239 research outputs found

    Electro-hydrometallurgy of ciulcoyyrites – vii an appraisal of ferric chloride leaching process

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    Importance of hydrometallurgical route for processing chalcopyrite recovery of copper is highlighted. Conditions for ferric chloride leaching process have been standardized involving the recovery of copper by galvanic cementation as well as electrolysis in diaphragm cell


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    An investigation was carried out to understand the effects of Sn on hardness, wear rate and the coefficient of friction of spinodal Cu-Ni-Sn alloys. Alloys of appropriate compositions were melted in a crucible furnace under argon atmosphere and cast into sand moulds. Solution heat treated and aged specimens were tested for hardness, wear rate and the coefficient of friction. It was found that the hardness increases when the Sn content increases from 4% to 8% in the solution heat treated conditions. The peak aging time is found to decrease with an increase in the Sn content. Further, the coefficient of friction is independent of hardness whereas the wear rate decreases linearly with hardness irrespective of Sn content

    A Study on Awareness and Satisfaction towards Employee Welfare Measures

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    The employees are considered as major resources of all organisations including service as well as manufacturing industries. So in the present day of business world, the companies are giving more benefits to their employees and maintaining good standard measures to make them satisfy in the organisation. The present study is on the above subject which studies the welfare measures. Therefore the reason of the study is to find out how welfare measure are provided by the private organisation and how the employees are satisfied with the company accommodation given to the employees which plays a very important role in the employee satisfaction and their life in the organization. The study found that the employee welfare measures are highly satisfactory in their concern which was done through perfect analysis & interpretation. This study would be helpful for the company and also to improve some welfare and safety activities inside the company

    Structure of a translocation signal domain mediating conjugative transfer by Type IV secretion systems

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    Relaxases are proteins responsible for the transfer of plasmid and chromosomal DNA from one bacterium to another during conjugation. They covalently react with a specific phosphodiester bond within DNA origin of transfer sequences, forming a nucleo-protein complex which is subsequently recruited for transport by a plasmid-encoded type IV secretion system. In previous work we identified the targeting translocation signals presented by the conjugative relaxase TraI of plasmid R1. Here we report the structure of TraI translocation signal TSA. In contrast to known translocation signals we show that TSA is an independent folding unit and thus forms a bona fide structural domain. This domain can be further divided into three sub-domains with striking structural homology with helicase sub-domains of the SF1B family. We also show that TSA is part of a larger vestigial helicase domain which has lost its helicase activity but not its single-stranded DNA binding capability. Finally, we further delineate the binding site responsible for translocation activity of TSA by targeting single residues for mutations. Overall, this study provides the first evidence that translocation signals can be part of larger structural scaffolds, overlapping with translocation-independent activities

    A Study on Role of Intramedullary Interlocking Nailing in the Complex Femoral Shaft Fractures: Short Term Outcome Analysis

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    INTRODUCTION: Fractures of the shaft of femur are a major cause of morbidity and mortality in patients who sustain high energy trauma. Morbidity arises from limb shortening, mal alignment, knee contractures and other complications of fracture. Mortality is infrequent but can result from an open wound, fat embolism, adult respiratory distress syndrome or multiple organ failure especially in the polytrauma patients. Both morbidity and mortality can be diminished by prompt reduction and internal fixation of the fracture (Robert A.,HansenT.et al. 1978 ). Restoration of alignment, rotation and length, preservation of the blood supply to aid union and rehabilitation of the patient is the goal of treatment. The type and location of the fracture, degree of comminution, the age of the patient, patients social, economic demands and other associated fractures may influence the method of treatment. Currently intramedullary, interlocking nailing is considered to be the treatment of choice for complex femoral shaft fractures. AIM: The aim of our study is to analysis the results of complex femoral shaft fractures treated by intramedullary interlocking nailing in our institution. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Between the oct 2006-nov2008., 20 cases of complex femoral fractures were treated with intramedullary interlocking in Govt General Hospital were included in our study.19 patients were male and one was female. Age group of these patients were ranging from 18-78 years. Inclusion Criteria - complex femoral fractures in adults. Exclusion Criteria - All Compound fractures. All Fractures in the paediatric and adolescent age group. Associated head injury, visceral injuries. Old fractures. All the complex femoral shaft fractures were examined throughly to look for associated injuries, neurovascular damage. Thorough examination of the ipsilateral hip and knee was performed. All the fractures were stabilized initially with thomas spilnt, plaster immobilization and pin traction. All patients were stabilized hemodyanamically with intravenous fluids, blood transfusion as required. RESULTS: In 10 patients with excellent results there was no shortening, mal alignment, no pain or swelling in the fracture site and movements of hip, knee were near normal. In 5 patients with good results had shortening of 1 cm and knee flexion of 120o. In 3 cases with fair results had limb shortening; and knee flexion of between 900-1200. In 2 cases of with poor results had limb shortening of 2 cm and knee stiffness. The range of movements of knee less than 90o. All the patients had fractures of both bone leg and that could be the cause of knee stiffness. CONCLUSION: Our study consists mostly of male patients in their active part of their life. So, there is a need for quick return of their daily routines. Intramedullary interlocking nailing for complex femoral fractures has been established world wide as the gold standard treatment because of its load sharing property, internal splinting, and rotational stability. These contribute the stable osteosynthesis. When the patients are taken up for surgery earlier, fracture reduction can be achieved by closed method and yield early fracture union, excellent functional outcome and prevention of complications. Early mobility, a low rate of complications and high incidence of union obtained in this study in majority of patients makes this technique more reliable


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    In the title compound, C17H14O, the dihedral angle between the naphthyl ring system and the benzyl group is 83.22 (4)°. Both of these moieties are planar, with mean deviations from their least-squares planes, defined by the naphthyl ring C atoms and the O atom, and the phenyl ring C atoms and the benzyl α-C atom, of 0.0176 (1) and 0.0024 (13) Å, respectively. The crystal structure is stabilized by C—H⋯π and π–π inter­actions [centroid–centroid distance = 3.7817 (10) Å]

    The application of GAP software in constructing the non-normal subgroup graphs of alternating groups

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    A graph in group theory is constructed by using any elements of a group as a set of vertices. Some of the properties of a group are used to form the edges of the graph. A finite group can be represented in a graph by its subgroup structure. A subgroup H of a group G is a subset of G, where H itself is a group under the same operation as in G, whereas a subgroup H is said to be a normal subgroup if its left and right cosets coincide. The non-normal subgroup graph of a group G is defined as a directed graph with a vertex set G and two distinct elements x and y are adjacent if xy H. In this paper, the non-normal subgroups graph of alternating groups for order twelve is determined by using GAP software. The graphs are found to be a union of complete digraphs and directed graphs with the same pattern depending on the order of the non-normal subgroups


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    The crystal structure of the title compound, C26H25NO3, was determined as part of an investigation of host–guest and electron donor–acceptor complexes. The oxazole and the pyrrole rings both adopt envelope conformations. The dihedral angle between the two benzene rings directly linked to the oxazole ring is 49.5 (1)°. The crystal structure is stabilized by a C—H⋯π inter­action