3,427 research outputs found

    Hydrochemical Evolution of Ground and Surface Water within the Amansie and Adansi Districts of the Ashanti Region, Ghana

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    Source–rock deductions of major ions and saturation states of minerals in groundwater were employed to determine the origin of dissolved ions and the thermodynamic controls on the groundwater composition respectivelyin groundwater within the Amansie and Adansi Districts. Results show that, silicate weathering and ion-exchange reactions are the major processes influencing groundwater chemistry within the Districts. The main objective of this study is to characterize groundwater and delineate soil-water-rock interactions responsible for the chemical evolution of groundwater within the districts. Fifty-nine boreholes, twelve wells and two stream samples were collected for quality assessment. Results also show that groundwater within the districts is strongly to moderately acidic as, 62 % of the groundwaters has pH that range 3.6 - 6.0. Acidity in ground and surface water within the districts is attributable predominantly to natural processes than mining activities; however, the groundwaters still have the potential to neutralize acids due to the presence of silicates/aluminosilicates. The waters are fresh (EC< 500 ÎŒS/cm) with conductivity values which ranged 22.8 – 473 ÎŒS/cm, and a mean value of 172.9 ÎŒS/cm. TDS of the groundwaters ranged 14.9 – 309.8 mg/L with a mean value of 112.6 mg/L. The relative abundance of cations and anions are in the order: Ca2+ > Na+ > Mg2+ > K+ and HCO3- > Cl- > SO42-respectively. The states of saturation of the groundwaters with respect to major minerals using hydrogeochemical transport model Phreeqc for Windows suggest that, anhydrite and gypsum are subsaturated and indicates that, groundwater within the districts originates from a formation with insufficient amount of these minerals in solution or short residence time of these minerals with groundwater within the districts.Two principal hydrochemical water types; Ca-Mg-HCO3 and Na–Cl have been delineated, with Ca-Mg-SO4, Na-Mg-Ca-HCO3 and Na- Cl-SO4 as minor water types. Groundwater within the districts principally evolves from fresh Ca–Mg–HCO3 type water into Na–HCO3 type water into Ca–Mg–Cl type water into Na–Cl type water along its flow path due to ion-exchange reactions and therefore, largely characterized by recharge processes through mixing with waters of geochemically different ionic signatures

    Holographic injection locking of a broad area laser diode via a photorefractive thin-film device

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    We demonstrate locking of a high power broad area laser diode to a single frequency using holographic feedback from a photorefractive polymer thin-film device for the first time. A four-wave mixing setup is used to generate feedback for the broad area diode at the wavelength of the single frequency source (Ti:Sapphire laser) while the spatial distribution adapts to the preferred profile of the broad area diode. The result is an injection-locked broad area diode emitting with a linewidth comparable to the Ti:Sapphire laser

    Forecasting electricity consumption using the second-order fuzzy time series

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    There is a great development of Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM) infrastructure since its formation in 1993. The development will be accompanied by the increasing demand for electricity. Hence, there is a need to forecast UTHM electricity consumption accurately so that UTHM can plan for future energy demand and utility saving decisions. Previous studies on UTHM electricity consumption prediction have been carried out using time series models, multiple linear regression and first-order fuzzy time series (FTS). The first-order FTS yield the best accuracy among these three methods. Previous forecasting problem showed higher order FTS can yield better accuracy. Therefore, in this study, the second-order FTS with trapezoidal membership function was implemented on the UTHM monthly electricity consumption from January 2009 to December 2018 to forecast January to December 2019 monthly electricity consumption. The procedure of the FTS and trapezoidal membership function was described together with January data. The second-order FTS forecast UTHM electricity consumption better than the first-order FTS

    Simulation of Internal Undular Bores Propagating over a Slowly Varying Region

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    Internal undular bores have been observed in many parts of the world. Studies have shown that many marine structures face danger and risk of destruction caused by internal undular bores due to the amount of energy it carries. This paper looks at the transformation of internal undular bore in two-layer fluid flow under the influence of variable topography. Thus, the surface of the bottom is considered to be slowly varying. The appropriate mathematical model is the variable-coefficient extended Korteweg-de Vries equation. We are particularly interested in looking at the transformation of KdV-type and table-top undular bore over the variable topography region. The governing equation is solved numerically using the method of lines, where the spatial derivatives are first discretised using finite difference approximation so that the partial differential equation becomes a system of ordinary differential equations which is then solved by 4th order Runge-Kutta method. Our numerical results show that the evolution of internal undular bore over different types of varying depths regions leads to a number of adiabatic and non-adiabatic effects. When the depth decreases slowly, a solitary wavetrain is observed at the front of the transformed internal undular bore. On the other hand, when the depth increases slowly, we observe the generation of step-like wave and weakly nonlinear trailing wavetrain, the occurrence of multi-phase behaviour, the generation of transformed undular bore of negative polarity and diminishing transformed undular bore depending on the nature of the topography after the variable topography

    Mental health problems among clinical psychologists: Stigma and its impact on disclosure and help‐seeking

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    1 Objective(s): To assess the prevalence of personal experiences of mental health problems among clinical psychologists, external, perceived, and self‐stigma among them, and stigma‐related concerns relating to disclosure and help‐seeking. / 2 Method: Responses were collected from 678 UK‐based clinical psychologists through an anonymous web survey consisting of the Social Distance Scale, Stig‐9, Military Stigma Scale, Secrecy Scale, Attitudes towards Seeking Professional Psychological Help Scale‐Short Form, alongside personal experience and socio‐demographic questions. / 3 Results: Two‐thirds of participants had experienced mental health problems themselves. Perceived mental health stigma was higher than external and self‐stigma. Participants were more likely to have disclosed in their social than work circles. Concerns about negative consequences for self and career, and shame prevented some from disclosing and help‐seeking. / 4 Conclusions: Personal experiences of mental health problems among clinical psychologists may be fairly common. Stigma, concerns about negative consequences of disclosure and shame as barriers to disclosure and help‐seeking merit further consideration

    Whole genome sequencing of four representatives from the admixed population of the United Arab Emirates

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    © Copyright © 2020 Daw Elbait, Henschel, Tay and Al Safar. Whole genome sequences (WGS) of four nationals of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) at an average coverage of 33X have been completed and described. The selection of suitable subpopulation representatives was informed by a preceding comprehensive population structure analysis. Representatives were chosen based on their central location within the subpopulation on a principal component analysis (PCA) and the degree to which they were admixed. Novel genomic variations among the different subgroups of the UAE population are reported here. Specifically, the WGS analysis identified 4,161,067–4,798,806 variants in the four individual samples, where approximately 80% were single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and 20% were insertions or deletions (indels). An average of 2.75% was found to be novel variants according to dbSNP (build 151). This is the first report of structural variants (SV) from WGS data from UAE nationals. There were 15,677–20,339 called SVs, of which around 13.5% were novel. The four samples shared 1,399,178 variants, each with distinct variants as follows: 1,085,524 (for the individual denoted as UAE S011), 1,228,559 (UAE S012), 791,072 (UAE S013), and 906,818 (UAE S014). These results show a previously unappreciated population diversity in the region. The synergy of WGS and genotype array data was demonstrated through variant annotation of the former using 2.3 million allele frequencies for the local population derived from the latter technology platform. This novel approach of combining breadth and depth of array and WGS technologies has guided the choice of population genetic representatives and provides complementary, regionalized allele frequency annotation to new genomes comprising millions of loci

    Genetic diversity and low stratification of the population of the United Arab Emirates

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    © Copyright © 2020 Tay, Henschel, Daw Elbait and Al Safar. With high consanguinity rates on the Arabian Peninsula, it would not have been unexpected if the population of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) was shown to be relatively homogenous. However, this study of 1000 UAE nationals provided a contrasting perspective, one of a relatively heterogeneous population. Located at the apex of Europe, Asia, and Africa, the observed diversity could be explained by a plethora of migration patterns since the first Out-of-Africa movement. A strategy to explore the extent of genetic variation of the population of the UAE is presented. The first step involved a comprehensive population stratification study that was instructive for subsequent whole genome sequencing (WGS) of suitable representatives (which is described elsewhere). When these UAE data were compared to previous smaller studies from the region, the findings were consistent with a population that is a diverse and admixed group of people. However, rather than sharp and distinctive clusters, cluster analysis reveals low levels of stratification throughout the population. UAE emirates exhibit high within-Emirate-distance/among-Emirate distance ratios. Supervised admixture analysis showed a continuous gradient of ancestral populations, suggesting that admixture on the south eastern tip of the Arabian Peninsula occurred gradually. When visualized using a unique technique that combined admixture ratios and principal component analysis (PCA), unappreciated diversity was revealed while mitigating projection bias of conventional PCA. We observe low population stratification in the UAE in terms of homozygosity versus separation cluster coefficients. This holds for the UAE in a global context as well as for isolated cluster analysis of the Emirati birthplaces. However, the subtle clustering observed in the Emirates reflects geographic proximity and historic migration events. The analytical strategy used here highlights the complementary nature of data from genotype array and WGS for anthropological studies. Specifically, genotype array data were instructive to select representative subjects for WGS. Furthermore, from the 2.3 million allele frequencies obtained from genotype arrays, we identified 46,481 loci with allele frequencies that were significantly different with respect to other world populations. This comparison of allele frequencies facilitates variant prioritization in common diseases. In addition, these loci bear great potential as biomarkers in anthropological and forensic studies
