453 research outputs found

    Design of High Speed Comparator

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    A new CMOS dynamic comparator using dual input single output differential amplifier as latch stage suitable for high speed analog - to - digital converters with High Spee d, low power dissipation and immune to. Back - to - back inverter in the latch stage is replaced with dual - input single output differential amplifier. This topology completely removes the noise that is present in the input. The stru cture shows lower power dissipation and higher speed than the conventional comparators. The circuit is simulated with 1V DC supply voltage and 250 MHz clock frequency. The proposed topology is based on two cross coupled differential pairs positive feedback and switchable current source ces, has a lower power dissipation, higher speed, less area, and it is shown to be very robust against transistor mismatch, n oise immunity

    Presence in Visual Mental Imagery

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    ‘Presence’, the sense of being inside a virtual environment evoked with the help of computer mediation, has come to be a subject well explored in the field of virtual reality. Studies on mental imagery confirm that we can intuitively evoke objects and spaces in our minds and interact with them temporally. We believe that a sense of presence could be experienced in such self-evoked reality as well. This paper explores the experience of presence in visual mental imagery. We studied verbal expressions, physical movements and gestures, exhibited during mental imagery experiences in two scenarios - a guiding task and a mental walk exercise. A ‘protocol analysis’ was performed followed by analysis of time taken and mapping of physical movements. The results evidently point to this spatio-temporal phenomenon of experiencing presence. Furthermore, we present a comparative review on the sense of presence experienced during mental imagery and virtual reality.IIT-ParisTech mobility programm


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    Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. Escuela de Posgrado. Maestría en Ciencias AmbientalesSe estudiaron las características físicas de los residuos sólidos domiciliarios como la generación per cápita (GPC), densidad (kg/m3) y composición física, a nivel de 519 distritos pertenecientes a las 25 regiones del Perú, para determinar indicadores específicos para el Perú y su relación con factores socioeconómicos y geográficos. Las variables independientes fueron el gasto per cápita familiar (GsPC), índice de desarrollo humano (IDH), índice de pobreza total (IPT), necesidades básicas insatisfechas (NBI) y coeficiente de desigualdad (GINI); mientras que las variable dependientes fueron la GPC, densidad y composición física de los residuos sólidos domiciliarios. Se utilizaron datos provenientes de estudios de caracterización de residuos sólidos y la base de datos actualizada al 2014 del Sistema de Información para la Gestión de Residuos Sólidos del Ministerio del Ambiente (SIGERSOL). Los valores de la GPC fueron trabajados sin actualizar y actualizados al 2015, encontrándose que la GPC promedio ponderada nacional es de 0.577 kg/hab/día y la región natural selva es la que presenta mayores valores de GPC. A nivel espacial los valores de la GPC se agrupan en algunos casos siguiendo un patrón geográfico de región natural. Para el caso de la densidad de los residuos sólidos, esta fue mucho mayor en la región selva (233.985 kg/m3), que es la que además presenta la mayor cantidad de materia orgánica en sus residuos, diferenciándose significativamente de las otras dos regiones naturales. Con respecto a la relación entre la GPC y los factores socioeconómicos, se observó que existe una relación más marcada con el gasto per cápita familiar (GsPC), aunque estadísticamente los coeficientes de determinación y correlación no eran fuertes. Por último, la tasa de crecimiento de la GPC se encontró en el rango de 0.263 % a 14.741% dependiendo del crecimiento poblacional y el ingreso económico de los habitantes.Physical characteristics such as household solid waste generation per capita, density (kg/m3) and physical composition of 519 districts within 25 regions of Peru were studied to determine specific indicators for Peru and its relationship with socioeconomic and geographic factors. The independent variables were the household per capita expenditure, human development index, total poverty index, unsatisfied basic needs and coefficient of inequality; while the dependent variables were the household solid waste generation per capita, density and physical composition of solid household waste. Data from studies of characterization of solid waste and the database updated 2014 from Information System for Solid Waste Management of Ministry of Environment were used. Household solid waste generation per capita values were worked without updating and updated in 2015, finding that the per capita generation of solid waste is 0.577 kg/person/day and the jungle region has the higher value of per capita generation. Spatially, per capita generation values are grouped in some cases following a natural geographical pattern region. In the case of the density of solid waste, this was much higher in the jungle region (233.985 kg/m3), which is the one featuring the largest amount of organic matter in waste, significantly from the other two natural regions differing. Regarding the relationship between the per capita generation of solid waste and socioeconomic factors, it was observed that her is a stronger relationship with the family per capita spending, although statistically the coefficients of determination and correlation were not strong. Finally, the growth rate of per capita generation was found in the range of 0.263 % to 14.741 %, depending on the population growth and the income of the inhabitants.Tesi

    Study of nonenzymatic antioxidants in schizophrenic patients

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    Background: Schizophrenia is one of the most debilitating psychiatric disorders. There is now substantial evidence of increased free radical–mediated damage in schizophrenia. These mechanisms are critical role in etiopathogenesis of schizophrenia. The potential toxicity of reactive oxygen species (ROS) is counteracted by a large number of cytoprotective enzymes and nonenzymatic anti-oxidants. Endogenous substances like albumin, bilirubin and uric acid play very important defensive role against reactive oxygen species (ROS) produced in our body. The present study was undertaken to study nonenzymatic antioxidants i.e. serum albumin, bilirubin and uric acid in first episode and chronic schizophrenic patients.Methods: 50 patients of first episode schizophrenia and 50 patients of chronic schizophrenia were included in the study. 50 numbers of age and sex matched healthy and apparently normal controls were also selected for study. Blood samples were drawn and analysed for albumin, bilirubin and uric acid from all participants.Results: The study shows significant decrease in serum albumin, bilirubin and uric acid levels in both first episode schizophrenics and chronic schizophrenic patients as compared to controls. When we compared levels of these parameters in first episode schizophrenics and chronic schizophrenics, we did not find significant difference.Conclusions: Findings in our study is suggesting that decrease in the levels of nonenzymatic antioxidants occurs in attempting neutralization of ROS in schizophrenics. This study supports the defensive role of nonenzymatic antioxidants against ROS in our body

    Study of Pruning Techniques to Predict Efficient Business Decisions for a Shopping Mall

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    The shopping mall domain is a dynamic and unpredictable environment. Traditional techniques such as fundamental and technical analysis can provide investors with some tools for managing their shops and predicting their business growth. However, these techniques cannot discover all the possible relations between business growth and thus, there is a need for a different approach that will provide a deeper kind of analysis. Data mining can be used extensively in the shopping malls and help to increase business growth. Therefore, there is a need to find a perfect solution or an algorithm to work with this kind of environment. So we are going to study few methods of pruning with decision tree. Finally, we prove and make use of the Cost based pruning method to obtain an objective evaluation of the tendency to over prune or under prune observed in each method

    Prevalence of Vitamin D3 deficiency among pediatric patients with idiopathic nephrotic syndrome in remission - A cross-sectional observational study from Vadodara, Gujarat

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    Background: Vitamin D deficiency occurs in nephrotic syndrome (NS) through various mechanisms, resulting in loss of both, Vitamin D binding protein and 25-(OH) D, in the urine leading to the risk of bone disorders. Objectives: The objectives of the study were to detect the prevalence of Vitamin D deficiency in children with idiopathic NS during remission. Methods: This study was conducted from April to November 2016 at the pediatric nephrology clinic at a tertiary care hospital in Vadodara. A total of 34 children were enrolled with idiopathic NS in remission, of which 14 had first attack of NS and ten of Frequently Relapsing Nephrotic Syndrome (FRNS) and Infrequently Relapsing Nephrotic Syndrome each. Vitamin D levels were measured using serum levels of 25-(OH) D by chemiluminescence method. Results: Vitamin D deficiency was observed in 28 of 34 (82%) children; of which, 16 (47%) had severe deficiency and 12 (35.2%) had mild to moderate deficiency. Children with the first attack of NS had a median Vitamin D level of 8.17 ng/ml (interquartile range [IQR] 2.9–28), IFRNS had a median of 6.8 ng/ml (IQR 2.9–33), and FRNS had the lowest median of 5.3 ng/ml (IQR 2.9–16). Although there were differences among all the 3 groups, differences were not statistically significant (Kruskal–Wallis 4.89, p=0.08) which showed decreased levels of Vitamin D. Conclusion: High prevalence of Vitamin D deficiency was observed in all 3 groups of idiopathic NS; the lowest being in FRNS. There was no significant association with lower levels of Vitamin D and relapses in NS. More research is needed to assess Vitamin D deficiency and to ensure the effect of Vitamin D supplementation for children with NS
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