1,069 research outputs found

    Environmental Damages and Crimes

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    In the effort to achieve environmental goals, policymakers have a number of tools available, including environmental and urban planning, regulatory and permitting programs, various types of incentives, purchasing programs, monitoring requirements, and the establishment of administrative, civil, and criminal sanctions. The applicability and effectiveness of these tools are of course dependent on the particular cultural, economic, and governmental context. Though criminal enforcement of environmental laws is sometimes perceived as a reactive measure, representing the failure of other approaches, it can serve an important function in deterring environmental abuses; promoting respect for environmental policies; sanctioning persons who violate the law; and reducing or eliminating the competitive advantage and the economic incentive to violate environmental regulations. Today, the massive scale of production activities undertaken by corporations around the world, and the competitive emphasis on maximizing profits, means that corporations may be inclined to cut comers when it comes to environmental compliance. Under these conditions, they can subject themselves to criminal liability when their behavior reveals a sufficient level of disregard for public safety and environmental integrity

    Size and Impact of Privatisation – A Survey of Empirical Studies

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    Privatisierung, Theorie, Empirische Methode, Privatization, Theory, Empirical method

    Pola Distribusi Hujan Jam-jaman Daerah Minahasa Selatan Dan Tenggara

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    Design rainfall is an input for analyzing the ungagged cathment design flood. Daily rainfall should be transformed into hourly rainfall. Transforming the daily rainfall to hourly rainfall by using the Storm Pattern of each own area. Until now there is no research about Storm Pattern of South Minahasa and South East Minahasa area therefor in design flood analysis still using the Storm Pattern from another area. The aim of this research is to get the Storm Pattern of the South Minahasa and the South East Minahasa area. The hourly rainfall data from 2003 to 2014 was taken from the Automatic Rain gage station at Tumani-Tompasobaru station, Buyat station, and Noongan station. Data was analyzed by using Statistics Methods. The rainfall data that used is the rainfall that has depth more than 50 mm in one rainfall series. Data is analyzed to get the frequency of each rainfall duration and then determine the rainfall duration that can represent the storm pattern of the research area. The result shows that the duration of storm pattern of this area is six to ten hours which 63% in first hour, 8% in second hour, 19% in third hour, 7% in fourth hour, 2% in fifth hour and 1% in sixth to tenth hour

    Pengelolaan Objek Wisata Sejarah Kerajaan Siak di Kabupaten Siak

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    Siak as a growing area, and has always been in the campaigning slogan by Siak Regent Drs. H. Syamsuar, M.Si namely "Siak The Truly Malay" or Siak indeed wither area. Siak has a myriad of attractions that can be enjoyed by the community, both domestically and abroad, namely historical tourism, cultural tourism, culinary tourism, nature tourism and agrotourism. In realizing the slogan "Siak The Truly Malay" Siak Regency presents various panoramic underlying siak district as an area known as the Malay region. One of them is the number of heritage - historical remains a silent witness and proof that the district is indeed melayu area.Under these conditions, formulated the problem of how the Object Management History Siak Kingdom as well as the factors that meghambat in the management of historical attractions in Siak. This study uses the theory of Natural Luther Gulick in 2004 to find out how the planning, organization, coordination, budgeting, and oversight in the management of attraction Siak royal history. Qualitative research with descriptive method. Researchers are trying to reveal the facts in accordance with the reality. This study did not look for or explain the relationship, not test hypotheses or make predictions. Data will be explained by what so we get an understanding.Based on the results of research and discussion, it can be concluded that the management of historical attractions in the category Kingdom of Siak still not optimal. Lack of good planning, organization, coordination, budgeting and supervision make the management has not run optimally. The lack of knowledge and curiosity of employees regarding the management of historical attractions and other aspects related to the management of historical attractions making them incapable in preparing and planning for management of historical attractions. Lack of supervision and evaluation conducted by the Office of the performance and duties of the employees that make the employees do not feel responsible for the management of historical attractions.Keyword: Management, Histor

    Neuronal Responses to Water Flow in the Marine Slug Tritonia diomedea

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    The marine slug Tritonia diomedea mustrely on its ability to touch and smell in order to navigate because it is blind. The primaryfactor that influences its crawling direction is the direction of water flow (caused bytides in nature). The sensory cells that detect flow and determine flow directionhave not been identified. The lateral branch of Cerebral Nerve 2 (latCeN2) has beenidentified as the nerve that carries sensory axons to the brain from the flow receptors inthe oral tentacles. Backfilling this nerve to the brain resulted in the labeling of a numberof cells located throughout the brain. Most of the labeled cells are concentrated in the cerebral ganglion where the nerve enters thebrain. The medial and lateral branches of CeN2 were backfilled for comparison of thepattern of cells from each nerve. A map of the cells innervated by latCeN2 reveals thelocation of the stained cells. Extracellular recording from latCeN2 revealed itsinvolvement in the detection of water flow and orientation. The nerve becomes activein response to water flow stimulation. Intracellular recordings of the electricalactivity of these cells in a live animal will be the next step to determine if these cells arethe flow receptors

    Olfactory Reciprocal Synapses: Dendritic Signaling in the CNS

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    AbstractSynaptic transmission between dendrites in the olfactory bulb is thought to play a major role in the processing of olfactory information. Glutamate released from mitral cell dendrites excites the dendrites of granule cells, which in turn mediate GABAergic dendrodendritic inhibition back onto mitral dendrites. We examined the mechanisms governing reciprocal dendritic transmission in rat olfactory bulb slices. We find that NMDA receptors play a critical role in this dendrodendritic inhibition. As with axonic synapses, the dendritic release of fast neurotransmitters relies on N- and P/Q-type calcium channels. The magnitude of dendrodendritic transmission is directly proportional to dendritic calcium influx. Furthermore, recordings from pairs of mitral cells show that dendrodendritic synapses can mediate lateral inhibition independently of axonal action potentials

    Implementation and Analysis of an Image-Based Global Illumination Framework for Animated Environments

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    We describe a new framework for efficiently computing and storing global illumination effects for complex, animated environments. The new framework allows the rapid generation of sequences representing any arbitrary path in a view space within an environment in which both the viewer and objects move. The global illumination is stored as time sequences of range-images at base locations that span the view space. We present algorithms for determining locations for these base images, and the time steps required to adequately capture the effects of object motion. We also present algorithms for computing the global illumination in the base images that exploit spatial and temporal coherence by considering direct and indirect illumination separately. We discuss an initial implementation using the new framework. Results and analysis of our implementation demonstrate the effectiveness of the individual phases of the approach; we conclude with an application of the complete framework to a complex environment that includes object motion

    Rancang Bangun Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Air Jenis Turbin Pelton Skala Laboratorium Sebagai Media Pembelajaran

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    The power plant type turbine pelton of scale laboratory was made to be used as a practical medium of students and lecturers of mechanical engineering in the environment Politeknik of Kotabaru. The purpose of this research was to obtain an ideal design for hydropower systems as learning media; Knowing the effect of the lamp load on the generator rotation, knowing the effect of the type of 12 VDC and 24 VDC lamp loads with varying loads on the generator power output. The method used in this study is a literature study and experimental methods. The research results obtained are the design has a table height of 90 cm and a width of 100 cm, the height of the loading panel is 80 cm, the air pressure from the pump is 270 psi with a nozzle size of 1,7 mm, a 12 blade Pelton turbine, a 36 V 60 A DC generator; the type of lamp load affects of generator rotation where when the type of load is 12 VDC the generator rotation is smaller than when the lamp load is 24 VDC, while the large lamp load given to the system causes of generator rotation to decrease or the effect of the lamp load on generator rotation is inversely proportional; the greater of lamp load lower the output power of generator, both with 12 VDC and 24 VDC load types or in other words, it is also reversed.Pembangkit listrik tenaga air jenis turbin pelton skala laboratorium dibuat untuk dijadikan sebagai media praktikum para mahasiswa dan dosen Teknik Mesin dilingkungan Politeknik Kotabaru. Tujuan penelitian ini dilakukan yakni memperoleh desain dan rancangan yang ideal untuk sistem PLTA sebagai media pembelajaran; mengetahui pengaruh beban lampu terhadap putaran generator, mengetahui pengaruh jenis beban lampu 12 VDC dan 24 VDC dengan beban bervariasi terhadap daya keluaran generator. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah studi literatur dan metode eksperimental. Hasil penelitian yang telah diperoleh yaitu desain dan rancangan memiliki tinggi meja 90 cm dan lebar 100 cm, tinggi panel pembebanan 80 cm, tekanan air dari pompa 270 psi dengan ukuran nosel 1,7 mm, turbin pelton 12 sudu, generator DC 36 V 60 A; jenis beban lampu berpengaruh terhadap putaran generator dimana saat jenis beban 12 VDC putaran generator lebih kecil dibandingkan dengan saat beban lampu 24 VDC, sedangkan besar beban lampu yang diberikan pada sistem mengakibatkan putaran generator semakin menurun atau pengaruh beban lampu terhadap putaran generator adalah berbanding terbalik; semakin besar beban lampu maka daya keluaran generator semakin menurun baik dengan jenis beban 12 VDC maupun 24 VDC atau dengan kata lain hubungannya juga berbanding terbalik
