88 research outputs found

    Pengaruh penambahan tepung kacang hijau (phaseolus radiatus l) terhadap sifat fisik dan organoleptik es krim

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    ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh penambahan tepung kacang hijau (Phaseolus radiatus L) terhadap sifat fisik dan organoleptik es krim. Bahan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah susu UHT, susu skim milk, whipeed cream, gula pasir, agar-agar ,kuning telur, dan tepung kacang hijau. Peralatan yang digunakan adalah kompor gas, panci, sendok kayu, mangkok wadah untuk bahan, spatula, pisau, gunting, gelas plastik, sendok es krim, cup es krim, gelas ukur, mixer, timbangan, freezer, dan alat uji organoleptik yaitu tissue, aqua, ketimun, kertas, kuisioner dan alat tulis. Penelitian ini menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) yang terdiri dari 5 dan 4 ulangan. Data dianalisis menggunakan (ANOVA) dan uji organoleptik menggunakan skala hedonik dengan 30 panelis. Apabila perlakuan berpengaruh nyata maka dilanjutkan uji lanjut Beda Nyata Jujur (BNJ). Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa perlakuan penambahan tepung kacang hijau P0, P1, P2, P3,dan P4 memberikan pengaruh berbeda nyata (P<0,05) terhadap Overrun, aroma, tekstur, cita rasa, dan bebeda tidak nayata (P>0,05) terhadap warna, pH, dan titik leleh. Berdasarkan hasil analisis data dan pembahasan dapat disimpulkan bahwa penambahan tepung kacang hijau sampai dengan 30% memberikan hasil yang baik terhadap sifat overrun dan 10% lebih disukai.


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    EFFECT OF COFFEE SKIN FLOUR AS A SUBSTITUTE FOR RICE BRAN IN THE RATION ON CARCASS QUALITY OF GROWER PIGS. Research entitled effect of coffee skin flour in the ration of grower phase pig on slaughter weight, carcass length and carcass percentage have been done. Research conducted for 52 days using 16 Landrace pigs. Methods of randomized block design were used. Four replication as group of weight was used and treatments were four level of coffee skin flour of 0%, 25%, 50%, and 75%. The research variables are slaughter weight, carcass length and carcass percentage. Results of statistical analysis showed that there was no significant difference between treatments and the percentage of carcasses and slaughter weight (P> 0.05). The mean of slaughter weight is 76.68 kg and the average of carcass percentage is 63.80%. Analysis of variance showed that there is highly significant difference (P<0.01) between treatments and the length of carcass. Further test by the least significance difference method indicates that there was no significant difference on carcass length between R0 and R1, R2 and R3. There was also no significant difference on carcass length between R1 and R2, R1 and R3, and R2 and R3. Based on these results, it can be concluded that the use of coffee skin flour as a substitution as much as 25% of in the ration can increase the length of the carcass.Keywords: carcass length and carcass percentage, flour coffee skin, slaughter weight, pork

    Sifat fisik dan organoleptik es krim dengan penambahan ubi banggai ungu (Dioscorea alata L.)

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh penambahan ubi banggai ungu (Dioscorea alata L) terhadap sifat fisik dan organoleptik es krim. Bahan utama yang digunakan dalam penelitian adalah susu UHT, ubi banggai ungu. Penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap (RAL) yang terdiri dari 4 perlakuan dan 5 ulangan untuk kualitas fisik, dan untuk pengujian organoleptik terdiriĀ  dari 4 perlakuan dan 35 ulangan (panelis). Adapun perlakuan dalam penelitianĀ  ini adalah: Ā P0 Tanpa penambahan ubi banggai ungu 0%, P1 Penambahan ubi banggai ungu 8%, P2 Penambahan ubi banggai ungu 16%, P3 Penambahan ubi banggai ungu 24%. Variabel yang diukur adalah sifat fisik, overrun, waktu leleh dan uji organoleptik warna, aroma, tekstur dan cita rasa. Data yang diperoleh dari semua variable dianalisis menggunakan analisis varians. Apabila terdapat perbedaanĀ  rataan perlakuan akan dilanjutkan dengan uji lanjut beda nyata jujur (BNJ). Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa perlakuan penambahan ubi banggai ungu memberikan pengaruh berbeda nyata (P&lt;0,05) terhadap titik leleh, warna, dan cita rasa dan berbeda tidak nyata (P&gt;0,05) terhadap overrun, aroma dan tekstur. Berdasarkan hasil analisis data dan pembahasan pada penelitian yang dilakukan dapat di simpulkan bahwa penambahan ubi banggai ungu pada sampai dengan 8% menunjukkan kualitas fisik es krim yang baik dan secara organoleptik Ā dapat diterima oleh panelis. Kata kunci: Es krim, kualitas fisik, organoleptik, ubi banggai ungu (Dioscorea alata L

    Analisis faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi pendapatan pedagang pengecer daging babi di kota Tomohon

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    This study aims to analyze the factors that influence the total income of pig meat retailers in Tomohon City. The sample locations in the Beriman Market in Tomohon City, were determined using the purposive sampling method, based on the consideration that Pasar Beriman is the largest traditional market in Tomohon City, and has pig meat retailers. The sample is determined using a total quota sampling technique of 30 people who are active as retailers. The analysis model used to estimate the factors that influence retailers' income is the multiple linear regression equation model in the form of natural logarithms. The results showed that the factors affecting the income of pig meat retailers in Tomohon City were the amount of meat, price, capital, labor and business experience.

    The Use of Coconut Pulp as a Feed Substrate to Methanogenesis Inhibitor in in Vitro Rumen Fluid Fermentation

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    This experiment was conducted to determine the effect of the adding of coconut pulp in ruminant feed on methane reduction in vitro. Rumen fluid and substrate of forage and concentrate in ratio 60:40 were in this study. This experiment consisted of five treatments of coconut pulp as followed: R1: feed substrates without the coconut pulp; R2: substrate feed with coconut pulp 5%; R3: substrate feed with coconut pulp 10%; R4: Substrate feed with coconut pulp 15% and R5: substrate feed with coconut pulp 20%. Each treatment was conducted to four replications. Fermentation was done using the Hohenheim Gas Test (HGT) incubated at 39oC for 72 hours. At the end of fermentation was determined production of methane, parameters of fermentation, microbial activity, feed digestibility and fatty acids profile of the ruminal fluid. Data obtained were analyzed by using analysis of variance using completely randomized design. The differences of mean values were analyzed by Duncan multiple range test (DMRT). The results showed that methane production has decreased about 13.74%-17.39% when the feed was given coconut dregs 15-20%. Based on the results of the study was concluded that the supplementation of coconut pulp up to 15-20% of 100% dry matter can be used as a substrate of ruminant feed, because it can reduce methane and does not interfere the microbial activity in the fermentation of rumen fluid through in vitro. The supplementation of coconut pulp can be a referencein designing the methanogenic inhibitor feed

    Pengaruh Word Of Mouth, Daya Tarik Iklan, Persepsi Harga dan Kualitas Produk terhadap Minat Beli Motor Suzuki Satria Fu pada PT. Sinar Galesong Mandiri

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    Manajemen Perusahaan otomotif saat ini sedang berupaya untuk meningkatkan penjualan kendaraan bermotor kepada para konsumen untuk itu potensi pasar dan pembelian menjadi sangat penting bagi Perusahaan. Melalui informasi yang positif dari konsumen, iklan yang menarik perhatian dengan kreatifitas dari Perusahaan, harga yang dapat dijangkau dengan kualitas dari produk yang tinggi tidak menutup kemungkinan akan menarik keinginan membeli dari konsumen. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pengaruh Word of Mouth, Daya Tarik Iklan, Persepsi Harga dan Kualitas Produk terhadap Minat Beli motor Suzuki Satria Fu di PT. Sinar Galesong Mandiri. Metode yang digunakan adalah asosiatif. Sampel yang digunakan sebanyak 97 responden. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa secara simultan Word of Mouth, Daya Tarik Iklan, Persepsi Harga dan Kualitas Produk mempunyai pengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap Minat Beli konsumen. Secara parsial Word of Mouth, Daya Tarik Iklan dan Kualitas Produk mempunyai pengaruh yang positif terhadap Minat Beli akan tetapi Persepi Harga mempunyai pengaruh yang negatif terhadap Minat Beli konsumen. Manajemen PT. Sinar Galesong Mandiri sebaiknya memperhatikan penetapan harga pada produk karena hasil penelitian menunjukkan harga bagi responden masih kurang kompetitif. Kata kunci: word of mouth, daya tarik iklan, persepsi harga kualitas produk, minat bel

    Hyperthermic effects of dissipative structures of magnetic nanoparticles in large alternating magnetic fields

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    Targeted hyperthermia treatment using magnetic nanoparticles is a promising cancer therapy. However, the mechanisms of heat dissipation in the large alternating magnetic field used during such treatment have not been clarified. In this study, we numerically compared the magnetic loss in rotatable nanoparticles in aqueous media with that of non-rotatable nanoparticles anchored to localised structures. In the former, the relaxation loss in superparamagnetic nanoparticles has a secondary maximum because of slow rotation of the magnetic easy axis of each nanoparticle in the large field in addition to the known primary maximum caused by rapid NĆ©el relaxation. Irradiation of rotatable ferromagnetic nanoparticles with a high-frequency axial field generates structures oriented in a longitudinal or planar direction irrespective of the free energy. Consequently, these dissipative structures significantly affect the conditions for maximum hysteresis loss. These findings shed new light on the design of targeted magnetic hyperthermia treatments

    Enhancing Nanoparticle-Based Visible Detection by Controlling the Extent of Aggregation

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    Visible indication based on the aggregation of colloidal nanoparticles (NPs) is highly advantageous for rapid on-site detection of biological entities, which even untrained persons can perform without specialized instrumentation. However, since the extent of aggregation should exceed a certain minimum threshold to produce visible change, further applications of this conventional method have been hampered by insufficient sensitivity or certain limiting characteristics of the target. Here we report a signal amplification strategy to enhance visible detection by introducing switchable linkers (SLs), which are designed to lose their function to bridge NPs in the presence of target and control the extent of aggregation. By precisely designing the system, considering the quantitative relationship between the functionalized NPs and SLs, highly sensitive and quantitative visible detection is possible. We confirmed the ultrahigh sensitivity of this method by detecting the presence of 20 fM of streptavidin and fewer than 100 CFU/mL of Escherichia coli
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