499 research outputs found

    Visualization and Functional Analysis of Spindle Actin and Chromosome Segregation in Mammalian Oocytes

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    Chromosome segregation is conserved throughout eukaryotes. In most systems, it is solely driven by a spindle machinery that is assembled from microtubules. We have recently discovered that actin filaments that are embedded inside meiotic spindles (spindle actin) are needed for accurate chromosome segregation in mammalian oocytes. To understand the function of spindle actin in oocyte meiosis, we have developed high-resolution and super-resolution live and immunofluorescence microscopy assays that are described in this chapter

    Pluralismus im Islam - ein Schlüssel zum Frieden: Erfahrungen aus dem Irak, Syrien, Türkei, Ägypten und Tunesien im Vergleich

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    Zentrales Thema dieser Studie ist die Frage, wie die islamische Staatenwelt mit dem Pluralismus in ihrer eigenen Religion umgeht. Die meisten Länder haben erst mit ihrer staatlichen Unabhängigkeit in der zweiten Hälfte des 20. Jahrhundert das religiöse Recht der weltlichen Gesetzgebung unterstellt. Dadurch wurden aus Untertanen unterschiedlicher Konfessionen und islamischer Glaubensrichtungen gleichberechtigte Staatsbürger. Die Verstaatlichung der islamischen Institutionen legitimiert die Regierungen allerdings zur Kontrolle über religiöse Doktrinen. So entstanden neben den klassischen Rechtsschulen nationale Varianten islamischer Glaubenslehren. Während Angehörige anderer Religionen teils Minderheitenrechte besitzen, wird die Vielfalt islamischer Lehrmeinungen von den Staaten selbst kaum anerkannt. Dieses Defizit nutzen islamistische Akteure wie Muslimbrüder oder Ennahdah, um sich als Opfer staatlicher Religionsbehörden darzustellen. Dabei zeigen sie selbst noch weniger Toleranz gegenüber dem religiösen Pluarlismus. Denn sie lehnen regionale und nationale Traditionen des Islam ab und wollen das religiöse Recht (Scharia) auf seine Ursprünge zurückführen (Salafismus, Wahhabismus). Die Anfänge islamischen Rechts lassen sich nur vage rekonstruieren, weshalb salafistische oder wahhabitische Doktrinen ebenfalls auf Interpretationen angewiesen sind. Der verstärkte Kampf um die Deutungshoheit im Islam kann nur gelöst werden, indem die Staaten den verschiedenen Glaubensrichtungen mit Toleranz begegnen und diese im Rahmen ihrer nationalen Gesetzgebung anerkennen. Den normativen Rahmen hierfür bilden die UN-Menschenrechtsdokumente wie die Anti-Rassismus-Konvention (1969), mit deren Unterzeichnung sich viele islamische Länder auch der Religionsfreiheit verschrieben haben. (Autorenreferat

    Errors in chromosome segregation during oogenesis and early embryogenesis

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    Errors in chromosome segregation occurring during human oogenesis and early embryogenesis are very common. Meiotic chromosome development during oogenesis is subdivided into three distinct phases. The crucial events, including meiotic chromosome pairing and recombination, take place from around 11 weeks until birth. Oogenesis is then arrested until ovulation, when the first meiotic division takes place, with the second meiotic division not completed until after fertilization. It is generally accepted that most aneuploid fetal conditions, such as trisomy 21 Down syndrome, are due to maternal chromosome segregation errors. The underlying reasons are not yet fully understood. It is also clear that superimposed on the maternal meiotic chromosome segregation errors, there are a large number of mitotic errors taking place post-zygotically during the first few cell divisions in the embryo. In this chapter, we summarise current knowledge of errors in chromosome segregation during oogenesis and early embryogenesis, with special reference to the clinical implications for successful assisted reproduction

    Influence of advanced age of maternal grandmothers on Down syndrome

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    BACKGROUND: Down syndrome (DS) is the most common chromosomal anomaly associated with mental retardation. This is due to the occurrence of free trisomy 21 (92–95%), mosaic trisomy 21 (2–4%) and translocation (3–4%). Advanced maternal age is a well documented risk factor for maternal meiotic nondisjunction. In India three children with DS are born every hour and more DS children are given birth to by young age mothers than by advanced age mothers. Therefore, detailed analysis of the families with DS is needed to find out other possible causative factors for nondisjunction. METHODS: We investigated 69 families of cytogenetically confirmed DS children and constructed pedigrees of these families. We also studied 200 randomly selected families belonging to different religions as controls. Statistical analysis was carried out using logistic regression. RESULTS: Out of the 69 DS cases studied, 67 were free trisomy 21, two cases were mosaic trisomy 21 and there were none with translocation. The number of DS births was greater for the young age mothers compared with the advanced age mothers. It has also been recorded that young age mothers (18 to 29 years) born to their mothers at the age 30 years and above produced as high as 91.3% of children with DS. The logistic regression of case- control study of DS children revealed that the odds ratio of age of grandmother was significant when all the four variables were used once at a time. However, the effect of age of mother and father was smaller than the effect of age of maternal grandmother. Therefore, for every year of advancement of age of the maternal grandmother, the risk (odds) of birth of DS baby increases by 30%. CONCLUSION: Besides the known risk factors, mother's age, father's age, the age of the maternal grandmother at the time of birth of the mother is a risk factor for the occurrence of Down syndrome

    Synapsis and Meiotic Recombination in Male Chinese Muntjac (Muntiacus reevesi)

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    The muntjacs (Muntiacus, Cervidae) have been extensively studied in terms of chromosomal and karyotypic evolution. However, little is known about their meiotic chromosomes particularly the recombination patterns of homologous chromosomes. We used immunostained surface spreads to visualise synaptonemal complexes (SCs), recombination foci and kinetochores with antibodies against marker proteins. As in other mammals pachytene was the longest stage of meiotic prophase. 39.4% of XY bivalents lacked MLH1 foci compared to less than 0.5% of autosomes. The average number of MLH1 foci per pachytene cell in M. reevesi was 29.8. The distribution of MLH1 foci differed from other mammals. On SCs with one focus, the distribution was more even in M. reevesi than in other mammals; for SCs that have two or more MLH1 foci, usually there was a larger peak in the sub-centromere region than other regions on SC in M. reevesi. Additionally, there was a lower level of interference between foci in M. reevesi than in mouse or human. These observations may suggest that the regulation of homologous recombination in M. reevesi is slightly different from other mammals and will improve our understanding of the regulation of meiotic recombination, with respect to recombination frequency and position

    Apoptosis screening of human chromosome 21 proteins reveals novel cell death regulators

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    The functional analysis of chromosome 21 (Chr21) proteins is of great medical relevance. This refers, in particular, to the trisomy of human Chr21, which results in Down’s syndrome, a complex developmental and neurodegenerative disease. In a previous study we analyzed 89 human Chr21 genes for the subcellular localization of their encoded proteins using a transfected-cell array technique. In the present study, the results of the follow-up investigation are presented in which 52 human Chr21 genes were over-expressed in HEK cells using the transfected-cell array platform, and the effect of this protein over-expression on the induction of apoptosis has been analyzed. We found that the over-expression of two Chr21 proteins (claudin-14 and -8) induced cell death independent of the classic caspase-mediated apoptosis. Our results strongly suggest the functional involvement of claudins in the control of the cell cycle and regulation of the cell death induction mechanism

    Nondisjunction and transmission ratio distortion ofChromosome 2 in a (2.8) Robertsonian translocation mouse strain

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    Aneuploidy results from nondisjunction of chromosomes in meiosis and is the leading cause of developmental disabilities and mental retardation in humans. Therefore, understanding aspects of chromosome segregation in a genetic model is of value. Mice heterozygous for a (2.8) Robertsonian translocation were intercrossed with chromosomally normal mice and Chromosome 2 was genotyped for number and parental origin in 836 individuals at 8.5 dpc. The frequency of nondisjunction of this Robertsonian chromosome is 1.58%. Trisomy of Chromosome 2 with two maternally derived chromosomes is the most developmentally successful aneuploid karyotype at 8.5 dpc. Trisomy of Chromosome 2 with two paternally derived chromosomes is developmentally delayed and less frequent than the converse. Individuals with maternal or paternal uniparental disomy of Chromosome 2 were not detected at 8.5 dpc. Nondisjunction events were distributed randomly across litters, i.e., no evidence for clustering was found. Transmission ratio distortion is frequently observed in Robertsonian chromosomes and a bias against the transmission of the (2.8) Chromosome was detected. Interestingly, this was observed for female and male transmitting parents

    Improving fleet solution – a case study

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    Transportation management is a logistical activity with a high impact on a company’s ability to compete in the market. Although the focus on cost reduction is the most usual concern with this activity, lead times and the quality of the service provided should also be considered depending on the market to be served. The goal of this research was to compare different fleet alternatives for a specific construction materials company and discuss which scenario is the most suited to fulfil the company’s customer service policy. A case study approach was developed, and four alternative scenarios were considered. These were compared both regarding the costs they involve, which was analysed using a vehicle routing problem heuristic, and the quality of the customer service they allow, which was assessed based on their ability to provide flexibility in the fleet occupancy rate to respond to unexpected orders. Evidence showed that the current fleet solution is not adequate and investment should be made only if the demand level increases, otherwise outsourcing should be considered along with a minimum level of the self-owned fleet.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio