17 research outputs found

    Melatonin Alters Age-Related Changes in Transcription Factors and Kinase Activation

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    Male mice were fed 40 ppm melatonin for 2 months prior to sacrifice at age 26 months, and compared with both 26 and 4 month-old untreated controls. The nuclear translocation of NF-κB increased with age in both brain and spleen and this was reversed by melatonin only in brain. Another transcription factor, AP-1 was increased with age in the spleen and not in brain and this could be blocked by melatonin treatment. The fraction of the active relative to the inactive form of several enabling kinases was compared. The proportion of activated ERK was elevated with age in brain and spleen but this change was unresponsive to melatonin. A similar age-related increase in glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) was also refractory to melatonin treatment. The cerebral melatonin M1 receptor decreased with age in brain but increased in spleen. The potentially beneficial nature of melatonin for the preservation of brain function with aging was suggested by the finding that an age-related decline in cortical synaptophysin levels was prevented by dietary melatonin

    Regional expression of dopamine D1 and D2 receptor proteins in the cerebral cortex of asphyxic newborn infants

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    Dopamine D-1 and D-2 receptor protein expression was examined by Western blotting in newborn infants dying from cerebral asphyxia between 31 and 42 weeks' gestation, and matched controls. Frontal, occipital, temporal, and motor cortex tissue samples were obtained at autospy (median postmortem interval 35 hours) and frozen for storage at -80 degrees C. A total of 2 immunoreactive bands were detected with each primary antibody in infant brain, whereas a single band was present in adult human and rat tissue. Immunoreactivity varied between cortical areas for both receptors, but their regional patterns differed significantly. D-1 protein levels were higher in motor and temporal cortex than in frontal or occipital cortex. D-2 protein showed graded expression frontal > motor > occipital > temporal cortex. Asphyxia cases showed lower expression of the upper D-2 immunoreactive band, but no difference in regional pattern. Lower D-2 receptor expression may attenuate stress responses and underline increased vulnerability to hypoxia at birth

    Cytoskeletal genes regulation by chronic morphine treatment in rat striatum.

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    It has been previously suggested that morphine can regulate the expression and function of some proteins of the cytoskeleton. In the present study, we used real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction to examine the effects of chronic morphine administration, in rat striatum, on 14 proteins involved in microtubule polymerization and stabilization, intracellular trafficking, and serving as markers of neuronal growth and degeneration. Chronic morphine treatment led to modulation of the mRNA level of seven of the 14 genes tested. Glial fibrillary acidic protein (Gfap) and activity-regulated cytoskeleton-associated protein (Arc) mRNA were upregulated, while growth associated protein (Gap43), clathrin heavy chain (Cltc), alpha-tubulin, Tau, and stathmin were downregulated. In order to determine if the regulation of an mRNA correlates with a modulation of the expression of the corresponding protein, immunoblot analyses were performed. With the exception of Gap43, the levels of Cltc, Gfap, Tau, stathmin, and alpha-tubulin proteins were found to be in good agreement with those from mRNA quantification. These results demonstrate that neuroadaptation to chronic morphine administration in rat striatum implies modifications of the expression pattern of several genes and proteins of the cytoskeleton and cytoskeleton-associated components