149 research outputs found

    The Use of Problem Solving Model in the Material of the Genetic Information Flow to Improve the Students' Concept Mastery

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    The purpose of this research was to determine the implementation of the IDEAL (Identify, Define, Explore, Anticipat and Act, Looking Back and Learn) problem solving model of Bransford (1998) on the lecture material flow of genetic information, its influence on the mastery of conceps. The method uses quasi-experimental research with pretest-posttest nonequivalent control design. The results of the research show that : (1) the lecture model of problem solving IDEAL on the material flow of genetic information can implemented very well in each stage; (2) had a significant influence on student mastery of concepts; (3) in each of the indicators developed, the experimental class, it is known that the lectures with a problem-solving model of the flow of information on the subject of genetically high yield category on several indicators; (4) gives effect to the problem solving ability of students

    Formulasi Granul Efervesen Kaya Antioksidan dari Ekstrak Daun Gambir

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    Gambir mengandung zat antioksidan katekin dan sudah sejak lama digunakan dalam pengobatan tradisional maupun modern, seperti dalam pengobatan penyakit Perut dan penyakit tenggorokan. Namun, produk gambir dalam bentuk blok kering kurang disukai karena tidak praktis untuk digunakan seharihari. Karakteristik rasa dan aroma gambir yang segar dan memiliki after taste sedikit pahit sangat cocok untuk dijadikan produk minuman. Bentuk produk granul efervesen mudah diterima karena dapat menggunakan pemanis untuk menyembunyikan rasa kelat dan pahit dari ekstrak daun gambir. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendapatkan produk baru dari gambir berupa produk minuman yang praktis dan rasa yang disukai. Penelitian ini dilakukan dalam dua tahap yaitu penelitian pendahuluan berupa percobaan mencari perbandingan bahan pengikat, pengemulsi, komposisi bahan asam dan basa serta bahan pemanis. Rancangan percobaan menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap Faktorial dengan dua faktor (jumlah ekstrak kering gambir dan polyvinylpirolidone) masing-masing dengan 3 taraf dan 3 ulangan. Pada penelitian selanjutnya, formula terpilih diperbaiki dan dianalisis pada berbagai parameter sifat fisik, kadar katekin, daya hambat terhadap oksidasi dan uji organoleptik. Granul efervesen terbaik adalah dengan 15% ekstrak kering daun gambir dan 1,5% CMC yang memiliki rendemen 88,2%, kadar katekin 63,01% serta daya hambat oksidasi sebesar 90,94%. Granul efervesen yang dihasilkan juga memiliki sifat fisik yang baik, yaitu kadar air 2,07%, pH 5,61, waktu larut 60 detik dan daya alir 5,81 g/detik. Dalam uji organoleptik, para panelis menunjukkan penerimaan agak suka pada semua formula dan paling menyukai formula dengan 15% ekstrak kering daun gambir dan 1,5% CMC

    Estudo dos materiais calcários usados como corretivos da acidez do solo em Mato Grosso do Sul.

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    Material e metodos; Resultados e discussoes.bitstream/item/38994/1/BP-1-96.pd

    Soil management qualification under no-till system in Center Southern Brazil.

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    No-tillage (NT) system comprises a set of technological processes aimed at exploring farming systems while promoting soil conservation management. Its main principles are: leaving soil undisturbed except for seeding in the drills or rows, the maintenance of permanent soil cover, the diversifi cation of crops by rotation or crop consortium, the adoption of joined harvesting-seeding process to reduce the time gap between operations. Although the NT system was developed to reduce erosion and to promote soil quality, there are several inadequate practices that have been applied in areas where cropping is misnamed as "No-tillage" system, e.g., the use of monoculture, the terraces misuse or elimination, the absence of contour plowing and others that are incompatible with the conservation principles and that lead to losses in soil and water quality and in local biodiversity. In order to improve the soil management in NT areas, a network research program coordinated by Embrapa Soils and supported by Itaipu Binacional has been studying no-tillage in twelve watersheds of six regions in Center-Southern Brazil since 2014. The network is developing indicators to assess soil management and its environmental eff ects at property and watershed scales. The program includes: participatory processes of self-evaluation, adjustment and certification by farmers; monitoring farming systems and small watersheds parameters (soil and plant) in twelve locations; long term experiments in six study-sites; and technology transfer in reference areas for training in NT systems. As preliminary results, the selection of monitoring watersheds has been carried out and the communication process has promoted eff ective participation of farmers in Paranapanema-SP, Londrina-PR, Toledo- PR, Maracaju-MS, Rio Verde-GO and Passo Fundo-RS. In addition, the establishment of local and international institutions network started up actions to improve soil management though no-tillage system.The monitoring approach adopts complementary methods to assess the farming system: IQP which is the No Tillage Participatory Quality Index developed by the Brazilian Federation of No-Till Farms and Irrigation (FEBRAPDP); DRES (Rapid Diagnostic of Soil Structure) to asses management structural quality in areas under NT; and Beta (β) index to classify watershed management based on hydrometeorological data, turbidity time series and sedimentary data set from monitored watersheds

    Solos frágeis: caracterização, manejo e sustentabilidade.

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    Fragilidade de solos: uma análise conceitual, ocorrência e importância agrícola para o Brasil; Identificação e mapeamento de solos frágeis no Município de Mineiros, GO; Levantamento e caracterização de solos frágeis no Município de Luís Eduardo Magalhães, BA; Mapeamento convencional e digital de classes de solos desenvolvidos de arenitos em Microbacia Hidrográfica em Botucatu, SP; Contribuição ao estudo de solos frágeis na Região Semiárida, Petrolina, PE; Potencial natural de erosão e geotecnologias para a classificação de capacidade de uso dos solos; Dinâmica da fertilidade em solos frágeis; Comportamento de nutrientes em solos frágeis sob cultivo de cana-de-açúcar na região de Mineiros, GO; Atributos de um Neossolo Quartzarênico sob mangueira irrigada e sob vegetação de Caatinga – estudo comparativo em Petrolina, PE; Mudanças no uso e impactos da expansão canavieira sobre solos frágeis no Sudoeste Goiano; Avaliação da expansão recente da cana-de-açúcar em solos frágeis na microrregião Vale do Rio dos Bois, GO; Compartimentação morfopedológica aplicada à distribuição de padrões espaciais de processo erosivo em solos frágeis – Município de Mineiros, GO; Funções de uso e indicadores de sustentabilidade – casos de expansão sucroalcooleira no Sudoeste de Goiás; Cenários para expansão da cana-de-açúcar no Sudoeste Goiano – estudo de caso de Mineiros.bitstream/item/141705/1/Livro-Solos-Frageis.pd

    Adubação de manutenção para a cultura da soja no sistema plantio direto.

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    An Approach to Interfacing the Brain with Quantum Computers: Practical Steps and Caveats

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    We report on the first proof-of-concept system demonstrating how one can control a qubit with mental activity. We developed a method to encode neural correlates of mental activity as instructions for a quantum computer. Brain signals are detected utilising electrodes placed on the scalp of a person, who learns how to produce the required mental activity to issue instructions to rotate and measure a qubit. Currently, our proof-of-concept runs on a software simulation of a quantum computer. At the time of writing, available quantum computing hardware and brain activity sensing technology are not sufficiently developed for real-time control of quantum states with the brain. But we are one step closer to interfacing the brain with real quantum machines, as improvements in hardware technology at both fronts become available in time to come. The paper ends with a discussion on some of the challenging problems that need to be addressed before we can interface the brain with quantum hardware.Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades PID2019-104002GB-C21Junta de Andalucía P20-00617Shanghai’s Municipality, China 2019SHZDZX01-ZX04 and 20DZ229090
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