89 research outputs found

    Clinical-morphological parallels of the PNPLA3 gene polymorphism in patients with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease

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    Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is the most common chronic liver disease, and its detection in the general population has reached a global scale. Despite the fact that in the early stages the disease is characterized by a relatively mild period, the development during its natural course of nonalcoholic steatohepatitis, cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma causes deterioration of long-term forecast. Growing evidence indicates that NAFLD is a complex, multifaceted etiology, involving many factors, including genetic. In the present review, we focused on the genetic component of NAFLD, namely, the role of the PNPLA3 gene polymorphism in the development and course of the disease, and States its progression, such as non-alcoholic steatohepatitis, liver cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma

    Environmental Improvement Of Opencast Mining

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    Existing classifications of waste dumps in the quarries are given and their phenomenological nature is clarified. The need to identify the essence of the term "dump" is shown as well as the idea of "dump" as an artificial formation with everted and mixed rocks distanced from the quarry. Essential classification of man-made rock formations in quarries is developed. Characteristic of variations of man-made waste formations in quarries is developed. To reduce harmful effects of open-pit mining, dumps should be substituted with strat-lays - man-made structures relevant to natural stratification of litho-substances. Construction of strat-lays would improve ecological and technological culture of open cast mining

    Клинико-морфологическое наблюдение ребенка с врожденным пневмоцистозом

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    The article presents an interesting case of congenital infection pneumocystis conclusively proven and confirmed by various methods of laboratory diagnostics, including morphological with a special color. In addition, parents were surveyed, which were the source of infection. Congenital pneumonia, especially in preterm infants, are a direct threat to life. In this regard, the timely examination of the mother and child, as well as the appointment of etiotropic antibacterial drugs is an important task to prevent the fatal outcome of the disease.В статье представлен случай врожденной пневмоцистной инфекции, убедительно доказанной и подтвержденной различными методами лабораторной диагностики, в т.ч. морфологическими со специальной окраской. Помимо этого, были обследованы родители, которые явились источниками инфицирования. Врожденные пневмонии, особенно у недоношенных новорожденных, представляют собой непосредственную угрозу жизни. В связи с этим своевременное обследование матери и ребенка, а также назначение этиотропных антибактериальных препаратов являются важной задачей по предотвращению фатальных исходов данного заболевания

    Опыт лечения гангрены Фурнье, осложненной развитием перитонита

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    Fournier’s gangrene (FG) is a rare but rather formidable disease that has been occurring more and more often in surgical hospitals of the country in the last decade. Such situation, in our opinion, is explained by an increase in the number of immunocompromised patients. A number of concomitant diseases is a predisposing factor for the development of FG: diabetes mellitus, obesity, cirrhosis, malignant tumors, alcoholism, drug addiction, glucocorticoids, condition after chemotherapy, nutritional deficiency. The course of the disease is accompanied by a high mortality rate – up to 88.0 %, and among the surviving patients, about 30.0 % need constant care after discharge from the hospital and more than 50.0 % – in repeated reconstructive and plastic surgeries on the genitals and perineum. Annually in our clinic, up to 5–6 people are hospitalized with this diagnosis. In this article, we present a rare clinical observation of the treatment a patient with FG, complicated by the development of peritonitis with a favorable outcome.Гангрена Фурнье (ГФ) – редкое, но довольно грозное заболевание, которое в последнее десятилетие встречается в хирургических стационарах страны все чаще. Такая ситуация, на наш взгляд, объясняется увеличением количества иммунокомпрометированных пациентов. Ряд сопутствующих заболеваний является предрасполагающим фактором для развития ГФ: сахарный диабет, ожирение, цирроз печени, злокачественные опухоли, алкоголизм, наркомания, прием глюкокортикостероидов, состояние после химиотерапии, алиментарная недостаточность. Течение заболевания сопровождается высокой летальностью – до 88,0 %, а среди выживших пациентов около 30,0 % нуждаются в постоянном уходе после выписки из стационара и более 50,0 % – в повторных реконструктивных и пластических операциях на наружных гениталиях и промежности. Ежегодно в нашу клинику госпитализируется до 5–6 человек с данным диагнозом. В этой статье мы приводим редкое клиническое наблюдение лечения пациента с ГФ, осложнившейся развитием перитонита, с благоприятным исходом.Конфликт интересов. Авторы заявляют об отсутствии конфликта интересов.Финансирование. Исследование не имело спонсорской поддержки

    Third generation universities: foreign experience and Russian practices

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    The article analyzes the third generation universities and their main features according to the methodology developed by Johan Wissema. The world experience in building third generation universities can be based, according to the authors, on the three main models described in the present study, namely, the models used by Harvard, Cambridge, and the University of Ruse. The main purpose of the present study is to analyze the main advantages of third generation universities on the example of international and Russian practices. The universities, selected as research objects, not only show high results in international rankings and the scientific community but also have strategic importance for the development of their regions. However, the most important criterion remains the commercialization of know-how and the active involvement of the educational organization in the regional economy, which is demonstrated by all three universities selected for the analysis of global practices. Each of the presented models has its peculiar characteristics and can be adapted for forming the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation (Financial University) into a new third generation university that can be created taking into account the capabilities and available facilities and resources, as well as the scientific and educational-methodological base

    Polynomially unbounded product of two polynomially bounded operators

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    Low-frequency modulations in the solar microwave radiation as a possible indicator of inductive interaction of coronal magnetic loops

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    Low-frequency (LF) modulations of 37 GHz microwave radiation during solar flares, recorded at the Metsähovi Radio Observatory, are considered. A fast Fourier transformation with a sliding window is used to obtain the dynamic spectra of the LF pulsations. We pay attention to the LF dynamic spectra having a specific multi-track structure, which is supposed to be an indication of a complex multi-loop composition of a flaring region. Application of the equivalent electric circuit models of the loops including the effects of electromagnetic inductive interaction in groups of slowly growing current-carrying magnetic loops allows us to explain and reproduce the main dynamical features of the observed LF modulation dynamic spectra. Each loop is considered as an equivalent electric circuit with variable parameters (resistance, capacitance and inductive coefficients) which depend on shape, scale, position of the loop with respect to other loops, as well as on the plasma parameters and value of the total longitudinal current in the magnetic tube