35 research outputs found

    Endometrioid Adenocarcinoma Arising in Adenomyoma in a Woman with a Genital Prolapse - Case Report

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    BACKGROUND: Endometrial cancer is the third-ranked genital malignancy in women and includes 3% of cancer deaths. There is a 2.8% chance of a woman developing endometrial cancer during her lifetime. Low-grade endometrioid adenocarcinomas are often seen along with endometrial hyperplasia, but high-grade endometrioid adenocarcinomas have more solid sheets of less-differentiated tumour cells, which are no longer organised into glands, often associated with surrounded atrophic endometrium.CASE REPORT: We present an unusual case of endometrial adenocarcinoma arising in adenomyoma in 74-year old woman presented with genital prolapse, without other clinical symptoms. Ultrasound evaluation revealed endometrium with 4 mm-thickness and atrophic ovaries. The cervical smear was normal. The patient underwent a total vaginal hysterectomy. The histopathology of the anterior uterine wall revealed an intramural adenomyoma of 4 mm in which some endometrial glands with malignant transformation of well-differentiated endometrioid adenocarcinoma without infiltration in surrounding myometrium and lymphovascular invasion were present. The endometrium lining the uterine cavity was predominantly atrophic, and only one focus of simplex and complex hyperplasia was found, with cell-atypia. According to AJCC/FIGO 2010, the tumour was classified: pTNM = pT1B pNX pMX G1 R0 L0 V0 NG1, Stage I. On dismiss, the near-future oncological consultation was recommended.CONCLUSION: We would like to point out the rare occurrence of such type of malignancy and the importance of meticulous histopathology evaluation, even after reconstructive surgery for genital prolapse

    Превентивната мерка од националната стратегија – едукација, реализирана преку едукативниот караван „Орбит дарува насмевка“

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    Идеалот на детската превентивна стоматолошка здравствена заштита е да го спречи нарушувањето на оралното здравје, а идеал на секое општество е да обезбеди економски, социјални и политички услови кои ќе овозможат најголем дел од детската популација да живее во благосостојба. За реализација на поставената цел, во РМ од 2008 год. функционира Националната стратегија за превенција на орални заболувања кај деца од 0 до 14 год. Таа содржи пет примарни превентивни мерки, од кои едната е едукација и мотивација за подобрување на оралното здравје кај децата од предучилишна и училишна возраст. Целта е преку насочен,плански и интерактивен процес децата да се стекнат со знаења,навики и вештини за унапредување на оралното здравје. Во 2017 год. во склоп на едукативните активности беше организиран едукативен караван во соработка со компанијата Орбит под наслов „Орбит дарува насмевка“. Караванот беше реализиран во 14 градови во РМ, поточно во 38 основни училишта. Беа опфатени деца од четвртите одделенија. Едукацијата беше реализирана со современи нагледни средства и секое дете доби по една брошура за правилна грижа за орално здравје. Основен момент во остварувањето на стоматолошката здравствена едукација е оценката на нејзината ефикасност. Вреднувањето на ефектите од спроведената едукација го извршивме преку анонимен прашалник пред и по едукацијата. Анализата на резултатите од прашалникот покажа дека поголем број деца по спроведената едукација дадоа точни одговори на поставените прашања. Стоматолошката здавствена едукација е императив за имплементација и на другите примарни превентивни мерки. Децата преку едукација стануваат свесни за штетноста на шеќерите во појавата на кариесот и позитивните ефекти од редовната орална хигиена, редовната посета на стоматолог и употребата на флуориди. Сè за весела безгрижна детска насмевка

    Gestational Diabetes Mellitus – The Impact оf Maternal Body Mass Index аnd Glycaemic Control оn Baby’s Birth Weight

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    Abstract: Objectives. To asses the influence of the maternal BMI and glycaemic control in women with GDM on the baby's birth weight (BW). Material and methods: We analysed 180 women with GDM. Macrosomia has been defined as BW > 4000 gm, small for gestational age < 2700 gm and appropriate for gestational age between both. According to the baby´s BW the pregnant women were divided into three groups: group 1 (G1) with BW < 2700 gm (n = 26); group 2 (G2) with BW between 2700 to 4000 gm (n = 117), and group 3 (G3) with BW > 4000 gm (n = 37). We also analysed BMI (kg/m²), HbA1c (%), PPG (mmol/L) and time of delivery (WG). Results: Comparisons between G1 and G2 showed: BMI (30.7 ± 5 & 31 ± 5.2; p < 0.7), HbA1c (6.4 ± 0.8 & 5.1 ± 0.8, p < 0.002), PPG (8.2 ± 1.7 & 6.9 ± 1.5, p < 0.02), time of delivery (35.2 ± 3.8 & 38.6 ± 1.5, p < 0.0001) and BW (2289 ± 504 & 3474 ± 334, p < 0.0001). Comparisons between G2 and G3 showed: BMI (31 ± 5. 2 & 33.4 ± 6.1; p < 0.02), HbA1c (5.2 ± 1.1 & 6.4 ± 2.3, p < 0.02), PPG (6.9 ± 1.5 & 8.2 ± 1.9, p < 0.02), time of delivery (38.6 ± 1.5 & 39.3 ± 1.4, p < 0.01) and BW (3474 ± 334 & 4431 ± 302, p < 0.0001). Comparisons between G1 and G3 showed the difference at delivery time and the baby's BW (p < 0.0001). Conclusions: Maternal obesity and PPG contribute to macrosomia and also PPG to SGE. Key words: gestational diabetes, large for gestational age, small for gestational age, birth weight, postprandial glycaemia

    DMFT evaluation of first permanent molars among 12 year old children in the Republic of Macedonia

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    Introduction: The first permanent molar plays an important role in mastication and it preserves the vertical dimension of the jaws. Because of the particular anatomical form, the early eruption and the carelessness of the parents, it is usually prone to caries. The presence of caries on this tooth is often an indicator of the condition of other teeth.Aim:To evaluate the DMFT and its components of first permanent molars among 12 year old children in all regions of the Republic of Macedonia. Material and method: 19355 children at the age of 12 were examined by 147 calibrated dentists in dental offices. The data were entered in forms recommended by the WHO and statistically processed. Results: The DMFT was 1.59 (1.52 in males, 1.66 in females). The lowest DMFT value was recorded in the Northeast region - 0.92, and the highest in the Polog region - 2.96. The F component was the major contributor to DMFT Index (51.24%) followed by the D component (43.78%) and the M component (4.97%). Conclusion: Analysis has shown that consistent application of preventive measures is needed to reduce each of the DMFT components. Key words: DMFT index, first permanent molar, 12 year old children, preventive measures

    Analysis of the global regulator Lae1 uncovers a connection between Lae1 and the histone acetyltransferase HAT1 in <em>Fusarium fujikuroi</em>.

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    The fungus Fusarium fujikuroi causes &quot;bakanae&quot; disease of rice due to its ability to produce gibberellins (GAs), a family of plant hormones. Recent genome sequencing revealed the genetic capacity for the biosynthesis of 46 additional secondary metabolites besides the industrially produced GAs. Among them are the pigments bikaverin and fusarubins, as well as mycotoxins, such as fumonisins, fusarin C, beauvericin, and fusaric acid. However, half of the potential secondary metabolite gene clusters are silent. In recent years, it has been shown that the fungal specific velvet complex is involved in global regulation of secondary metabolism in several filamentous fungi. We have previously shown that deletion of the three components of the F. fujikuroi velvet complex, vel1, vel2, and lae1, almost totally abolished biosynthesis of GAs, fumonisins and fusarin C. Here, we present a deeper insight into the genome-wide regulatory impact of Lae1 on secondary metabolism. Over-expression of lae1 resulted in de-repression of GA biosynthetic genes under otherwise repressing high nitrogen conditions demonstrating that the nitrogen repression is overcome. In addition, over-expression of one of five tested histone acetyltransferase genes, HAT1, was capable of returning GA gene expression and GA production to the GA-deficient &Delta;lae1 mutant. Deletion and over-expression of HAT1 in the wild type resulted in downregulation and upregulation of GA gene expression, respectively, indicating that HAT1 together with Lae1 plays an essential role in the regulation of GA biosynthesis

    Elucidation of the two H3K36me3 histone methyltransferases Set2 and Ash1 in <em>Fusarium fujikuroi</em> unravels their different chromosomal targets and a major impact of Ash1 on genome stability.

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    In this work, we present a comprehensive analysis of the H3K36 histone methyltransferases Set2 and Ash1 in the filamentous ascomycete Fusarium fujikuroi In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, one single methyltransferase, Set2, confers all H3K36 methylation, while there are two members of the Set2 family in filamentous fungi, and even more H3K36 methyltransferases in higher eukaryotes. Whereas the yeast Set2 homolog has been analyzed in fungi previously, the second member of the Set2 family, designated Ash1, has not been described for any filamentous fungus. Western blot and ChIP-Seq analyses confirmed that F.&nbsp;fujikuroi Set2 and Ash1 are H3K36-specific histone methyltransferases that deposit H3K36me3 at specific loci: Set2 is most likely responsible for H3K36 methylation of euchromatic regions of the genome, while Ash1 methylates H3K36 at the subtelomeric regions (facultative heterochromatin) of all chromosomes including the accessory chromosome XII. Our data indicate that H3K36me3 cannot be considered a hallmark of euchromatin in F. fujikuroi, and likely also other filamentous fungi, making them different to what is known about nuclear characteristics in yeast and higher eukaryotes. We suggest that the H3K36 methylation mark exerts specific functions when deposited at euchromatic or subtelomeric regions by Set2 or Ash1, respectively. We found an enhanced level of H3K27me3, an increased instability of subtelomeric regions and losses of the accessory chromosome XII over time in &Delta;ash1 mutants, indicating an involvement of Ash1 in DNA repair processes. Further phenotypic analyses revealed a role of H3K36 methylation in vegetative growth, sporulation, secondary metabolite biosynthesis and virulence in F.&nbsp;fujikuroi