3,721 research outputs found

    Effects of light and soil flooding on the growth and photosynthesis of ramin (Gonystylus bancanus) seedlings in Malaysia

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    We studied the ecophysiology of ramin (Gonystylus bancanus) seedlings in an experimental set up at the Forest Research Centre in Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia. Ramin seedlings were grown on flooded and drained peat soil under 100, 76, 46 and 23% sunlight, thus simulating effects of different light conditions (canopy gap size) and drainage that occur in natural ramin populations. Seedling growth was highest in partial sunlight (76%) and reduced with reducing light levels. Aboveground productivity and fine root development were significantly higher in seedlings grown on flooded soil compared with those on drained soil. In contrast, investment in coarse root biomass was significantly higher in seedlings grown on drained soil. It appeared that the aboveground growth benefits in flooded conditions were the result of more advantageous conditions for allocation of carbon to leaves, thus enhancing overall relative growth rates through higher light interception rates despite lower photosynthetic capacity. The results of this experiment suggested that drainage of peat swamp forests would seriously hamper natural regeneration of ramin by limiting the growth of seedlings. It is also suggested that selective logging operations which produce medium-size canopy gaps improve ramin regeneration in hydrologically undisturbed mixed swamp forest

    Nuclear targeting of the serine protease granzyme A (fragmentin-1)

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    Cytolytic granule-mediated target cell killing is effected in part through synergistic action of the membrane-acting protein perforin and serine proteases such as granzymes A (GrA) or B (GrB). In the present study we examine GrA cellular entry and nuclear uptake in intact mouse myeloid FDC-P1 cells exposed to perforin using confocal laser scanning microscopy, as well as reconstitute GrA nuclear uptake in vitro. GrA alone was found to be able to enter the cytoplasm of intact cells but did not accumulate in nuclei. In the presence of perforin, it specifically accumulated in the cell nuclei, with maximal levels about 2.5 times those in the cytoplasm after 2. 5 hours. In vitro, GrA accumulated in the nucleus and nucleolus maximally to levels that were four- and sixfold, respectively, those in the cytoplasm. In contrast, the active form of the apoptotic cysteine protease CPP32 did not accumulate in nuclei in vitro. Nuclear/nucleolar import of GrA in vitro was independent of ATP and not inhibitable by the non-hydrolyzable GTP analog GTPgammaS, but was dependent on exogenously added cytosol. Importantly, GrA was found to be able to accumulate in the nucleus of semi-intact cells in the presence of the nuclear envelope-permeabilizing detergent CHAPS, implying that the mechanism of nuclear accumulation was through binding to insoluble factors in the nucleus. GrB was found for the first time to be similar in this regard. The results support the contention that GrA and GrB accumulate in the nucleus through a novel nuclear import pathway, and that this is integral to induction of the nuclear changes associated with cytolytic granule-mediated apoptosis.David A. Jans, Lyndall J. Briggs, Patricia Jans, Christopher J. Froelich, Gayathri Parasivam, Sharad Kumar, Vivien R. Sutton and Joseph A. Trapan

    Direction of light propagation to order G^2 in static, spherically symmetric spacetimes: a new derivation

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    A procedure avoiding any integration of the null geodesic equations is used to derive the direction of light propagation in a three-parameter family of static, spherically symmetric spacetimes within the post-post-Minkowskian approximation. Quasi-Cartesian isotropic coordinates adapted to the symmetries of spacetime are systematically used. It is found that the expression of the angle formed by two light rays as measured by a static observer staying at a given point is remarkably simple in these coordinates. The attention is mainly focused on the null geodesic paths that we call the "quasi-Minkowskian light rays". The vector-like functions characterizing the direction of propagation of such light rays at their points of emission and reception are firstly obtained in the generic case where these points are both located at a finite distance from the centre of symmetry. The direction of propagation of the quasi-Minkowskian light rays emitted at infinity is then straightforwardly deduced. An intrinsic definition of the gravitational deflection angle relative to a static observer located at a finite distance is proposed for these rays. The expression inferred from this definition extends the formula currently used in VLBI astrometry up to the second order in the gravitational constant G.Comment: 19 pages; revised introduction; added references for introduction; corrected typos; published in Class. Quantum Gra

    Online data services at the Belgian Marine Datacentre

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    Over the past few years, the Management Unit of the North Sea Mathematical Models (MUMM) has built up a centre of human and technical expertise oriented towards the management and the analysis of marine environmental data. The Belgian Marine Data Centre (BMDC) serves as national repository and processing centre for marine and environmental data and ensures a continuous and scientifically sound data flow between data producers and end-users of marine and environmental data collected in the frame of national and international research and monitoring programmes. The data cover most domains of oceanology as there are: physico-chemical, optical parameters, biodiversity, hydrodynamics, sedimentology, geography and human interest. Most of the datasets relate to the Belgian Continental Shelf, the Scheldt estuary and its surrounding areas.To promote the use of a high variety of data sets, different tools are constantly being developed and are presented on our website (www.mumm.ac.be/datacentre). An interface to the integrated database on the quality of the marine environment was developed. This database mainly contains the results of measurements and observations in situ and laboratory analyses of air, water, sediment and biota samples. Besides an extensive inventory of the database and an advanced request form with several selection criteria, some more straightforward queries and geographical selection tools are being developed for a faster and easier access to a specific dataset. Data can freely be downloaded. Once the data are obtained, a spatial analysis tool is freely and online available for the visualization on an interactive map. A lot of documentation accompanying the data is online available. The strongest feature of this system is the common underlying structure for different kinds and sources of data. This opens the possibility to compare biodiversity data, physico-chemical data, sedimentological data and historical data.Another database at MUMM, the real-time data acquisition system ‘ODAS’ stores the physical and chemical parameters measured onboard of the research vessel RV Belgica since 1984. The along -track data are published online shortly after the end of the measurement campaign together with all other information like the campaign reports, cruise tracks, … This is a valuable source of basic information for the scientists

    Online data services at the Belgian Marine Datacentre

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    Over the past few years, the Management Unit of the North Sea Mathematical Models (MUMM) has built up a centre of human and technical expertise oriented towards the management and the analysis of marine environmental data. The Belgian Marine Data Centre (BMDC) serves as national repository and processing centre for marine and environmental data and ensures a continuous and scientifically sound data flow between data producers and end-users of marine and environmental data collected in the frame of national and international research and monitoring programmes. The data cover most domains of oceanology as there are: physico-chemical, optical parameters, biodiversity, hydrodynamics, sedimentology, geography and human interest. Most of the datasets relate to the Belgian Continental Shelf, the Scheldt estuary and its surrounding areas.To promote the use of a high variety of data sets, different tools are constantly being developed and are presented on our website (www.mumm.ac.be/datacentre). An interface to the integrated database on the quality of the marine environment was developed. This database mainly contains the results of measurements and observations in situ and laboratory analyses of air, water, sediment and biota samples. Besides an extensive inventory of the database and an advanced request form with several selection criteria, some more straightforward queries and geographical selection tools are being developed for a faster and easier access to a specific dataset. Data can freely be downloaded. Once the data are obtained, a spatial analysis tool is freely and online available for the visualization on an interactive map. A lot of documentation accompanying the data is online available. The strongest feature of this system is the common underlying structure for different kinds and sources of data. This opens the possibility to compare biodiversity data, physico-chemical data, sedimentological data and historical data.Another database at MUMM, the real-time data acquisition system ‘ODAS’ stores the physical and chemical parameters measured onboard of the research vessel RV Belgica since 1984. The along -track data are published online shortly after the end of the measurement campaign together with all other information like the campaign reports, cruise tracks, … This is a valuable source of basic information for the scientists

    Revealing species communities in a spatial and temporal overlap

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    Storing physical and chemical values, optical spectra and sediment granulometry is already a cumbersome task; dealing with biological data even falls into a different category. Biologists tend to focus their attention to species of their interest while other specimens in the same sample are often underestimated. Meanwhile taxonomists are continuously revising the taxonomy resulting in a complete new set of relations between these taxa. Keeping track with both and meanwhile having a dataset up to date seems endless. At the Belgian Marine Data Centre we tried to think outside the box and came up with a solution to content both biologists and data managers. The last thing we aimed at is to create another web index to refer species, therefore we hooked up with the existing web based referencing systems. The need to get data about different food webs in a spatial and temporal overlap is answered by our hierarchical storage of taxa which allows selecting a predator at species level and at the same time selecting different prey species at lower taxonomic levels. As these species, and also the scientists, usually are not confined into ‘latitude longitude squares’ we elaborated the spatial selection tool which defines user specific polygons to base the selection of data upon. We will briefly present the structure of our relational database but specific attention will go out to the taxonomic and spatial parts. Incentives and discomforts to organize the data in this way, and our current web interface, will be demonstrated

    Mitochondrial protein abundance gradients require the distribution of separated mitochondria

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    Mitochondria are highly dynamic organelles that interchange their contents mediated by fission and fusion. However, it has previously been shown that the mitochondria of cultured human epithelial cells exhibit a gradient in the relative abundance of several proteins, with the perinuclear mitochondria generally exhibiting a higher protein abundance than the peripheral mitochondria. The molecular mechanisms that are required for the establishment and the maintenance of such inner-cellular mitochondrial protein abundance gradients are unknown. We verified the existence of inner-cellular gradients in the abundance of clusters of the mitochondrial outer membrane protein Tom20 in the mitochondria of kidney epithelial cells from an African green monkey (Vero cells) using STED nanoscopy and confocal microscopy. We found that the Tom20 gradients are established immediately after cell division and require the presence of microtubules. Furthermore, the gradients are abrogated in hyperfused mitochondrial networks. Our results suggest that inner-cellular protein abundance gradients from the perinuclear to the peripheral mitochondria are established by the trafficking of individual mitochondria to their respective cellular destination

    The oxidation status of Mic19 regulates MICOS assembly.

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    The function of mitochondria depends on the proper organization of mitochondrial membranes. The morphology of the inner membrane is regulated by the recently identified mitochondrial contact site and cristae organizing system (MICOS) complex. MICOS mutants exhibit alterations in crista formation, leading to mitochondrial dysfunction. However, the mechanisms that underlie MICOS regulation remain poorly understood. MIC19, a peripheral protein of the inner membrane and component of the MICOS complex, was previously reported to be required for the proper function of MICOS in maintaining the architecture of the inner membrane. Here, we show that human and yeast MIC19 proteins undergo oxidation in mitochondria and require the mitochondrial intermembrane space assembly (MIA) pathway, which couples the oxidation and import of mitochondrial intermembrane space proteins for mitochondrial localization. Detailed analyses identified yeast Mic19 in two different redox forms. The form that contains an intramolecular disulfide bond is bound to Mic60 of the MICOS complex. Mic19 oxidation is not essential for its integration into the MICOS complex but plays a role in MICOS assembly and the maintenance of proper inner membrane morphology. These findings suggest that Mic19 is a redox-dependent regulator of MICOS function

    DNA-PAINT MINFLUX nanoscopy

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    MINimal fluorescence photon FLUXes (MINFLUX) nanoscopy, providing photon-efficient fluorophore localizations, has brought about three-dimensional resolution at nanometer scales. However, by using an intrinsic on–off switching process for single fluorophore separation, initial MINFLUX implementations have been limited to two color channels. Here we show that MINFLUX can be effectively combined with sequentially multiplexed DNA-based labeling (DNA-PAINT), expanding MINFLUX nanoscopy to multiple molecular targets. Our method is exemplified with three-color recordings of mitochondria in human cells
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