299 research outputs found

    Global analyses of TetR family transcriptional regulators in mycobacteria indicates conservation across species and diversity in regulated functions

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    BACKGROUND: Mycobacteria inhabit diverse niches and display high metabolic versatility. They can colonise both humans and animals and are also able to survive in the environment. In order to succeed, response to environmental cues via transcriptional regulation is required. In this study we focused on the TetR family of transcriptional regulators (TFTRs) in mycobacteria. RESULTS: We used InterPro to classify the entire complement of transcriptional regulators in 10 mycobacterial species and these analyses showed that TFTRs are the most abundant family of regulators in all species. We identified those TFTRs that are conserved across all species analysed and those that are unique to the pathogens included in the analysis. We examined genomic contexts of 663 of the conserved TFTRs and observed that the majority of TFTRs are separated by 200 bp or less from divergently oriented genes. Analyses of divergent genes indicated that the TFTRs control diverse biochemical functions not limited to efflux pumps. TFTRs typically bind to palindromic motifs and we identified 11 highly significant novel motifs in the upstream regions of divergently oriented TFTRs. The C-terminal ligand binding domain from the TFTR complement in M. tuberculosis showed great diversity in amino acid sequence but with an overall architecture common to other TFTRs. CONCLUSION: This study suggests that mycobacteria depend on TFTRs for the transcriptional control of a number of metabolic functions yet the physiological role of the majority of these regulators remain unknown. ELECTRONIC SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL: The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s12864-015-1696-9) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users

    β-Adrenoceptor blockade modulates fusiform gyrus activity to black versus white faces.

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    INTRODUCTION: The beta-adrenoceptor antagonist propranolol is known to reduce peripheral and central activity of noradrenaline. A recent study found that intervention with propranolol diminished negative implicit racial bias. MATERIALS AND METHOD: The current study used functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) in order to determine the neural correlates of this effect. Healthy volunteers (N = 40) of white ethnic origin received a single oral dose (40 mg) of propranolol, in a randomised, double-blind, parallel group, placebo-controlled design, before viewing unfamiliar faces of same and other race. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: We found significantly reduced activity in the fusiform gyrus and thalamus following propranolol to out-group faces only. Additionally, propranolol lowered the implicit attitude score, without affecting explicit prejudice measure. CONCLUSION: These findings suggest that noradrenaline pathways might modulate racial bias by acting on the processing of categorisation in the fusiform gyrus

    Evidence for Escherichia coli DcuD carrier dependent FOF1-ATPase activity during fermentation of glycerol

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    During fermentation Escherichia coli excrete succinate mainly via Dcu family carriers. Current work reveals the total and N,N’-dicyclohexylcarbodiimide (DCCD) inhibited ATPase activity at pH 7.5 and 5.5 in E. coli wild type and dcu mutants upon glycerol fermentation. The overall ATPase activity was highest at pH 7.5 in dcuABCD mutant. In wild type cells 50% of the activity came from the FOF1-ATPase but in dcuD mutant it reached ~80%. K+ (100 mM) stimulate total but not DCCD inhibited ATPase activity 40% and 20% in wild type and dcuD mutant, respectively. 90% of overall ATPase activity was inhibited by DCCD at pH 5.5 only in dcuABC mutant. At pH 7.5 the H+ fluxes in E. coli wild type, dcuD and dcuABCD mutants was similar but in dcuABC triple mutant the H+ flux decreased 1.4 fold reaching 1.15 mM/min when glycerol was supplemented. In succinate assays the H+ flux was higher in the strains where DcuD is absent. No significant differences were determined in wild type and mutants specific growth rate except dcuD strain. Taken together it is suggested that during glycerol fermentation DcuD has impact on H+ fluxes, FOF1-ATPase activity and depends on potassium ions

    Effects of Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation on Episodic Memory Related to Emotional Visual Stimuli

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    The present study investigated emotional memory following bilateral transcranial electrical stimulation (direct current of 1 mA, for 20 minutes) over fronto-temporal cortical areas of healthy participants during the encoding of images that differed in affective arousal and valence. The main result was a significant interaction between the side of anodal stimulation and image emotional valence. Specifically, right anodal/left cathodal stimulation selectively facilitated the recall of pleasant images with respect to both unpleasant and neutral images whereas left anodal/right cathodal stimulation selectively facilitated the recall of unpleasant images with respect to both pleasant and neutral images. From a theoretical perspective, this double dissociation between the side of anodal stimulation and the advantage in the memory performance for a specific type of stimulus depending on its pleasantness supported the specific-valence hypothesis of emotional processes, which assumes a specialization of the right hemisphere in processing unpleasant stimuli and a specialization of the left hemisphere in processing pleasant stimuli. From a methodological point of view, first we found tDCS effects strictly dependent on the stimulus category, and second a pattern of results in line with an interfering and inhibitory account of anodal stimulation on memory performance. These findings need to be carefully considered in applied contexts, such as the rehabilitation of altered emotional processing or eye-witness memory, and deserve to be further investigated in order to understand their underlying mechanisms of action

    Assessing hippocampal functional reserve in temporal lobe epilepsy:A multi-voxel pattern analysis of fMRI data

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    Assessing the functional reserve of key memory structures in the medial temporal lobes (MTL) of pre-surgical patients with intractable temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE) remains a challenge. Conventional functional MRI (fMRI) memory paradigms have yet to fully convince of their ability to confidently assess the risk of a post-surgical amnesia. An alternative fMRI analysis method, multi-voxel pattern analysis (MVPA), focuses on the patterns of activity across voxels in specific brain regions that are associated with individual memory traces. This method makes it possible to investigate whether the hippocampus and related structures contralateral to any proposed surgery are capable of laying down and representing specific memories. Here we used MVPA-fMRI to assess the functional integrity of the hippocampi and MTL in patients with long-standing medically refractory TLE associated with unilateral hippocampal sclerosis (HS). Patients were exposed to movie clips of everyday events prior to scanning, which they subsequently recalled during high-resolution fMRI. MTL structures were delineated and pattern classifiers were trained to learn the patterns of brain activity across voxels associated with each memory. Predictable patterns of activity across voxels associated with specific memories could be detected in MTL structures, including the hippocampus, on the side contralateral to the HS, indicating their functional viability. By contrast, no discernible memory representations were apparent in the sclerotic hippocampus, but adjacent MTL regions contained detectable information about the memories. These findings suggest that MVPA in fMRI memory studies of TLE can indicate hippocampal functional reserve and may be useful to predict the effects of hippocampal resection in individual patients

    I Undervalue You but I Need You: The Dissociation of Attitude and Memory Toward In-Group Members

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    In the present study, the in-group bias or in-group derogation among mainland Chinese was investigated through a rating task and a recognition test. In two experiments,participants from two universities with similar ranks rated novel faces or names and then had a recognition test. Half of the faces or names were labeled as participants' own university and the other half were labeled as their counterpart. Results showed that, for either faces or names, rating scores for out-group members were consistently higher than those for in-group members, whereas the recognition accuracy showed just the opposite. These results indicated that the attitude and memory for group-relevant information might be dissociated among Mainland Chinese