146 research outputs found

    Preparing for new competitive challenges: special issue on the 24th annual IPSERA conference

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    The 24st IPSERA conference in Amsterdam addressed the various new competitive challenges organizations face now that business environments are changing. While we can observe an increased role of - but also an increased concentration in - logistic services and IT services acting as a bonding agent of the various business processes, we also see an increased specialisation among suppliers, resulting in roles like capacity supplier, co-maker and broker. In terms of Systems Thinking: the subsystem of ‘Suppliers’ is breaking up into three sub-systems with distinctive different characteristics, and the traditional sub-system ‘Purchasing’ has transformed into an aspect-system connecting or involving all other sub-systems, while similarly, ‘Logistics’ and ‘IT’ have developed into intertwined aspect-systems, being part of each and every sub-system. These transformations have increased managerial complexity, greatly influencing the purchasing and supply chain functions within firms. The seven papers selected from the conference examine seven aspects of those changes in detail and elaborate on the role of the PSM field in this process: PSM answers to challenges by providing answers on how to move forward in practice

    Photoexcitation of valley-orbit currents in (111)-oriented silicon metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect transistors

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    We demonstrate the injection of pure valley-orbit currents in multivalley semiconductors and present the phenomenological theory of this effect. We studied photoinduced transport in (111)-oriented silicon metaloxide-semiconductor ïŹeld effect transistors at room temperature. By shining circularly polarized light on exact oriented structures with six equivalent valleys, nonzero electron ïŹ‚uxes within each valley are generated, which compensate each other and do not yield a net electric current. By disturbing the balance between the valley ïŹ‚uxes, we demonstrate that the pure valley-orbit currents can be converted into a measurable electric current

    Classical ratchet effects in heterostructures with a lateral periodic potential

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    We study terahertz radiation induced ratchet currents in low dimensional semiconductor structures with a superimposed one-dimensional lateral periodic potential. The periodic potential is produced by etching a grating into the sample surface or depositing metal stripes periodically on the sample top. Microscopically, the photocurrent generation is based on the combined action of the lateral periodic potential, verified by transport measurements, and the in-plane modulated pumping caused by the lateral superlattice. We show that a substantial part of the total current is caused by the polarization-independent Seebeck ratchet effect. In addition, polarization-dependent photocurrents occur, which we interpret in terms of their underlying microscopical mechanisms. As a result, the class of ratchet systems needs to be extended by linear and circular ratchets, sensitive to linear and circular polarizations of the driving electro-magnetic force.Comment: 11 pages, 9 figures, 2 column

    A MUSE study of the inner bulge globular cluster Terzan 9: a fossil record in the Galaxy

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    Context. Moderately metal-poor inner bulge globular clusters are relics of a generation of long-lived stars that formed in the early Galaxy. Terzan 9, projected at 4d 12 from the Galactic center, is among the most central globular clusters in the Milky Way, showing an orbit which remains confined to the inner 1 kpc. Aims. Our aim is the derivation of the cluster's metallicity, together with an accurate measurement of the mean radial velocity. In the literature, metallicities in the range between have been estimated for Terzan 9 based on color-magnitude diagrams and CaII triplet (CaT) lines. Aims. Our aim is the derivation of the cluster's metallicity, together with an accurate measurement of the mean radial velocity. In the literature, metallicities in the range between -2.0 and -1.0 have been estimated for Terzan 9 based on color-magnitude diagrams and CaII triplet (CaT) lines. Methods. Given its compactness, Terzan 9 was observed using the Multi Unit Spectroscopic Explorer (MUSE) at the Very Large Telescope. The extraction of spectra from several hundreds of individual stars allowed us to derive their radial velocities, metallicities, and [Mg/Fe]. The spectra obtained with MUSE were analysed through full spectrum fitting using the ETOILE code. Results. We obtained a mean metallicity of [Fe/H] -1.10 0.15, a heliocentric radial velocity of vhr = 58.1 1.1 km/s , and a magnesium-to-iron [Mg/Fe] = 0.27 0.03. The metallicity-derived character of Terzan 9 sets it among the family of the moderately metal-poor Blue Horizontal Branch clusters HP 1, NGC 6558, and NGC 6522

    On the Origin of the Bimodal Rotational Velocity Distribution in Stellar Clusters: Rotation on the Pre-Main Sequence

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    We address the origin of the observed bimodal rotational distribution of stars in massive young and intermediate age stellar clusters. This bimodality is seen as split main sequences at young ages and also has been recently directly observed in the VsiniVsini distribution of stars within massive young and intermediate age clusters. Previous models have invoked binary interactions as the origin of this bimodality, although these models are unable to reproduce all of the observational constraints on the problem. Here we suggest that such a bimodal rotational distribution is set up early within a cluster's life, i.e., within the first few Myr. Observations show that the period distribution of low-mass (\la 2 M_\odot) pre-main sequence (PMS) stars is bimodal in many young open clusters and we present a series of models to show that if such a bimodality exists for stars on the PMS that it is expected to manifest as a bimodal rotational velocity (at fixed mass/luminosity) on the main sequence for stars with masses in excess of ∌1.5\sim1.5~\msun. Such a bimodal period distribution of PMS stars may be caused by whether stars have lost (rapid rotators) or been able to retain (slow rotators) their circumstellar discs throughout their PMS lifetimes. We conclude with a series of predictions for observables based on our model

    On the origin of UV-dim stars: a population of rapidly rotating shell stars?

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    The importance of stellar rotation in setting the observed properties of young star clusters has become clearer over the past decade, with rotation being identified as the main cause of the observed extended main sequence turn-off (eMSTO) phenomenon and split main-sequences. Additionally, young star clusters are observed to host large fractions of rapidly rotating Be stars, many of which are seen nearly equator-on through decretion disks that cause self-extinction (the so called “shell stars”). Recently, a new phenomenon has been reported in the ∌ 1.5 Gyr star cluster NGC 1783, where a fraction of the main sequence turn-off stars appears abnormally dim in the UV. We investigate the origin of these “UV-dim” stars by comparing the UV colour-magnitude diagrams of NGC 1850 (∌ 100 Myr), NGC 1783 (∌ 1.5 Gyr), NGC 1978 (∌ 2 Gyr) and NGC 2121 (∌ 2.5 Gyr), massive star clusters in the Large Magellanic Cloud. While the younger clusters show a non-negligible fraction of UV-dim stars, we find a significant drop of such stars in the two older clusters. This is remarkable as clusters older than ∌2 Gyr do not have an eMSTO, thus a large populations of rapidly rotating stars, because their main sequence turn-off stars are low enough in mass to slow down due to magnetic braking. We conclude that the UV-dim stars are likely rapidly rotating stars with decretion disks seen nearly equator-on (i.e., are shell stars) and discuss future observations that can confirm or refute our hypothesi

    Extended Main Sequence Turnoffs in Open Clusters as Seen by Gaia: I. NGC 2818 and the Role of Stellar Rotation

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    We present an analysis of the relatively low mass (∌2400\sim2400~M⊙_{\odot}), ∌800\sim800~Myr, Galactic open cluster, NGC~2818, using Gaia DR2 results combined with VLT/FLAMES spectroscopy. Using Gaia DR2 proper motions and parallax measurements we are able to select a clean sample of cluster members. This cluster displays a clear extended main sequence turn-off (eMSTO), a phenomenon previously studied mainly in young and intermediate age massive clusters in the Magellanic clouds. The main sequence of NGC~2818 is extremely narrow, with a width of ∌0.01\sim0.01 magnitudes (GBP−_{\rm BP} - GRP_{\rm RP}), suggesting very low levels of differential extinction. Using VLT/FLAMES spectroscopy of 60 cluster members to measure the rotational velocity of the stars (Vsini) we find that stars on the red side of the eMSTO have high Vsini (>160>160~km/s) while stars on the blue side have low Vsini (<160<160~km/s), in agreement with model predictions. The cluster also follows the previously discovered trend between the age of the cluster and the extent of the eMSTO. We conclude that stellar rotation is the likely cause of the eMSTO phenomenon
