85 research outputs found

    High-fidelity readout of trapped-ion qubits

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    We demonstrate single-shot qubit readout with fidelity sufficient for fault-tolerant quantum computation, for two types of qubit stored in single trapped calcium ions. For an optical qubit stored in the (4S_1/2, 3D_5/2) levels of 40Ca+ we achieve 99.991(1)% average readout fidelity in one million trials, using time-resolved photon counting. An adaptive measurement technique allows 99.99% fidelity to be reached in 145us average detection time. For a hyperfine qubit stored in the long-lived 4S_1/2 (F=3, F=4) sub-levels of 43Ca+ we propose and implement a simple and robust optical pumping scheme to transfer the hyperfine qubit to the optical qubit, capable of a theoretical fidelity 99.95% in 10us. Experimentally we achieve 99.77(3)% net readout fidelity, inferring at least 99.87(4)% fidelity for the transfer operation.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures; improved readout fidelity (numerical results changed

    Long-lived mesoscopic entanglement outside the Lamb-Dicke regime

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    We create entangled states of the spin and motion of a single 40^{40}Ca+^+ ion in a linear ion trap. The motional part consists of coherent states of large separation and long coherence time. The states are created by driving the motion using counterpropagating laser beams. We theoretically study and experimentally observe the behaviour outside the Lamb-Dicke regime, where the trajectory in phase space is modified and the coherent states become squeezed. We directly observe the modification of the return time of the trajectory, and infer the squeezing. The mesoscopic entanglement is observed up to Δα=5.1\Delta \alpha = 5.1 with coherence time 170 microseconds and mean phonon excitation \nbar = 16.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures. Revised version after editor comment

    Deterministic entanglement and tomography of ion spin qubits

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    We have implemented a universal quantum logic gate between qubits stored in the spin state of a pair of trapped calcium 40 ions. An initial product state was driven to a maximally entangled state deterministically, with 83% fidelity. We present a general approach to quantum state tomography which achieves good robustness to experimental noise and drift, and use it to measure the spin state of the ions. We find the entanglement of formation is 0.54.Comment: 3 figures, 4 pages, footnotes fixe

    Mandatory chromosomal segment balance in aneuploid tumor cells

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    Copyright: Copyright 2013 Elsevier B.V., All rights reserved.Background: Euploid chromosome balance is vitally important for normal development, but is profoundly changed in many tumors. Is each tumor dependent on its own structurally and numerically changed chromosome complement that has evolved during its development and progression? We have previously shown that normal chromosome 3 transfer into the KH39 renal cell carcinoma line and into the Hone1 nasopharyngeal carcinoma line inhibited their tumorigenicity. The aim of the present study was to distinguish between a qualitative and a quantitative model of this suppression. According to the former, a damaged or deleted tumor suppressor gene would be restored by the transfer of a normal chromosome. If so, suppression would be released only when the corresponding sequences of the exogenous normal chromosome are lost or inactivated. According to the alternative quantitative model, the tumor cell would not tolerate an increased dosage of the relevant gene or segment. If so, either a normal cell derived, or, a tumor derived endogenous segment could be lost. Methods: Fluorescence in Situ Hybridization based methods, as well as analysis of polymorphic microsatellite markers were used to follow chromosome 3 constitution changes in monochromosomal hybrids. Results: In both tumor lines with introduced supernumerary chromosomes 3, the copy number of 3p21 or the entire 3p tended to fall back to the original level during both in vitro and in vivo growth. An exogenous, normal cell derived, or an endogenous, tumor derived, chromosome segment was lost with similar probability. Identification of the lost versus retained segments showed that the intolerance for increased copy number was particularly strong for 3p14-p21, and weaker for other 3p regions. Gains in copy number were, on the other hand, well tolerated in the long arm and particularly the 3q26-q27 region. Conclusion: The inability of the cell to tolerate an experimentally imposed gain in 3p14-p21 in contrast to the well tolerated gain in 3q26-q27 is consistent with the fact that the former is often deleted in human tumors, whereas the latter is frequently amplified. The findings emphasize the importance of even minor changes in copy number in seemingly unbalanced aneuploid tumors.publishersversionPeer reviewe

    Keeping a Single Qubit Alive by Experimental Dynamic Decoupling

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    We demonstrate the use of dynamic decoupling techniques to extend the coherence time of a single memory qubit by nearly two orders of magnitude. By extending the Hahn spin-echo technique to correct for unknown, arbitrary polynomial variations in the qubit precession frequency, we show analytically that the required sequence of pi-pulses is identical to the Uhrig dynamic decoupling (UDD) sequence. We compare UDD and CPMG sequences applied to a single Ca-43 trapped-ion qubit and find that they afford comparable protection in our ambient noise environment.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure

    Time-separated entangled light pulses from a single-atom emitter

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    The controlled interaction between a single, trapped, laser-driven atom and the mode of a high-finesse optical cavity allows for the generation of temporally separated, entangled light pulses. Entanglement between the photon-number fluctuations of the pulses is created and mediated via the atomic center-of-mass motion, which is interfaced with light through the mechanical effect of atom-photon interaction. By means of a quantum noise analysis we determine the correlation matrix which characterizes the entanglement, as a function of the system parameters. The scheme is feasible in experimentally accessible parameter regimes. It may be easily extended to the generation of entangled pulses at different frequencies, even at vastly different wavelengths.Comment: 17 pages, 5 figures. Modified version, to appear in the New Journal of Physic

    Fabrication and heating rate study of microscopic surface electrode ion traps

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    We report heating rate measurements in a microfabricated gold-on-sapphire surface electrode ion trap with trapping height of approximately 240 micron. Using the Doppler recooling method, we characterize the trap heating rates over an extended region of the trap. The noise spectral density of the trap falls in the range of noise spectra reported in ion traps at room temperature. We find that during the first months of operation the heating rates increase by approximately one order of magnitude. The increase in heating rates is largest in the ion loading region of the trap, providing a strong hint that surface contamination plays a major role for excessive heating rates. We discuss data found in the literature and possible relation of anomalous heating to sources of noise and dissipation in other systems, namely impurity atoms adsorbed on metal surfaces and amorphous dielectrics.Comment: 17 pages, 5 figure

    Using Sat solvers for synchronization issues in partial deterministic automata

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    We approach the task of computing a carefully synchronizing word of minimum length for a given partial deterministic automaton, encoding the problem as an instance of SAT and invoking a SAT solver. Our experimental results demonstrate that this approach gives satisfactory results for automata with up to 100 states even if very modest computational resources are used.Comment: 15 pages, 3 figure

    Pre-M Phase-promoting Factor Associates with Annulate Lamellae in Xenopus Oocytes and Egg Extracts

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    We have used complementary biochemical and in vivo approaches to study the compartmentalization of M phase-promoting factor (MPF) in prophase Xenopus eggs and oocytes. We first examined the distribution of MPF (Cdc2/CyclinB2) and membranous organelles in high-speed extracts of Xenopus eggs made during mitotic prophase. These extracts were found to lack mitochondria, Golgi membranes, and most endoplasmic reticulum (ER) but to contain the bulk of the pre-MPF pool. This pre-MPF could be pelleted by further centrifugation along with components necessary to activate it. On activation, Cdc2/CyclinB2 moved into the soluble fraction. Electron microscopy and Western blot analysis showed that the pre-MPF pellet contained a specific ER subdomain comprising "annulate lamellae" (AL): stacked ER membranes highly enriched in nuclear pores. Colocalization of pre-MPF with AL was demonstrated by anti-CyclinB2 immunofluorescence in prophase oocytes, in which AL are positioned close to the vegetal surface. Green fluorescent protein-CyclinB2 expressed in oocytes also localized at AL. These data suggest that inactive MPF associates with nuclear envelope components just before activation. This association may explain why nuclei and centrosomes stimulate MPF activation and provide a mechanism for targeting of MPF to some of its key substrates

    An Improved Technique for Chromosomal Analysis of Human ES and iPS Cells

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    Prolonged in vitro culture of human embryonic stem (hES) cells can result in chromosomal abnormalities believed to confer a selective advantage. This potential occurrence has crucial implications for the appropriate use of hES cells for research and therapeutic purposes. In view of this, time-point karyotypic evaluation to assess genetic stability is recommended as a necessary control test to be carried out during extensive ‘passaging’. Standard techniques currently used for the cytogenetic assessment of ES cells include G-banding and/or Fluorescence in situ Hybridization (FISH)-based protocols for karyotype analysis, including M-FISH and SKY. Critical for both banding and FISH techniques are the number and quality of metaphase spreads available for analysis at the microscope. Protocols for chromosome preparation from hES and human induced pluripotent stem (hiPS) cells published so far appear to differ considerably from one laboratory to another. Here we present an optimized technique, in which both the number and the quality of chromosome metaphase spreads were substantially improved when compared to current standard techniques for chromosome preparations. We believe our protocol represents a significant advancement in this line of work, and has the required attributes of simplicity and consistency to be widely accepted as a reference method for high quality, fast chromosomal analysis of human ES and iPS cells