1,506 research outputs found

    Modeling the evolution of infrared luminous galaxies: the influence of the Luminosity-Temperature distribution

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    The evolution of the luminous infrared galaxy population is explored using a pure luminosity evolution model which incorporates the locally observed luminosity-temperature distribution for IRAS galaxies. Pure luminosity evolution models in a fixed Λ\LambdaCDM cosmology are fitted to submillimeter (submm) and infrared counts, and backgrounds. It is found that the differences between the locally determined bivariate model and the single variable luminosity function (LF) do not manifest themselves in the observed counts, but rather are primarily apparent in the dust temperatures of sources in flux limited surveys. Statistically significant differences in the redshift distributions are also observed. The bivariate model is used to predict the counts, redshifts and temperature distributions of galaxies detectable by {\it Spitzer}. The best fitting model is compared to the high-redshift submm galaxy population, revealing a median redshift for the total submm population of z=1.8−0.4+0.9z=1.8^{+0.9}_{-0.4}, in good agreement with recent spectroscopic studies of submillimeter galaxies. The temperature distribution for the submm galaxies is modeled to predict the radio/submm indices of the submm galaxies, revealing that submm galaxies exhibit a broader spread in spectral energy distributions than seen in the local IRAS galaxies.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ. Quality of several figures reduced due to size restriction

    Hubble Space Telescope images of submillimeter sources: large, irregular galaxies at high redshift

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    We present new Hubble Space Telescope STIS, high-resolution optical imaging of a sample of 13 submillimeter (submm) luminous galaxies, for which the optical emission has been pinpointed either through radio-1.4 GHz or millimeter interferometry. We find a predominance of irregular and complex morphologies in the sample, suggesting that mergers are likely common for submm galaxies. The component separation in these objects are on average a factor two larger than local galaxies with similarly high bolometric luminosities. The sizes and star formation rates of the submm galaxies are consistent with the maximal star formation rate densities of 20 Msun kpc^{-2} in local starburst galaxies (Lehnert & Heckman 1996). We derive quantitative morphological information for the optical galaxies hosting the submm emission; total and isophotal magnitudes, Petrosian radius, effective radius, concentration, aspect ratio, surface brightness, and asymmetry. We compare these morphological indices with those of other galaxies lying within the same STIS images. Most strikingly, we find ~70% of the submm galaxies to be extraordinarily large and elongated relative to the field population, regardless of optical magnitude. Comparison of the submm galaxy morphologies with those of optically selected galaxies at z~2-3 reveal the submm galaxies to be a morphologically distinct population, with generally larger sizes, higher concentrations and more prevalent major-merger configurations.Comment: 16 pages, 6 figures, scheduled for ApJ, v599, Dec10, 2003. Minor edits. For version with higher resolution figures, see http://www.submm.caltech.edu/~schapman/ms_v3.ps.g

    AKARI-CAS --- Online Service for AKARI All-Sky Catalogues

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    The AKARI All-Sky Catalogues are an important infrared astronomical database for next-generation astronomy that take over the IRAS catalog. We have developed an online service, AKARI Catalogue Archive Server (AKARI-CAS), for astronomers. The service includes useful and attractive search tools and visual tools. One of the new features of AKARI-CAS is cached SIMBAD/NED entries, which can match AKARI catalogs with other catalogs stored in SIMBAD or NED. To allow advanced queries to the databases, direct input of SQL is also supported. In those queries, fast dynamic cross-identification between registered catalogs is a remarkable feature. In addition, multiwavelength quick-look images are displayed in the visualization tools, which will increase the value of the service. In the construction of our service, we considered a wide variety of astronomers' requirements. As a result of our discussion, we concluded that supporting users' SQL submissions is the best solution for the requirements. Therefore, we implemented an RDBMS layer so that it covered important facilities including the whole processing of tables. We found that PostgreSQL is the best open-source RDBMS products for such purpose, and we wrote codes for both simple and advanced searches into the SQL stored functions. To implement such stored functions for fast radial search and cross-identification with minimum cost, we applied a simple technique that is not based on dividing celestial sphere such as HTM or HEALPix. In contrast, the Web application layer became compact, and was written in simple procedural PHP codes. In total, our system realizes cost-effective maintenance and enhancements.Comment: Yamauchi, C. et al. 2011, PASP..123..852

    A Deep WSRT 1.4 GHz Radio Survey of the Spitzer Space Telescope FLSv Region

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    The First Look Survey (FLS) is the first scientific product to emerge from the Spitzer Space Telescope. A small region of this field (the verification strip) has been imaged very deeply, permitting the detection of cosmologically distant sources. We present Westerbork Synthesis Radio Telescope (WSRT) observations of this region, encompassing a ~1 sq. deg field, centred on the verification strip (J2000 RA=17:17:00.00, DEC=59:45:00.000). The radio images reach a noise level of ~ 8.5 microJy/beam - the deepest WSRT image made to date. We summarise here the first results from the project, and present the final mosaic image, together with a list of detected sources. The effect of source confusion on the position, size and flux density of the faintest sources in the source catalogue are also addressed. The results of a serendipitous search for HI emission in the field are also presented. Using a subset of the data, we clearly detect HI emission associated with four galaxies in the central region of the FLSv. These are identified with nearby, massive galaxies.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figures (fig.3 in a separate gif file). Accepted for publication in A&A. The full paper and the related material can be downloaded from http://www.astron.nl/wsrt/WSRTsurveys/WFLS

    Benchmark between antenna code TOPICA, RAPLICASOL and Petra-M for the ICRH ITER antenna

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    ITER will be equipped with three plasma heating systems: neutral beam (NB), electron cyclotron (EC), and ion cy-clotron resonance heating (ICRH). The latter consists of two identical ICRH antennas to deliver 20 MW to the plasma (baseline, upgradable to 40 MW). ICRH will play a crucial role in the ignition and sustainment of burning plasmas in ITER. A high fidelity and robust modeling effort to understand the interaction of the IC waves with the scrape-off-layer (SOL) plasma is a very important aspect. Among the main important research topics, we have the assessment of the antenna loading for different plasma scenarios, the role of the lower hybrid resonance in front of the antenna and how to include it in our models, and the RF sheath boundary conditions to evaluate the antenna impurity generation. In this work, we tackle the first of these by reporting on ICRF simulations employing the Petra-M code, which is an electromagnetic simulation tool for modeling RF wave propagation based on MFEM [http://mfem.org] for the ITER ICRH antenna. Moreover, a benchmark between the well tested antenna codes TOPICA, RAPLI-CASOL, which is based on COMSOL [www.comsol.com], and the Petra-M code is also presented. S- and Z-matrices and wave electric field are compared showing an excellent agreement among these codes

    Microwave Continuum Emission and Dense Gas Tracers in NGC 3627: Combining Jansky VLA and ALMA Observations

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    We present Karl G. Jansky Very Large Array (VLA) Ka band (33 GHz) and Atacama Large Millimeter Array (ALMA) Band 3 (94.5 GHz) continuum images covering the nucleus and two extranuclear star-forming regions within the nearby galaxy NGC 3627 (M 66), observed as part of the Star Formation in Radio Survey (SFRS). Both images achieve an angular resolution of ≲\lesssim2\arcsec, allowing us to map the radio spectral indices and estimate thermal radio fractions at a linear resolution of ≲\lesssim90 pc at the distance of NGC 3627. The thermal fraction at 33 GHz reaches unity at and around the peaks of each HII region; we additionally observed the spectral index between 33 and 94.5 GHz to become both increasingly negative and positive away from the peaks of the HII regions, indicating an increase of non-thermal extended emission from diffusing cosmic-ray electrons and the possible presence of cold dust, respectively. While the ALMA observations were optimized for collecting continuum data, they also detected line emission from the J=1→0J=1\rightarrow0 transitions of HCN and HCO+^{+}. The peaks of dense molecular gas traced by these two spectral lines are spatially offset from the peaks of the 33 and 94.5 GHz continuum emission for the case of the extranuclear star-forming regions, indicating that our data reach an angular resolution at which one can spatially distinguish sites of recent star formation from the sites of future star formation. Finally, we find trends of decreasing dense gas fraction and velocity dispersion with increasing star formation efficiency among the three regions observed, indicating that the dynamical state of the dense gas, rather than its abundance, plays a more significant role in the star formation process.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in Ap
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