690 research outputs found

    Annual report RUAF - Cities farming for the future, South and South East Asia Region, 2008

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    Urban agriculture / Training / Development projects / India / Sri Lanka

    Polychaetous annelids (order Sabellida) from the Karachi coast, Pakistan

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    Fifteen species of polychaete worms, belonging to order Sabellida, are described from the Karachi coast. Of these 10 are new records for Pakistan: Hydroides albiceps (Grube, 1870), H. exaltatus (Marenzellar, 1885), Protula sp. Spirobranchus tetraceros (Schmarda, 1861), Vermiliopsis infundibulum glandigera group, Demonax sp. and Bispira cf tricyclia (Schmarda, 1861)

    The legacy of Verena Holmes: inspiring next generation of engineers

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    Verena Holmes was born in 1889 in Ashford, Kent, Verena became a pioneer for women in the industry as arguably the first female in the UK to have a full-time career as a professional mechanical, design and biomedical engineer. Verena was an advocate for widening participation in engineering and dedicated to the development of female engineers, she represented a breakthrough for equal rights in the early 20th century. As a creative and talented mechanical engineer, inventor and entrepreneur with own engineering business in Gillingham, Kent. In 1932, Verena Holmes filed a patent for poppet valve for fluid pressured systems, and in 2021 has provided the inspiration to students to conceive, design, implement and operate their own poppet valve. The poppet valve challenging first year biomedical, mechanical and product design engineering students to consider engineering materials, engineering manufacturing, standard components, fixes and fittings, and tolerances considerations into their poppet valve. This paper will provide qualitative analysis of the level of practical engineering learning, and the depth of student learning. Also, the quantitative analysis of the students’ evaluation of the learning opportunity to inspire, develop and stimulate them to be the next generation of engineers


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    This study aims to find out enhancement of students’ mathematical reflective thinking ability through knowledge sharing learning strategy in Senior High School. The method of study used quasi experiment by non-equivalent control group design. The population of this study are eighth grader students of Senior High School in Tangerang City, Banten Province. Sampling technique used cluster random sampling with the numbers of students are 140 students. The instruments used in the form prior mathematical knowledge test and mathematical reflective thinking ability test. Data analysis are done by requisite test, namely data normality test (Kolmogorov-Smirnov Z Test) and homogeneity test (Levene Test). The statistic analysis of the data was conducted with one-way ANOVA, two-way ANOVA, and Scheffe Test. The results of study are as follows: (1) there is enhancement difference of mathematical reflective thinking ability of the students learning with knowledge sharing strategy and conventional learning; (2) there is enhancement difference of mathematical reflective thinking ability between students learning with knowledge sharing strategy (KSS) and conventional learning based on school level and prior mathematical knowledge (MPK) of students (higher, middle, lower); (3) The interaction between learning strategy (KSS) and prior mathematical knowledge (higher, middle, lower) influenced student’s enhancement of mathematical reflective thinking ability

    Kajian Rakitan Teknologi Budidaya Bawang Daun (Allium Fistulosum L) pada Lahan Dataran Tinggi di Bandung, Jawa Barat

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    Welsh onion is prosperous to grow intensively to its increasing demand for either domestic or exportmarkets. Productivity at farm level, however, is still low due to unavailable appropriate cultural practice. Thisstudy aimed to know the technical and finacila performances of application of improved cultural practice ofwelsh onion carried in Alamendah village, Rancabali subdistrict, Bandung district with elevation of 1,400 mabove sea level on 2001 dry season (April-June 2001). The method used was “On-Farm Client OrientedAdaptive Research” (OFCOAR). Experimental plots were divide into two treatments, i.e., improved culturalpractice of welsh onion (T1) and local cultural practice (T2) with replications of 8 farmers. The results showedthat improved cultural practice significantly affected crops' height, total shoots, and yields. The yield increasedby 6.6 tons/ha or 78.6 percents, and net profits increased by Rp 3,865,525 or more than 129 percents withparticipating farmers' B/C ratio of 1.34 and that of non participating farmers of 0.80. The value of IBCR of 2.73indicated that addition of one unit of input could increase wells onion farm business by 2.73 times.Key words : cultural practice, welsh onion, highland farmingBawang daun memiliki prospek yang cukup baik seiring dengan peningkatan kebutuhan permintaankonsumen domestik maupun untuk tujuan ekspor. Namun demikian, pada saat ini produktivitas rata-rata ditingkat petani masih relatif rendah akibat belum tersedianya rakitan budidaya yang optimal. Pengkajian inibertujuan mengetahui keragaan teknis dan finansial penerapan perbaikan rakitan teknologi budidaya bawangdaun yang dilaksanakan di desa Alamendah, Kecamatan Rancabali, Kabupaten Bandung, dengan tinggi tempat1.400 m dari permukaan laut (dpl) pada MK 2001 (April-Juni 2001). Pendekatan dilakukan berdasarkan “On-Farm Client Oriented Adaptive Research” (OFCOAR). Rancangan percobaan petak dibagi menjadi duaperlakuan, yaitu (T1) perbaikan rakitan teknologi budidaya bawang daun dan (T2) teknologi petani setempatyang diulang pada 8 orang petani. Hasil pengkajian menunjukkan bahwa penerapan perbaikan teknologibudidaya memperlihatkan perbedaan yang sangat nyata pada tinggi tanaman, jumlah tunas, dan hasil bawangdaun. Hasil panen meningkat 6,6 ton/ha atau 78,6 persen dan pendapatan bersih meningkat sebesar Rp.3.865.525,00 atau lebih dari 129 persen dengan BC ratio 1,34 pada petani kooperator dan 0,80 pada petani nonkooperator.Nilai IBCR 2,73 berarti bahwa penambahan satu satuan input dapat meningkatkan pendapatanusahatani bawang daun sebesar 2,73 kali

    Analisis Korelasi Kemampuan Berpikir Kreatif Matematik Terhadap Hasil Belajar Matematika Peserta Didik SMP Negeri 3 Lurangung Kuningan Jawa Barat

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat korelasi antara kemampuan berpikir kreatif matematik dengan hasil belajar matematika peserta didik kelas VII SMP Negeri Luragung Kuningan Jawa Barat. Peserta didik diberikan tes kemampuan berpikir kreatif matematik dan test hasil belajar matematika. Populasi penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas VII SMP Negeri 3 Luragung, Kuningan, Jawa Barat, sedangkan sampel yang diambil adalah siswa kelas VIII A SMP Negeri 3 Luragung, Kuningan, Jawa Barat yang dipilih secara purposive sampling. Instrumen yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah tes kemampuan berpikir kreatif matematik dan hasil belajar matematika. Setelah dilakukan analisis Varians didapat regresi linier dan pengujian keberartian regresi yang signifikan. Dari hasil perhitungan koefisien korelasi sebesar 0,559 dilanjutkan dengan uji t-student diperoleh 3,631. Hal ini berarti terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara kemampuan berpikir kreatif matematik dengan hasil belajar matematika siswa dan kemampuan berpikir kreatif matematik memberikan kontribusi sebesar 31,2 % terhadap hasil belajar matematika siswa.Kata Kunci : Kreatif, Hasil Belajar Matematika, Kemampuan Berpikir Kreatif Matematik. This study aims to examine the correlations between mathematical creative thinking abilities with mathematics learning outcomes of students of class VII SMP Luragung Kuningan West Java . Learners are given tests of creative thinking skills test results to learn mathematics and mathematics . The study population was a class VII student of SMP Negeri 3 Luragung, Kuningan , West Java , while the samples taken are A class VIII student of SMP Negeri 3 Luragung , Kuningan , West Java, which is selected by purposive sampling. The instrument used in this study is a test of creative thinking skills and mathematical mathematics learning outcomes. After the analysis of variance and linear regression obtained significant regression significance testing. From the calculation of the correlation coefficient of 0.559 followed by Student 's t-test obtained 3.631. This means there is a significant relationship between mathematical creative thinking abilities with mathematics learning outcomes and mathematical creative thinking abilities contributed 31.2 % of the students' mathematicslearning outcomes

    Investigating the Differences in Twitter Content and Effectiveness Between Individual and Team Sport Athletes

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    While the existing literature has categorized Twitter conversations and examined gender differences in professional athletes¡¯ online self-presentation initiatives, researchers have neglected to examine the differences in Twitter presentation between individual and team sport athletes. This study examined the differences in self-promotional content and effectiveness of Twitter activity between individual and team sport athletes. The authors utilized content analysis to categorize Twitter activity while a comparison not only between different types of athletes but also within categories was conducted by analyzing composite variables. While the findings confirmed the existence of content contrasts in the promotional category, no significant differences were observed in the remaining tweet categories. The analysis of fan perceptions identified team athlete tweets as more effective aside from the promotional category. Independently, the professional category was found to be most effective amongst team athlete tweets, while the athlete exchange category was deemed most effective amongst individual athlete tweets. The current study contributed to the understanding of self-promotional tactics utilized by two categories of athletes (i.e., individual and team) through the investigation of content of tweets and fan perception analysis. Key implications for the academic field and the sport marketing industry and recommendations for future research were discussed

    Finite Difference Solution of Conjugate Heat Transfer in Double Pipe with Trapezoidal Fins

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    A conjugate heat transfer problem on the shell side of a finned double pipe heat exchanger is numerically studied by suing finite difference technique. Laminar flow with isothermal boundary conditions is considered in the finned annulus with fully developed flow region to investigate the influence of variations in the fin height, the number of fins and the fluid and wall thermal conductivities on the hydraulic and thermal design of the exchanger. The governing momentum and energy equations have been solved by a finite difference-based numerical algorithm. The improvement in heat transfer rates, the exchanger performance and the optimum configurations are discussed

    Determination of Mercury Level in Rana esculenta (Frog), Sediment and Water from River Guma, Benue State Nigeria

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    The level of mercury was determined in R. esculenta (edible frog), sediment and water from river Guma, Benue State, for three (3) consecutive months using hydride generation atomic absorption spectrophotometer (HG-AAS) technique. The mean   concentrations of mercury in the R. esculenta, water and sediment were 0.027mg/kg, 0.00mg/kg and 0.001mg/kg, respectively. The absence of mercury in the water signifies its affinity to adsorbed to any surface in the river. Mercury builds up in the tissues of R. esculenta and its levels in tissues increase as we go up the food chain. The result of the analysis shows that the level of mercury is always higher in the liver (0.014mg/kg) compared to intestine (0.010mg/kg) and muscle (0.003mg/kg). The mean concentration of mercury obtained in R. esculenta (0.027mg/kg) was below the International Atomic Energy Agency recommendation value (IAEA – 433) of 0.168mg/kg. Keywords: Mercury, Edible Frog, Sediment, Guma, HG-AAS
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