595 research outputs found

    Exotic radiation from a photonic crystal excited by an ultra-relativistic electron beam

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    We report the observation of an exotic radiation (unconventional Smith-Purcell radiation) from a one-dimensional photonic crystal. The physical origin of the exotic radiation is direct excitation of the photonic bands by an ultra-relativistic electron beam. The spectrum of the exotic radiation follows photonic bands of a certain parity, in striking contrast to the conventional Smith-Purcell radiation, which shows solely a linear dispersion. Key ingredients for the observation are the facts that the electron beam is in an ultra-relativistic region and that the photonic crystal is finite. The origin of the radiation was identified by comparison of experimental and theoretical results.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    Effect of Dynamical SU(2) Gluons to the Gap Equation of Nambu--Jona-Lasinio Model in Constant Background Magnetic Field

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    In order to estimate the effect of dynamical gluons to chiral condensate, the gap equation of SU(2) gauged Nambu--Jona-Lasinio model, under a constant background magnetic field, is investigated up to the two-loop order in 2+1 and 3+1 dimensions. We set up a general formulation allowing both cases of electric as well as magnetic background field. We rely on the proper time method to maintain gauge invariance. In 3+1 dimensions chiral symmetry breaking (χ\chiSB) is enhanced by gluons even in zero background magnetic field and becomes much striking as the background field grows larger. In 2+1 dimensions gluons also enhance χ\chiSB but whose dependence on the background field is not simple: dynamical mass is not a monotone function of background field for a fixed four-fermi coupling.Comment: 20 pages, 5 figure

    Peak Stir Zone Temperatures during Friction Stir Processing

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    The stir zone (SZ) temperature cycle was measured during the friction stir processing (FSP) of NiAl bronze plates. The FSP was conducted using a tool design with a smooth concave shoulder and a 12.7-mm step-spiral pin. Temperature sensing was accomplished using sheathed thermocouples embedded in the tool path within the plates, while simultaneous optical pyrometry measurements of surface temperatures were also obtained. Peak SZ temperatures were 990 ⁰Cto 1015 ⁰C (0.90 to 0.97 TMelt) and were not affected by preheating to 400⁰C, although the dwell time above 900 ⁰C was increased by the preheating. Thermocouple data suggested little variation in peak temperature across the SZ, although thermocouples initially located on the advancing sides and at the centerlines of the tool traverses were displaced to the retreating sides, precluding direct assessment of the temperature variation across the SZ. Microstructure-based estimates of local peak SZ temperatures have been made on these and on other similarly processed materials. Altogether, the peak-temperature determinations from these different measurement techniques are in close agreement

    Optimum Arrangement of Resonator in Micro-bunch Free Electron Laser(III. Accelerator, Synchrotron Radiation, and Instrumentation)

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    Using a short-bunched beam of electrons from a linear accelator, the output of the micro-bunch FEL has been studied experimentally to clarify the optimum arrangement of an open resonator on the electron orbit. The output depends sharply on the arrangement, and the maximum output is observed when the resonator axis intersects the electron orbit with the angle of 3°

    Stress in frictionless granular material: Adaptive Network Simulations

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    We present a minimalistic approach to simulations of force transmission through granular systems. We start from a configuration containing cohesive (tensile) contact forces and use an adaptive procedure to find the stable configuration with no tensile contact forces. The procedure works by sequentially removing and adding individual contacts between adjacent beads, while the bead positions are not modified. In a series of two-dimensional realizations, the resulting force networks are shown to satisfy a linear constraint among the three components of average stress, as anticipated by recent theories. The coefficients in the linear constraint remain nearly constant for a range of shear loadings up to about .6 of the normal loading. The spatial distribution of contact forces shows strong concentration along ``force chains". The probability of contact forces of magnitude f shows an exponential falloff with f. The response to a local perturbing force is concentrated along two characteristic rays directed downward and laterally.Comment: 8 pages, 8 figure

    Dynamical symmetry breaking in the Nambu-Jona-Lasino model with external gravitational and constant electric fields

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    An investigation of the Nambu-Jona-Lasino model with external constant electric and weak gravitational fields is carried out in three- and four- dimensional spacetimes. The effective potential of the composite bifermionic fields is calculated keeping terms linear in the curvature, while the electric field effect is treated exactly by means of the proper- time formalism. A rich dynamical symmetry breaking pattern, accompanied by phase transitions which are ruled, independently, by both the curvature and the electric field strength is found. Numerical simulations of the transitions are presented.Comment: 20 pages, LaTeX, 6 .ps-figures, Final version published in "Classical and Quantum Gravity