41 research outputs found

    [Unclear fertility-related losses in cattle - a pilot study to evaluate the occurrence of bovine endometrosis].

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    With every surgical procedure there is a risk of postoperative infection (surgical site infection = SSI). This risk of infection can be influenced by various factors, including perioperative antibiotic prophylaxis. In terms of antibiotic stewardship, antibiotics should only be used if there is a proven benefit for the patient. However, this advantage has not yet been conclusively proven, especially for clean and clean-contaminated surgeries. The aim of our study was to document various relevant influencing factors on the infection rate after clean and clean-contaminated surgeries in dogs and cats. In particular, it was documented to what extent a reduced use of antibiotics affects the infection rate in the context of all influencing factors. Over a period of eleven months, 807 clean and clean-contaminated surgeries in dogs and cats were prospectively analyzed with possible influencing factors (gender, ASA classification, underlying endocrinological diseases, duration of anesthesia, duration of surgery, type of surgery, perioperative antibiotic prophylaxis (POA), duration of hospitalization) affecting the infection rate. After surgery all cases were followed up either 30 or 90 days, if implants were used. The effect of the various factors was evaluated using multivariable logistic regression analysis. SSI was detected in 25/664 clean and 10/143 clean-contaminated surgeries. Longer hospitalization, without antimicrobial prophylaxis, and male animals had a significantly higher risk of SSI. In clean surgeries, SSI occurred in 2,3 % of all cases with POA and 5,3 % without POA. The SSI in clean-contaminated was 3,6 % with POA and 9 % without. This difference resulted mainly from the results of osteosynthesis, gastrointestinal and skin surgeries. However, other types of surgeries, such as castrations, neurological interventions, abdominal and thoracic surgeries, and surgeries in the head and neck region, showed comparable infection rates with and without POA

    Strain-Driven Structure-Ferroelectricity Relationship in hexagonal TbMnO3_3 Films

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    Thin films and heterostructures of hexagonal manganites as promising multiferroic materials have attracted a considerable interest recently. We report structural transformations of high quality epitaxial h-TMO/YSZ(111) films, analyzed by means of various characterization techniques. A phase transition from P63mc to P63mcm structure at TC~800 K was observed by temperature dependent Raman spectroscopy and optical ellipsometry. The latter probing directly electronic system, indicates its modification at the structural phase transition likely due to charge transfer from oxygen to Mn. In situ transmission electron microscopy (TEM) of the lamella samples displayed an irreversible P63mc-P63mcm transformation and vanishing of ferroelectric domains already at 410 K. After the temperature cycling (300K-1300K-300K) the room temperature TEM of h-TMO films revealed an inhomogeneous microstructure, containing ferroelectric and paraelectric nanodomains with P63mc and P63mcm structure, respectively. We point out a strong influence of stress relaxation, induced by temperature and by constrained sample geometry onto the structure and ferroelectricity in strain-stabilized h-TMO thin films.Comment: 24 pages, 10 figure

    Case series on granulosa cell tumour in cattle with practical hints on diagnostics and outcome

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    Granulosa cell tumours are the most common neoplasm of the bovine ovary and present with a wide range of clinical signs. This case series comprises five case reports of ovarian granulosa cell tumours in cattle. The affected animals had different breeds (Red Holstein, Eringer, Swiss Braunvieh, crossbred beef) and ranged in age from 1 year 4 months to 20 years 11 months. The diversity of the cases gives an overview of the diagnostic possibilities as well as the possible treatments and outcomes of the disease. Anti-mullerian hormone (AMH) was measured in one of the affected animals, and was extremely elevated (>150 pmoL/L) compared to reported normal values (<3 pmoL/L). Three animals underwent standing laparotomy with unilateral ovariectomy, and the remaining two animals were slaughtered. One of the cases confirms the previously published reports that malignancy or metastasis is possible in cattle. Another case indicates that successful surgical treatment with subsequent resumption of reproduction is possible. In summary, the initial tentative diagnosis of GCT is made by ultrasound-assisted rectal examination of the genital tract or ovaries and can subsequently be supported by evaluation of AMH levels. The decision to proceed with treatment should be made without delay, as surgical removal of the altered ovary with subsequent resumption of reproductive activity and cessation of undesirable behaviour is possible

    Effect of Cu substitution on anion redox behaviour in P3-type sodium manganese oxides

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    This work was supported by the Faraday Institution (Grant No. FIRG018). The authors gratefully acknowledge support from the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC), Grant Nos. EP/L017008/1, EP/R023751/1 and EP/T019298/1.Sodium layered oxides which display oxygen anion redox behaviour are considered promising positive electrodes for sodium-ion batteries because they offer increased specific capacities. However, they suffer from irreversible structural changes resulting in significant capacity loss and limited oxygen redox reversibility. Here the effect of Cu substitution on the electrochemical performance of P3-type sodium manganese oxide is examined by evaluating the structural and electronic structural evolution upon cycling, supported by density functional theory (DFT) calculations. Over the voltage range 1.8–3.8 V vs. Na/Na+, where the redox reactions of the transition metal ions contribute entirely towards the charge compensation mechanism, stable cycling performance is maintained, showing a capacity retention of 90% of the initial discharge capacity of 166 mA h g−1 after 40 cycles at 10 mA g−1. Over an extended voltage range of 1.8–4.3 V vs. Na/Na+, oxygen anion redox is invoked, with a voltage hysteresis of 110 mV and a greater initial discharge capacity of 195 mA h g−1 at 10 mA g−1 is reached. Ex-situ powder x-ray diffraction patterns reveal distortion of the P3 structure to P'3 after charge to 4.3 V, and then transformation to O'3 upon discharge to 1.8 V, which contributes towards the capacity fade observed between the voltage range 1.8–4.3 V. DFT with projected density of states calculations reveal a strong covalency between the copper and oxygen atoms which facilitate both the cationic and anionic redox reactions in P3-type Na0.67Mn0.9Cu0.1O2.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Enhanced cycling stability in the anion redox material P3-type Zn-substituted sodium manganese oxide

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    Funding: Faraday Institution (Grant Number(s): FIRG018), Diamond Light Source (Grant Number(s): SP14239), Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (Grant Number(s): EP/L017008/1, EP/R023751/1, EP/T019298/1), SPRing8 (Grant Number(s): 2021A1425).Sodium layered oxides showing oxygen redox activity are promising positive electrodes for sodium‑ion batteries (SIBs). However, structural degradation typically results in limited reversibility of the oxygen redox activity. Herein, the effect of Zn‑doping on the electrochemical properties of P3-type sodium manganese oxide, synthesised under air and oxygen is investigated for the first time. Air‑Na 0.67 Mn 0.9 Zn 0.1 O 2 and Oxy‑Na 0.67 Mn 0.9 Zn 0.1 O 2 exhibit stable cycling performance between 1.8 and 3.8 V, each maintaining 96% of their initial capacity after 30 cycles, where Mn 3+ /Mn 4+ redox dominates. Increasing the voltage range to 1.8‑4.3 V activates oxygen redox. For the material synthesised under air, oxygen redox activity is based on Zn, with limited reversibility. The additional transition metal vacancies in the material synthesised under oxygen result in enhanced oxygen redox reversibility with small voltage hysteresis. These results may assist the development of high‑capacity and structurally stable oxygen redox‑based materials for SIBs.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Automatic Resource and Service Management for Ubiquitous Computing Environments

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    Abstract. Ubiquitous computing is about building applications to bring computation into the real, physical world. The high degree of dynamism and heterogeneity of the resources involved in such applications makes service adaptation and interoperability a difficult task. This paper presents UBIDEV, a service framework that faces the heterogeneity problem by hiding at the application level the dynamism of the underlying environment. We describe the UBIDEV architecture focusing on the description and the management of services and resources. We also describe how this approach decreases the complexity of the design and development of service-oriented applications. A prototype implementation of a unified messaging system is presented as a validation of the architectural design

    [Abortions and stillbirths caused by Coxiella burnetii in goats].

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    INTRODUCTION Coxiellosis, caused by the bacterium Coxiella burnetii, is a reportable disease in animals and humans in Switzerland. The number of cases in farm animals and humans has risen continuously in recent years. The aim of this work was to investigate abortions and stillbirths in goats with a focus on C. burnetii, to identify excretory routes which pose a zoonotic risk and the excretion time after an acute infection. Besides the submitted fetuses, does were screened with a serological antibody test. In addition, excretion via milk, faeces and vaginal mucus were investigated in dams with fetuses tested positive for C. burnetii at 14-day intervals.C. burnetii were isolated in 8 cases (3× in the placenta, 2× in the abomasum, 3× in the placenta and abomasum) of 13 examined stillbirths/abortions. Ten abomasums of goat kids and 8 placentas were examined using modified Ziehl-Neelsen staining (ZN) according to Stamp simultaneously with a real-time PCR. Four of 18 samples were false negative using modified ZN staining according to Stamp in contrast to real-time PCR. Seven does had serum antibodies against Coxiella. The excretion of C. burnetii persisted for 63 days in the milk, for 96 days in the vaginal mucus and for 96 respectively 114 days in two does monitored extensively. Intermittent excretion could also be observed in the milk during these 63 days. The present study showed that confirmation of disease, respectively transmission cannot be based on a single test. Only combined serological antibody test and real-time PCR examinations of birth material, milk, feces and vaginal mucus can result in a conclusive diagnosis. In addition, the examination using modified ZN staining according to Stamp is less sensitive and specific than the real-time PCR examination

    Growing up with bilateral hippocampal atrophy: from childhood to teenage.

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    The respective roles of the medial temporal lobe (MTL) structures in memory are controversial. Some authors put forward a modular account according to which episodic memory and recollection-based processes are crucially dependent on the hippocampal formation whereas semantic acquisition and familiarity-based processes rely on the adjacent parahippocampal gyri. Others defend a unitary view. We report the case of VJ, a boy with developmental amnesia of most likely perinatal onset diagnosed at the age of 8. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), including quantitative volumetric measurements of the hippocampal formation and of the entorhinal, perirhinal, and temporopolar cortices, showed severe, bilateral atrophy of the hippocampal formation, fornix and mammillary bodies; by contrast, the perirhinal cortex was within normal range and the entorhinal and temporopolar cortex remained within two standard deviations (SDs) from controls' mean. We examined the development of his semantic knowledge from childhood to teenage as well as his recognition and cued recall memory abilities. On tasks tapping semantic memory, VJ increased his raw scores across years at the same rate as children from large standardisation samples, except for one task; he achieved average performance, consistent with his socio-educational background. He performed within normal range on 74% of recognition tests and achieved average to above average scores on 42% of them despite very severe impairment on 82% of episodic recall tasks. Both faces and landscapes-scenes gave rise to above average scores when tested with coloured stimuli. Cued recall, although impaired, was largely superior to free recall. This case supports a modular account of the MTL with episodic, but not semantic memory depending on the hippocampal formation. Furthermore, the overall pattern of findings is consistent with evidence from both brain-damaged and neuroimaging studies indicating that recollection requires intact hippocampal formation and familiarity relies, at least partly, on the adjacent temporal lobe cortex

    An in vitro study on spontaneous myometrial contractility in the mare during estrus and diestrus

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    Uterine smooth muscle specimens were collected from euthanatized mares in estrus and diestrus. Longitudinal and circular specimens were mounted in organ baths and the signals transcribed to a Grass polygraph. After equilibration time and 2 g preload, their physiologic isometric contractility was recorded for a continuous 2.0 h. Area under the curve, frequency and time occupied by contractions were studied. Differences between cycle phases, between muscle layers, and over the recorded time periods were statistically evaluated using linear mixed-effect models. In the mare, physiologic contractility of the uterus decreased significantly over time for all variables evaluated (time as covariate on a continuous scale). For area under the curve, there was a significant effect of muscle layer (longitudinal > circular). For frequency, higher values were recorded in estrus for circular smooth muscle layer, whereas higher values were seen in longitudinal smooth muscle layers during diestrus. In longitudinal layer and in diestrus, more time was occupied by contractions than in circular layer, and in estrus. This study is describing physiologic myometrial motility in the organ bath depending on cycle phase