magnetic field. The observations agreed much better with the pattern calculated for the plane perpendicular to the magnetic field. The data obtained by the High Energy Range Spectrometer (HERS) of the IMS that are published herein were provided to the International Halley Watch archive

    Amino­(5-{2-[amino­(iminio)meth­yl]hydrazin-1-yl}-3,5-dimethyl-4,5-dihydro-1H-pyrazol-1-yl)methaniminium dinitrate

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    The reaction of aqueous solutions of amino­guanidine hydrogennitrate and acetyl­acetone produces the title pyrazole salt, C7H18N8 2+·2NO3 −. The crystal structure is stabilized by a complex N—H⋯O hydrogen-bonding network. The difference in the engagement of the two nitrate anions in hydrogen bonding is reflected in the variation of the corresponding N—O bond lengths

    Methodology and software to detect viral integration site hot-spots

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Modern gene therapy methods have limited control over where a therapeutic viral vector inserts into the host genome. Vector integration can activate local gene expression, which can cause cancer if the vector inserts near an oncogene. Viral integration hot-spots or 'common insertion sites' (CIS) are scrutinized to evaluate and predict patient safety. CIS are typically defined by a minimum density of insertions (such as 2-4 within a 30-100 kb region), which unfortunately depends on the total number of observed VIS. This is problematic for comparing hot-spot distributions across data sets and patients, where the VIS numbers may vary.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We develop two new methods for defining hot-spots that are relatively independent of data set size. Both methods operate on distributions of VIS across consecutive 1 Mb 'bins' of the genome. The first method 'z-threshold' tallies the number of VIS per bin, converts these counts to z-scores, and applies a threshold to define high density bins. The second method 'BCP' applies a Bayesian change-point model to the z-scores to define hot-spots. The novel hot-spot methods are compared with a conventional CIS method using simulated data sets and data sets from five published human studies, including the X-linked ALD (adrenoleukodystrophy), CGD (chronic granulomatous disease) and SCID-X1 (X-linked severe combined immunodeficiency) trials. The BCP analysis of the human X-linked ALD data for two patients separately (774 and 1627 VIS) and combined (2401 VIS) resulted in 5-6 hot-spots covering 0.17-0.251% of the genome and containing 5.56-7.74% of the total VIS. In comparison, the CIS analysis resulted in 12-110 hot-spots covering 0.018-0.246% of the genome and containing 5.81-22.7% of the VIS, corresponding to a greater number of hot-spots as the data set size increased. Our hot-spot methods enable one to evaluate the extent of VIS clustering, and formally compare data sets in terms of hot-spot overlap. Finally, we show that the BCP hot-spots from the repopulating samples coincide with greater gene and CpG island density than the median genome density.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The z-threshold and BCP methods are useful for comparing hot-spot patterns across data sets of disparate sizes. The methodology and software provided here should enable one to study hot-spot conservation across a variety of VIS data sets and evaluate vector safety for gene therapy trials.</p

    Decrease in the production of beta-amyloid by berberine inhibition of the expression of beta-secretase in HEK293 cells

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Berberine (BER), the major alkaloidal component of <it>Rhizoma coptidis</it>, has multiple pharmacological effects including inhibition of acetylcholinesterase, reduction of cholesterol and glucose levels, anti-inflammatory, neuroprotective and neurotrophic effects. It has also been demonstrated that BER can reduce the production of beta-amyloid<sub>40/42</sub>, which plays a critical and primary role in the pathogenesis of Alzheimer's disease. However, the mechanism by which it accomplishes this remains unclear.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Here, we report that BER could not only significantly decrease the production of beta-amyloid<sub>40/42 </sub>and the expression of beta-secretase (BACE), but was also able to activate the extracellular signal-regulated kinase1/2 (ERK1/2) pathway in a dose- and time-dependent manner in HEK293 cells stably transfected with APP695 containing the Swedish mutation. We also find that U0126, an antagonist of the ERK1/2 pathway, could abolish (1) the activation activity of BER on the ERK1/2 pathway and (2) the inhibition activity of BER on the production of beta-amyloid<sub>40/42 </sub>and the expression of BACE.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Our data indicate that BER decreases the production of beta-amyloid<sub>40/42 </sub>by inhibiting the expression of BACE via activation of the ERK1/2 pathway.</p