41 research outputs found

    Selling lottery products to minors: factors affecting retailer compliance

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    Illegal gambling by adolescent minors has become a major issue in many societies and lottery gambling is often considered a "gateway" to gambling more generally among this age group. The purpose of this study was to identify the influencing factors that affect retailer compliance concerning the selling of lottery products to minors. The research team received the original data (i) directly from the sales agents of the Austrian Lotteries after their responsible gambling training of the retailer in 2014/2015 (Round 1: n = 5032), (ii) directly from a third-party agency carrying out test purchases (i.e., "mystery shopping") in 2014 (Round 2: n = 1421), and (iii) retailers’ responses to their attitudes to youth protection issues (through direct interface with the research team) in 2015 (Round 3: n = 4516). The data from a total of 1036 participants who had taken part in all three rounds was analyzed in the present study. Results showed that in 13.1% of mystery shopping checks (n = 1421), lottery products were sold to a test purchaser under the age of 16 years. The analysis also showed that the older the test purchaser, the greater the likelihood that a lottery product was sold. Under-age lottery sales to girls were over three times more prevalent than sales to boys. Finally, the analysis showed that the higher the number of responsible gambling training sessions completed in the past and the more positive the attitude towards mystery shopping, the higher the compliance rate not to sell a lottery product to young mystery shoppers. Recommendations to increase compliance and raise the awareness among retailers are presented

    "An Impediment to Living Life": Why and How Should We Measure Stiffness in Polymyalgia Rheumatica?

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    Objectives: To explore patients’ concepts of stiffness in polymyalgia rheumatica (PMR), and how they think stiffness should be measured. Methods: Eight focus groups were held at three centres involving 50 patients with current/previous PMR. Each group had at least one facilitator and one rapporteur making field notes. An interview schedule was used to stimulate discussion. Interviews were recorded, transcribed and analysed using an inductive thematic approach. Results: Major themes identified were: symptoms: pain, stiffness and fatigue; functional impact; impact on daily schedule; and approaches to measurement. The common subtheme for the experience of stiffness was “difficulty in moving”, and usually considered as distinct from the experience of pain, albeit with a variable overlap. Some participants felt stiffness was the “overwhelming” symptom, in that it prevented them carrying out “fundamental activities” and “generally living life”. Diurnal variation in stiffness was generally described in relation to the daily schedule but was not the same as stiffness severity. Some participants suggested measuring stiffness using a numeric rating scale or a Likert scale, while others felt that it was more relevant and straightforward to measure difficulty in performing everyday activities rather than about stiffness itself. Conclusions: A conceptual model of stiffness in PMR is presented where stiffness is an important part of the patient experience and impacts on their ability to live their lives. Stiffness is closely related to function and often regarded as interchangeable with pain. From the patients’ perspective, visual analogue scales measuring pain and stiffness were not the most useful method for reporting stiffness; participants preferred numerical rating scales, or assessments of function to reflect how stiffness impacts on their daily lives. Assessing function may be a pragmatic solution to difficulties in quantifying stiffness

    The screens culture: impact on ADHD

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    Children’s use of electronic media, including Internet and video gaming, has increased dramatically to an average in the general population of roughly 3 h per day. Some children cannot control their Internet use leading to increasing research on “internet addiction.” The objective of this article is to review the research on ADHD as a risk factor for Internet addiction and gaming, its complications, and what research and methodological questions remain to be addressed. The literature search was done in PubMed and Psychinfo, as well as by hand. Previous research has demonstrated rates of Internet addiction as high as 25% in the population and that it is addiction more than time of use that is best correlated with psychopathology. Various studies confirm that psychiatric disorders, and ADHD in particular, are associated with overuse, with severity of ADHD specifically correlated with the amount of use. ADHD children may be vulnerable since these games operate in brief segments that are not attention demanding. In addition, they offer immediate rewards with a strong incentive to increase the reward by trying the next level. The time spent on these games may also exacerbate ADHD symptoms, if not directly then through the loss of time spent on more developmentally challenging tasks. While this is a major issue for many parents, there is no empirical research on effective treatment. Internet and off-line gaming overuse and addiction are serious concerns for ADHD youth. Research is limited by the lack of measures for youth or parents, studies of children at risk, and studies of impact and treatment

    Marine Tar Residues: a Review

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    Abstract Marine tar residues originate from natural and anthropogenic oil releases into the ocean environment and are formed after liquid petroleum is transformed by weathering, sedimentation, and other processes. Tar balls, tar mats, and tar patties are common examples of marine tar residues and can range in size from millimeters in diameter (tar balls) to several meters in length and width (tar mats). These residues can remain in the ocean envi-ronment indefinitely, decomposing or becoming buried in the sea floor. However, in many cases, they are transported ashore via currents and waves where they pose a concern to coastal recreation activities, the seafood industry and may have negative effects on wildlife. This review summarizes the current state of knowledge on marine tar residue formation, transport, degradation, and distribution. Methods of detection and removal of marine tar residues and their possible ecological effects are discussed, in addition to topics of marine tar research that warrant further investigation. Emphasis is placed on ben-thic tar residues, with a focus on the remnants of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill in particular, which are still affecting the northern Gulf of Mexico shores years after the leaking submarine well was capped

    “Initiated abstinence”

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    Segmentation of facial bone surfaces by patch growing from cone beam CT volumes

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    Objectives: The motivation behind this work was to design an automatic algorithm capable of segmenting the exterior of the dental and facial bones including the mandible, teeth, maxilla and zygomatic bone with an open surface (a surface with a boundary) from CBCT images for the anatomy-based reconstruction of radiographs. Such an algorithm would provide speed, consistency and improved image quality for clinical workflows, for example, in planning of implants. Methods: We used CBCT images from two studies: first to develop (n519) and then to test (n530) a segmentation pipeline. The pipeline operates by parameterizing the topology and shape of the target, searching for potential points on the facial bone-soft tissue edge, reconstructing a triangular mesh by growing patches on from the edge points with good contrast and regularizing the result with a surface polynomial. This process is repeated for convergence. Results: The output of the algorithm was benchmarked against a hand-drawn reference and reached a 0.50 ± 1.0-mm average and 1.1-mm root mean squares error in Euclidean distance from the reference to our automatically segmented surface. These results were achieved with images affected by inhomogeneity, noise and metal artefacts that are typical for dental CBCT. Conclusions: Previously, this level of ccuracy and precision in dental CBCT has been reported in segmenting only the mandible, a much easier target. The segmentation results were consistent throughout the data set and the pipeline was found fast enough (,1-min average computation time) to be considered for clinical use