69 research outputs found

    Beyond universality in random matrix theory

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    In order to have a better understanding of finite random matrices with non-Gaussian entries, we study the 1/N1/N expansion of local eigenvalue statistics in both the bulk and at the hard edge of the spectrum of random matrices. This gives valuable information about the smallest singular value not seen in universality laws. In particular, we show the dependence on the fourth moment (or the kurtosis) of the entries. This work makes use of the so-called complex Gaussian divisible ensembles for both Wigner and sample covariance matrices.Comment: Published at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/15-AAP1129 in the Annals of Applied Probability (http://www.imstat.org/aap/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    Rigid C^*-tensor categories of bimodules over interpolated free group factors

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    Given a countably generated rigid C^*-tensor category C, we construct a planar algebra P whose category of projections Pro is equivalent to C. From P, we use methods of Guionnet-Jones-Shlyakhtenko-Walker to construct a rigid C^*-tensor category Bim whose objects are bifinite bimodules over an interpolated free group factor, and we show Bim is equivalent to Pro. We use these constructions to show C is equivalent to a category of bifinite bimodules over L(F_infty).Comment: 50 pages, many figure

    Les effets du développement sur les politiques d’adoption des enfants : les cas de la Corée du Sud et du Vietnam

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    Le séisme dévastateur et meurtrier subi par Haïti en janvier 2010 a porté une nouvelle fois et brutalement sur le devant de la scène médiatique mondialisée la question de l’adoption d’enfants victimes du sous-développement : Est-ce une bonne réponse aux malheurs d’un pays pauvre ? Peut-elle régler les problèmes posés par l’enfance dans les pays du Tiers-monde ? Ne doit-on pas encadrer davantage l’adoption Internationale [André-Trevennec, 2008] Et chacun de prendre position pour ou contre l’adoption internationale, d’ériger en règle générale ou en loi commune tel ou tel cas de son entourage. Le regard de l’historien, s’appuyant sur des sources identifiées et une démarche construite permet de prendre du recul, de mettre en perspective les événements présents et passés [Denéchère, 2011]

    Stretched Exponential Relaxation in the Biased Random Voter Model

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    We study the relaxation properties of the voter model with i.i.d. random bias. We prove under mild condions that the disorder-averaged relaxation of this biased random voter model is faster than a stretched exponential with exponent d/(d+α)d/(d+\alpha), where 0<α≤20<\alpha\le 2 depends on the transition rates of the non-biased voter model. Under an additional assumption, we show that the above upper bound is optimal. The main ingredient of our proof is a result of Donsker and Varadhan (1979).Comment: 14 pages, AMS-LaTe

    Open string theory and planar algebras

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    In this note we show that abstract planar algebras are algebras over the topological operad of moduli spaces of stable maps with Lagrangian boundary conditions, which in the case of the projective line are described in terms of real rational functions. These moduli spaces appear naturally in the formulation of open string theory on the projective line. We also show two geometric ways to obtain planar algebras from real algebraic geometry, one based on string topology and one on Gromov-Witten theory. In particular, through the well known relation between planar algebras and subfactors, these results establish a connection between open string theory, real algebraic geometry, and subfactors of von Neumann algebras.Comment: 13 pages, LaTeX, 7 eps figure

    Order in glassy systems

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    A directly measurable correlation length may be defined for systems having a two-step relaxation, based on the geometric properties of density profile that remains after averaging out the fast motion. We argue that the length diverges if and when the slow timescale diverges, whatever the microscopic mechanism at the origin of the slowing down. Measuring the length amounts to determining explicitly the complexity from the observed particle configurations. One may compute in the same way the Renyi complexities K_q, their relative behavior for different q characterizes the mechanism underlying the transition. In particular, the 'Random First Order' scenario predicts that in the glass phase K_q=0 for q>x, and K_q>0 for q<x, with x the Parisi parameter. The hypothesis of a nonequilibrium effective temperature may also be directly tested directly from configurations.Comment: Typos corrected, clarifications adde

    Spectral density asymptotics for Gaussian and Laguerre β\beta-ensembles in the exponentially small region

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    The first two terms in the large NN asymptotic expansion of the β\beta moment of the characteristic polynomial for the Gaussian and Laguerre β\beta-ensembles are calculated. This is used to compute the asymptotic expansion of the spectral density in these ensembles, in the exponentially small region outside the leading support, up to terms o(1)o(1) . The leading form of the right tail of the distribution of the largest eigenvalue is given by the density in this regime. It is demonstrated that there is a scaling from this, to the right tail asymptotics for the distribution of the largest eigenvalue at the soft edge.Comment: 19 page

    On Connected Diagrams and Cumulants of Erdos-Renyi Matrix Models

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    Regarding the adjacency matrices of n-vertex graphs and related graph Laplacian, we introduce two families of discrete matrix models constructed both with the help of the Erdos-Renyi ensemble of random graphs. Corresponding matrix sums represent the characteristic functions of the average number of walks and closed walks over the random graph. These sums can be considered as discrete analogs of the matrix integrals of random matrix theory. We study the diagram structure of the cumulant expansions of logarithms of these matrix sums and analyze the limiting expressions in the cases of constant and vanishing edge probabilities as n tends to infinity.Comment: 34 pages, 8 figure

    Asymptotic expansion of beta matrix models in the one-cut regime

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    We prove the existence of a 1/N expansion to all orders in beta matrix models with a confining, off-critical potential corresponding to an equilibrium measure with a connected support. Thus, the coefficients of the expansion can be obtained recursively by the "topological recursion" of Chekhov and Eynard. Our method relies on the combination of a priori bounds on the correlators and the study of Schwinger-Dyson equations, thanks to the uses of classical complex analysis techniques. These a priori bounds can be derived following Boutet de Monvel, Pastur and Shcherbina, or for strictly convex potentials by using concentration of measure. Doing so, we extend the strategy of Guionnet and Maurel-Segala, from the hermitian models (beta = 2) and perturbative potentials, to general beta models. The existence of the first correction in 1/N has been considered previously by Johansson and more recently by Kriecherbauer and Shcherbina. Here, by taking similar hypotheses, we extend the result to all orders in 1/N.Comment: 42 pages, 2 figures. v2: typos and a confusion of notation corrected. v3: version to appear in Commun. Math. Phy

    Genus expansion for real Wishart matrices

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    We present an exact formula for moments and cumulants of several real compound Wishart matrices in terms of an Euler characteristic expansion, similar to the genus expansion for complex random matrices. We consider their asymptotic values in the large matrix limit: as in a genus expansion, the terms which survive in the large matrix limit are those with the greatest Euler characteristic, that is, either spheres or collections of spheres. This topological construction motivates an algebraic expression for the moments and cumulants in terms of the symmetric group. We examine the combinatorial properties distinguishing the leading order terms. By considering higher cumulants, we give a central limit-type theorem for the asymptotic distribution around the expected value
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