51 research outputs found

    Stable Coastline between Two Groins Equation

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    In this research an equation of static equilibrium geometry shoreline on coastal segment between two groins with quadratic polynomial equations is developed. Equation coefficients were formulated based on the characteristic of stable coastline geometry of the previous study and conservation law of mass, where volume of erosion and sedimentation are identical. The equation is capable of predicting erosion and accretion for coastline between two groin. Furthermore, with the predicted erosion and sedimentation, the groins gap and the length of groin can be planned using maximum permitted erosion criteria

    Comparative Study between Groin and T-Head Groin

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    This study conducted a comparative study between groin and T-groin. The study was done by developing stable coastline equation between groins and between T-Head groins. Stable coastline equation is the follow up of previous research by the same researcher. Meanwhile, stable equilibrium coastline equation between T-Head groins is the development of stable coastline between groins equations. Comparation study in erosion on the downstream groin and the maximum erosion shows that T-groin provides better coastal protection than groin

    Gambaran Pengetahuan, Sikap, dan Praktik Perilaku Mahasiswa terhadap HIV/AIDS dan ODHA (Orang dengan HIV/AIDS)

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    Undergraduate students in adolescence and young adulthood period are sexually productive. It is crucial to discover their knowledge, attitude, and practice (KAP) towards HIV/AIDS since the highest HIV infection in Indonesia until 2016 is between those ages. The survey was conducted in Indonesia between November-December 2015. Data was collected using online structured KAP questionnaire to 350 undergraduate students (aged 18-23 years old) in Universitas Indonesia and analyzed with descriptive statistic. The KAP questionnaire used was adapted from Mulu, Abera, and Yinner (2014). Results shown that most participants answered correctly in knowledge items, but most of them still didn't know that HIV and AIDS are two different things, and they think that HIV can be infected through sharing foods, exchanging clothes and toilets with PLWH (People Living with HIV). Most participants have a positive attitude towards HIV/AIDS, but they have a negative attitude regarding on using condom while having sex as an affront to the couple, and disagreeing to live together with PLWH. Regarding on the practice, as much as 76 participants who have had sex ever had a risky sexual behavior but never had VCT (Voluntary Counseling & Testing), while the rest of participants who never had sex mostly have seen a condom but didn't feel comfortable to hold it. Knowledge towards HIV/AIDS was quite sufficient, the attitude was fair enough, but the practice for the participants who have had sex needed attention more. The results also might indicate stigma towards HIV/AIDS in Indonesia still exists because HIV is considered as an easily infected disease


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    ABSTRACTGastritis is an inflammatory process in the gastric mucosa and submucosa or health problems caused by irritation and infection factors. Treatment therapy used in gastritis is the proton pump inhibitor (PPI), H2 receptor antagonists, and antacids. Giving treatment therapy used by patients has an impact on the amount of medical expenses. The purpose of this study was to determine a more cost effective therapy between the use of omeprazole and lansoprazole in hospitalized gastrtitis patients at Bhayangkara Hospital, Manado. The method used in this study is Cost Effectiveness Analysis with a retrospective data collection on the period of January - December 2018. The sample in this study was 44 patients, consisting of 25 patients using with omeprazole therapy and 19 patients with lansoprazole therapy. The results showed that the most cost-effective PPI was omeprazole with an ACER value of IDR 643,210.37 and ICER value of IDR 631,023.17/ day for each increase in effectiveness if there is a transfer from lansoprazole to omeprazole Keywords: Cost Effectiveness Analysis, Gastritis, Omeprazole, Lansoprazol. ABSTRAKGastritis adalah proses inflamasi pada mukosa dan submukosa lambung atau gangguan kesehatan yang disebabkan oleh faktor iritasi dan infeksi. Terapi pengobatan yang digunakan pada penyakit gastritis yaitu proton pump inhibitor (PPI), antagonis reseptor H2, serta antasida. Pemberian terapi pengobatan yang digunakan oleh pasien berdampak pada besarnya biaya pengobatan.  Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menentukan terapi yang lebih cost effective antara penggunaan omeprazol dan lansoprazol pada pasien gastrtitis rawat inap di RS Bhayangkaara Manado. Metode yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah Cost-Effectiveness Analysis dengan rancangan pengambilan data secara retrospektif pada periode Januari – Desember 2018. Sampel pada penelitian ini sebanyak 44 pasien, terdiri dari 25 pasien pengguna terapi omeprazol dan 19 pasien pengguna terapi lansoprazol. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terapi PPI yang lebih cost-effective adalah omeprazol dengan nilai ACER sebesar Rp. 643.210,37 dan nilai ICER sebesar Rp. 631.023,17/hari untuk setiap peningkatan efektivitas jika akan dilakukan perpindahan dari lansoprazol ke omeprazol. Kata Kunci    : Analisis Efektivitas Biaya, Gastritis, Omeprazol, Lansoprazol

    Pengaruh Pemberian Vitamin C dan E terhadap Gambaran Histologis Ginjal Mencit (Mus Musculus L.) yang Dipajankan Monosodium Glutamat (MSG)

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    The aim of this research is to study the effect of vitamin C and E on kidney microstructure of mouse exposed to monosodium glutamate for 30 days. This research used complete randomized design which consisted of 6 treatments and 5 replications. The control consisted of K-, and K+ (castor oil 0.3 ml). The treatments were MSG 4 mg/g BW, P1 (only MSG), P2 (MSG plus vitamin C 0.26 mg/g BW), P3 (MSG plus vitamin E 0.026 mg/g BW) and P4 (MSG plus vitamin C and E). After treatments were completed, the mice were sacrificed by cervical dislocation, and kidney tissue section was prepared by the paraffin method and stained with Haematoxylin and Eosin staining. Microstructure damage of kidneys showed a significant difference between control and treatments. In P1, the proximal tubule damage was 69.95%±5 and in P4 was 47.22%±3. In summary MSG can cause damage in the form of a narrowing of the lumen of the proximal tubules of the kidney. A combination of vitamins C and E can reduce the effect of MSG on the kidney

    Pengaruh Ekstrak Methanol Biji Pare (Momordica Charantia) dan DMPA terhadap Jumlah Sel Purkinje Cerebellum Mencit (Mus Musculus L.)

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    Perubahan jumlah sel purkinje cerebellum mencit dapat dijadikan sebagai indikator terjadinya gangguan terhadap otak kecil pada pemberian ekstrak methanol biji pare (Momordica carantia L.) dan DMPA. Metode eksperimen digunakan untuk menentukan perbedaan yang terjadi pada tiap kelompok kontrol dan pemberian lama pemberian ekstrak biji pare dan DMPA. Kelompok kontrol terbagi dalam K0, K1, dan K2 dengan waktu berturut-turut 0, 4, dan 8 minggu. Kelompok perlakuan terdiri dari (P0) biji pare 0 minggu secara oral dan DMPA intramuskular (@ 6 jam), (P1) biji pare dan DMPA (@4 minggu), (P2) biji pare dan DMPA (@8 minggu). Masing-masing kelompok terdiri dari 5 mencit sehingga total mencit jantan adalah 30 ekor. Dosis ekstrak metanol biji pare adalah 5mg/10g berat badan mencit yang diberikan secara oral) (Yama et al. 2011). Sedangkan dosis DMPA sebesar 0,175 mg/ekor mencit yang diberikan secara intramuskular (Ilyas 2014). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan tidak adanya perbedaan yang nyata (p>0,05) antara kontrol dan perlakuan pada 0, 4, dan 8 minggu terhadap jumlah sel purkinje cerebellum mencit. Disimpulkan bahwa pemberian ekstrak metanol biji pare dan DMPA aman terhadap perbedaan jumlah cerebellum mencit

    Perancangan Kios Buku Online dengan Menerapkan Algoritma MD5 dalam Pengamanan Record Login

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    Online book stall is one form of e-commerce in cyberspace, all the time the sale and purchase transactions of books can be done at any time, but along with the development of online transactions, data controls should also be improved. To avoid data from damage caused by irresponsible people, it is necessary to secure data by applying cryptography to the data. In modern times there are many methods or algorithms that can be used to protect and control data from various attacks, but each of these algorithms certainly has its own weaknesses and strengths. The need for long-distance transactions and the importance of data security caused developers to continue to develop cryptography. MD5 algorithm is a one-way hash function that is often used in cryptography, especially in web-based transactions. The MD5 algorithm encodes data in a constant form of 32 bits. All processes from sales and purchase transactions in online bookstores will be safe and durable when the bookstore database is designed in such a way. The book stall database records are encoded with the MD5 algorithm, especially for logging records as a gateway for hackers or hackers to infiltrate. All transactions in the online book kiosk system are detected by the database, the resilience of the database from all attacks is the control of the system from all kinds of damage