48 research outputs found

    Study of the internal quantum efficiency of FBK sensors with optimized entrance windows

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    Single-photon detection of X-rays in the energy range of 250 eV to 1 keV is difficult for hybrid detectors because of the low quantum efficiency and low signal-to-noise ratio. The low quantum efficiency is caused by the absorption of soft X-rays in the entrance window of the silicon sensors. The entrance window consists of an insensitive layer on the surface and a highly doped layer, which is typically from a few hundred nanometers to a couple of micrometers thick and is comparable to the absorption depth of soft X-ray photons (e.g. the attenuation length of 250 eV X-ray photons is ∼100 nm in silicon). The low signal-to-noise ratio is mainly caused by the small signal amplitude (e.g. ca. 70 electrons for 250 eV X-ray photons in silicon) with respect to the electronic noise. To improve the quantum efficiency, the entrance window must be optimized by minimizing the absorption of soft X-rays in the insensitive layer, and reducing charge recombination at the Si-SiO2 interface and in the highly doped region. Low gain avalanche diodes (LGADs) with a multiplication factor between 5 and 10 increase the signal amplitude and therefore improve the signal-to-noise ratio for soft X-rays, enabling single-photon detection down to 250 eV. Combining LGAD technology with an optimized entrance window technology can thus allow hybrid detectors to become a useful tool also for soft X-ray detection. In this work we present the optimization of the entrance window by studying the internal quantum efficiency of eight different process technology variations. The sensors are characterized using light emitting diodes with a wavelength of 405 nm. At this wavelength, the light has an absorption depth of 125 nm, equivalent to that of 276 eV X-rays. The best variation achieves an internal quantum efficiency of 0.992 for 405 nm UV light. Based on this study, further optimization of the quantum efficiency for soft X-rays detection is planned

    Missed Opportunities: Family History and Behavioral Risk Factors in Breast Cancer Risk Assessment Among a Multiethnic Group of Women

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    BACKGROUND: Clinician’s knowledge of a woman’s cancer family history (CFH) and counseling about health-related behaviors (HRB) is necessary for appropriate breast cancer care. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate whether clinicians solicit CFH and counsel women on HRB; to assess relationship of well visits and patient risk perception or worry with clinician’s behavior. DESIGN: Cross-sectional population-based telephone survey. PARTICIPANTS: Multiethnic sample; 1,700 women from San Francisco Mammography Registry with a screening mammogram in 2001–2002. MEASUREMENTS: Predictors: well visit in prior year, self-perception of 10-year breast cancer risk, worry scale. Outcomes: Patient report of clinician asking about CFH in prior year, or ever counseling about HRB in relation to breast cancer risk. Multivariate models included age, ethnicity, education, language of interview, insurance/mammography facility, well visit, ever having a breast biopsy/follow-up mammography, Gail-Model risk, Jewish heritage, and body mass index. RESULTS: 58% reported clinicians asked about CFH; 33% reported clinicians ever discussed HRB. In multivariate analysis, regardless of actual risk, perceived risk, or level of worry, having had a well visit in prior year was associated with increased odds (OR = 2.3; 95% CI 1.6, 3.3) that a clinician asked about CFH. Regardless of actual risk of breast cancer, a higher level of worry (OR = 1.9; 95% CI 1.4, 2.6) was associated with increased odds that a clinician ever discussed HRB. CONCLUSIONS: Clinicians are missing opportunities to elicit family cancer histories and counsel about health-related behaviors and breast cancer risk. Preventive health visits offer opportunities for clinicians to address family history, risk behaviors, and patients’ worries about breast cancer

    Family structure, parent-child conversation time and substance use among Chinese adolescents

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The family plays a vital role in shaping adolescent behaviours. The present study investigated the associations between family structure and substance use among Hong Kong Chinese adolescents.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A total of 32,961 Form 1 to 5 (grade 7-12 in the US) Hong Kong students participated in the Youth Smoking Survey in 2003-4. An anonymous questionnaire was used to obtain information about family structure, daily duration of parent-child conversation, smoking, alcohol drinking and drug use. Logistic regression was used to calculate the adjusted odds ratios (OR) for each substance use by family structure.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Adjusting for sex, age, type of housing, parental smoking and school, adolescents from non-intact families were significantly more likely to be current smokers (OR = 1.62), weekly drinkers (OR = 1.72) and ever drug users (OR = 1.72), with significant linear increases in ORs from maternal, paternal to no-parent families compared with intact families. Furthermore, current smoking (OR = 1.41) and weekly drinking (OR = 1.46) were significantly more common among adolescents from paternal than maternal families. After adjusting for parent-child conversation time, the ORs for non-intact families remained significant compared with intact families, but the paternal-maternal differences were no longer significant.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Non-intact families were associated with substance use among Hong Kong Chinese adolescents. The apparently stronger associations with substance use in paternal than maternal families were probably mediated by the poorer communication with the father.</p

    The Use of Nanoscale Visible Light-Responsive Photocatalyst TiO2-Pt for the Elimination of Soil-Borne Pathogens

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    Exposure to the soil-borne pathogens Burkholderia pseudomallei and Burkholderia cenocepacia can lead to severe infections and even mortality. These pathogens exhibit a high resistance to antibiotic treatments. In addition, no licensed vaccine is currently available. A nanoscale platinum-containing titania photocatalyst (TiO2-Pt) has been shown to have a superior visible light-responsive photocatalytic ability to degrade chemical contaminants like nitrogen oxides. The antibacterial activity of the catalyst and its potential use in soil pathogen control were evaluated. Using the plating method, we found that TiO2-Pt exerts superior antibacterial performance against Escherichia coli compared to other commercially available and laboratory prepared ultraviolet/visible light-responsive titania photocatalysts. TiO2-Pt-mediated photocatalysis also affectively eliminates the soil-borne bacteria B. pseudomallei and B. cenocepacia. An air pouch infection mouse model further revealed that TiO2-Pt-mediated photocatalysis could reduce the pathogenicity of both strains of bacteria. Unexpectedly, water containing up to 10% w/v dissolved soil particles did not reduce the antibacterial potency of TiO2-Pt, suggesting that the TiO2-Pt photocatalyst is suitable for use in soil-contaminated environments. The TiO2-Pt photocatalyst exerted superior antibacterial activity against a broad spectrum of human pathogens, including B. pseudomallei and B. cenocepacia. Soil particles (<10% w/v) did not significantly reduce the antibacterial activity of TiO2-Pt in water. These findings suggest that the TiO2-Pt photocatalyst may have potential applications in the development of bactericides for soil-borne pathogens

    Evaluating Test-Driven Development in an Industry-Sponsored Capstone Project

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    Test-Driven Development (TDD) is an agile development process wherein automated tests are created before production code is designed or constructed in short, rapid iterations. This paper discusses an experiment conducted with undergraduate students in a year-long software engineering capstone course. In this course the students designed, implemented, deployed, and maintained a software system to meet the requirements of an industry sponsor who served as the customer. The course followed an incremental process in which features were added incrementally under the direction of the industry sponsor and the professor. The fourteen students observed in the study were divided into three teams. Among the three teams were two experimental groups. One group consisted of two teams that applied a Test-First (TDD) methodology, while a control group applied a traditional Test-Last methodology. Unlike Test-First, the tests in Test-Last are written after the design and construction of the production code being tested. Results from this experiment differ from many previous studies. In particular, the Test-Last team was actually more productive and wrote more tests than their Test-First counterparts. Anecdotal evidence suggests that factors other than development approach such as individual ambition and team motivation may have more affect than the development approach applied. Although more students indicated a preference for the Test-First approach, concerns regarding learning and applying TDD with unfamiliar technologies are noted